Version-6 (December-2014)
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Abstract: Background: Patients preparing for surgery are invariably anxious and apprehensive. Studies have shown that planned pre-operative education significantly reduces anxiety and improves satisfaction. Objectives: To assess whether planned pre-operative education decreases anxiety and improves satisfaction in patients undergoing uterine fibroid surgery.
[1]. Janis, Irving L, Psychological Stress: Psychoanalytic and behavioural studies of surgical patients( New York, Wiley, 1958).
[2]. Devine, E. C,Effects of psychoeducational care for adult surgical patients: a meta-analysis of 191 studies, Patient Education and Counseling, 19(2),1992,129-142.
[3]. Shuldham CM, Pre-operative education - a review of the research design, International Journal of Nursing Studies, 36(2), 1992, 179–187.
[4]. Shuldham CM,Pre-operative education for the patient having coronary artery bypass surgery, Patient Education and Counseling, 43(2),2001,129–137. [5]. Shuldham CM, Fleming S, Goodman H.,The impact of pre-operative education on recovery following coronary artery bypass surgery. A randomized controlled clinical trial, European Heart Journal,23(8),2002,666–674.
[6]. Briggs ND, Common gynaecological tumours, Tropical Journal of Obstetrics andGynaecology,12(12),1995,62-71. [7]. Moerman N,van Dam FS,Muller MJ,Oosting H,The Amsterdam Pre-operative Anxiety and Information Scale(APAIS),Anesthesia & Analgesia, 82(3),1996,445-451. [8]. Marshall GN,Hays RD,The Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form(PSQ-18)(Santa Monica,CA,RAND Corporation,1999,P-7865).
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Abstract: India is a rabies endemic country with the highest incidence of rabies cases with approximately 30,000 deaths per year and more than 1,000,000 people undergoing anti rabies vaccination every year. Around 30 to 60% of pre exposure prophylaxis are given to children below the age of 15.The following study was conducted in the district of Thrissur, in the state of Kerala. This study was conducted to analyze the cost of post exposure prophylaxis and to compare assumed cost of pre exposure prophylaxis. Our study included 213 patients attended anti rabies clinic for post exposure prophylaxis. Among the group 63.4% were adults and 36.6% were children. Majority were category III exposure The analysis of the direct cost of post exposure vaccination was done and compared with the cost of pre exposure prophylaxis. The post exposure vaccination included 4 doses of Intra dermal rabies vaccination –two site regime (modified Thai red cross regime) along with rabies immunoglobulin for category 3, added up to $ 4540. This was compared with the cost that would have occurred if these patients had previously received pre exposure prophylaxis which was $890. It was found that Pre exposure prophylaxis came to only to one fifth the cost of post exposure prophylaxis. We infer that Pre exposure prophylaxis is a cost effective strategy which can aid in the control and elimination of rabies in endemic countries.
Key Words: Post Exposure prophylaxis, intra-dermal rabies vaccination, Equine rabies immunoglobulin, Human rabies immunoglobulin.
[1]. Janie M. Baxter, Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK "One in a million, or one in thousand: What is the morbidity of rabies in India?", • doi: 10.7189/jogh.02.010303, June 2012 • Vol. 2 No. 1 • 010303
[2]. Chatterjee P. India's ongoing war against rabies. Bull World Health Organ. 2009;87:890-1. Medline:20454476doi:10.2471/BLT.09.021209
[3]. Dutta JK. Human rabies in India: epidemiological features, management and current methods of prevention.Trop Doct. 1999;29:196-201. Medline:10578630
[4]. Sudarshan MK, Madhusudana SN, Mahendra BJ, Rao NS, AshwathNarayana DH, Abdul Rahman S, Meslin F-, Lobo D, Ravikumar K, Gangaboraiah. Assessing the burden of human rabies in India: results of a national multi-center epidemiological survey. Int J Infect Dis 2007; 11(1): 29-35
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Abstract: Anticipatory Guidance is defined as proactive counselling of parents and patients about developmental changes that will occur in the interval between health supervision visits that includes information about daily caretaking specific to that upcoming interval [1]. Anticipatory guidance is the process of providing practical developmentally appropriate information on children's health to prepare parents for significant physical, emotional and psychological milestones [2]. It provides a framework for prevention that goes beyond caries to address all aspects of children's oral health. It forces interaction by requiring the clinician to seek information about child's development from the parent and by directing the clinician to develop individualised plans or strategies
[1]. Pinkham, Cassamassimo, Fields, McTigue, Nowak – Pediatric Dentistry Infancy through Adolescence. 4th edition, W.B. Saunders Publications
[2]. Guidelines on periodicity of examination, Preventive dental services, Anticipatory Guidance / counselling and oral treatment for infants, children and adolescents. American Academy Of Pediatric Dentistry Reference Manual V 35/No.6 13/14
[3]. AJ Nowak, PS Cassamassimo – Using Anticipatory Guidance to provide early dental intervention. Journal of American Dental Association 1995;126:1156 – 1163
[4]. – First dental home, oral evaluation and Fluoride varnish in the medical home.
[5]. Francisco Ramos-Gomez, Yasmi O.Crystal, Man Wai Ng, Norman Tinanoff, John D Featherstone – Caries Risk Assessment, Prevention and Management in pediatric dental care. General Dentistry November/December 2010:505-517
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Abstract: Introduction: Catheter associated urinary tract infection is one of the most important Device associated infection (DAI) and it is also one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in hospitalized patients. Aims And Objects: To isolate and identify organisms causing catheter associated urinary tract infection and determine the antibiotic susceptibility pattern of the isolates. Materials And Methods: This study was carried out from November 2011-October 2013, a total of 71 samples were collected. These samples were processed using routine biochemical test. Antibiotic susceptibility was determined by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method as per CLSI recommendations. Result: A total of 11 samples were positive and 12 organisms were isolated, of which 3 were Gram positive and 9 were Gram negative organisms. The most common Gram positive isolate was S.aureus and E.coli was the most common Gram negative isolate. All the S.aureus isolates were Methicillin resistant (MRSA). But it was 100% sensitivity to vancomycin, linezolid and co-trimoxazole. As for the gram negative organisms, it was most sensitive to imipenem.
[1]. Dogru A, Sargin F, Celik M, sagiroglu A E, Goksel M M, Sayhan H. The rate of Device-Associated nosocomial Infections in a Medical Surgical Intensive Care Unit of a Traning and Research Hospital in Turkey: One year Outcomes. Jpn. J. of Infect. Dis. 2010; 63:95-8.
[2]. Singh S, Pandya Y, Patel R, Wilson A, Trivedi S. Surveillance of device-associated infections at a teaching hospital in rural Gujarat-India. Indian J of Med Microbiol. 2010; 28(4): 342-7.
[3]. Kamat U S, Fereirra A, Amonkar D, Motghare D D, Kulkarni M S. Epidemiology of hospital acquired urinary tract infections in a medical college hospital in Goa. Indian J Urol. 2009 Jan-Mar; 25(1): 76–80.Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI). Perfomance standards for antimicrobial susceptibility testing, 19th informational supplement, 2009 Jan.;29(3):M07-A8.
[4]. Melaku S, Kibret M, Abera B, Gebre-Sellassie S. Antibiogram of nosocomial urinary tract infections in Felege Hiwot referral hospital, Ethiopia. Afr Health Sci. 2012 June; 12(2): 134–9.
[5]. Djordjevic Z, Jankovic S, Gajovic O, Djonovic N, Folic N, Bukumiric Z. Hospital infections in a neurological intensive care unit: incidence, causative agents and risk factors .J Infect Dev Ctries. 2012; 6(11):798-805.
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Abstract: A patient reported to the department of conservative dentistry and endodontics with a large periapical lesion in relation to maxillary right lateral incisor and canine. Conservative nonsurgical root canal therapy was performed with calcium hydroxide in combination with chlorhexidine gel as intracanal medicament. Al most complete periapical healing was observed at the 6-month recall. This case report confirms that combination calcium hydroxide and chlorhexidine gel have synergistic effect in improving the antimicrobial properties that enhances periapical healing
Key Words: periapical, non surgical, calcium hydroxide
[1]. Evans MD, Baumgartner JC, Khemaleelakul SU, Xia T. Efficacy of calcium hydroxide: chlorhexidine paste as an intracanal medication in bovine dentin. J Endod 2003 May;29(5):338-9.
[2]. Silveira CF, Cunha RS, Fontana CE, et al. Assessment of the antibacterial activity of calcium hydroxide combined with chlorhexidine paste and other intracanal medications against bacterial pathogens. Eur J Dent 2011 Jan;5(1):1-7
[3]. Gomes BP, Vianna ME, Sena NT, Zaia AA, Ferraz CC, de Souza Filho FJ. In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide combined with chlorhexidine gel used as intracanal medicament. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006 Oct;102(4):544-50 Epub 2006 Aug 4
[4]. Kanisavaran ZM. Chlorhexidine gluconate in endodontics: an update review. Int Dent J 2008 Oct;58(5):247-57.
[5]. Mohammadi Z, Abbott PV. The properties and applications of chlorhexidine in endodontics. Int Endod J 2009 Apr;42(4):288-302 doi: 101111/j1365-2591200801540x Epub 2009 Feb 7.
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Abstract: In portal hypertension there is an increased hydrostatic pressure within the portal vein. Actual direct measurement of portal pressures is an invasive technique while Doppler ultrasound is a non-invasive, relatively cheap and easily acssessible imaging modality that helps in making the diagnosis of clinically significant portal hypertension. It also provides useful information as to it's cause and presence of complications. The present study was carried out to study the usefulness of PortoSplenicHepatic Doppler in Portal hypertension. 70 cases of clinically proven or suspected cases of portal hypertension were assessed with Doppler ultrasound. Retrospective review of the findings was done to assess the status of Portal vein, splenic vein and hepatic veins for calibre, presence or absence of blood flow, direction of flow, velocity and phascicity. Presence of portosystemic collaterals was looked for. Portal vein diameter was consistently enlarged in 67 (95%)cases. Flow velocities were found to be below 10 cm/sec in majority of the cases. Portosystemic collaterals were noted in 20 (30%) patients. Color Doppler ultrasound is a noninvasive diagnostic tool. It was found to provide important information on the heamodynamic alterations in porto-hepatic venous system in all the patients.
Key Words: Portal Hypertension, Doppler Ultrasound
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[4]. Dean Alexander McNaughton, MD Monzer, M. Ab-Yousef, Radiographics, 2011, 31:161-188.
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[6]. Kok t, Van der Jaqt EJ,Haaqsma ED et al. the value of Doppler ultrasound in cirrhosis and portal hypertension.Sc and J Gastroenterology suupl 1999, 230: 82-8.
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Abstract: Introduction: Incisional hernia is a serious surgical problem and has been reported to occur in 2 to 11 per cent of laparatomy incisions and remain a frequent and serious complication of abdominal surgery. Repair of large abdominal incisional hernias is a difficult surgical problem with recurrence being a common outcome. Major complications which can occur in repair of large incisional hernias include mesh infection and entero-cutaneous fistula. The Aim Of The Study: is to evaluate and compare the efficacy of using Primary suture repair and On-lay mesh implantation in the repair of midline incisional hernias.
[1]. Anthony T, Bergen PC, Kim LT, et al: factors effecting recurrence following incisional herniorraphy. World J surg 24:95, 2000
[2]. Gutiérrez de la Pena C; Medina Achirica C; Domínguez-Adame E; Medina Díez J Department of Surgery, General hospital, Jerez, Spain. Primary closure of laparotomies with high risk of incisional hernia using prosthetic material: analysis of usefulness. Hernia. 2003; 7(3):134-6(ISSN: 1265-4906).
[3]. American hernia society, Montgomery medical center: incisional hernia and ventral hernias, 2002.
[4]. M. Petrousjka van den Tol, Diederik C.D. de lange, Marijel M.J. Braaksma, Jan N.M. IJzermans, Roelof U. Boelhouwe, Bas C. de Varies, Marc K.M. Salu, Jack C.J. Wereldsma, Cornelis M.A. Bruijninckx, Johannes Jeekel.
[5]. R.C.G Russell, Normans. Williams and Christopher J.K, abdominal wall incisional hernia, short practice of surgery 25th edition P987-989, 2008.
[6]. Itani KMF, Hur K, Kim LT, et al: comparison of laparoscopic and open repair with mesh for the treatment of ventral incisional hernia: a randomizes trial, arch surg 209:653-658, 2009.
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Abstract: Dermal cylindromas are benign neoplasms arising from the eccrine sweat glands. Head and neck area is the most common site and scalp is extensively involved. The tumour can occasionally arise from the trunk and extremeties.Thetumour can present as a solitary or multiple tumors. Multiple tumours are more common in the scalp and are inherited by an autosomal dominant gene. Solitary cylindromas occur sporadically, not inherited and commonly located in the neck, trunk and extremities. We have come across a case of dermal cylindroma in 55 years old man. The tumor was arising from trunk; just below the right clavicle. It is a very rare tumor and further rare in the trunk. Clinically it is difficult to differentiate from sebaceous cyst. In our case also we diagnosed as sebaceous cyst. We are presenting this because it is a rare entity that too it is further rare on the trunk. Clinically it is impossible to diagnose and the diagnosis of cylindroma is a histological surprise. Keywords: Dermal cylindroma, Germline mutations, Multiple cylindromas, Multiple familial trichoepitheliomas.
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[4]. Stegmeier F, Sowa ME, Nalepa G, Gygi SP, Harper JW, Elledge SJ. "The tumor suppressor CYLD regulates entry into mitosis". Proc NatlAcadSci U S A. 2007; 104:8869–74. [PMCID: PMC1867381] [PubMed: 17495026]
[5]. Massoumi R, Paus R. "Cylindromatosis and the CYLD gene: New lessons on the molecular principles of epithelial growth control". Bioessays. 2007; 29:1203–14. [PubMed: 18008375]
[6]. Fukuda M, Hiroi M, Suzuki S, Ohmori Y, Sakashita H."Loss of CYLD might be associated with development of salivary gland tumors" .Oncol Rep. 2008;19:1421–7. [PubMed: 18497946]
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Abstract: Obtaining predictable and esthetic root coverage has become an important goal of a periodontal plastic surgeon. The search for perfect root coverage technique has taken many approaches. While several surgical procedures have been proved successful and predictable the most popular are the pedicle soft tissue graft and free tissue graft. In order to minimize two surgical sites an attempt was made to evaluate the clinical efficacy of Acellular Dermal Matrix Graft in the coverage of denuded roots and also to examine the changes in the width of keratinized gingiva.
Key Words: Recession, Esthetics, Acellular Dermal Matrix Graft.
[1]. AichelmannReidy ME, Yukna RA, Evans GH, Nasr HF, Mayer ET;Clinical evaluation of Acellular allograft dermis for the treatment of human gingival recession. J Periodontol 2001; Aug; 72[8]; 998 –1005.
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[7]. Harris RJ; Acellular dermal matrix used for root coverage; A 18-month follow up observation.Int J Perio Rest Dent 2002; Apr; 22[2]; 156 –163.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Clinical Profile and Risk factors in Neonatal Sepsis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Fareedul.H || Shamshad.K || Prakash.S |
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: | 10.9790/0853-131264447 ![]() |
Abstract: Objective : The aim of the study was to find the correlation of clinical profile and risk factors of neonatal sepsis with culture proven cases. Materials and Method: The study was conducted on 50 neonates a time based prospective study. All consecutive neonates fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria are subjected to sepsis screening. Results: Among risk factors PROM and fetal distress were statistically significant with a p value of 0.009 respectively. Among the clinical features 80% of the neonates with mottling and grunting were proven sepsis which was statistically significant with a p value of 0.015 respectively.Conclution: Neonatal sepsis is a common disease of newborn with non-specific symptomatology causing difficulty in the diagnosis. Early and prompt detection and appropriate treatment of neonatal sepsis can significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality
Keywords: Early-onset;neonate;Risk factors; clinical signs and symptoms
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Abstract: Background: Extensive use of air-conditioners (ACs) indoor as well as while travelling in cars has increased the risk of atopic sensitization and it may alter lung function as it not only controls temperature but also has a profound effect on surrounding environment. Objective: To evaluate the spirometry parameters of air conditioned car drivers.
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Abstract: Our study aimed to examine prospectively whether serum uric acid levels (and hyperuricemia) in the first trimester is associated with subsequent development of GDM in a random sample of pregnant women attending Antenatal clinics in a busy General hospital in Hyderabad, India. Materials and Method: Two hundred and twenty five pregnant women (<20 weeks gestation) were included in the study. Baseline assessments included age, BMI, diet, parity and serum uric acid level. Subjects were re-assessed at 24-28 weeks for Gestational Diabetes mellitus (GDM). Data was systematically recorded and analysed to test for associations of various parameters with GDM
[1]. Al-Rowaily MA, Abolfotouh MA.. Predictors of gestational diabetes mellitus in a high-parity community in Saudi Arabia. East Mediterr Health J. 2010 Jun;16(6):636-41.
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[3]. Borges RL, Ribeiro AB, Zanella MT, Batista MC. Uric acid as a factor in the metabolic syndrome. Curr Hypertens Rep. 2010 Apr;12(2):113-9.
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[6]. Choi HK, Ford ES. Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in individuals with hyperuricemia. Am J Med. 2007 May;120(5):442-7.
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Abstract: We report a case of Idiopathic intracranial hypertension and Obesity .An obese female presented with headache and diplopia, since 2 weeks . She recovered very well with diamox and short steroid therapy. IIH is often idiopathic, proposed to be due to impaired cerebrospinal fluid absorbtion from the sub-arachnoid space across the arachnoid villi into the dural sinus. IIH is common in obese females and can lead to visual impairment but prompt diagnosis and treatment in most of the cases will prevent potentially permanent visual loss.
Key Words: Idiopathic intracranial hypertension, Obesity.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review: Flexible Removable Partial Dentures |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Atulya Sharma || Dr. Shashidhara H.S. |
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: | 10.9790/0853-131265862 ![]() |
Abstract: In an era of implants and fixed prosthesis, removable partial dentures are still a treatment of choice for a wide range of patients and clinicians. As every other treatment option, removable prosthesis also has some disadvantages. But with introduction of flexible partial dentures, many of the disadvantages of conventional acrylic and cast partial dentures are taken care of. This article discusses about the material used in fabrication, indications and compares the flexible partial dentures with other removable partial denture options along with design and insertion technique of the flexible removable partial dentures.
[1]. Evans MD, Baumgartner JC, Khemaleelakul SU, Xia T. Efficacy of calcium hydroxide: chlorhexidine paste as an intracanal medication in bovine dentin. J Endod 2003 May;29(5):338-9.
[2]. Silveira CF, Cunha RS, Fontana CE, et al. Assessment of the antibacterial activity of calcium hydroxide combined with chlorhexidine paste and other intracanal medications against bacterial pathogens. Eur J Dent 2011 Jan;5(1):1-7
[3]. Gomes BP, Vianna ME, Sena NT, Zaia AA, Ferraz CC, de Souza Filho FJ. In vitro evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of calcium hydroxide combined with chlorhexidine gel used as intracanal medicament. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2006 Oct;102(4):544-50 Epub 2006 Aug 4
[4]. Kanisavaran ZM. Chlorhexidine gluconate in endodontics: an update review. Int Dent J 2008 Oct;58(5):247-57.
[5]. Mohammadi Z, Abbott PV. The properties and applications of chlorhexidine in endodontics. Int Endod J 2009 Apr;42(4):288-302 doi: 101111/j1365-2591200801540x Epub 2009 Feb 7.
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Abstract: Purpose: To evaluate the serum levels of Magnesium (Mg) and Zinc (Zn) in patients with NPDR and PDR and their statistical comparison. Setting: Assam Medical College &Hospital,Dibrugarh. Study design: Comparative, Non-randomized study. Patients and Methods: The serum levels of Mg and Zn were analyzed by using Calmagite method(Mg) and Colorimetric methods respectively (Zn) in 15 patients with Moderate to severe Non Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (NPDR) and 15 patients with Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy (PDR), hence totaling 30patients. There were no controls in our study.
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Abstract: The important causes of death from HIV/AIDS are opportunistic infections and cancers both of which are frequently the result of the progressive failure of the immune system.1,2 Tuberculosis co-infection is one of the leading causes of sickness and death in patients of HIV/AIDS and causing 25% of HIV related deaths.3 Hepatitis C is another common co-infection where each disease increases the progression of other disease.4 Programmes encouraging the abstinence don't affect the subsequent risk of HIV.5 Comprehensive sexual education provided at high school may decrease high risk behaviour.
[1]. Smith BT, James CW, Sabundaya BP. Immunology of HIV infection and AIDS. In: Concepts in immunology and immunotherapeutic. 4th ed. American society of health system pharmacist; 2008:143.
[2]. Cheung MC, Pantanowitz L, Dezube BJ. AIDS-related malignancies: emerging challenges in the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy. Oncologist. 2005 Jun-Jul;10(6):412-26.
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[5]. Underhill K, Montgomery P, Operario D. Abstinence-plus programs for HIV infection prevention in high income countries. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008 Jan 23;(1):CD007006.
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[7]. Wadia RS, Pujari SN, Kothari S, Udhar M, Kulkarni S, Bhagat S et al. Neurological manifestations of HIV disease. J Assoc Physicians India. 2001 Mar;49:343-8.
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Abstract: Resorption of alveolar ridge is a common sequel of tooth loss. It is even more if trauma occurs. In such cases it becomes a challenge for the dentist to restore esthetics and function. Therefore augmentation of alveolar ridge is an important aspect of dental implant therapy. Here is a case of step by step procedure of restoration of localized maxillary ridge deficiency successfully treated with symphyseal block bone graft.
Keywords: Bone graft, dental implant, esthetics, ridge augmentation, ridge defect,
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