Version-12 (June-2017)
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Abstract: Unsafe abortion is a significant medical and social problem worldwide. Every year about 50% of the abortions done are unsafe and it is performed by untrained personnel. Some women die of unsafe abortion complication, leading to high mortality and morbidity
Keywords: Unsafe abortion, uterine perforation, maternal mortality.
[1]. World Health Organization, unsafe abortion authors. Global and Regional Estimates of the Incidence of Unsafe abortion and Associated Mortality in 2003. 5th ed. Geneva: World Health Organisation; 2007
[2]. Graham WJ, Ahmed S, Stanton C, et al. Measuring maternal mortality: an overview of opportunities and options for developing countries. BMC Med. 2008; 6 : 12. (Pubmed)
[3]. Shah I, Ahman E, unsafe abortion: Global and regional incidence, trends, consequences and challenges. J obstetGynaecol Can. 2009; 31: 1149-58 (pudmed)
[4]. Unsafe abortion: Global and regional estimates of incidence of unsafe abortion and associated mortality in 2000. 4th ed. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2004. World Health Organization.
[5]. Bhattacharya S, Mukherjee G, Mistri P, Pati S. Safe abortion – Still a neglected scenario: A study of septic abortion in a tertiary hospital of rural India. Online J Health Allied SC. 2010; 9:7.
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Abstract: Background and Aims: Elderly patients undergoing transurethral resection of prostate (TURP) surgeries are more prone to shivering induced peroperative complications which anaesthesiologists should aim to prevent rather than treat. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effect of Inj ramosetron on peroperative shivering and spinal hypotension in patients undergoing transurethral resection of prostate under subarachnoid block (SAB). Method: In this prospective doubleblind, randomized, comparative study, a total of 60 patients belonging to American Society of Anaesthesiologist (ASA) I and II physical status between the age group of 60 to 85 years, scheduled for elective TURP surgeries under spinal anaesthesia were selected. The patients were randomly allocated into one of the two groups of thirty patients each...............
Keywords: Ramosetron, serotonergic pathway, shivering, spinal anaesthesia, TURP surgery
[1]. Shukla U, Malhotra K, .Prabhakar T . A comparative study of the effect of clonidine and tramadol on post - spinal anaesthesia shivering. Indian J Anaesth. 2011 May;55(3): 242-246.
[2]. D.J. Buggy , A.W.A.Crossley. Thermoregulation, mild perioperative hypothermia and post anaesthetic shivering. Br J Anaesth 2000; 84(5):615-628.
[3]. Lenhardt R:The effect of anaesthesia on body temperature control. Front Biosci (schol Ed).2010Jun1;2:1145-1154.
[4]. Marashi SM, Soltani-Omid S, Soltani Mohammadi S, Aghajani Y, Movafegh A. Comparing two different doses of IV ondansetron with placebo on attenuation of spinal –induced hypotension and shivering. Anaesth Pain Med. 2014 Mar 18; (2): e 12055
[5]. Sagir O, Gulhas N , Toprak H, Yucel A, Begec Z, Ersoy O. Control of shivering during regional anaesthesia: prophylactic ketamine and granisetron. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2007 Jan;51(1): 44-49 .
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Abstract: Back ground: Platelets play an important role in the pathophysiology of Coronary Artery Disease(CAD). Naive platelets are larger in size and have more reactivity than older platelets. So the platelet indices including Mean Platelet Volume(MPV), Plateletcrit(Pct), and Platelet Distribution Width(PDW) may emerge a marker of CAD. The aim of the study is to study the role of platelet indices in patient with Acute Coronary Syndrome(ACS) and to see whether increase in platelet indices is associated with increased risk of ACS. Materials and methods: In thepresent study 60 patients who presented to NIMS with Acute Coronary Syndromes(ACS) including Acute STEMI, NSTEMI were included. Platelet indices including Mean Platelet Volume(MPV), Platelet Distribution Width(PDW) and Platelet Crit(Pct) were calculated in all these patients at the time of admission through automated analysers. These parameters were compared with 60 age and sex matched controls.................
Keywords: Acute Coronary Syndrome, Mean Platelet Volume, Platelet Distribution Width,PlateletCrit, Platelet reactivity.
[1]. Boos CJ, Lip GY. Platelet activation and cardiovascular Outcomes in acute coronary syndromes. J ThrombHaemost 2006; 4: 2542–
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[4]. Boos CJ, Lip GY. Assessment of mean platelet volume in coronary artery disease. Thromb Res 2006; 120:11–3.
[5]. Ruf A, Patscheke H. Flow cytometric detection of activated platelets: comparison of determining shape change, fibrinogen binding,
and P-selectin expression. SeminThrombHemost 1995; 21:146–
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Abstract: To evaluate the accuracy and usefulness of MRI in diagnosing ACL tears using arthroscopy as gold standard. 2. To assess the usefulness of primary and secondary signs in diagnosing ACL tear. Materials And Methods: Source of data :Patientswithhistoryofkneetraumaandpain referred to Department of Radiodiagnosisfrom orthopaedic outpatient department in Meenakshi Medical college hospital and research institute were subjected to MRI examination. MRI knee was performed using 1.5TESLA MaganetomEssenza Siemens MRI machine, using quadraturekneecoil. Number of pat ientsfor study- 57. Method of Col lect ion of Data:A standard proformawill be used to collect pat ient related data for thestudy. Patientwasplacedinsupinepositionwithkneeplacedin5- 10degreeofexternalrotationandextension.............
[1]. Joong K Lee, Lawrence Yao, Carlton T. Phelps, Carl R. Wirth, John Cjzaka and Jeffrey Lozman et al : Anterior cruciate ligament
tears : MR imaging compared with arthroscopy and clinical tests ; Radiology 1998; 166; 861-864.
[2]. Glenn Tung, Lawrence Davis, Michael Wiggins, Paul Fadaleet al: Tears of ACL; Primary and Secondary signsat MR imaging;
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independent value of primary and secondary signs; Am. J. Roentgenol., Jul 1996; 167: 121 - 126.
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medicine injuries of the Knee; The Americal Journal of Sports Medicine, 2005, Vol 33, No1.
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Abstract: Objective: To know the efficacy and adverse events of oralchelation drug deferasirox in multitransfused patients with iron overload i.e beta thalassemia & dyserythropoietic anemia's who are attending Rajiv Gandhi institute of medical sciences Srikakulam for trans fusions and management Material &methods; Prospective study conducted in dept. of pediatrics at RIMS Srikakulam from august 2014 to December 2016. 25 children are iron overload with multiple transfusions i.e. either beta- thalassemia major or dyserythropoietic anemia's were taken for this study. All these were started oral iron chelation therapy i.e., Deferasirox . Results: In this study out of 25 children of iron overload 20 cases are thalassemia In these children 18 are on followup . out of them 1 male & 6 females children are below the age of 9 years. Remaining other are above 10 yrs. 5children presented with dyserythropoietic anemia. The adverse clinical effects are not that much for stoppage of the drug and resolved spontaneously with symptomatic support...............
Keywords: adverse effects, desferasirox, iron overload,children.
[1]. Keikaci B. Sequential Deferoxamine – Defrasirox in Treatment of Major Thalassemia with Iron Overload. Iraninan J Paediatr
Hematol Oncol. 2010;14-19.
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[3]. Nisbet-Brown E, Olivieri NF, Giardina PJ, Grady RW, Neufeld EJ, Séchaud R, et al. Effectiveness and safety of ICL670 in ironloaded
patients with thalassaemia: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, doseescalation trial. Lancet. 2003;
[4]. Nick H, Anklin P, Lattmann R, Buehlmayer P, Hauffe S, Schupp J, et al. Development of Tri Dentate Iron Chelaton: From
Desferrrithiocin To Icl 670. Curr Med Chem. 2003;10(12):1065-1076.
[5]. Cappellini MD, Cohen A, Piga A, Bejaoui M, Perrotta S,Agaoglu L, et al. A Phase I Study Of Deferasirox (Icl670), A Once Daily
Oral Iron Chelator, In Patients With Beta Thalassemia. Blood. 2006;107(9):3455-3462. doi: 10.1182/ blood-2005-08-3430
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Radiological Study of Prevelance of Sinusitis in Children |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Usman Nema || Ajmal Mohd |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1606123133 ![]() |
Abstract: Introduction: Respiratory tract infections are very common in children in India . However, in the setting of prolonged symptoms suggesting a bacterial infection, radiographic images can lend credence to the diagnosis. Very few reports of the prevalence of sinusitis in children with recurrent respiratory tract symptoms (RRTS) have been reported in India, and, hence, this study was carried out. Methodology : This descriptive study was done at JNMC AMU, a tertiary-care hospital Aligarh,U.P................
Keywords: sinusitis , X-ray PNS
[1]. Dalgorf DM, Harvey RJ. Chapter 1: Sinonasal anatomy and function. Am J Rhinol Allergy. 2013 May-Jun. 27 Suppl 1:S3-6.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Misplaced Iucd in Bladder with Calcification |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.B.Saranya || Dr.S.Neeraja |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1606123435 ![]() |
Abstract: OCu IUCD is the second most popular temporary contraceptive method in India.28yrs old female presented to outpatient department with lower abdominal pain ,dysuria,and hematuria for 4 months ,IUCD inserted 6 months after delivery.On Speculum and Vaginal examination Cu T thread was not seen.usg was done for misplaced IUCD .USG done showed IUCD surrounded by calculus noted in pelvis.Misplaced IUCD and calculus was removed successfully by the Urogynaecologist using a Cystoscope and Hysteroscope..
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Abstract: Introduction: Brunner organ hamartoma, otherwise called brunneroma, is a rare benign tumor of the duodenum. These benign tumors can be asymptomatic or can present with obstructive manifestations as well as gastrointestinal bleeding. Intussusception is an uncommon introduction for a brunneroma. ). The distribution of Brunner's gland hamartomas is duodenal bulb (57%), the second (27%) and third (5%) portions of the duodenum, the pyloric channel (5%), jejunum (2%), and proximal ileum (2%). Case Report: A 55 year old female came to the gastrointestinal surgery division with complain of epigastric pain intermittent, and aggravated by eating food and associated with nonbilious, non-projectile. There was no history of hematemesis, melena, jaundice, weight loss, or anorexia...............
Keywords: Brunner gland hamartoma, Brunneroma, intussusception, obstruction.
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Abstract: Background: Gynaecological conditions are extremely common among women infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. These include pelvic inflammatory disease, Sexually Transmitted Diseases like syphilis, Herpes, Cytomegalo virus, Vulvovaginal Candidiasis etc. Objectives: The purpose of the study is to characterize the cervical cytological changes in HIV seropositive women................
Keywords: HIV/AIDS, papanicolaou smear, cervix, inflammatory lesions
[1]. S. Joshi, A. chandorkar, G. Krishnan etal cervical intraepithelial changes and HIV infection in women attending sexually
transmitted disease clinics in Pune, India; Indian J Med Res 113, May 2001, pp 161-169.
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Abstract: Stamp technique" is a new technique for restoring class I and class II restorations with accurate occlusal topography. It was introduced mainly to restore Class I cavities and erosively damaged teeth. This technique is possible in teeth where preoperative anatomy of the tooth is intact and not destructed by carious lesion. A precise tooth‑like restoration with an accurate functional occlusion is obtained when the stamp technique is perfomed. This technique is also utilized for class II cavity restorations where marginal ridge is intact .This case report describes simple class I composite restoration using stamp technique. The purpose is to replicate occlusal anatomy by making a copy of the original unprepared tooth structure to get perfect anatomy in few minutes.
Keywords: stamp technique, occlusal topography, polymerization shrinkage.
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7, pp. 12427 12430, July, 2016
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Abstract: Purpose:. To compare efficacy of intravitreal Ranibizumab (ivR) and standard laser in patients with visual impairment due to diabetic macular edema (DME) in terms of best corrected visual acuity(BCVA) and central macular thickness(CMT) Design:Single blind hospital based comparative type of randomized follow-up study.: Methods: A total of 80 eyes of 80 patients with centre-involving CSME (both diffuse and focal) were included.Subjects were subjected to treatment with either ivR(3 consecutive monthsand PRN dosing thereafter or modified macular laser therapy (MLT).Treatment outcomes in terms of BCVA and reduction in CMT were measured................
Keywords: Intravitreal,Laser,MacularThickness,Randomization,Ranibizumab.
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Abstract: Introduction: Angiomyofibroblastoma (AMF) is a rare soft-tissue tumor that most frequently affects the lower genital tracts of young to middle-aged women. These tumors commonly involve the vulva, perineum, vagina, uterine cervix but only rarely occur in the pelvis or retroperitoneum and rarely the inguinoscrotal regions of men. No case till date reported of AMF that originated from POD. To our knowledge, only FIVE cases of pelvic AMF have been reported at least so far................
Keywords: Angiomyofibroblastoma, Pouch of Douglas, Soft Tissue Tumor.
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Abstract: Background: Poisoning is a very common emergency in the pediatric department which causes a lot of worry and anxiety to parents as well as doctors. The incidence type and nature of poisoning is influenced by various factors hence a study was proposed on poisoning to form treatment protocols. Aims and Objectives: To conduct a study on Accidental poisoning in children and to find out commonest poisoning, its route, type of poison with clinical features, mortality, and outcome of cases of accidental poisoning. Study design: Prospective observational study of all cases of poisoning............
Keywords: Accidental poisoning, Kerosene poisoning, Poisoning, Route, Urban, Rural.
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