Version-6 (June-2017)
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Abstract: purpose : The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the proportion of the vertical dimension using Willis's Method, Mc.Gee's Method, and Golden Proportion concept in Proto-Malayan and Deutro Malayan Materials and methods :The study was conducted on 92 students who conform the inclusion criteria. Subjects are grouped into four groups based on gender and ethnic; Proto Malayan males, Deutro Malayan females, Proto-Malayan female and Deutro Malayan female. Capturing the subject was done and measured using Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12 in accordance with the Willis's Method, Mc.Gee's Method, and Golden Proportion Concept. One Sample T Test was used to determine differences in the proportion of the subject's vertical dimension using each method above................
Keywords: The Proportion of Vertical Dimension, The Willis's Methods, The Mc.Gee's Methods, The Golden Proportion's Concept, Mongoloid, Proto Malayan, Deutro Malayan
[1]. Dipoyono HM. Perbedaan pengukuran dimensi vertikal dengan metode hayakawa ke-2 dan metode willis.Dental Journal.2003:457-9
[2]. Banasr FH., Al-Farah EM. Evaluation of divine proportion ratio as a method for registration of rest vertical dimension using statistical analysis in completely edentulous patients. Smile Dental Journal.2012; 7(1): 44-9.
[3]. Silverman MM. The speaking method in measuring vertical dimension. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry. 2001;85(5):427-31.
[4]. Turrell AJW. Clinical assessment of vertical dimension. J Prosthet Dent,2006;96:79-83.
[5]. Raj N., Meshram A., Mulay S., Jethlia H. Review on methods of recording vertical relation. Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences.2013; 2(12):1779-83.
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Abstract: Aim: The study aims to determine effect of immersing alginate impression in chloroxylenol for 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 menits on level of Staphylococcus aureus and dimensional change of cast. Materials and methods :The study was conducted on 2 types of sample, i.e. alginate impression and cast, 28 samples respectively. Microbial test was performed to count colonies of Staphylococcus aureus cultured in blood agar by using colony counter, and dimensional change was measured by using digital capiler. Kruskal-wallis test was performed to determine effect of chloroxylenol on level of Staphylococcus aureus, and Mann-Whitney test was performed to determine difference of the effectin control group and chloroxylenol immersed groups. One-way ANOVAtest was performed to determine effect of chloroxylenol on dimensional change and LSD test was performed to determine difference of the effect in control group and chloroxylenol-immersed groups.............
Keywords : alginate, chloroxylenol,Staphylococus aureus, dimensional change.
[1]. Annusavice KJ. Buku ajar ilmu bahan kedokteran gigi. Alih Bahasa Johan Arif Budiman dan Susi Purwoko.Jakarta .Penerbit buku kedokteran. 2004: 103-114
[2]. Hatrick DC, Eakle WS,Bird WF. Dental materials: Clinical appliance for dental assistant and dental hygienists. 2nd York: Elsevier. 2003: 179 – 80
[3]. Sastrodihardjo S. Perubahan dimensi hasil cetakan gigi dan mulut. USU Press. 2010: 71–82.
[4]. Pang SK,Millar BJ. Cross infection control of impressions a questionnaire survey of practice among private dentists in hongkong'. Hongkong dental journal. 2006:3: 89-93.
[5]. Haralur SB, Aldowah OS, Gana NS.AlHytam A. Effect of alginate chemical disinfection on bacterial count over gypsum cast. J.Adv Prosthodont.2012: 484-8
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Abstract: Objective : The aim of the study is to determine difference in proportion of maxillary anterior tooth width to the concept of golden proportion, recurring esthetic dental (RED) proportion and Preston's proportion based on facial type among students of Faculty of Dentistry in University of Sumatera Utara (FKG USU). Materials and methods : The study was conducted on 102 students of FKG USU meeting the criteria of inclusion, i.e. 34 students with euryprosopic facial type, 34 students with mesoprosopic facial type and 34 students with leptoprosopic facial type. It is an analytic observational study by measuring maxillary anterior tooth width with cross sectional approach using front-facing pictures. These pictures were taken with Canon 60D camera in 45 cm distance, measurements of pictures were performed by using Corel Draw Graphics Suite 12 software and data was statistically analyzed by using one-sample t-test.................
Keywords-: Golden proportion, RED proportion, Preston's proportion, Euryprosopic, mesoprosopic, Leptoprosopic
[1]. Zarb GA, Bolender CL, Hickey JC, Carlsson GE. Buku ajar prostodonti untuk pasien tak bergigi menurut Boucher. Edisi 10. Jakarta: Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC, 1994: 282-300
[2]. Kumar MV, Ahila SC, Devi SS. The science of anterior teeth selection for a completely edentulous patient; Literature review. J Indian Prosthodont Soc 2011; 11(1): 7-13
[3]. Fayyad MA, Jamani KD, Aqrabawi J. Geometric and mathematical proportions and their relations to maxillary anterior teeth. The journal of contemporary dental practice 2006; Vol 7(5): 62-70.
[4]. Ward DH. A study of dentists' preferred maxillary anterior tooth width proportions: Comparing the recurring esthetic dental proportion to other mathematical and naturally occurring proportions. J Esthet Restor 2007; 19(6): 324-39.
[5]. Murthy BVS, Ramani N. Evaluation of natural smile: Golden proportion, RED or Golden percentage. J Conserv Dent 2008; 11(1): 16-21.
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Abstract: Background: Metal-ceramic fixed partial denture has been widely used, as it provides both esthetics benefit of ceramic and strength of metal casting. The metal-ceramic bond is of fundamental importance to the success of restorations. Debonding of the ceramic from metal after the restoration has been permanently cemented creates an unacceptable blemish, and requires complete replacement of the restoration. Thus, the effects of metal-ceramic debonding are expensive and traumatic to the patient. The fracture failure rate of metal-ceramic restoration is 2% - 8% approximately. Porcelain-firing process is one of the factors relating to bond strength of metal-ceramic, including time, temperature, number of firing and atmospheric pressure. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine effect of temperature and number of opaque porcelain firing on bond strength of metal-ceramic fixed partial denture....................
Keywords-: bond strength, metal-ceramic fixed partial denture, opaque porcelain firing temperature, number of opaque porcelain firing
[1]. Shillingburg, HT, Sather, DA, Wilson, EL, Cain, JR, Mitchell, DL, Blanco, LJ, Kessler, JC. Fundamental of fixed prosthodontics, 4th edn. USA: Quintessence books; 2012, p455-483.
[2]. Ahmadzadeh A, Neshati A, Mousavi A, Epackchi S, Dabaghi TF, Sarbazi AH. A comparison between shear bond strength of VMK master porcelain with three base-metal alloys (Ni-Cr-T3, verabond, super cast) and one noble alloy (X-33) in metal-ceramic restorations. J Dent Shiraz Univ med Sci 2013; 14(4): 191-196.
[3]. Zhang S, Yushu DW, Liu BX, Sun B, Yan CZ, Hao L, Wei QS, Shi YS. Effect of firing temperature on the metal to ceramic bond strength of a porcelain fused to metal restoration of a Co-Cr alloy by means of selective laser melting (SLM). Lasers in Eng 2015; 31: 195-209.
[4]. Smith BGN. Planning and making crowns and bridges (Dentistry in practice). London: Martin dunitz Ltd; 1987, p130-185.
[5]. Qiu J, Yu WQ, Zhang FQ, Smales RJ, Zhang YL, Lu CH. Corrosion behavior and surface analysis of a Co-Cr and two Ni-Cr dental alloys before and after simulated porcelain firing. Eur J Oral Sci 2011; 119: 93-1017.
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Abstract: Prune Belly syndrome, a group of birth defects has three abnormalities;- (1) poor abdominal muscular development causing the abdominal skin to wrinkle like a prune, (2) undescended testes (cryptorchidism) ,(3) urinary tract defects involving kidney, ureter and bladder. The defect is being diagnosed now in antenatal check-up but its clinical management has no benefit. Some new born remain undiagnosed and survived after birth presented with recurrent urinary tract infection. It is a serious problem and the survival depends upon the time of diagnosis and further management. All cases with prune belly syndrome should be evaluated thoroughly for extra abdominal abnormalities resulting on ectodermal and endodermal development. In this case the patient was diagnosed at the age of 10 years of age and managed surgically (urinary diversion and subsequent reconstruction of defects).
Keywords-: Prune-Belly Syndrome; Cryptorchidism; Mega-Ureter; Splenomegaly; Surgical Repair; Abdominoplasty; Abdominal muscle deficiency
[1]. Osler 1901. Osler WO: Congenital absence of abdominal muscles, with distended and hypertrophied urinary bladder. Bull Johns Hopkins Hosp 1901; 12:331-333.
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[5]. D Rupshikha et al, Prune belly syndrome, Journal of College of Medical Sciences-Nepal, 2011, Vol-7, No-3, 48-52
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Abstract: Dermatophytes are fungi that infest keratin-rich human tissues, such as skin, hair and nails. These fungal infestations, collectively known as dermatophytoses, are caused by various species of Microsporum, Epidermophyton and Trichophyton and constitute an important public health problem. Dermatophytoses generally respond well to topical antifungal therapy. However, topical therapy may not be suitable for extensive infestations. The emergence of drug resistance has sparked a hunt for new anti-fungal agents. Extracts of easily available plants, such as, Ocimum tenuiflorum Linn. (Holy Basil), Cynodon dactylon Pers. (Bahama grass) and Cassia fistula Linn. (Indian Laburnum) were selected for the present study. The results indicate that the extracts of Ocimum tenuiflorum (at 10, 15 and 20% concentrations) and Cynodon dactylon (20% concentration) inhibited the growth of Trichophyton rubrum and Trichophyton verrucosum. However, at 15% concentration, Cynodon dactylon inhibited the growth of Trichophyton verrucosum only..................
Keywords-: Dermatophytes, Dermatophytoses, Anti-fungal agents, Plant extracts
[1]. A. K. Sheth, K. D. Mitaliya, and S. Joshi, The Herbs of Ayurveda, Volume III (Bhavnagar, Gujarat: Ashok K. Sheth, 2005).
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[3]. M. K. Rai, and D. Acharya, Screening of some Asteraceous plants for antimycotic activity, Compositae Newsletter, 34, 1999, 37-43.
[4]. D. N. Mishra, V. Dixit, A. K. Mishra, Mycotoxic evaluation of some higher plants against ringworm causing fungi, Indian Drugs, 28 (7), 1991, 300-303.
[5]. J. B. Harborne, Phytochemical Methods - A Guide to Modern techniques of Plant Analysis, (The Netherlands: Springer, 1998).
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Abstract: Background: The incidence of inferior pole fractures of patella is around 5% and the various treatment options include tension band wiring, circumferential wiring, or use of screw1. The traditional recommendation for severly comminuted inferior pole fractures is excision of the comminuted pole followed by reattachment of the patellar tendon with transosseous suture to the superior fragment2. Materials and methods :This prospective study involves 10 patients with comminuted inferior pole of patella fracture operated between may 2015 to may 2017.there were nine male patients and one female patient. Result: The outcome of the procedure was assessed with use of the Saltzman patellofemoral scoring system5. The final patellofemoral score (maximum 100 points) 93 (range 91-95). Conclusion: We conclude that treatment of comminuted inferior pole patella fracture using partial patellectomy and patellar tendon repair using transosseous stutures is a very effective method of treating comminuted fractures inferior pole of patella.
Keywords: comminuted fracture patella,partial patellectomy,patellar tendon reconstruction
[1]. Carpenter JE, Kasman R, Matthews LS. Fractures of the patella. Instr Course Lect 1994;43:97-108 Review.
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[4]. Patel VR,Parks BG,Wang Y,et al:Fixation of patella fractures with braided polyester sutures:a biomechanical sudy,Injury 31:1,2000.
[5]. Saltzman CL, Goulet JA, McClellan T, Schneider LA, Matthews LS. Results of treatment of displaced patellar fractures by partial patellectomy. J Bone Joint Surg Am 1990;72:1279-85
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Amitraz Poisoning: Unusual Lethal Poisoning |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suma R G || Devarmani S S |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1606063839 ![]() |
Abstract: Background: Amitraz is a ectoparasiticide and pesticide used widely on animals and in agriculture. It contains triazapentadiene, a centrally acting alpha-2 adrenergic agonist. Though Amitraz is widely used worldwide, its poisoning is uncommon in humans. Children are frequently involved due to accidental exposure whereas in adults suicidal attempts are more common. Poisoning occurs via oral, dermal and inhalational routes. Case presentation: Case 1: We describe a case of Amitraz poisoning in a 21 years old young female. She developed bradycardia and hypotension and required oxygen support and intensive care unit stay. She had a quick recovery after she was treated symptomatically and was discharged well after 4 days..........
Keywords-: Amitraz, Poisoning, Adult
[1]. Hasan A, OSebnem O, Hakan U, Mustafa B. Amitraz poisoning: Clinical and laboratory findings, Indian Pediatr, 41, 2004, 482-6.
[2]. Yilmaz HL, Yildizdas DR. Amitraz poisoning, an emerging problem: epidemiology, clinical features, management and preventive strategies, Arch Dis Child, 88 , 2003, 130-4.
[3]. Demirel Y, Yilmaz A, Gursoy S, Kaygusuz K, Mimaroglu C et al. Acute amitraz intoxication: retrospective analysis of 45 cases, Hum Exp Toxicol, 25, 2006, 613-617.
[4]. Atabek ME, Aydin K, Erkul I. Different clinical features of amitraz poisoning in children, Hum Exp Toxicol, 21, 2002, 13-16.
[5]. Herath et al. BMC Pharmacology and Toxicology, 18 ,2017, 6
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Abstract: ACL injuries are extremely common1,2.Concurrent Meniscal and Chondral Injuries in ACL injured knees has been reported by many authors and remains a major cause of concern and prognostic factor in long term results3–5. This Cross sectional study of arthroscopic ACL reconstruction of patients aged 15-50 yrs presents the spectrum of meniscal & chondral lesions, and variation of the severity of these lesions in relation to time since initial injury. We found that a) Medial meniscal injuries had a significant association with delay in ACL surgery (P = 0.007), RR = 1.593(95% CI of 1.131 -2.244). b) Medial-sided articular injuries were more associated than lateral, with medial tibial condyle RR =5.021(95% CI of 1.119 -22.534) & medial femoral condyle RR =2.72(95% CI of 1.119 -6.611). c) Lateral tibial condylar lesions were associated with RR=3.264(95% CI of 1.253 - 8.503)..................
Keywords-: ACL injury, Arthroscopic reconstruction, Meniscal lesions, Chondral lesions, surgical delay, Intraarticular knee lesions
[1]. Meuffels, D. E., Reijman, M., Scholten, R. J. & Verhaar, J. A. Computer assisted surgery for knee ligament reconstruction.
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[3]. Moatshe, G., Chahla, J., LaPrade, R. F. & Engebretsen, L. Diagnosis and treatment of multiligament knee injury: state of the art. J.
ISAKOS Jt. Disord. Orthop. Sports Med. jisakos-2016-000072 (2017). doi:10.1136/jisakos-2016-000072
[4]. Simon, D. et al. The Relationship between Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury and Osteoarthritis of the Knee. Adv. Orthop. 2015,
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Abstract: Introduction: There is a considerable dispute over use of different techniques for prevention of hypotension during caesarean section. Spinal Anesthesia induced hypotension in obstetric patients is still a challenge for many anaesthesiologists as it may lead to complications like reduced utero-placental blood flow leading to fetal acidosis.Aims:The aim of the present study is to compare the effects and side effects of ephedrine administered via two different routes, that is intravenous and intramuscular route. Methods and materials: Institutional Ethics Committee approval was taken before the commencement of the study. An informed and written consent was taken from every patient selected for the study. A randomized study was done on 60 parturients aged between 20-30years, divided into Group IM (n=30) where intramuscular ephedrine 30 mg given 10 min prior to spinal anaesthesia and Group IV (n=30) where intravenous ephedrine 12 mg given at the time of spinal anaesthesia.................
Keywords-: Ephedrine,Hypotension,Caesarean Section
[1]. Saravanan S, Kocarev M, Wilson RC, Watkins E, Columb MO, Lyons G. Equivalent dose of ephedrine and phenylephrine in the prevention of post‑spinal hypotension in caesarean section. Br J Anaesth 2006; 96:95‑9.
[2]. Stewart A, Fernando R, McDonald S, Hignett R, Jones T, Columb M. The dose‑dependent effects of phenylephrine for elective cesarean delivery under spinal anesthesia. AnesthAnalg 2010; 111:1230‑7.
[3]. Rout CC, Rocke DA. Prevention of hypotension following spinal anesthesia for cesarean section. IntAnesthesiolClin 1994; 32:117-35.
[4]. Lee A, Warwick D, Kee N, Gin T. Trails of ephedrine versus phenylephrine for the management of hypotension during spinal anaesthesiaforcaesarean section. AnaesthAnalg 2002;94:920-6.
[5]. Cyna AM, Andrew M, Emmett RS, Middleton P, Simmons SW. Techniques for preventing hypotension during spinal anaesthesia for caesarean section. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2006; 4:CD002251
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Abstract: Aims& objectives: The present study was designed to compare the anti convulsant effect of pentazocine with standard phenytoin sodium and also combination of different doses of pentazocine with different doses of phenytoin in experimentally induced albino rats. Materials& methods: 30 albino rats of either sex weighing 150 to 200 gms were selected and randomly divided in to 5 equal groups with 6 rats in each group, maximal electro shock seizures(MES) were induced in albino rats via trans auricular electrodes (150 mA,0.2 seconds) each rat was pretreated at 30 minutes before MES test with drugs intraperitoneally. Statistical Analysis: Descriptive data that include Mean, Standard Deviation, and standard error value were found for each group and used for analysis. One way ANOVA was used for multiple group comparison. P value of 0.05 or less was considered for statistical significant................
Keywords-: Albinorats, intraperitoneal route , maximal electro shock method, pentazocine, phenytoin
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Abstract: Introduction: Aim of the present study was to evaluate the role of pre-emptive analgesia with oral pregabalin in patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy Methods: The study enrolled 60 adult patients (16–60 yr) undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Patients were randomly assigned into two groups of 30 each to receive either a matching placebo or pregabalin 150 mg, 1 h before induction of anaesthesia. Assessment of pain at rest (static) and during coughing (dynamic) were done by a 10 point visual analogue scale (VAS) at 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, 120 mins and 6, 12 and 24 hours after arrival in the recovery. Primary outcomes were severity of postoperative pain and tramadol requirement. Side effects including nausea, vomiting, sedation and dizziness were also recorded..................
Keywords-: Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, pain, pre-emptive analgesia, pregabalin, Visual analog scale
[1]. Wilson RG, Macintyre IM, Nixon SJ, Saunders JH, Varma JS, King PM. Laparoscopic cholecystectomy as a safe and effective treatment for severe acute cholecystitis. BMJ (Clinical research ed). 1992 Aug;305(6850):394(6).
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[4]. Ben Menachem E. Pregabalin pharmacology and its relevance to clinical practice. Epilepsia. 2004 Aug 1;45(s6):13-8.
[5]. Mitra S, Khandelwal P, Roberts K, Kumar S, Vadivelu N. Pain relief in laparoscopic cholecystectomy{a review of the current options. Pain practice: the official journal of World Institute of Pain. 2012;12(6):485{96}
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Abstract: Objective: To find out the prevalence of different types of strabismus in pediatric population in a tertiary care hospital. Study Design: A retrospective cross sectional study conducted in pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus clinic of Institute of Ophthalmology JNMCH, AMU for a period of one year. Method: Complete ophthalmological and orthoptic workup was done for 148 pediatric patients having strabismus. Results: The average age of all patients was 7.90 years (females 7.65 years and males 8.13 years). Among 148 cases with strabismus there were 70 (47%) females and 78 (53%) males, 81 cases (55%) had esotropia, 56 cases (38%) had exotropia, 3 cases (2%) had restrictive strabismus, and 8 (0.05%) had paralytic strabismus. Conclusion: Esotropia is the most common type of strabismus in pediatric population followed by exotropia, paralytic and restrictive type being the least common.
Keywords-: Strabismus, esotropia, exotropia, paralytic strabismus, restrictive strabismus
[1]. Giorgis, Tekle A, Bejiga A.Prevalence of strabismus among pre-school children community in Butajira Town.Ethiopian Journal of heath development.2001;15:125-130.
[2]. Taha AO, Ibram SM. Prevalence of manifest horizontal strabismus among basic school children in Khartoum City, Sudan.Sudanese journal of ophthalmology.2015;7(2):53-57.
[3]. Azonobi IR, Olatunji FO, Addo J. Prevalence and pattern of strabismus in IIoris.West Afr J Med.2009;28:253-6.
[4]. Abebe B. Unilateral blindness and low vision due to strabismic amblyopia.Ethiop J Health Dev.2000;14:109-12.
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Abstract: access cavity preparation is the first and most important stage of root canal preparation. A proper coronal access forms the foundation of pyramid of endodontic treatment. Inadequate access can impair the instrumentation, disinfection and therefore obturationresulting to failure of the treatment. Good access design will assist cleaning, shaping and obturation of the root canal system and lead to good prognosis of the treatment and maximum success. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and practice of senior dental student in Al-farabi colleges(KSA) about access cavity preparation. Methods:A questionnaire -based survey form about access cavity preparation was distributed among 109 senior dental students, the questionnaire comprised 21 multiple-choice questions related to: gender, academic year, and detailed questions regarding to student' awareness about access cavity preparation; variations in canal anatomy, complications, errors, instruments, ideal requisites for access cavity, shape of access cavity etc................
Keywords-:Access cavity preparation,Burs,Knowledge,Straight line access.
[1]. Glossary of Endodontic terms (8th ed).American Association of Endodontic: Chicago:2012.
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[4]. N. Adams and P. Tomson, Access cavity preparation.British dental journal. 216(6):2014. 333-339.
[5]. D. Clark and J. Khademi, Modern molar endodontic access and directed dentin conservation.Dental Clinics of North America. 54(2):2010. 249-273.
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Abstract: Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is one of the most common infectious disease diagnosed both in community and in hospital. As antibiotic resistance is on the rise among uropathogens, it is important to have local community and hospital based knowledge of the organisms causing UTI and their sensitivity pattern to choose correct treatment regimen. Aims & objectives: The study was done with the objective to compare the prevalence &antibiogram among the bacterial isolates of both the community acquired UTI and nosocomial UTI. Materials & Methods: It was a cross sectional study carried out in the Department of Microbiology, SUT Medical College during Dec 2015 to Nov 2016.A total of 1500 urine samples 750 from community acquired and 750 from hospitalized patients were cultured aerobically..................
Keywords-: Antibioticsusceptibility, Colonycount, Escherichiacoli, Nosocomial,Uropathogen
[1]. Wilson M.L., Gaido L. Laboratory Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Infections in Adult Patients. CID 2004; 38: 1150-8
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[3]. Weinstein MP, Towns ML, Quartey SM, et al. The clinical significance of positive blood cultures in the 1990s: a prospective comprehensive evaluation of the microbiology, epidemiology, and outcome of bacteremia and fungemia in adults. Clin Infect Dis 1997;24:584–602.
[4]. Warren, J. W., E. Abrutyn, J. R. Hebel, J. R. Johnson, A. J. Schaeffer, and W. E. Stamm. 1999. Guidelines for antimicrobial treatment of uncomplicated acute bacterial cystitis and acute pyelonephritis in women. Clin.Infect.Dis. 29:745–75.
[5]. Dharmishta T., Paragi J.G., Kiran N.P. A study on antibiotic related resistance in UTI patients: a comparison between community acquired and hospital acquired E.coli. National Journal of Community Medicine 2012; 3(2): 255-8.
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Abstract: Background: Propofol, most frequently used intravenous anaesthetic, is used for induction, maintenance of anaesthesia and for sedation in patients scheduled for routine elective surgical procedure. A unique action of propofol is its antiemetic effect, which remain present at concentration less than producing sedation. Pain on injection of propofol still remains a considerable concern for the anaesthesiologist. A number of techniques has been tried to minimize propofol-induced pain with variable results. There are some hypotheses that intravenous administration of ondansetron might decrease propofol injection induced pain. Moreover, some studies have shown that pretreating the vein with i.v. tramadol has proved to be effective in preventing propofol injection pain in adults. In the present prospective randomized study, we compared pretreatment with ondansetron versus tramadol for prevention of propofol injection pain................
Keywords-: ondansetron, tramadol, propofol
[1]. Marik PE. Propofol: Therapeutic indications and side-effects. Curr Pharm Des 2004; 10: 3639-49.
[2]. Beyaz SG, Tufek A, Tokgoz O. The effect of propofol lipuro with and without lidocaine on injection pain in children. Nigerian J Clin Pract 2011; 14(1): 60-4.
[3]. Ayoglu H, Altunkaya H, Ozer Y, Yapakci O, Cukdar G, Ozkocak I. Does dexmedetomidine reduce the injection pain due to propofol and rocuronium? Eur J Anaesthesiol 2007; 24: 541-5.
[4]. Sapate M, Andurkar U, Markandeya M, Gore R, Thatte W. To study the effect of injection dexmedetomidine for prevention of pain due to propofol injection and to compare it with injection lignocaine. Rev Bras Anestesiol 2015; 65(6): 466-9.
[5]. Singh HS, Singh LD, Singh NR, Singh TH, Thokchom RS, Monohar PS. Effects of dexmedetomidine and lidocaine in alleviating propofol injection pain: A randomized controlled trial. J Med Sco 2015; 29: 31-4.
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Abstract: Background and Objectives: Infantile Nephrotic Syndrome is defined as nephrotic syndrome presenting between 3 and 12 months of age. The clinical utility of biopsy result with respect to prognosis and management is unclear in the era of increased genetic testing. In the present study we retrospectively investigated the histopathological finding, clinical course and outcome of children who presented with Infantile Nephrotic Syndrome. Material and Methods: The study was conducted from January 2010 to January 2016, at the department of pediatrics SVPPGIP & SCB Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha. All nephrotic children, presented between 3 and 12 months of life were included in the study. Their demographic data, renal histological finding, drug response pattern and treatment outcome were analyzed in the study...............
Keywords-: Infantile Nephrotic Syndrome, Renal Biopsy.
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Abstract: Aim: To conduct a comparative study between Ephedrine and Mephentermine in Management of Hypotension following Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section (ASA Gr I & II with Bupivacaine (heavy). Methodology: The present study of comparison between Mephentermine and Ephedrine to treat Spinal Hypotension in Caesarean Section was undertaken after approval of the hospital ethical committee and written informed consent of parturients undergoing caesarean section with ASA Grade I and Grade II, they were included in this study. One hundred such parturients who had developed hypotension following spinal anaesthesia were randomly assigned to two groups of 50 each as per study drug. Results: The peak action of Ephedrine in increasing Systolic BP was attained in a mean time of 3.66 minutes whereas it took a longer mean time of 4.04 minutes in the Mephentermine Group. Further, the increased Systolic BP was maintained over a mean time 9.24 minutes in Ephedrine Group as compared to a lesser time of 7.98 minutes in Mephentermine..................
[1]. Hughes SC, Levinson G, Rosen MA. Anaesthesia for caesarean section in: Shinder and Levinson's Anaesthesia for obstetrics 2001; Chp2; 4ed. p201.
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Abstract: Caesarean section reduces the morbidity and mortality associated with complicated childbirth when it is performed for the right indication. Objective: We reviewed the rate and indications for caesarean section in an urban private hospital in Jos. Methods: It was a retrospective study of 228 women who delivered by caesarean section in a private hospital. Results: The mean age of the patients was 26.4 + 5.8 years. The caesarean section rate was 8.9%. Of these, 64 (28.1%) were elective while 164(71.9%) were emergency procedures. The commonest indication for caesarean section was cephalopelvic disproportion (40.0 %), followed by preeclampsia/eclampsia (18.0%) and previous caesarean (11.8%). The least frequent indications were uterine rupture and maternal sickle cell disease, both at 0.4%. Conclusion: Indications for caesarean section in this private hospital was similar to public hospitals in the same country. A regular review of indications for caesarean section in any facility is an important aspect of auditing obstetric care services. A universal guide for obtaining and keeping patients records should be developed .This would go a long way in enhancing reliable data generation for future research and ultimately, improving obstetric care service
Keywords-: Caesarean section, Indications, private hospital, Nigeria.
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Abstract: A fibroepithelial polyp is the epithelial benign tumor of the oral cavity and which is presented clinically as a tiny size but may be seen as a huge mass in some cases which can create a dilemma to operating surgeon to diagnose and treat such lesion. So it is very necessary for a surgeon or a clinician to differentiate and correctly diagnose a lesion to decide appropriate treatment plan for the lesion. In this article we have put forth conservative intervention of a lesion having rare, unusual and abiding features but which is one of the most common lesions of the oral cavity i.e. fibroepithelial polyp which states that only size and characteristics of the lesion doesn't matter, the histopathology and surgical intervention go hand in hand which is eventually beneficial to an operating surgeon as well as the patient.
Keywords-: benign tumors, fibro epithelial polyp, oral fibroma, unusual exophytic growth
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Abstract: Radiotherapy (RT) is an efficient therapy for head and neck tumors. Aside from its advantages, it is not free of complications, one of them being osteoradionecrosis (ORN) of the jaws. The definition of ORN is based on its clinical presentation: the irradiated bone becomes devitalized and is exposed through the skin and mucosa which covers it, for at least three months without healing, and without recurrence of the tumor. There are several theories about its etiology; nevertheless its predisposing factors are not clear yet. The objective of this study is to review the different risk factors of ORN after RT treatment for head and neck tumors................
Keywords-: head and neck tumors, osteoradionecrosis, predisposing factors, radiotherapy, risk factors.
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Abstract: Introduction: Palmar dermatoglyphics has been studied in many diseases and alterations in normal patterns have been noted which is genetically determined. Millions of people consume tobacco, but all of them do not suffer from potentially malignant disorders (PMDs) of the oral cavity like oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF) and oral leukoplakia (OL), and oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). It seems likely that a genetic predisposition could be an underlying mechanism. Aims and Objectives: The present study aims to compare the dermatoglyphic patterns of such patients, in patients without habits and in patients with habits but with no lesions. Materials and Methods: Fingerprints and palm prints were studied in 180 patients of Bihar, who were randomly divided into three groups: (A) 60 subjects with OSMF, OL and OSCC, (B) 60 patients with habits and no lesions, and (C) 60 healthy controls, for the purpose of finding patterns that could identify patients with PMDs and OSCC. Finger and palm prints were taken by the ink method. Prints were analysed by two examiners...............
Keywords-: Dermatoglyphics, oral leukoplakia, oral squamous cell carcinoma, oral submucous fibrosis
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Abstract: Aim: Betel chewer's mucosa, is generally not considered as a potentially malignant lesion, but it has been suggested to be a precursor of leukoplakia and oral submucous fibrosis (OSMF). Thus a study was undertaken to asses various quid chewing patterns in patients with chewer's mucosa and to evaluate possible association between chewer's mucosa and a particular quid usage pattern. Materials and methods: The study was done on 300 subjects clinically diagnosed of having chewer's mucosa lesion. After complete oral examination, a detailed habit history was taken through preformed questionnaire. The data obtained was analyzed using Chi-square test. Results: Among the 300 subjects males to female ratio was 7:3. Majority of the subjects were within the age group of 20 to 30 years and chewed a combination of betel leaf, arecanut, tobacco, lime. Majority of the subjects of chewer's mucosa used the quid for duration of 1 to 5 years..............
Keywords-: Quid, Chewer's mucosa, Arecanut.
[1]. Sanghvi LD. Tobacco related cancers. In: Sanghvi LD, Notani PP, editors. Tobacco and Health: The Indian Scene. Bombay: Tata Memorial Center. 1989. 9-15.
[2]. Ariyawardana A, Sitheeque MA, Ranasinghe AW, Perera I, Tilakaratne WM, Amaratunga EA, et al. Prevalence of oral cancer and precancer and associated risk factors among tea estate workers in the central Sri Lanka. J Oral Pathol Med. 2007; 36: 581-87.
[3]. Reichart PA, Philipsen HP. Betel chewer's mucosa–A review. J Oral Pathol Med. 1998; 27: 239-42.
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Abstract: access cavity preparation is the first and most important stage of root canal preparation. A proper coronal access forms the foundation of pyramid of endodontic treatment. Inadequate access can impair the instrumentation, disinfection and therefore obturation resulting to failure of the treatment. Good access design will assist cleaning, shaping and obturation of the root canal system and lead to good prognosis of the treatment and maximum success. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the knowledge and practice of senior dental student in Al-farabi colleges(KSA) about access cavity preparation. Methods: A questionnaire -based survey form about access cavity preparation was distributed among 109 senior dental students, the questionnaire comprised 21 multiple-choice questions related to: gender, academic year, and detailed questions regarding to student' awareness about access cavity preparation; variations in canal anatomy, complications, errors, instruments, ideal requisites for access cavity, shape of access cavity etc.,.............
Keywords-: Access cavity preparation, Burs, Knowledge, Straight line access
[1]. Glossary of Endodontic terms (8th ed). American Association of Endodontic: Chicago:2012.
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Abstract: Amniotic fluid abnormalities have an influence on maternal and perinatal outcome. This study was undertaken to see effect of amniotic fluid volume determined by USG on mode of delivery and perinatal outcome. Aim : To assess amniotic fluid volume and its correlation with mode of deliveryand perinatal outcome Materials And Methods: A prospective study was done on 200 patients. Ultrasonography was done in third trimester for AFI and congenital malformations. 100 patients with AFI <5 and AFI >24 were taken in study group and 100 patients with AFI 5 to 24 were taken in control group. Careful fetal heart rate monitoring with artificial rupture of membrane during active stage was done. Mode of delivery and perinatal outcome was subsequently looked for...............
Keywords-:AFI, Congenital malformation, Mode of delivery, Perinatal outcome, MAS, LSCS
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Abstract: Background: Peripheral arterial disease (PVD) is a progressive condition that causes stenosis and occlusion of non-cerebral and non-coronary arteries. Studies have suggested that even asymptomatic peripheral arterial disease is associated with increased CAD mortality. Objectives To evaluate for peripheral vascular disease in patients of myocardial infarction To see the prevalence of PVD in these patients To correlate the risk factors of atherosclerosis in patients of myocardial infarction with PVD Method: Study was conducted in in Department of medicine, JAH Hospital, GRMC Gwalior over a time period of 1 year. Patient diagnosed to have myocardial infarction is included in our studies. Detailed clinical examination was done in all the patients.Peripheral pulses,xanthalesma, thickened pulse..............
Keywords-: peripheral vascular disease, myocardial infarction, diabetics, smoking
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