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Abstract: Gestational diabetes Mellitus is defined as impaired carbohydrate tolerance first recognized during pregnancy, which has adverse maternal and fetal outcome. It may result in Macrosomia or IUGR both of which have a low APGAR score. This study aims to predict these fatal complications in antenatal period by ultra-sonogram screening in the second trimester of pregnancy by checking for Umbilical cord thickness and umbilical cross sectional area which are routinely not measured but are known to be good predictors of birth weight and APGAR score. The study was carried out among the patients attending regular antenatal check up in the department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Trichy SRM, and screened for GDM at 20- 24 weeks (n=100). The study participants and controls were subjected to Ultra sonogram at 20-24 weeks and Umbilical cord Thickness and cross sectional area were measured which had a significant correlation with Birthweight and APGAR score (p<0.005)..
Key words: GDM, Macrosomia,: Umbilical Cord Thickness, Umbilical cord cross sectional area
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Abstract: Demographic and Epidemiological Transition, conceptual framework of our research, we propose what happened in Reus (Spain) between 1900 and 1935 (before the Civil War). The province of Tarragona holds the highest life expectancy of all the Spanish provinces, which increased year per year as the century progressed. The evolution of general mortality, infant mortality, and causes of death in the province of Tarragona are analyzed in comparison with Catalonia and Spain. The data used was derived from statistics on deaths classified according to cause of death from the Instituto Nacional de Estadística and the Institut d'Estadistica de Catalunya. This epidemiological study has been performed by grouping major causes of death; and the methodology used is that of indirect standardization. The results show: that between 1900 and 1935, life expectancy increased about 20 years........
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Abstract: introduction: La pré-éclampsie est une pathologie fréquente et grave survenant au cours du troisième trimestre de grossesse. Le décollement séreux rétinien est l'un de ses complications rares, est le plus souvent bilatéral et plus fréquent chez les femmes primipares. Matériels et résultats : Le but de ce travail a été de rapporter l'aspect clinique des complications de la pré-éclampsie sévèrechez deux jeunes femmes au 3ème trimestre de grossesse et qui ont présenté un DSR bilatéral confirmé par l'OCT. L'évolution spontanée après accouchement était favorable. Conclusion: Le DSR de la pré-éclampsie est rare et de pronostic favorable. Son diagnostic doit être évoqué chez toute patiente éclamptique, et faire suspecter une aggravation imminente de son état général....................
Key words: pre-eclampsia, retinal serous detachment, OCT.
[1]. Hage R, Gouhier J, Jean-Charles A, Donnio A, Merle H (2012). Décollement de rétine et pré-éclampsie : à propos de trois cas. J FrOphtalmol; 35:824.e1-824.e6.
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Abstract: Introduction: This study investigated the effect of incorporation of Aloe Vera (AV) as a filler to compomer on its antibacterial activity, solubility and surface roughness. Method: Compomer (Dyract XP), the control; Group 1, was modified by adding 15wt% of experimentally-prepared AV encapsulated by chitosan nano-spheres; Group 2. Discs (15x1mm) of each group were prepared and characterized. For each test, 21 discs/group were investigated. The antibacterial activity against Streptococcus mutans (ATTCC 25175) was evaluated by agar diffusion test by measuring the inhibition zone on inoculated discs. Solubility and surface roughness were investigated on discs stored in artificial saliva at 37ºC with five-minute lactic acid (pH=5.2) cycling three times daily, after one week and one, three and six months. Results were statistically significant at p≤0.05.........
Keywords: Antibacterial activity, Chitosan, Compomer, Natural polymers and Solubility of compomer
[1]. Lai G., Li M. Secondary Caries. Contemporary approch to Dental Caries. 2012.404-413.
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[4]. Sharma A., Gautam S. An Overview On Medicinal Properties Of Aloe Vera: Antibacterial & Antifungal Aspects. International Journal of Pharma and Biosciences. 2013;4(3):694–705.
[5]. Sahu P., Giri D., Singh R., Pandey P., Gupta S., Shrivastava A., et al. Therapeutic and Medicinal Uses of Aloe vera: A Review. Pharmacology and Pharmacy. 2013;4:599–610.
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Abstract: Background: Thoracoscopy requires selective bronchial intubation and a sophisticated technical setup. This study was designed to assess the difficulty and feasibility of thoracoscopy using modified intubation maneuver and modified position for the surgery. Methods: 138 children below 12 years underwent right thoracoscopy from June2014-November2017. Data were collected from CCM Medical College and Pt. JNM Medical College. All procedures were done using modified technique of selective left endobronchial intubation. Modified position used was 45°tilt. The infrastructure used included 5mm telescope, single chip camera, halogen light source, suction apparatus and 14 inch television. CO2 insuflation was not used and ports were kept open........
Keywords: Thoracoscopy, left endobronchial intubation, empyema
[1]. Shah R, Reddy AS, Dhende NP. Video assisted thoracic surgery in children. J Minim Access Surg 2007;3:161‑7.
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Abstract: Predictable and controlled tooth movement is the goal of every orthodontist.Fixed appliance therapyis one of the treatment options for malocclusion During the aligning stage, the increased inter bracket span leads to faster and efficient alignment but at the same could be a disadvantage during the space closure because of the reduced arch wire bracket contact area that would lead to reduced control of the torque of the anteriors. The unique design of the mini uni-twin that incorporates an increased inter bracket span of the single width bracket but at the same has the rotational control of a double width bracket. Objectives: To compare the torque control and anchorage loss using double width brackets and mini uni twin brackets in Roth prescription. Method: Comparative study with 20 subjects (10 in each group) with Angle's Class I dento-alveolar malocclusion were randomly selected for the study........
Keywords: Torque control, anchorage loss, double width bracket, mini uni twin bracket
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Abstract: Intussusception in adult is rare. The etiology is different from that of childhood. The most common cause of intussusception in adult is known as malignancy. When dealing with adult intussusception, surgical resection is usually warranted for correct diagnosis and proper treatment. This is a case report of cecocolic intussusception in man of 72 years age. Although this patient undergone right hemi-colectomy under suspicion of malignancy at cecum base, final pathologic diagnosis revealed lipoma. Thus, the present case emphasizes the importance of prior thorough examinations including colonoscopy when we encounter this rare kind of intussusception in adult.
KeyWords : intussusception, ceco-colic, lipoma cecum)
[1]. .A. Marinis, A. Yiallourou, L. Samanides et al., "Intussusception of the bowel in adults: a review," World Journal of Gastroenterology, vol.15, no. 4, pp. 407–411, 2009.
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[3]. Jeonghyun Kang, Kang Young Lee, and Seung-Kook Sohn ; Cecocolic Intussusception in Adult Caused by Acute Appendicitis. Case Reports in Surgery Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 108327, 3 pages
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | From Extinct To Life For Conventional Cast Partial Denture: A Case Report |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naorem Jenny, Mds |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1706093941 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays ,implants are commonly used as a treatment option in partially edentulous conditions than any other treatment options. However there are cases where removable prosthesis are used to treat them due to financial, anatomic, psychological, or medical considerations of the patient.This article describes a case report in which conventional cast partial denture is used as treatment option. This article might promote the use of cast partial denture in dental practice which are becoming extinct and also to incorporate simple design to the framework to reduce the bulk of the framework and to aid in maintain oral hygiene.
Keywords: Cast Partial, Masticatory, Removable Partial Denture, Partially Edentulous, Designing
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Abstract: objectives: in past, mother and child are considered as one unit. Today fetus is no longer considered a maternal appendage, but it has got a separate status for its care as fetus faces faces greater risk of mortality and morbidity. Cardiotocography was incorporated in clinical obstetrics to reduce intrapartum mortality and morbidity.intrapartum monitoring has infact improved fetal outcome and normal survival is now possible in cases considered hopeless years ago. cardiotocography is a simple, safe, non invasive and economical investigation which can be done on every patient in labour. This test should be a part of intrapartum fetal surveillance. The abnormal pattern are recognized and necessary and timely intervention is done, thereby saving mother and fetus. Hence this topic has been taken to evaluate the perinatal outcome following the early recognition of abnormal CTG and early intervention made.......
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Abstract: There is substantial evidence that laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation in lightly anesthetized patients are accompanied by a significant increase in heart rate and arterial blood pressure . These changes are usually short duration and well tolerated by patients in the absence of cardiovascular diseases or disturbed intracranial pressure homeostasis.Various strategies have been applied to attenuate these responses. These include minimizing the duration of laryngoscopy to less than 15 seconds, use of I.V or topical lidocaine, deep inhalational anesthetics, I.V. Narcotics, adrenoceptor blocking agents, vasodilators, calcium channel blockers, intranasal nitroglycerin spray and ointment, Ganglion blockers. AIMS & OBJECTIVES: 1.To compare the efficacy of intravenous bolus dose of Esmolol Hydrochloride versus Lignocaine Hydrochloride to attenuate the hemodynamic responses during general anaesthesia requiring laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation.........
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Abstract: Background- The study was conducted to evaluate the histopathological profile of lymphadenopathy and assess its etiology. Method- Observational case series study was conducted among 100 consecutive patients based on clinical examination and constructed questionnaire. Fine needle aspiration cytology and lymph node excision biopsy was performed in all patients to evaluate the causes of lymphadenopathy.Data was Statistically analyzed using SPSS software. Results- The results of present study showed that 70% of the study population had cervical lymphadenopathy, while 16% of the study group had inguinal lymphadenopathy and the remaining 14% developed axillary lymphadenopathy. Tuberculosis.....
Keywords: lymphadenopathy,FNAC, histopathology, tuberculosis, malignancy
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Abstract: A scrupulous assesment of body fluids for their cytomorphological properties plays a vital role in diagnosis, prognosis and therapeutic aspect of various neoplastic and nonneoplastic pathological conditions. Hence we conducted a 5 year descriptive, analytical and retrospective study in a tertiary care centre from January 2012 to January 2017. A total of 4197 sample of effusion fluids from various sites were analyzed retrospectively. Pleural fluid cases, 2056(49%) was commonest followed by peritoneal fluid and cerebrospinal fluid with, 1847(44%) and 126(3%) cases respectively. Pericardial and Synovial fluid were least common with only 84(2%) cases each. Majority............
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Abstract: One hundred twenty femora available in the Bone bank of Anatomy Department, HIMS, SRHU, Dehradun, were measured and an observational morphometric study was done. Bones having any deformity, anomaly, unossified, decomposed, in poor condition due to injury or damaged were excluded from the study. Only dry normal adult human femora of both side and both sex were considered. Parameters considered for the morphometric measurement: Femoral Length (FML), Intercondylar Width (ICW) and Bicondylar Width (BCW). Data was compiled, tabulated and analysed statistically, p value of <0.05 was taken as significant. Pearson's correlation coefficient was used to examine the association between FML to BCW and ICW. The data was analysed by SPSS statistical software for window version 20..
Keywords: Bicondylar Width, Intercondylar Width, Femur
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Designing Of an External Way Finding System for a Teaching Medical College |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr Vikas H || Dr Hrishikesh Pisal |
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: | 10.9790/0853-1706097073 ![]() |
Abstract: Way finding system is the planned integration of visual information, using which people understand and make decisions about navigating their way. Way finding system and signages are used as synonyms, though they are not entirely the same. Although signage plays an important role in way finding, the entire problem of way finding cannot be solved by adding more sign boards [1]. People seldom visit hospitals unless they have to, being generally unfamiliar with the facilities and have trouble finding their way on their own. Patients and visitors coming to a healthcare facility have a common non-medical goal to navigate the complex, highly technical medical environment at a time when illness, stress and fatigue have depleted their emotional, physical and cognitive functions [2]. The present study was carried out to analyze the Way Finding requirements of the college and to make appropriate recommendations for implementation of a suitable Way Finding system for convenient navigation of the college campus by patients and visitors........
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