Series-16 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Purpose :To compare the test-retest reproducibility of three scans for continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL).Materials and methods:In this prospective study, eight healthy subjects were scanned on 3.0 T scanner with CASL. Three scans were performed at two intervals, i.e 20 minutes and 1 week, reproducibility of continuous arterial spin at different intervals were observed , by two different readers . Results:The average value for blood flow measurements of the parotid gland for tow readers were (0min 52.09895 , 20min 54.78945 , 1week 55.13335) , Intra-observer and inter-observer data were assessed by calculating the percent coefficient of variation (% CVs) of BF(Blood Flow) after the same or other radiologists repeatedly placed ROIs(Region of Interest) on the gland areas............
Key words: continuous arterial spin labeling (CASL),Parotid glands, Test-retest reproducibility.
[1]. Deibler AR, Pollock JM, Kraft RA, Tan H, Burdette JH, Maldjian JA. Arterial spin-labeling in routine clinical practice, part 1: technique and artifacts. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2008;29:1228–1234.
[2]. Maldjian JA, Laurienti PJ, Burdette JH, Kraft RA. Clinical implementation of spin-tag perfusion magnetic resonance imaging. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2008;32:403–406.
[3]. Pollock JM, Deibler AR, West TG, Burdette JH, Kraft RA, Maldjian JA. Arterial Spin-Labeled Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Hyperperfused Seizure Focus: A Case Report. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2008;32:291–292.
[4]. Whitlow CT, Pollock JM, Mussat-Whitlow B, et al. Changes in Global Rates of Cerebral Perfusion Associated with Normal Development as Measured with MR Arterial Spin Labeling. American Society of Neuroradiology 46th Annual Meeting; New Orleans, Louisiana. 2008.
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Abstract: Background: Alcoholics have been associated with various Psychiatric comorbid disorderwhichhave a poorer prognosis and affects treatment outcome as well Aim: To study the various Psychiatric comorbidity in alcohol-dependent males in a Tertiary centre. Methods:100 cases and 100 controls were included. A Standard proforma to record socio-demographic factors and detail ofalcohol abuse like frequency, intake, amount history. Was taken.Statisticalanalysis was done using the latest SPSS version. Results: The prevalence rate of psychiatric co-morbidity in alcohol-dependent subjects and controls was found to be 74% and 26%, respectively. The common ones were Depression, Panic disorder, GAD, Social phobia and Somatoform disorder. Statistical significance was found in the prevalence of disorders among cases and controls...........
Key words: Alcohol dependence, Psychiatric co-morbidity
[1]. Sabshin M. Comorbidity. A central concern of psychiatry in the 1990s. Hospital Community Psychiatry 1991;42:345.
[2]. Weissman MM, Myers JK, Harding PS. Prevalence and psychiatric heterogeneity of alcoholism in a United States urban community. J Stud Alcohol 1980;41:672–81.
[3]. Powell BJ, Penick EC, Othmer E, et al. Prevalence of additional psychiatric syndromes among male alcoholics. J Clin Psychiatry 1982;43:404–7.
[4]. Schuckit MA. The clinical implications of primary diagnostic groups among alcoholics. Arch Gen Psychiatry 1985;42: 1043–9.
[5]. Mueller TI, Lavori PW, Keller MB, et al. Prognostic effect of the variable course of alcoholism on the 10-year course of depression. Am J Psychiatry 1994;151:701–6.
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Abstract: BACK GROUND: Doppler velocimetry is important diagnostic tool in the management of high risk pregnancy incidence of high risk pregnancy is 20-30% this group must be identified and given extra care. This small group is responsible for 70-80% of perinatal mortality and morbidity. The present study aims at the effectiveness of Doppler velocimetry of umbilical artery and fetal vessels to improve fetal out come in high risk pregnancies AIM OF THE STUDY To study the acceptability, efficacy of doppler ultrasound in high risk pregnancies and reducing the perinatal mortality and morbidity. MATERIALS AND METHODS:...........
Keywords: Doppler Ultra sonography, high risk pregnancy, perinatal mortality
[1]. Dc Dutta text book of Obstetrics eight edition page 264,391,535.
[2]. Fernando arias 4th edition practical guide to high risk pregnancies and deliveries page no128 to 130 / 98 to 100.
[3]. Gabbe page no 738-758.
[4]. A practical guide to Obstetrics Gita Arjun, Lakshmi seshadri page no: 317-330.
[5]. Subhmangala Practical cases in obstetrics and gynecology page no :258-268.
[6]. Ian Donald's 7th edition Practical obstetric problems page no: 54 to 74.
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Abstract: Mandibular condyle fractures are one of the commonest fractures involving the mandible. In the past, closed reduction with concomitant active physical therapy conducted after a period of intermaxillary fixation during the recovery period had been mainly used, but in recent years, open treatment of condylar fractures with rigid internal fixation has become more common. However, the rigid fixation techniques of treating condyle fractures remain one of the controversial issues in maxillofacial trauma. Several techniques and plate types such as miniplates, minidynamic compression plates, delta plates, and two miniplates have been evaluated biomechanically in various experimental and clinical studies. The present case report is to evaluate the clinical use of titanium L-shaped miniplate in open reduction and internal fixation of subcondylar fracture.
Keywords: L-shaped miniplate, Open reduction,Subcondylar fracture, Osteosynthesis of condyle.
[1]. Iwona A. Niedzielska, Anna M. Tomczyk-Wziątek, Bartłomiej P. Borowski. Fractures of the mandibular condylar processes — literature review. Cent. Eur. J. Med. 2013 Apr;8(2):244-249
[2]. Essam Ahmed, Edward Ellis III. Surgical Treatment of Adult Mandibular Condylar Fractures Provides Better Outcomes Than Closed Treatment: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2015;73:482-493,
[3]. Raveh J, Vuillemin T, Lädrach K, Roux M, Sutter F. Plate osteosynthesis of 367 mandibular fractures. The unrestricted indication for the intraoral approach. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 1987 Oct;15(5):244-253.
[4]. Ellis E III, Dean J. Rigid fixation of mandibular condyle fractures. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1993 Jul;76(1):6-15.
[5]. Salvatore P, Alessia S, Stefano P, Pasquale P, Luigi C. Two load sharing plates fixation in mandibular condylar fractures: Biomechanical basis. J CranioMaxilloFac Surg 2010; 38, 385-390
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Abstract: Foreign body ingestion is a common clinical problem in children but is relatively uncommon in adults. Here we present a case of 35 year old female who came with features of acute intestinal obstruction. Patient underwent exploratory laparotomy and the cause for the obstruction has been found to betel nut (Areca Nut). On enquiry during post-operative period, patient gave us history of chewing betel nut and swallowing it accidentally. Accidental ingestion of foreign bodies in adults is uncommon and if the foreign bodies are large enough, most of the times they require surgical intervention.
Keywords: Foreign body, beetle nut, intestinal obstruction
[1]. Malick KJ. Endoscopic management of ingested foreign bodies and food impactions. Gastroenterol Nurs. 2013;36(5):359-67.
[2]. Ikenberry SO, Jue TL, Anderson MA, Appalaneni V, Banerjee S, Ben-Menachem T, et al. Management of ingested foreign bodies and food impactions. Gastrointest Endosc. 2011;73(6):1085- 91.
[3]. Blaho KE, Merigian KS, Winbery SL, Park LJ, Cockrell M. Foreign body ingestions in the Emergency Department: case reports and review of treatment. J Emerg Med. 1998;16(1):21-6.
[4]. Pavlidis TE, Marakis GN, Triantafyllou A, Psarras K, Kontoulis TM, Sakantamis AK. Management of ingested foreign bodies. How justifiable is a waiting policy? Surg Laparosc Endosc Percutan Techniq. 2008;18(3):286-7
[5]. Gumus M, Kapan M, Onder A, Tekbas G, Yagmur Y. An unusual cause of small bowel obstruction: dried apricots. JPMA - J Pak Med Assoc. 2011;61(11):1130-1.
[6]. Lam HC, Woo JK, van Hasselt CA. Management of ingested foreign bodies: a retrospective review of 5240 patients. J Laryngol Otol. 2001;115(12):954-7.
[7]. Samdani T, Singhal T, Balakrishnan S, Hussain A, Grandy-Smith S, El-Hasani S. An apricot story: view through a keyhole. World J Emerg Surg. 2007;2:20.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pheochromocytoma: A Rare Cause of Hypertension |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Arun Kumar N.A || Dr. Jayanth.H |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1802162023 ![]() |
Abstract: I hereby report a case of pheochromocytoma, rare cause for hypertension. Pheochromocytomas are rare tumours arising from adrenal medulla and it can present with abdominal pain and headache . A 35 year old lady with no co-morbidities presented with complaints of abdominal pain confined to right lumbar region with headache since 3 months ; low grade fever of 4 days . On examination Pulse =116/ min , normal volume , Blood Pressure = 150/110 mm of Hg. Per abdomen no palpable mass .Radiologically diagnosed as right suprarenal mass ,which is confirmed by laboratory investigations and upon adrenalectomy operation and histopathology examination diagnosed as Pheochromocytoma.
Keyword: Pheochromocytoma , Suprarenal mass.
[1]. Schwartz's Principles Of Surgery , 10th Edition ,Specific considerations ; Adrenal glands : 1586-1588.
[2]. Sabiston's Textbook Of Surgery,1st SAE Edition ,Endocrine section: adrenal glands- pheochromocytoma; 980-985.
[3]. Bailey & Love 's Short Practice Of Surgery, 27th Edition . Part 8: Surgery of the Adrenal glands :846-847.
[4]. Bai.S ,Yao.Z Zhu.X,et al International Journal of Surgery ,2018. Dec ,Risk factors for post operative severe morbidity after pheochromocytoma surgery : 188-193
[5]. Bettacchioli.E, Leven .C, Padelli .M. Annals of Surgery ,Paris 2018: Oct : Biological diagnosis of pheochromocytoma ; urinary metanephrine estimation :76(5); 537-544
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Abstract: Introduction: Eye injuries are major cause of disabling ocular morbidity in developing countries. Up to 5% of all bilateral blindness occurs due to direct result of trauma.1 Ocular trauma is one of the main causes of severe ocular morbidity. Globally, more than 55 million eye injuries occur per year, while there are approximately 1.6 million people with blindness from ocular trauma, 2.3 million people who are bilaterally visually impaired, and 19 million people with unilateral blindness or visual loss.2-4 Materials and Methods: This was a prospective study conducted on 160 cases of ocular trauma in Road Traffic Accidents attending tertiary care hospital were studied. Informed consent from selected patients were obtained. The patients with ocular injury were randomly included in the study. Patients of all ages, both males and females irrespective of economic status, who are co-operative, were included in the study. Patients who were unconscious, not cooperative and terminally ill were excluded.............
Keyword: Injury, Ocular trauma, Road traffic accident, Visual outcome.
[1]. Negrel AD, Thylefors B. The global impact of eye injuries. Ophthalmic Epidemiology 1998; 5:143-169.
[2]. Desai P, Mac Ewen CJ, Baines P, Minaissian DC. Epidemiology and implications of ocular trauma admitted to hospital in Scotland. J. Epidemiology Comm. Health 1996; 50: 436-441.
[3]. Kuhn F. Epidemiology of ocular trauma. In: Kuhn F, Morris R, Mester V, Witherspoon D. Ocular Traumatology. Springer-VerlagBerlin Heidelberg. 2005: 47-77.
[4]. Kuhn F, Maisiak R, Mann L. The ocular trauma score (OTS). Ophthalmol Clin North Am 2002; 15: 163-165.
[5]. De Juan EJ, Sternberg PJ, Michels RG. Penetrating ocular injuries: Types of injuries and visual results. Ophthalmology. 1983;90:1318-22.
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Abstract: Varicella zoster virus of the human herpes virus family cause childhood chickenpox. It remains dormant in sensory ganglia and re-activates years later in immunocompromised and elderly persons to produce shingles (herpes zoster) in about 10-20% cases. The association of Varicella zoster virus infection and bladder dysfunction is rare and mostly seen in adults. We present a case of a child with primary varicella zoster infection who presented with acute urinary retention. Patient was catheterised and treated with oral acyclovir. Patient was given a catheter free trial after a week and patient could void urine without any difficulty.
Keyword: acute urinary retention in children, Varicella zoster virus
[1]. Abdul EN, Pavithranm K, Herpes zoster A clinical study of 205 patients. Indian J Dermatol 2011; 56:529-32.
[2]. Mini Pritam Singh, Gagandeep Singh, Amit Kumar, Amarjeet Singh, Radha Kanta Ratho, Epidemiologic lessons: Chickenpox outbreak investigation in a rural community around Chandigarh, North India. Indian J Pathol Microbiol 2011;54:772-4
[3]. Dinh A, Salomon J, Schoindre Y, et al, Acute urinary retention due to viral co-infections (HIV, HBV, VZV). JIAPAC 2010;9(1):20-22.
[4]. Eberhardt O, Küker W, et al., HSV-2 sacral radiculitis (Elsberg syndrome). Neurol 2004; 63: 758-9.
[5]. Nicholas RM, Sharpe S, Graham WJ, Templeton JL, Acute urinary retention: a unique complication of primary varicella infection of childhood. Br J Urol 1990;66(5):546-547.
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Abstract: Purpose: This in vitro scanning electron microscope study was performed to evaluate the influence of various polishing protocols on polyether-ether-ketone removable partial frameworks surface topography that fabricated by CAD / CAM. Materials and Methods: an epoxy resin model represent maxillary class I Kennedy classification with remaining natural teeth extending from the first premolar on one side to the first premolar teeth on the other side were used in the study. First premolars and canines of epoxy resin model were prepared to receive full ceramo-metal crowns with mesial occlusal and cinglum rest seat, distal guiding planes, and first premolars mesio-buccal retentive...........
Keyword: Modified polyetheretherketone RDP frameworks,polishing techniques
[1]. Campbell SD, Cooper L, Craddock H, Hyde TP, Nattress B, Pavitt SH, Seymour DW. Removable partial dentures: The clinical need for innovation. J Prosthet Dent. 2017; 118:273-280.
[2]. Levin L. Dealing with dental implant failures. J Appl Oral Sci 2008; 16:171-5.
[3]. BOÇARI G, NeadaH, Alesio B. The Advantages of Partial Dentures Made of Cast Framework Cr-Co toward those Made of Resin Based Dentures. IntJ DentSciRes 2014; 2.2: 32-35.
[4]. Becker CM, Kaiser DA, Goldfogel MH. Evolution of removable partial denture design. J Prosthodont 1994; 3:158-66.
[5]. Schneider R. Metals used to fabricate removable partial denture frameworks. J Dent Technol. 1996; 13:35-42.
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Abstract: Objectives: To compare the effectiveness and safety of High TENS, Low TENS and Tramadol in the management of OA Knee Study Design – Prospective randomized controlled parallel group study. Study Area – Osteoarthritis Clinic and OPD of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Deptt. IPGMER, SSKM, Hospital. Sample - Patients with bilateral symmetrical primary OA Knee attending Osteoarthritis Clinic and OPD of PMR. IPGMER, SSKM Hospital from November2008 – November2014. Patients were divided into 4 groups.
• GR 1: life style modification, Exercise, Orthoses, Paracetamol
• GR 2: above + High TENS
• GR3: above for GR1 +..........
Keyword: OA knee, High TENS, WOMAC
[1]. Harrison's textbook of internal medicine, 16th. Edition, 2005: 2036-45
[2]. Brand KD, osteoarthritis, 1st Ed, 1996: 15-25
[3]. Vance CG etal.Using TENS for pain control: the state of the evidence. 2014 May;4(3):197-209
[4]. Robertson, John Low; Ann Reed et al. Electrotherapy Explained: Principles and Practice (4th ed.),2006. Butterworth-Heinemann (Elsevier). ISBN 978-0-7506-8843-7.
[5]. Felson DT et al.,Epidemiology of Osteoarthritis,1998..
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Abstract: Prediabetes is a reversible condition that increases an individual's risk for progress to diabetes.The aim of the study is to assess prediabetic profile before and after life style modification only, lifestyle with metformin and lifestyle with DPP-4 inhibitor. This prospective interventional study was carried out at Endocrine OPD of BIRDEM general hospital over the period of 12(twelve) months from Jan 2017 to Dec 2017. The subjects who were screened for DM by OGTT according to WHO criteria, were approach whose value are in the range of IGT, IFG or combined..........
Keyword: Prediabetic, Metabolic syndrome, DPP4 inhibitor, Metformin
[1]. Alberti KG (1996).The clinical implications of impaired glucose tolerance. Diabet Med, vol.13, no.11, pp. 927-937.
[2]. ADA (American Diabetes Association) (2008). Standards of medical care in diabetes--2008. Diabetes Care, vol.31, Suppl 1, pp. S12-S54.
[3]. Valensi P, Schwarz E, Hall M, Felton AM, Maldonato A, Mathieu C (2005). Pre-diabetes essential action: a European perspective. Diabetes Metab, vol.31, no.6, pp. 606-620.
[4]. DECODE Study Group (2001). The European Diabetes Epidemiology Group. Glucose tolerance and cardiovascular mortality: comparison of fasting and 2-hour diagnostic criteria. Arch Intern Med, vol.161, no.3, pp. 397-405. [5]. Phillip Tuso (2014).Prediabetes and Lifestyle Modification: Time to Prevent a Preventable Disease. Perm J. 2014 Summer; 18(3): 88–93..
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Abstract: Post-partum period is a period which is characterized by biological, emotional and psychosocial changes. There are overwhelming emotions like anxiety, anticipation, excitement, frustration, guilt etc. in this period. Post-partum depression affects 10-15% of all new mothers but may be as high as 30% according to some studies. Once a patient has suffered from postpartum depression there is substantial risk of subsequent of postpartum depression. It usually lasts for 3-4 weeks to months and although fairly common, majority of cases remain undiagnosed due to social stigma of being labelled as "unhappy mother". Aims and objectives: To study association of depression in early and late postpartum period Materials and Methods..........
Keyword: Depression, Early and late Post partum Depression
[1]. Thurgood S, Avery DM, Williamson L. Postpartum depression (PPD). American Journal of Clinical Medicine. 2009;6(2):17-22.
[2]. Beck CT. Postpartum depression: It isn't just the blues. Am J Nurs 2006; 106: 40-50.
[3]. O'Hara M, Swain A. Rates and risk of postpartum depression: a meta-analysis. Int Rev Psychiatry 1996; 8: 37-54.
[4]. Patel V, Rodrigues M, Desouza N. Gender, poverty and postnatal depression: A study of mothers in Goa, India. Am J psychiatry 2002; 159: 43-7.
[5]. Chandran M, Tharyan P, Muliyil J, Abraham S. Post partum depression in a cohort of women from a rural area of Tamilnadu, India: Incidence and risk factors. Br J Psychiatry2002; 181: 499-504.
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Abstract: For evaluation of preoperative posterior segment with B Scan to detect pathologies that may influence the surgical strategy and postoperative visual prognosis. Introduction: Eye is affected by spectrum of pathological conditions occurring in all age groups from new born to old age. Ultrasound is a safe non-invasive procedure which can be performed in the outpatient department without any sedation and radiation exposure. Ultrasonography has greatly advanced enabling us in studying the posterior segment of the eyes which cannot be viewed in the presence of opaque media. B-scan is a useful tool for the assessment of many ocular and orbital diseases. It provides us with adequate information which is not derived from clinical examination alone. Diagnostic ophthalmic ultrasonography is the first line of investigation in suspected Vitreo.........
Keyword: Ultrasonography, Vitrectomy, B scan
[1]. Mundt GH Jr and Hughes WF Jr :Ultrasonics in ocular diagnosis. Am. J. Ophthalmol 1956; 41 : 488.
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