Series-17 (February-2019)February-2019 Issue Statistics
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
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Abstract: Family factors are important protective variables for adolescent development, risk behavior and outcome. Gender influences impact family interactions, rules and relationships. Adolescent cognitive, social and psycho emotional development is evidenced to have gender differences. It is expected that boys and girls respond differently to family factors. The interaction between family factors and risk behaviors is expected to have gendered nuances. Evidence of this is needed in exploration, planning and implementation of interventions for at risk adolescents. Aim was to determine the prevalence of risk behaviors, their relationship with family factors and pattern of gendered.........
Key words:adolescent, parental attachment, family structure, functioning, risk behavior
[1]. Fuertes J. N. R., Grindell S, Kestenbaum M, Gorman B. Sex, Parent Attachment, Emotional Adjustment, and Risk-Taking Behaviors, Int J High Risk Behav Addict. 2017 ;6(2): e36301. doi: 10.5812/ijhrba.36301.
[2]. Peter H., Claudia A. Adolescent Health Screening and Counselling. Am Fam Physician. 2012;86(12):1109-1116.
[3]. Polk R. Evaluating the National Outcomes Youth Social Competencies: Adolescent Relationships. Program Outcomes for Youth. Available at>nowg>sc_relation.
[4]. Ankara Karaman G.N., Figen C. Adolescent risk-taking: comparison between adolescents and adults' opinion. Paideia 17(38). Dec2007. DOI:10.1590/S0103-863X2007000300006
[5]. Irwin C.E., Igra V., Eye S., Millstein S. Risk-taking Behavior in Adolescents: The Paradigm." Annals New York Academy of Sciences. Available at>... Accessed 20/2/18..
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Abstract: Stark difference in allocation of health resources between urban and rural areas result in poor diabetic screening and preventive services. Given the disease is now highly visible across all sections of society in India, there is a need more than ever for urgent research at regional and national level to assess epidemiology in Indian rural population. Our study was conducted as a hospital based cross sectional study between November 2016 and November 2018, wherein all diagnosed &confirmed diabetic patients who came to A J hospital from rural areas of Karnataka..........
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[2]. Varghese A, Deepa R, Rema M, Mohan V. Prevalence of microalbuminuria in type 2 diabetes mellitus at a diabetes centre in southern India. Postgrad Med J. 2001;77(908):399-402
[3]. Rema M, Ponnaiya M, Mohan V. Prevalence of retinopathy in non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in southern India. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 1996;24:29e36
[4]. Sharma VK, Joshi MV, Vishnoi AA. Interrelation of retinopathy with peripheral neuropathy in diabetes mellitus. J Clin Ophthalmol Res 2016;4:83-7
[5]. Ashok S, Ramu M, Deepa R, Mohan V. Prevalence of neuropathy in type 2 diabetic patients attending a diabetes centre in South India. J Assoc Physicians India 2002;50:546-50
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Abstract: Pedicle flaps play a vital role for soft tissue reconstruction. One such pedicle flap is based on the vascular territory of the paraumbilical perforator vessels anastomosing with anterior division of lateral cutaneous branch of intercostal arteries known as Thoraco-umbilical pedicle flap. In this study, we present a series of thoracoumbilical pedicle flap used to cover defects around the elbow region done in our Centre during the period of January 2014 to December 2015. A total of 12 patients with defects around the elbow were included in this study and the defects around the elbow were covered using thoraco umbilical pedicled flap. Intra operative technique and post-operative care with regular follow up was done. Out of 12 patients, 9 patients flap settled well without any complications........
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Abstract: A case of 56 year old female who was previously diagnosed with carcinoma breast in the year 2006 came with a history of dry cough, breathlessness and wheeze since 1 year, on examination patient was found to have no abnormal clinical findings, later Chest X-Ray was done which showed Ill-defined opacities in right upper and mid zone patient was later diagnosed to have pulmonary tuberculosis by GeneXpert and treated with Anti-Tubercular medication for 6 months. After treatment patient's symptoms had subsided but one month after completion of the treatment patient had similar symptoms and did not show any signs of improvement both clinically and radiologically, patient gives a past history of right mastectomy and axillary clearance along with chemotherapy and radiation, patient two years........
Keywords: Breast Carcinoma, Tuberculosis, Bronchiogenic Carcinoma, Chronic Cough, Pulmonary Metastasis
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[5]. Salud A, Porcel JM, Rovirosa A, Bellmunt J: Endobronchial metastatic disease:analysis of 32 cases. J SurgOncol1996;62:249–252.
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Abstract: One of the treatment option for Partially edentulous condition is by removable partial denture . The treatment option of partially edentulous condition is casts partial denture (CPD) & acrylic partial denture which is known as transient partial denture (TPD) widely. The designing concept of CPD is justified biologically & mechanically when compared to TPD. In our country TPD is widely used as definitive prosthesis because it is economical when compared to the CPD . Hybrid partial denture where in which wrought bars made of stainless steel were used to connect the right and left half of the arch , as a result the acrylic coverage is reduced well .A case series of partial denture rehabilated with wrought frame is presented here . An observational study was conducted with...........
Keywords: Transient partial denture (TPD) , Wrought alloy , Annealing ,Stainless steel
[1]. Dental Practice Board,
[2]. A.Damien walmsley , Acrylic partial dentures ,Dent Update 2003;30:424-429
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Abstract: Introduction: The study on prevalence of weak RhD( Du) antigen among Rh negative ABO blood groups in healthy blood donors at blood bank of Tripura Medical College & DR BRAM Teaching Hospital, Tripura, over a period of last 4 years (January 2015 to February 2019). Methods and Materials: it is a retrospective study over last 4 years( 2015 January to 2019 February) done at blood bank of Tripura Medical College among voluntary blood donors. Blood samples that were negative for RhD by immediate spin tube method were tested for weak D by indirect antiglobulin test. Result: Among the total 172 RhD negative..........
Keyword: Du positive blood, Rh negative ABO blood group
[1]. Kumar H, Mishra DK, Sarkar RS, Jaiprakash M. Difficulties in Immunohaematology : The Weak D Antigen. Med J Armed Forces India. 2011;61(4):348-50.
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[5]. Krishna G D, Babu KVS, Arun R, Jothibai DS. A study on Rh incompatibility and frequency of weak D among blood donors and patients at a tertiary care referral teaching hospital in Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. Journal of Clinical and Scientific Research 2015; 4(4): 281-284.
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Abstract: Background: Hypertension is the commonest cardiovascular disorder. Small reduction in blood pressure can largely reduce complications and mortality. Poor adherence reduces treatment benefits, obscures assessment of therapeutic effectiveness and costs the health care system heavily to manage resultant effects. Identification of factors affecting medication adherence can facilitate tailoring of interventions to specific patient issues. Objectives: To find out the status of adherence to medication among known hypertensive patients attending an Out Patient Department (OPD) and its association with their socio-demographic profile, knowledge & practice regarding hypertension and its treatment. Methodology: 52 known hypertensive patients...........
Keyword: Hypertension, Medication adherence, Kolkata.
[1]. World Health Organization. Non communicable diseases [Internet]. World Health Organization. 2016. Available from: . [Accessed on 10 November 2016].
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Abstract: Background: Prevalence of hypothyroidism among women in reproductive age group ranges from 6.2 to 11.4%. But there is variation in the prevalence in various parts of country in addition to high prevalence of sub clinical hypothyroidism. And there is growing concern of infertility with an estimated 8-12% of couples suffering from it worldwide. Aim & Objectives: To estimate the thyroid hormone levels in infertility among infertile women. Material & Methods: A hospital based descriptive study was carried out where a total of 115 infertile women who attended infertility clinic at the tertiary care hospital Vijayawadawere selected by consecutive sampling technique. Study duration was 6 months......
Keyword: infertility, thyroid hormones, estimation, hypothyroidism
[1]. F. Zegers-Hochschild, G.D. Adamson, J. de Mouzon, O. Ishihara, R. Mansour, K. Nygren , E. Sullivan, and S. van der Poel. The International Committee for Monitoring Assisted Reproductive Technology (ICMART) and the World Health Organization (WHO) Revised Glossary on ART Terminology. Human Reproduction, 2009; 24, (11):2683-87.
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[4]. Verma I, Sood R, Juneja S, Kaur S. Prevalence of hypothyroidism in infertile women and evaluation of response of treatment for hypothyroidism on infertility. International Journal of Applied and Basic Medical Research. 2012;2(1):17-19. doi:10.4103/2229-516X.96795.
[5]. Unnikrishnan AG, Menon UV. Thyroid disorders in India: An epidemiological perspective. Indian J EndocrMetab 2011;15:S78-81
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Abstract: Background: Septicemia in neonates refers to generalized bacterial infection documented by positive blood culture in first four weeks of life. It is the leading cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity in India. Aim: To isolate and identify the bacteriologic etiologic agents responsible for neonatal sepsis and to determine the susceptibility pattern of isolates at Kurnool Medical College and Govt General Hospital, Kurnool. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and fifty two samples were collected from neonates for a period of ten months and processed in accordance with standard protocols. Antibiotic susceptibility of the isolates was done by Kirby-Bauer disc diffusion method as recommended in the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards (NCCLS) guidelines........
Keyword: Antimicrobial resistance, multidrug resistance, neonatal septicaemia.
[1]. Shankar MJ, Aggarwal R, Deorari AK, Paul VK. Symposium on AIIMS protocol in Neonatology -ш. Indian J Pediatr 2008;75:261-6.
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Abstract: Intrusion of supraerupted upper molar in order to provide interarch clearance for a lower prosthesis in partially edentulous cases is relatively common adjunctive orthodontic procedure.Though literature is enriched with plethora of efficient appliance systems,majority of them depend on either mini screw implant (MSI) or miniplates for vertical anchorage.1 Extra expenses incurred by these Temporary Anchorage Devices (TADs) might be noteworthy in cases requiring multidisciplinary approach.Author has tried spring assisted molar intrusion with a removable orthodontic appliance which is simple,effective and might be useful in conditions entailing mild (<2.5 mm) intrusion of upper molar..............
[1]. Arauzo TM,Nascimento MH, Franco FC, BittencourtMA.Tooth intrusion with mini-implants.Dental Press J Orthod 2008;13(5):36-48..
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Abstract: Introduction: Family is the child's first school and the mother is the first tutor. Each member of the family forms an important position in the interaction map of a child but among them the role of mother is most essential and varied as the child spends most of his time with his mother. Mother is the glue that keeps the family together as it is up to her to provide the love, care and support needed by growing children. Materials and Method: 40 working and 40 non-working mother's children were included in the study. A self- complied questionnaire was prepared consisting of 20 questions which were divided into – Operator's criteria, Clinical criteria and Questionnaire to the mother for the evaluation of Dental behavior, Development and dental caries in children of working and non-working mother. After data collection fischer exact test and chi- square test was performed for statistical.............
Keywords: Behavior management, Working mother, Non-working mother, Dental caries
[1]. Hill J, Waldfogel J, Brooks-Gunn J, Han W. Maternal employment and child development: A fresh look using newer methods. Developmental Psychology. 2005;41:833–850.
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[5]. Soumita Ranjan. Effect of Mother's working status on behavioral problems of primary school children. International Journal of Education. 2013 ;3:36-41.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Prospective Study on ND: YAG Capsulotomy & Complications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.P.Sambasiva Reddy |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1802176172 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of study to determine the complications that can arise withNd:YAG laser posterior capsulotomy MATERIALS &METHODS: Total of 100 patients, who attended at out- patient department were subjected for this study. March2018 to August 2018, and followed up over a period of 6 months.RESULTS; post yag laser B.C.V.A.90% of cases were 6/6. CONCLUSION: ND: YAG laser capsulotomy is a safe and effective method of restoring vision in patient with posterior capsular opacification.
Keywords: E.C.C.E.,B.C.V.A,Capsularopacification,Lasercapslotomy,complications,followup and results.
[1]. Schmidbauer JM, Vargas LG, Apple DJ et al. Evaluation of neodymium:yttrium-aluminum-garnetcapsulotomies in eyes implanted with AcrySof intraocular lenses. Ophthalmology 109(8), 1421–1426 (2002).
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Abstract: The goal of rapid sequence intubation is to secure the patients airway smoothly and quickly, minimizing the chances of regurgitation and aspiration of gastric contents. Traditionally succinylcholine chloride has been the neuromuscular blocking drug of choice for use in rapid sequence intubation because of its rapid onset of action and profound relaxation. Succinylcholine chloride remains unsurpassed in providing ideal intubating conditions. However the use of succinylcholine chloride is associated with many side effects like muscle pain, bradycardia, hyperkalaemia and rise in intra gastric and intraocular pressure. Rocuronium Bromide is the only drug currently available which has the rapidity of onset of action like succinylcholine chloride. Hence the present study was undertaken to compare Rocuronium Bromide with Succinyl Choline chloride for use during rapid sequence intubation in adult patients....
Keywords: Anaesthesia; rapid sequence intubation; Succinyl Choline chloride; Rocuronium bromide
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