Series-4 (March-2019)March-2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Introduction: The region of Pelviureteric junction has an innervations pattern with presence of interstitial cells of Cajal, the distribution of which has a bearing at the ultimate postoperative outcome. Aim is to study the post-operative outcome in congenital Pelviureteric junction obstruction by biochemical, radiological and radionuclide study and to correlate the presence and density of interstitial cells of Cajal as a predictive prognostic factor in congenital Pelviureteric junction obstruction. Materials and Methods: Specimens obtained following Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty from 20 patients with intrinsic Pelviureteric junction obstruction were evaluated histopathologically and presence of interstitial cells of cajal were compared............
Key words: Pelviureteric junction obstruction, Interstitial cells of Cajal , Anderson-Hynes pyeloplasty, CD117
[1]. Chertin B. Pelvi-ureteric junction obstruction // In: Puri P, Hollwarth M. Pediatric surgery: Diagnosis and management. Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag; 2009; 839 - 842.
[2]. Kajbafzadeh AM, Payabvash S, Salmasi AH, et al. Smooth muscle cell apoptosis and defective neural development in congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction. J Urol 2006;176(2):718-23.
[3]. Arena F, Nicotina PA, Arena S, et al: C-kit positive interstitial cells of Cajal network in primary obstructive megaureter. Minerva Pediatr 2007; 59(1):7-11. 1.
[4]. Solari V, Piotrowska AP, Puri P. Altered expression of interstitial cells of Cajal in congenital ureteropelvic junction obstruction. J Urol 2003;170 (6 pt 1):2420-2. 1.
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Abstract: Treatment of distal tibia fractures carries a high complication rate. Current principle in their treatment is biological osteosynthesis with minimal surgical soft tissue invasion. Here Minimal Invasive Locking Plating Osteosynthesis (MILPO) and Intra Medullary Inter Locking Nailing (IMIL) are the preferred techniques. In the present study, we have analyzed the effects of minimally invasive percutaneous locking plates versus interlocking intramedullary nailing in treating distal tibia fractures in adults. In this prospective study, 30 closed distal tibia fractures (AO 43 A type fractures) were treated either by IMIL (Group-1n=15) or MILPO (Group-2 n=15) and were followed up for a mean period of two years. Both radiological correction of the pre-operative valgus and Functional..........
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[5]. Mosheiff R, Safran O, Segal D, Liebergall M (1999) The unreamed tibial nail in the treatment of distal metaphyseal fractures. Injury 30:83–90.
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Abstract: Peripheral lymph node involvement is the commonest form of extra-pulmonary mycobacterial disease and the cervical region in the most frequently affected site.Mycobacterial tuberculosis is the most common causative agent of infective lymphadenopathy in India.The present study was carried out in fifty patients who are suspected of having tuberculous lymphadenitis by their clinical presentation and each patient was investigated properly to reach at a positive final diagnosis of Tuberculous lymphadenitis according to RNTCP guidelines. FNAC with both cytological & AFB smear examination was the main stay of diagnosis. Patients received Cat I & Cat II regimen............
[1]. Lazarus AA,Thilagar B.Tuberculous lymphadenitis.Dis Mon 2007;53:10-5.
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Abstract: Background: Ovaries are the site of both neoplastic and non neoplastic lesions.Diseases of ovaries are one of the commonest surgical problems in females. Proper correlation of age, clinical features,gross and various histological features are vital in an early and accurate diagnosis. Aims and objectives: This study was done to categorise ovarian lesions based on gross and histopathological features and to correlate both neoplastic and non neoplastic lesions with age. Materials and methods: This was a prospective study conducted over a period of two years from January 2017 to December 2018 and included 154 cases........
Keywords: Ovarian lesions,gross,histopathological patterns
[1]. Amod sawant et al Histopathological Study of Ovarian Lesions at a Tertiary Health Care Institute . MVP Journal of medical sciences vol4(1) 26 -29,January –June 2017
[2]. Annapurna Parvatala et al, Study of Non Neoplastic Lesions of ovary .IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical sciences (IOSR-JDMS) volume 14 (Jan 2015)
[3]. Bhagyalakshmi.A. et al.Prospective study of histopathological patterns of ovarian tumors in a tertiary care centre.International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.2014 May 2(2);448 -456
[4]. Chidambaram Choccallingam ,et al – Role of gross pathology in ovarian cystic lesions; Gross and microscopic pathology of three ovarian cystic lesions SRJM 2015
[5]. Rasheed fathima et al . Study of histomorphological pattern of ovarian neoplastic and non neoplastic lesions. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2017May ;5(5)2095-2098
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Abstract: Aim of study: this finite element study aimed to analyze stress distribution within the number of implants used to retained implant palatelessoverdenture by ball attachment. Material and Methods: This study was carried out on maxillary completely edentulous clear acrylic resin model with four dummy implants were inserted, two in canines area and two in second premolars region. The ridge was covered by auto-polymerized soft-liner material to simulate the mucosa. The model was duplicated with dental stone and the palatelessoverdenture was prepared over the implants and retained by ball attachment. Model was scanned using a 3D scanner.......
Keywords: Ball attachment, Finite element analysis, Stress distribution.
[1]. Sadowsky SJ.The Role of Complete Denture Principles in Implant Prosthodontics. CDA.JOURNAL 2003;31: 905-909.
[2]. El Mekawy N, Khalifa A, Abdualgabbar E. The Influence of Palatal Coverage on the Retention Force and Fatigue Resistance of Mini Dental Implant Maxillary Overdenture. J Oral Hyg Health 2016; 4: 200. doi: 10.4172/2332-0702.1000200.
[3]. EI Mekawy N, Khalifa A, Baker ZN, Quan P, Qashout W . The Impact of Distal Cantilever Extension on the Stress Around Four Implants Connected by a Bar Retained PalatelessOverdenture (In Vitro Stress Analysis). J Oral Hyg Health 2017; 5: 223. doi: 10.4172/2332-0702.1000223.
[4]. Ochiai KT, Williams BH, Hojo S, Nishimura R, Caputo AA. Photoelastic analysis of the effect of palatal support on various implant-supported overdenture designs. J Prosthet Dent 2004; 91: 421–427.
[5]. El Mekawy N, Khalifa AK, Qashout WK. Stresses transmitted from different bases of palatelessoverdenture retained by four implants (Thermoplastic nylon material and acrylic resin material lined with soft liner) Comparative study in vitro. Egypt Dent J 2016; 62: 4343-4348..
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Abstract: Background In recent trends, there is increasing number of babies born with very low birth weight. These VLBW babies are at risk of developing hypoglycemia, sepsis, hyperbilirubinemia, respiratory distress when compared to term babies. By studying the risk factors leading to very low birth weight and their morbidities, health professionals will be able to anticipate and manage them accordingly. Methods This is a Prospective cohort study where all VLBW neonates admitted in our NICU were enrolled. Relevant details were collected which includes.......
Keywords: Morbidity, Mortality, Very low birth weight, Neonates
[1]. MacDorman MF, Matthews TJ, Mohangoo AD, Zeitlin J. International comparisons of infant mortality and related factors: United States and Europe. Natl Vital Stat Rep. 2014;63:1-6.
[2]. Shelby County Health Department. Live Births in Shelby County, 2004-2015. Memphis, TN: Shelby County Health Department; 2017.
[3]. Horbar JD, Badger GJ, Carpenter JH, et al. ; Members of the Vermont Oxford Network. Trends in mortality and morbidity for very low birth weight infants, 1991- 1999. Pediatrics. 2002;110(1 pt 1):143-151
[4]. Jaiswal A, Murki S, Gaddam P, Reddy A.Early Neonatal Morbidities in Late Preterm infants, Indian Pediatrics.2011; 48:607.11.
[5]. Tim Schindler, Louise Koller Smith , Kei Lui, Barbare Bajuk ND Srinivas Bolisetty , Causes of death in very preterm infants cared for in Neonatal intensive care units : a population – based retrospective cohort study , BMC Pediatrics,17,1,(2017)
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Abstract: BAntibiotic resistance (ABR) is considered to be a type of drug resistance where some or all populations of a bacterial species survive after exposure to antibiotics. 1Antibiotics are the most frequently prescribed drugs, but they are often misused. This contributes to the spreading of resistant strains of bacteria. One of the causes for the antimicrobial misuse is linked to a wrong prescribing behavior amongst physicians. 2 The main factors are irrational drug use such as over prescription and unnecessary prescription of AB (such as for viral infections), incomplete treatments and self-medication as well as insufficient infection control measures to prevent spread of resistant bacteria both........
[1]. Satish kumar BP, Santhosh YL, Mohammed Gulzar Ahamed, naveen MR. survey on knowledge towards antibiotics among the nursing students International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences . Vol 3, Issue 2, 2011. 227-229
[2]. Giacomo Scaioli, Maria R. Gualano, Renata Gili*, Simona Masucci, Fabrizio Bert, Roberta Siliquini. Antibiotic Use: A Cross-Sectional Survey Assessing the Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices amongst Students of a School of Medicine in Italy : PLOS ONE DOI:10.1371journal.pone.0122476 April 1, 2015.
[3]. Thriemer K, Katuala Y, Batoko B, Alworonga J-P, Devlieger H, Van Geet C, et al. (2013) Antibiotic Prescribing in DR Congo: A Knowledge, Attitude and Practice Survey among Medical Doctors and Students. PLoS ONE 8(2): e55495.
[4]. Afzal Khan A K, GausiaBanu, ReshmaK K. Antibiotic Resistance and Usage—A Survey on the Knowledge, Attitude, Perceptions and Practices among the Medical Students of a Southern Indian Teaching Hospital Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2013 Aug, Vol-7(8): 1613-1616
[5]. Anirban Jana1, Angshuman Jana2, Arijit Majumdar3, Rupali Dey4, J B Dey5 Practical Knowledge and Perception about Antibiotic Usage and Resistance: A Questionnaire-based Study International Journal of Scientific Study | December 2016 | Vol 4 | Issue 9 I 89-95
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Abstract: INTRODUCTION:- In India, women become pregnant with low baseline hemoglobin levels resulting in high incidence of moderate to severe anemia in pregnancy where oral iron therapy cannot meet the requirement. Pregnant women with moderate to severe anemia are to be treated with parenteral iron therapy. This study was done to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of intravenous iron sucrose given to pregnant women with proven iron deficiency anemia. MATERIALS AND METHODS:-A prospective observational study was conducted in 98 pregnant women attending antenatal checkup at primary health.......
Keywords: Anemia,IDA, Iron sucrose,Hb,Parenteral iron therapy.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study on hospital acquired infection and prevention in CCU at College of Medicine &JNM Hospital |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sumit Nayek |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1803045172 ![]() |
Abstract: A hospital-acquired infection (HAI), also known as a nosocomial infection is an infection that is acquired in a hospital or other health care field.Hospital acquired infection are major complication in every unit of hospital, Specially Critical Care Unit. Hospital acquired infection is burden for the society. This increased morbidity, mortality, cost of treatment and also hospital staying condition. Mostly patients, their relatives & health care provider get infected by the nosocomial infection. The main aims of this study were to To assess magnitude of different hospital acquired infection (HCAI) ,duration of stay and antibiotic use in CCU and also to assess the cleanness practice among doctors and staffs in CCU..........
[1]. Who guideline on Prevention of hospital-acquired infections, A practical guide 2nd edition .2012. available from
[2]. PampitaChakraborty and Sukumar Mukherjee. 2016. A Study on the Prevalence and Microbiological Profile of Nosocomial Infections in the ICU of a Tertiary Care Hospital in Eastern India. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 5(5): 920-925.
[4]. DebanjanKundu, TulikaPaul ,PranitaSaikiaMedhi , Namita Bedi.2017 .Hospital Acquired Urinary Tract Infection: An Epidemiological Study Carried out in A Tertiary Care Hospital of North East India.Int. J. Life. Sci. Scienti. Res., 3(3): 1059-1062.
[5]. Nicolle L Catheter; Associated urinary tract infections A review; Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control 2014; 3:23