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Abstract: Root canal treatment is a viable option to save a tooth which has quite a number of indications. Though it also depends upon the awareness of people, access to quality treatment, socio-economic condition…etc. which enables a population to go for saving the tooth or extracting the tooth which could have been saved. The current study uses radiographic evaluation, Orthopantomogram (OPG) to evaluate the population of Erbil city of Iraq to have an idea of prevalence of Root Canal Treatment and Missing Tooth either due to extraction or natural reasons. In this study the mean and mean rank of number of teeth with root canal treatment as well as missing teeth in females are more than males and the study also emphasizes that elderly citizens of Erbil have more root canal as well as missing teeth compare to other countries...
Keywords: Frequency and Distribution, Root Canal Treatment, Missing Teeth, Rdiographic Evaluation, Orthopantomogram (OPG)
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Abstract: Background: Acuteotitis media (AOM) is a painful type of ear infection. It occurs when the area behind the eardrum called the middle ear becomes inflamed and/or infected. Complications of acute otitis media consists of perforation of the ear drum, mastoiditis and rarely intracranial complications can occur, such as bacterial meningitis, brain abscess, or dural sinus thrombosis. Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to dig out the exact scenario of complications associated with acute otitis media. Methods: This observational prospective study was conducted in the Department of Otolaryngology & Head-Neck Surgery, Sirajganj 250 Bed Bongamata Sheikh FazilatunnesaMujib General Hospital, Sirajganj, Bangladesh during the period from January.....
Keywords: Acute otitis media, Complications, AOM, COM
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Abstract: Background: In clinically suspected cases of obstructive jaundice, the fundamental purpose of any imaging modality is to confirm the presence of obstruction. Extent, probable cause of obstruction of the biliary tree will help the surgeon to determine the treatment plan for each individual case. Materials and Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in the Department of Radio diagnosis in Yenepoya medical college, Deralakatte, Mangalore from November 2017 to October 2019. A total number of 30 patients who were suspected to have obstructive jaundice was included in this study. A composite assessment of the patient's history, findings on physical examination, laboratory investigations- conventional biochemical liver function tests like total serum bilirubin,.....
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Abstract: La dacryocystite aiguë néonatale (DAN) est une urgence ophtalmo-pédiatrique. Elle débute le plus souvent dans les 2 premières semaines de vie. (1) Cliniquement se caractérise par l'installation d'une tuméfaction inflammatoire classiquement au-dessous du canthus médial, rapidement progressive vers un abcès lacrymal. Le risque d'évolution vers une cellulite et un abcès orbitaire est possible, ce qui peut engager le pronostic visuel et vital du nouveau-né. (2,3) La dacryocystocèle est l'anomalie de la voie lacrymale la plus susceptible de se compliquer d'une dacryocystite aiguë à un âge précoce. La DAN n'est pas très fréquente en pratique courante. Son traitement est controversé, mais la prise en charge doit être rapide et pluridisciplinaire .nous rapportons un cas clinique de cette pathologie, avec une revue de la littérature......
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Abstract: Introduction :Abdominal plasty (AP) is a common plastic surgeryprocedurethatremovesunsightly and uncomfortableexcess skin and fat from the anterior abdominal wall. It canbeperformedundergeneral or spinal anesthesia. The purpose of thisworkis to highlight the interest of spinal anesthesia in thissurgery. Materials and methods: Thirty-four abdominoplastieswith or withoutliposuctionwereperformedunder spinal anesthesiabetweenJune 2016 and September 2018 in the Plastic SurgeryDepartment of the MilitaryHospital of Meknes. Results: Thirty-threewomen and one man werecounted. The meanagewas 42 years. All our patients underwent a transverse lowabdominoplastywithumbilical transposition. Associated liposuctionwasperformed in 25 patients (73%) and muscle plasty in 20 cases. Only one patient presentedanemia as a complication in ourseries, and no thromboembolicevents or deathswerenoted...
Keywords: anterior abdominal dermolipectomy, spinal anesthesia, advantages.
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Abstract: BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: The conventionally used topical antiscabietic drug permethrin has poor compliance. Ivermectin, an oral antiparasitic drug has been shown to be an effective scabicide and could be a usefel substitute.The main objective of the study is to know the safety, efficacy and cost effectiveness of oral Ivermectin in comparison to commonly used topical 5%Permethrin lotion.METHODS:A total of 290 patients clinically diagnosed as scabies attending the department of Dermatology, Venereologyand Leprology in Government General Hospital, Anantapuramu constitute source of the study. Study was carried out for a period of 6 months from Feb 2019 to July 2019...
Keywords: Scabies, Permerthrin ,Ivermectin
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cell Based Therapy for Ocular Surface Reconstruction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Ashish Joshi || Dr. Rajat Jain |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/0853-1909104660 ![]() |
Abstract:Ocular surface reconstruction involves an entire gamut of modalities, both medical and surgical. The principal goals of medical therapy would be supplementation of the tear film, suppression of inflammation, limitation of tissue destruction and promotion of epithelial wound healing. The surgical approaches and techniques are varied and often performed as staged procedures. In this communication, we discuss the principles in the approach to the management of limbal stem cell deficiency disorders. Relevant anatomy of the ocular surface The ocular surface functional unit consists of stratified squamous corneal epithelium, limbal epithelium covering the junction between corneal and conjunctival epithelium, mucin producing conjunctival epithelium, muco- cutaneous junction of the lids which helps in the proper.....
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