Version-1 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Approach for Disease Data Classification Using Fuzzy Support Vector Machine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Er. Jitender || Er. Neeraj Julka |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1201010107 ![]() |
Abstract: Data Mining has great scope in the field of medicine. In this article we introduced one new fuzzy approach for prediction of hepatitis disease. Many researchers have proposed the use of K-nearest neighbor (KNN) for diabetes disease prediction. Some have proposed a different approach by using K-means clustering for reprocessing and then using KNN for classification. In our approach Naive Bayes classifier is used to clean the data. Finally, the classification is done using Fuzzy SVM algorithm. Hepatitis diseases data set is used to test our method. We are able to obtain model more precise........
Keywords: Hepatitis disease, Diabetes disease, Liver disorder, KNN algorithm,fuzzy c-means algorithm, fuzzy KNN algorithm, fuzzy SVM algorithm.
[1]. A Critical Study of Classification Algorithms Using Diabetes Diagnosis by PanigrahiSrikanth,2016 IEEE 6th International Conference on Advanced Computing (IACC).
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[4]. A study on feature extraction and disease stage classification for Glioma pathology images by Kiichi Fukuma, V. B. Surya Prasath,HiroharuKawanaka, Bruce J. Aronow, Haruhiko Takase, 2015 17th International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services (HealthCom).
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Abstract: In this paper we proposed fast and accurate interpolation and resizing of images using lifting scheme approach. 5/3 lifting scheme is an accurate and computationally inexpensive interpolation technique for image resizing. We compared the bilinear interpolation, Haar lifting scheme and 5/3 lifting scheme in this paper. The lifting scheme algorithm is applied for image interpolation to resize the image. In case of reduction in size, the image components are reduced and the reconstruction will be carried out to the original image........
Keywords: Lifting scheme, 5/3 Lifting transform , DWT , IDWT , Image Resizing , Reconstruction.
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Abstract: An novel Ultra Broad-Band Exponential Taper Transmission Line 8- Port Networkis analyzed. The parameters of this developed network is calculated and its frequency responses are computed. Comparison between the simulated and measured parameters are presented.
Keywords: Exponential Taper; 8-Port network; Nonuniform Taper
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Nonlinear Signal Interference to Optimize the Coherent Optical Transmission System |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Abdul Gafur |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1201012431 ![]() |
Abstract:In this paper we analyze the power of Nonlinear Signal Inference ( NLSI p ) and optimize the coherent optical transmission system (COTS) based on PM-16QAM higher modulation format for different baud rates considering commercially available silica fiber (SF). Theoretically, this work follows up four Gaussian Noise (GN) models depending on multiple identical spans, non-Nyquist WDM system, non-identical spans and multichannels to confirm the better accuracy of these models. The most fitted model is then used to optimize the COTS achieved by analyzing the Amplified Spontaneous Emission noise power..........
Keywords: OSNR, PM-16QAM, GN, SF, BER
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[5] Pontus Johannisson and Erik Agrell, "Modeling of Nonlinear Signal Distortion in Fiber-Optical Networks", posted on arXiv,, paper identifier: 1309.4000v1, 16 sep. 2013.
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Abstract: The Audio power amplifier design needs knowledge of both art and electronics. It is an electronic device which is used to increase the Amplitude of the signa1 i.e.: To increase the loudness of the signal, which is measured in decibels (dB).In Audio amplifier power of the signal is increased, so its energy in the Audio signal from the output of the amplifier can be converted into sound using speakers. This research focuses the analysis of different Audio amplifiers, In this paper circuits with LM386,LM358N, LM3886, TIP series Amplifier and TIP..........
Keywords: Audio Amplifier, Class AB Amplifier, Decibels, Modulation, Operational Amplifier, Power Amplifier.
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Abstract: Explosive growth of broadband multimedia applications, such as high-definition television (HDTV), video on demand (VOD) and interactive games imposed a huge demand for bandwidth on the access network. The potential bandwidth of optical communication system is driving force behind the worldwide development and deployment of light wave system but dispersion limits the system performance in terms of high speed optical communication. In this paper different dispersion compensation methods are discussed, which are based on Chirped Fiber Grating (CFG), Dispersion Compensation Fibers (DCF), Self Phase Modulation (SPM ) resulting from Kerr nonlinearity to overcome pulse broadening effect of Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD) which eventually have direct implication on the data transmission capability on optical fiber communication link
Keywords: Fiber Bragg Grating(FBG), Dispersion compensation Fiber (DCF), Group Velocity Dispersion (GVD), Self Phase Modulation(SPM), Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier (EDFA), Pulse Mode Dispersion (PMD), Non –Linear Schrodinger Equation(NSE)
[1]. M.G..Patel and S. B. Khant, SolitonTransmission in Fiber Optics for Long Distance Communication, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering(2), 2014, 7100-7107.
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Abstract: This paper presents incorporation of BaFe(12−x)TixO19(for x = 0.35 at three different temperature) nanomaterial into conducting polymer polypyrrole through impregnation technique. As prepared samples are investigated using EDS,TEM,histograms and SAED characterization techniques.
[1]. Aparna.A.R., V. Brahmajiraoand T.V.Karthikeyan, Synthesis and Characterization Study of Polypyrrole Composite of Titanium Doped Barium Ferrite (Bafe(12−X)Tixo19), International Journal of Engineering Research and Development(IJERD),Volume 12, 2016, PP.18-23.
[2]. Aparna.A.R., V. Brahmajirao, T.V.Karthikeyan, and Dr.MoneeshaFernandes, Synthesis and Structural, Morphological & FTIR Studies on Ferrite Powders Bafe (12−X) Ti Xo 19, Using Sol-Gel Method, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), Volume 8, (Jan. - Feb. 2016), PP 18-26.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Causes of Fiber Cut and the Recommendation to Solve the Problem |
Country | : | Ghana |
Authors | : | Teddy Hayford-Acquah || Ben Asante |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1201014664 ![]() |
Abstract: Optical fiber technology has transformed the telecom landscape in Ghana in recent years owing to its overwhelming advantages over the traditional transmission medium. Though the technology is highly immune to electromagnetic wave, it also offers a higher capacity of bandwidth for data and voice activities. The fiber infrastructure in Ghana has experienced a lot of fiber cuts incidences. And this has affected network quality delivery, increased operational expenditure and decline revenue margins of the telcos. This research was carried out in two phases using MTN Ghana........
Keywords: Fiber Optic, Ishakawa, Pareto, Private Sector, Right-of-way
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[2]. Banigbe, O., (2014), "Tigo deploys overhead fibre in Ghana",, [online] available on http://www. /9218/# .V4bMRPmLTIU, Accessed on 13th July 2016.
[4]. Afzal, I. M., n.d., Effect of Fiber Cut in Pakistan, Telenor Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd, http://
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[5]. Allwood, M. C., (2011), "The distinction between qualitative and quantitative research methods is problematic", [online] available
on schatz berg /ps816 /Allwood 2012.pdf, Accessed on 21st August 2016.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Integrating Fusion levels for Biometric Authentication System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Darshan R. Kale || Sujata Kulkarni |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1201016572 ![]() |
Abstract: Recently a lot of works are presented in the literature for the multimodal biometric authentication. And such biometric systems have been widely accepted with increasing accuracy rates and population coverage, reducing the vulnerability to spoofing. This paper descripts about the proposed multimodal biometric system that combines the feature extraction level and the score level fusion of iris and face unimodal biometric systems in order to take advantage of both fusion techniques. The experimental results shows the performance of the multimodal and multilevel fusion techniques which are analysed using TRR and TAR to study the recognition behaviour of the approach system. From the ROC Curve plotted, the performance of the proposed system is better compared to the individual fusion techniques
Keywords: Face, iris, identification, unimodal biometric system, multimodal biometric system, feature extraction level, score level.
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