Version-3 (Jan-Feb 2017)
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Abstract: In modern radar applications, it is frequently required to produce sum and difference patterns sequentially. The sum pattern amplitude coefficients are obtained by using Dolph-Chebyshev synthesis method where as the difference pattern excitation coefficients will be optimized in this present work. For this purpose optimal group weights will be introduced to the different array elements to obtain any type of beam depending on the application. Optimization of excitation to the array elements is the main objective so in this process a subarray configuration is adopted........
Keywords: Antenna Arrays, Sum and Difference, Pattern Synthesis, Subarray weighting configuration, Ultra Sidelobe level suppression, Differential Evolution Method.
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Abstract: LTE (Long Term Evolution) is a 3GPP (Third Generation Partnership Project) wireless standards which uses the standard OFDMA (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access) modulation, MU-MIMO (Multiuser Multiple Input Multiple Output) technology and different multipath fading models. LTE uses the spectrum more efficiently to deliver high speed data. This paper characterizes the downlink performance of LTE. The MIMO technology which provides high data rate applications to the users made a breakthrough in wireless communication and is defined in the LTE standard........
Keywords: 3GPP, LTE, MIMO, PHY, BER, SNR
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Abstract: Electromagnetic energy or RF energy will play a pivotal role in wireless technology and wireless communication in the impending future. The paper proposes a concept for a patch antenna based system that can harness RF energy upon triggering and can convert the harnessed RF to DC from the radio frequency of 1 GHz to 3 GHz, the design frequency is 2.4GHz. The patch antenna system contains a high gain patch antenna along with a wireless communicating module and a conversion circuit. The return loss of the antenna is approximately 27.1dB. The power gain is 30.1 dBm........
Keywords: Cooja, HFSS (High Frequency Structural Simulator), Multi-Sim, Patch antenna
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Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is best suited for applications where continuous and long term data acquisition is required. Forest fire monitoring is one of such application where continuous monitoring of temperature and humidity is essential to detect the wildfire. Monitoring forest for wildfire detection is very much necessary to protect environment and to conserve forest wealth and habitats of biodiversity and livelihood of human. This paper presents an algorithm to detect the wildfire based on the changes occurring in humidity and temperature during fire and presents methodology based on ZigBee and GPRS wireless sensor network which provides low cost solution with long life time.............
Keywords: WSN, ZigBee, GPRS, temperature and humidity sensors, Arduino board.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Low Power Adiabatic Logic Design |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.P.S. Prashanti || N. Navya Sirisha || N. Akhila Reddy |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1201032834 ![]() |
Abstract: Adiabatic describe the thermodynamic processes in which there is no energy exchange with the environment, and therefore very less dissipated energy loss. These circuits are low power circuits which use reversible logic to conserve energy. Adiabatic logic works with the concept of switching activities which reduces the power by giving stored energy back to the supply. The main design changes are focused on power clock which plays the vital role in the principle of operation. This has been used because many adiabaticcircuits use a combined power supply and clock, or a power clock (Four Phase)............
Keywords: Adiabatic Switching, Four Phase Power Clock, Recovery, Thermodynamic Process, Efficient charge recovery logic
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Abstract: In this paper, dispersion characteristics of Photonic crystal fiber with four cusped hypocycloidal air-hole in cladding (FCH-PCF) are investigated by using fully vectorial effective index method. Computed results show that the dispersion dependence on geometric parameters such as the hole pitch and size parameter. We find the flattened dispersion and zero dispersion wavelengths.
Keywords: Dispersion, FCH Photinic crystal fiber, fundamental space filling mode, fully Vectorial effective index method
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of the Binary Multiplier on CPLD Using Reversible Logic Gates |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ravi Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1201034042 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we present the Implementation of the Binary Multiplier on CPLD using Reversible logic gates. These circuits have been simulated on Active HDL and synthesised on Xilinx web pack 5.1 software.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Drubbing an Audio Messages inside a Digital Image Using (ELSB) Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P. Vanchi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1201034351 ![]() |
Abstract: It is mainly focused today to transfer the messages secretly between two communication parties. The message from the sender to receiver should be kept secret so that the information should not known by anyone. Secret is the important thing today. The technique that is used for secure communication is called as steganography and it means that to hide secret information into innocent data. Digital images are ideal for hiding secret information. An image containing a secret message is called a cover image. In this paper will discuss about secret transformation of audio messages. The audio messages are hidden inside a cover image so no one can hack the audio but the audio should be encrypted before hidden inside the image.
Keywords: Steganography/ Cryptography/ Audio message/ image hiding/ least-significant bit (LSB) method
[1]. William Stallings, Cryptography and Network Security, Principles and Practice, Third edition, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2003.
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Abstract:An appraisal of orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) accredited for IMT-Advanced has been well thought-out in this letter. Derivation of the power spectral density (PSD) produce new model which easily assess the interfering signal power that appears in the band of a victim system without a spectrum emission mask. Furthermore, the broad-spectrum investigative model (BIM) can assess the interference from the 4G systems into FSS systems, when transmit power is unallocated to some sub-carriers overlapping the band of the victim system. Closed form is derived to create the model.
Keywords: IMT-Advanced; Fixed satellite services; coexistence; OFDM; spectrum.
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[2]. W.-G. Chung, H.-S. Jo, H.-G. Yoon, J.-W. Lim, J.-G. Yook and H.-K. Park. "Advanced MCL method for sharing analysis of IMT-advanced systems", ELECTRONICS LETTERS 12th October 2006 Vol. 42 No. 21.
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[5]. Han-Shin Jo, Hyun-Goo Yoon, JaeWoo Lim and Jong-Gwan Yook "An Advanced MCL Method for Assessing Interference Potential of OFDM-Based Systems beyond 3G with Dynamic Power Allocation" Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Wireless Technology, UK 2006.
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Abstract: In this research paper, we have proposed a new type of capacitive shunt RF-MEMS switch. Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) is a combination of mechanical and electromagnetics properties at micro level unit. This MEMS switch can be used for switching purpose at RF and microwave frequencies, called RF-MEMS switch. The RF-MEMS switch has a potential characteristics and superior performances at radio frequency. The MEMS switch has excellent advantages such as zero power consumption, high power handling capacity, high performance, and low inter-modulation distortion............
Keywords: Capacitive shunt, RF-MEMS, Substrate, CPW, Dielectric, FEM, Return loss, Insertion loss, Isolation
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