Version-3 (July-August 2017)
Version-1 Version-2 Version-3 Version-4 Version-5
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Abstract: One of the major issues involved in today's Telecommunication technology is Acoustic echo during the conversations or full duplex configuration in Hands free communication systems. Acoustic echo cancellation is one of the most formidable system identification problems and several appealing solutions have been developed in past years. Predominantly used adaptive filter is NLMS algorithm, which has to confront the compromise between rapid convergence and low misalignment to meet these contrary requirements, choosing the best possible step- size is the matter of interest..........
Keywords: Control factor, Misalignment, NLMS, Optimally controlled, Convergence
[1] H.-C. Shin, A. H. Sayed, and W.-J. Song, "Variable step-size NLMS and affine projection algorithms," IEEE Signal Processing Lett., vol. 11, pp. 132–135, Feb. 2004.
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Abstract: The communication system is different type of method are used, there are wireless communication and wire communication. In wireless communication different generation is 1G to 4G. In is paper we study that tutorial on vertical handoff methods in the evolving 5G wireless communication networks. The 5G Network haveIntegration architectures for various wireless access networks are described. Here main intention handoff methods of 5G and classification, desirable.........
Keywords: Vertical handoff in 5G wireless communication, Evaluation of Network, Mat lab.
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Abstract: Spectral amplitude coding-optical code division multiple access (SAC-OCDMA) is an outstanding flexible system for optical access networks. However, the major drawbacks of SAC-OCDMA system are users' interference, intensity noise, thermal noise, dispersion etc. In this paper, different performance enhancing techniques for wired and wireless SAC-OCDMA system using zero cross-correlation (ZCC) code are proposed. It is found that the wired optical channel along with...........
Keywords: DCF, EDFA, OWC, SAC-OCDMA, ZCC[1] C. Zhang, and K. Qiu, Design and analysis of coherent OCDM en/decoder based on photonic crystal, 2008, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 46(8), 582–589.
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[4] D. Malik, K. Pahwa, and A. Wason, Performance optimization of SOA, EDFA, Raman and hybrid optical amplifiers in WDM network with reduced channel spacing of 50 GHz, 2016, Optik, 127(23), 11131–11137.
[5] M.M. Haque, M.S. Rahman, M.S. Habib, and M.S. Habib, A single mode hybrid cladding circular photonic crystal fiber dispersion compensation and sensing applications, 2015, Photonics and Nanostructures – Fundamentals and Applications, 14, 63–70.
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Abstract: We present the algorithm and architecture of a BCD parallel multiplier that exploits some properties of two different redundant BCD codes to speedup its computation, the redundant BCD excess-3 code (XS-3) and the overloaded BCD representation (ODDS). The partial products can be recoded to the ODDS representation by just adding a constant factor into the partial product reduction tree. To show the advantages of our architecture, we have synthesized a RTL..........
Keywords: Decimal hardware, overloaded BCD representation, parallel multiplication, redundant arithmetic, redundant excess-3 code
[1] A. Aswal, M.G. Perumal, and G.N.S. Prasanna, "On basis financial decimal operations on binary machines," IEEE trans. Comput., vol. 61, no. 8, pp. 1084-1096, Aug. 2012.
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Abstract: A novel design of slab structured asymmetrical optical directional coupler switch with S-bend waveguides on silicon-on-insulator (SOI) platform has been designed by using R-Soft CAD tool. Beam propagation method is used for light propagation analysis. The simulation results of asymmetrical optical directional coupler switches are reported. We found that the asymmetrical directional coupler switch has lower insertion losses and higher extinction ratios with...........
Keywords: Beam propagation method, Insertion loss, Photonic integrated circuits, extinction ratio, optical switch, optical directional coupler, silicon-on-insulator (SOI).
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Abstract: The industrial robot with six degrees of freedom belongs to active mechanical device, it is a complex automatic control system with redundancy, multi variables and essential nonlinearity, the inverse kinematics solution is complex and not unique, No valid closed solutions can be obtained. Based on this, in order to obtain the closed solution of the inverse position of the robot body for experiments, Under the premise that the robot ontology satisfies the Piepre criterion, This paper presents an inverse kinematics analysis and solution method of six degree of freedom industrial robot based on projective method of descriptive geometry. In order to avoid singularity pose, In this paper, the six axes...........
Keywords: Descriptive geometry projection method, conformal geometry algebra method, six degree of freedom industrial robot, kinematics inverse problem, robot toolbox
[1] Huang Xiguang, Huang Xu, Li Qicai. Inverse displacement solutions of serial robot based on conformal geometric algebra [J].
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Abstract: Electromagnetic metamaterials (MTMs) are artificial effectively homogeneous electromagnetic structures with unusual properties not readily available in nature. Metamaterials are artificial structures which provide engineerable permeability and permeability. This paper gives classification of metamaterial based on available literature. In this paper Split Ring Resonator is used to explain the concept of metamaterials. Further the work is extended to demonstrate the effect of SRR to generate multiband antenna in the frequency band of 1 GHz to 10GHz. By modifying the ground structure of multiband antenna efficient UWB antenna is designed and simulated using EM simulation tool. This paper also demonstrates the effect of placing SRR to particular position on ground changes from multiband antenna operation to ultra wide band.
Keywords: Electromagnetic metamaterials (MTMs), UltraWide Band antenna, multiband antenna, Split Ring Resonato
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Abstract: MANETs are autonomous systems consisting of mobile hosts that are connected by multi-hop wireless links. They are formed by a group of nodes that can transmit, receive and relay data among themselves. Since Mobile Ad hoc network does not require any fixed infrastructure. MANETs raise new challenges when they are used in large scale network that contain a large number of nodes. Due to this challenging approach, the mobile nodes can form groups called clusters for their stability and for providing better communication among the network. Each cluster contains a particular node called Cluster-Head, which is elected according to a specific metric or a combination of metrics such.........
Keywords: Manet, clustering, cluster-head selection, position and distance based algorithm.
[1] Mobile Ad hoc network.
[2] Mobile Ad hoc network.
[3] Sanehi Sirohi, Manoj Yadav "Comparative Analysis of Novel Weight Based Cluster Algorithm Energy Efficient Cluster Based Algorithm in MANET" International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering 2016.
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[5] Sunil pathak, sonal jain "A novel weight based clustering algorithm for routing in MANET", 2016 Springer.
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Abstract: In this paper, design, analysis and comparison of various regularly shaped co-axial probe-fed microstrip antenna (MSA) configurations, such as rectangular, circular, triangular and hexagonal shape is carried out. The low-cost FR4 glass epoxy substrate with εr = 4.3 and substrate height h = 1.6 mm is taken to realize all these configurations. The MSA dimensions are chosen in such a way that the resonance frequency of all these antennas operating in their fundamental mode is around 1.8 GHz. Later on, analysis of single shorted configuration of same MSA is carried out for the compactness............
Keywords: Microstrip Antenna (MSA), Rectangular MSA (RMSA), Circular MSA (CMSA), Triangular MSA (TMSA), Hexagonal MSA (HMSA), Shorting post, Center Shorted MSA, Edge Shorted MSA, Compact.
[1] K. L. Wong, Compact and Broadband Microstrip Antennas, New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2002.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automatic Speech Recognition system for class room database management in Fixed – C Language |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | MounikaJammula |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1204036268 ![]() |
Abstract: Speech is a natural mode of communication for people. People are more comfortable with speech to interact with computers than using of interfaces such as keyboards and pointing devices. This type of speech interfaces finds applications in many areas like telephone directory assistance, hand busy applications in medicine or field work or even automatic voice translation into foreign languages. The speech recognition involves many real time challenges. These challenges arise as the system may need to deal with different people with different accents and dialects. Moreover a person does not speak the same word alike twice and the biggest challenge of all is that the speech recognition system should be capable of working............
Keywords: ASR, Mel scale, MFCC, DTW, Baum-Welch re-estimation.
[1]. Dynamic Time warping tutorial,
[2]. Mahdi Shaneh, and AzizollahTaheri, "Voice Command Recognition System Based on MFCC and VQ Algorithms", World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 57 2009.
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[4]. Rabiner,L,JuangB,Yegnanarayana B, "Fundamentals of speech recognition",2009.
[5]. Talal Bin Amin, Iftekhar Mahmood, "Speech Recognition Using Dynamic Time Warping", 2nd International Conference on Advances in Space Technologies, Islamabad, Pakistan,2008
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Abstract: Using ANSYS HFSS and Circuit Design in ANSYS Electronics Desktop, A frequency bandof 1.8GHz-5.2GHz reconfigurable Planar Inverted F Antenna(PIFA) designed. Primary radiator of the antenna consists of a concertic three split-ring(SR) resonators and twelve metallic loadings. Metallic loadings are placed between the split-ring resonators. The compact design is fed by vertical probe provides independent frequency band of operations by means of integrated switches inserted between the rings. By using PIN diodes as switches the resonant frequencies can be varied by changing the mode of the switches into ON or OFF conditions. A band of 1.8GHz-5.2GHz frequency reconfigurable operation of antenna will be studied and demonstrated for GSM at 1.8 GHz, DCS at 1.9 GHz, WiMAX at 3.8 GHz, 2.2 GHz at LTE and WLAN at 4.6 GHz, 5.2 GHz applications.
Keywords: Planar Inverted F antenna (PIFA), Split-ring(SR) resonators.
[1]. Dr. Nadeem Khan, "DESIGN OF PLANAR INVERTED-F ANTENNA," International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science, Volume No.02, Issue No. 05, May 2014.
[2]. Salomen, P . and H. Hurme, "A novel fabric WLAN antenna for wearable applications," Proceedings of IEEE APS International Symposium, Vol. 2, 700-703, Jun. 2003.
[3]. Tanaka, M. and J. H. Jang, "Wearable microstrip antenna," Proceedings of IEEE APS International Symposium and URSI North American Radio Science Meeting, Columbus, OH, USA, Jun. 2003.
[4]. S.C.Basaran "Compact dual-band split-ring antenna for 2.4/5.2 GHz WLAN applications" Turkish journal of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Vol. 20, No.3, 2012.
[5]. S.C.Basaran and E. Dokuzlar "A Frequency Reconfigurable PIFA Design for Wireless Communication Applications" PIERS Proceedings, Prague, Czech Republic, July 6-9, 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Automatic Electric Bill Generation System |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Syed Assra Shah |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1204037578 ![]() |
Abstract: In the Modern world, intelligent control is adopted in every field like communication, home gadgetry, medicine etc. Unfortunately, the service providers of electricity are still using the conventional methods for getting the information of energy consumed by the customer. The traditional method of energy meter billing is a long outdated, inefficient and time consuming one. Technology of e-metering (Electronic Metering) has gone through rapid technological advancements and there is increased demand for a reliable and efficient system i.e. Automatic Meter Reading (AMR). This paper presents the design of a simple low cost dual mode wireless GSM based energy meter and its associated features for making the job of metering easier.............
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