Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Abstract: Adaptive on-chip verbal exchange is crucial to the layout of multi-center System-on-chip. Wormhole routers offer an powerful mechanism to alternate information a number of the more than one cores inside the NoC. Efficient packet allocation can improve the performance of adaptive wormhole routing with the aid of prioritizing uncongested packets to reach their destinations first. This paper gives a routing method that collects site visitors/congestion data, and employs it to prioritize lengthy distance visiting packets throughout excessive congestion. Each NoC router collects site visitors/congestion statistics from its close by routers and makes routing decisions to pick some packets for visiting...................
Keywords: Low Power, Network on Chip, Bufferless, Bottleneck Algorithm.
[1]. Nicopoulos, C., Park, D., Kim, J., Vijaykrishnam, N., Yousif, M.S., Das, C.R.: ViChaR: a dynamic virtual channel regulator for Network-on-Chip router. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Microarchitecture, pp. 333–344 (2006)
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[5]. Gratz, P., Grot, B., Keckler, S.W.: Regional congestion awareness for load balance in Network-on-Chip. In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture, Salt Lake City, pp. 203–214, April 2008
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Abstract: Metamaterials are a recent area of research that are important in a wide range of applications such as antenna, cloaking devices(invisibility), observer of light, super-lens, invisible submarine. This has attracted researchers both from industry and academia from the last few decades. The literature presents quality work that has been done in this direction. The paper presents a review of how metamaterials can be used as an energy storage device and can be used if needed in future. It proves to be an edge over the existing conventional techniques..
Keywords: Metamaterials, Negative Refractive Index (NRI), Left handed materials (LHM).
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Abstract: This paper presents the design and simulation of micro strip patch which involves the geometry of flipped swastika carried out on a rectangular patch. The proposed antenna structure is designed for Wi-Max application. The patch is cut in proposed shape to ensure improved results in terms of bandwidth and gain. Strip line feeding is given and the results are calculated for VSWR and return loss. The simulation and optimization is carried using HFSS software.
Keywords: micro strip, strip line feeding, FR4 epoxy, patch, VSWR, return loss
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Abstract: Simulation in wireless networks is very important before the real time implementation of any project. For this purpose Design Engineers and Research community first simulate the networks design and then go for the implementation of any project. These will help to build new theories and hypothesis. Right from the invention of Wireless networks a number of simulators are available and up gradation, enhancement in characteristics is being done for the Network simulators. Few examples of these Simulators available are NS-2, NS-3, SWAN, JIST, OPNET, GloMoSim etc. The crucial decision for selecting the simulator depends upon its evaluating characteristics such as speed of evaluation..............
Keywords: Wireless Networks, Simulators, characteristics of simulators, AODV Routing
[1]. J. Heidemann, K. Mills, S. Kumar, "Expanding Confidence in Network Simulation," IEEE Network Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 5, Apr. 2000, pp. 5863.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rectangular Patch Antenna |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. Namrata F. Ansari || Prof. (Dr.) Ramapati Mishra |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1205012023 ![]() |
Abstract: Microstrip patch antennas (MPA) is a commonly used in the last few years. Advantages of MSA are Ease of fabrication, Ease of design ,Compactness of size ,Ease of installation and size factor ,Good aerodynamic profile and Low cost. But bandwidth is one of the major drawbacks. Researchers are trying to overcome this drawback of MSA. This paper present design of 1X1 microstrip rectangular patch antenna for 5.8GHz frequency using IE3D software..............
Keywords: Microstrip Patch Antenna(MSA); IE3D
[1] D M Pozar ,S D Targonski and H Syrigos ,"Design Of Millimeter Wave Microstrip Reflect Arrays" , IEEE transcript on Antennas and Propagation Vol. 45 No. 2 pp.287-295,Feb 1997.
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Abstract: The leaky least-mean-square (LLMS) algorithm was to mitigate the drifting problem of the least mean-square (LMS) algorithm. Though the LLMS algorithm solves this problem, its performance is similar to that of the LMS algorithm. In this paper, MIMO and OFDM techniques are combined to improve the receiver performance. Software reference model for 2x2 and 4x4 antennas using MIMO-OFDM transmitter for wireless communication system is designed and implemented in MATLAB. The evaluation of Bit Error Rate (BER), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and Mean Square Error (MSE) performance of the MIMO-OFDM technique based on comparative analysis of modulation schemes............
Keywords: BER, LLMS and LMS, MSE, MLLMS, MIMO-OFDM System, SNR
[1] B. Widrow and S. D. Stearns, Adaptive Signal Processing, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1985.
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Abstract: Modern electronic systems like Radars, Satellites, trackers, jammers, etc., use Phased array antennas in its transmitter and / or receiver sections, to provide electronically steered beams with high gains. Phased arrays are one of such antennas used for high power applications like jamming. Jammer antennas are mission critical and needs to operate continuously over long period during mission critical operations. Few decades back, parabolic reflectors were widely in use, which need high position time. Many researchers have introduced, phased arrays in radar bands, which are typically narrow band and large in size. But researches have left lot of scope for studies on Ultra Wide Band (U.W.B) phased arrays, which are useful for jamming applications. The radiated powers are in the order of few hundreds of watts, generated by Travelling Wave Tubes (T.W.T)/Solid State Power Amplifiers (S.S.P.A) over wide frequency ranges, typically Bandwidth Ratio (BWR)>3. Voltage Standing Wave Ratio (V.S.W.R)..........
Keywords: Band Width Ratio (B.W.R), Electronic Warfare, Impedance, Matching networks, Traveling Wave Tubes (T.W.T), Ultra Wide Band (U.W.B)
[1]. Hans Schantz, "Art and Science of Ultra Wide Band antennas" 1st edition, 2005
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Abstract:In this paper, a compact slotted triangular microstrip bow-tie monopole patch antenna is presented. The proposed antenna comprises a planar triangular patch element with three triangular slots which offer quad band. The impedance bandwidth can be tuned by changing the ground plane geometry parameters (length and/or its width). The overall size of the antenna is 70mm×60mm×0.8mm including finite ground feeding mechanism. The antenna operates in four bands which are 4.9 -5.40GHz, 7.21-7.62, 8.6-9.62 GHz, GHz, and 9.95-11.02 GHz. Stable Omni-directional radiation patterns in the desired frequency band have been obtained. The proposed geometry was practically realised and tested its parameters. Measured data fairly agree with the simulated results.
Keywords: Microstrip Antenna, Finite Ground, and Monopole Antenna
[1] A. H. Reja "Study of Micro Strip Feed Line Patch Antenna", Antennas and Propagation International Symposium, vol. 27, pp.
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vol. 26, pp. 204–206, 1985.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Intelligent And Robust Digital Image Watermarking Scheme For Security Enhancement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Venkata Subba Reddy K |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1205014554 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper intends to design a new watermarking algorithm with an aim of provision of a tradeoff between the robustness and imperceptibility and also to reduce the information loss. This approach applies Integer Wavelet Transform (IWT) instead of conventional floating point wavelet transforms which are having main drawback of round of error. The main objective of IWT is to reduce the information loss which is the main drawback with conventional floating point wavelet transforms. PSO is utilized to optimize the strength of watermarking constant such that there should be a trade-off between the robustness and the imperceptibility. Simulation is carried out over various images and also over various attacks. An optimized alpha value is selected by considering all the attacks through PSO algorithm..........
Keywords: Image watermarking, IWT, PSO, SVD, PSNR, NC, SSIM.
[1] H.-H. Tsai, J.-S. Cheng, "Adaptive signal-dependent audio watermarking based on human auditory system and neural networks",
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66, no. 3, (1998), pp. 357–372.
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Abstract: Revolutionary change in the Ways of communication between moving people at remote distance have given birth of different wireless communication techniques. These radical changes in technologies have been leaving behind the previous one with additional advantages and features. Mobile wireless has been developing gradually since the invention of radio ability to keep continuous contact with ships by Guglielmo Marconi. In this paper, we will have a small sight at the evolution of mobile wireless communication systems developed in the past few decades. Besides, we will discuss on the future aim of mobile wireless systems. Mobile wireless communication has stepped forward from First Generation (1G) to Second Generation (2G), Third Generation (3G) and Fourth Generation (4G) systems..........
Keywords:1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, FDMA, Millimeter Wave
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Space Vector PWM Based Z-Source Inverter |
Country | : | India` |
Authors | : | Peddada V.P.S Nikhil || Y. Punith Kumar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1205015963 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper proposes a topology which can be said as a hybrid model that utilizes the principles of z-sourceinverter along with space vector pulse width modulation. Here the proposed topology is basically a Z-Source inverter that adopts SPWM technology to have better harmonic profile.
[1]. H. Yi, S. Miaosen, F. Z. Peng, and W. Jin, "Z-source inverter for residential photovoltaic systems," IEEE Trans. Power Electron., vol. 21, no. 6, pp. 1776–1782, Nov. 2006.
[2]. Do-Hyun Jang, Member, IEEE, and Duck-Yong Yoon, "Space-Vector PWM Technique for Two-PhaseInverter-Fed Two-Phase Induction Motors", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 39, no. 2, March/April 2003.
[3]. Sunil Panda, Anupam Mishra, B Srinivas "Control of Voltage Source Inverters using SVPWM for Adjustable Speed Drive Applications" Thesis of Department of Electrical Engineering National Institute Of Technology Rourkela, Rourkela ,May- 2009.
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[5]. Fang Z. Peng, Miaosen Shen, Zhaoming Qian, "Maximum Boost Control of the Z-Source Inverter", Proc. PESC 2004, pp.255-260.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Noise Cancellation using Least Mean Square Algorithm |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Vedansh Thakkar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1205016475 ![]() |
Abstract: A revolution in science of electronics and communication has emerged in the last few decades, with the potential to create a paradigm shift in thinking about adaptive filtering. This Project involves the study of the principles of Adaptive Noise Cancellation (ANC) and its Applications. Adaptive noise Cancellation is an alternative technique of estimating signals corrupted by additive noise or interference. Its advantage lies in that, with no apriori estimates of signal or noise, levels of noise rejection are attainable that would be difficult or impossible to achieve by other signal processing methods of removing noise. Adaptive noise cancellation is an approach used for noise reduction in speech.........
Keywords:Adaptive noise cancellation (ANC), LMS Algorithm, NLMS algorithm, Adaptive filtering
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Abstract: Antenna plays an indispensable role in mobile communication system. In this paper, general descriptions of various types of antenna used in mobile communication system are described. The general block diagram of mobile communication system is also given. Various calculations regarding the channel capacity, antenna gain, transmitted power versus distance etc are also including in this paper. In fact smart antenna systems comprise several critical areas such as individual antenna array design, signal processing algorithms space time processing, wireless channel modeling and coding and network performance.
Keywords:Antenna, Antenna gain, Mobile Communication, Signal Processing, Transmitted Power
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Abstract: In Modern digital electronics the low power circuits plays a vital role. As the Flip-flops are basics storage elements used in many of digital circuits, so they have to be designed with optimized power consumption. This paper presents the design of the Dual edge triggered(DET) Flip-flops based on C-element using Dual Sleep and Dual Slack techniques. As the technology is scaling from micron technology to deep sub-micron technology the leakage power is one of the parameter which is effects the circuit performance by using these dual sleep and slack techniques the leakage power is reduced in the DET Flip-flops. The designs presented in this paper were simulated in CMOS 45nm technology using Cadence tool, observed to have superior characteristics such as power consumption and power-delay-product(PDP) when compared to existing DET Flip-flops.
Keywords:Dual-edge-triggered, C-element, Dual sleep, Dual slack, Cadence.
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[5]. R.Hossain, l.. D Wronski, and A.Albicki, "Low power designs using double edge triggered flip-flops," IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Intefr. (VLSI) Syst., vol.2, no.2, pp.261-265, Jun.1994.b.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Radar Signal Design for Improved Target Detection in HRR |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mohammed Moazzam Moinuddin |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1205019398 ![]() |
Abstract:In this paper an attempt has been made to evaluate the detection ability of mono-alphabetic sequences for the application to high resolution radar in presence of high dense additive noise environment. The performance of these sequences is evaluated in terms of their noise robustness, multiple target discrimination through coincidence detection and range resolution ability. Asymptotic figure of merit of proposed serially uncorrelated mono-alphabetic sequence are determined by employing exhaustive search algorithm rather than by analytical design. Hamming back-track algorithm is designed and used for optimization. The simulation results based on the outcomes of this design algorithm for poly-semantic sequences give improved noise robustness in HRR target detection compared to conventional pulse compression sequencesKeywords:Dual-edge-triggered, C-element, Dual sleep, Dual slack, Cadence.
Keywords—Hamming Backtrack Algorithm, High Range resolution Radar, Poly-Semantic Sequences, Optimal
Binary Codes, Target detection
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