Version-1 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: Nowadays, the world is in a race towards upgrading modern Technology. Thus, using magnetic fields in power transmission lines indifference cause such as the electrical engineering, Electra mechanics and mega - electronic. The transmission lines are considered of exposure to magnetic field through electric current inside whole body. The paper is directly represented the magnetic field in Khartoum state by using the Aaronic 4040 X device, the magnetic field mean emitted of50 transmissionsline was found (0.224 nT), However. The magnetic field in Khartoum this indicate that the Sudan is a minimum value of magnetic field corresponding to International Guideline .of Transmission line in Sudan an adverse heath effect is minimum safe value than International Guideline. Also, the people living the near of Transmission line can use minimum distance < 50 m.
Keywords: Field, Transmission line, heath, exposure, EMFs
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Abstract: The chances of copyright violation and privacy have been increased due to growth of networking and technology. Digital watermark is useful to verify the integrity of the content and for authenticity of an owner. A digital watermark is a digital signal or pattern inserted into a digital document (text, graphics and multimedia presentations). Watermarking is one of the promising solutions for ownership authentication, tamper detection and protection of digital content. The watermark inserted into the image should be invisible so that it may not be forged by clever attackers; reversible so that at the receiving end there is exact recovery of the watermark and the host image. However, the exact recovery of the watermark is not possible when the image is attacked by noise, cropped, rotated, median filtered, low or high pass filtered and many more such alterations or attacks..............
Keywords: Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG).
[1]. Tri H. Nguyen, Duc M. Duong and Duc A. Duong, "Robust and high capacity watermarking for image based on DWT-SVD", The 2015 IEEE RIVF International Conference on Computing & Communication Technologies Research, Innovation, and Vision for Future (RIVF), pp. 83-89, 2015.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Smart Local Transport Tracking System using IoT based technique |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.I.Lakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1206011215 ![]() |
Abstract: Commuters in city often come across the situation whether to wait for the Municipal Transport bus or to hire cab/taxi or walk to reach the destination. Many people are often late to office because they wait for the bus instead of taking taxi or just simply walking. Decision of whether or not to wait at a Municipal Transport bus is easy if people had an simple real-time mode to see each Municipal Transport bus's location, commuters could make a more accurate decision. The Smart Local Transport Tracking System is a real-time announcement system that will help commuters. Commuters can make the correct decision of whether to wait for the Municipal Transport bus or to hire cab/taxi or walk............
Keywords: IoT, Transport Tracking System, Smart Transport.
XPLORE : 18 JUNE 2013, DOI: 10.1109/WPNC.2013.6533268.
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Abstract: Weighted OFDM signal scheme is widely used in most new broadband communication system which has capability of high spectral efficiency and is resilient against ISI and frequency selective fadingchannels. The major effect to be consideredat receiver is fading effects which must be alleviated at receiverwithout any distortion in removing weight at the receiver side. In this paper we exhibit the BER performance of the OFDM system with different modulation techniques. Proposed OFDM system is demonstrated using various modulation techniques that is BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM and 64-QAM using multipath fading channels that is AWGN (Additive White Gaussian Noise) and Rayleigh channel. According to result, and comparison with Clipping and Filtering method the PAPR of the weighted OFDM signal is smaller, and the bit-error-rate (BER) performance of the weighted OFDM system is improved and it is simple to implement.
Keywords:Bit error rate (BER), convolution, orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), peak- to- average- power ratio(PAPR), weighted data..
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Abstract: There are many applications for multimodal image fusion such as remote sensing, multi-spectral imaging and medical imaging. Medical images are obtained from multiple sensors. Image fusion has appeared as a new research area because of the availability of multisensory data in the medical field. Several images of the same scene provide different information although the scene is the same. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) are the two images which are captured with two different biomedical sensors. In general, the discrete wavelet transform is used effectively to decompose an image. But conventional wavelet transform suffers from Shift sensitivity, poor directionality and lack of phase information.............
Keywords: Dual tree complex wavelet transform, Double density dual tree complex wavelet transform, Block based statistical properties, medical image fusion
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Abstract: As wireless smart sensor network are performing very important role in the application of remote monitoring in wide spread geographical areas. Such wireless smart network becomes cost effective and possible way to monitor structural health status of bridges that connect roads in both rural and urban areas. Many of these bridges are subject to deterioration due to external and internal factors. Online, real time structural health monitoring is a resourceful tool to facilitate rapid field inspection. Bridge maintenance and infrastructure managers can easily use this application to secure the performance and safety of these vital structures. This paper presents useful wireless sensor network system to monitor structural health in bridges, field inspection. Vibration sensing mechanism is used to detect the bridge scour by using the accelerometer sensor. Humidity and strain is measured with the help of humidity sensor and strain gauge.
Keywords: Zig bee, WSN, height, humidity, vibration.
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Abstract: The Biometric system is of one the essential pattern recognition system that are used for identifying individuals using different biometric traits. The authentication system design on only one biometric modality may not satisfy the requirement of demanding applications in term of properties such as accuracy, sensitivity & precision. In this paper, we used minutiae& gabour wavelet for the feature extraction of fingerprint & IRIS respectively. After extracting the feature we used ANN & PCA for classification of traits. After that we combine both the images which comes after the applying the ANN & PCA. On those resulting images we apply SVM for developing authentication system which uses the IRIS and Fingerprint of a person for recognizing a person. It is observed that developed algorithm that has best performance parameters as compared existing algorithms.
Keywords:Fingerprint, IRIS, Minutiae, Gabour wavelet analysis, ANN, PCA, SVM
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Abstract: In this research, a wireless communication between the sensor and main unit was developed for nondestructive eddy current inspection technique. Such wireless probe aims at being inserted into different parts of the targeted structure such as aircrafts for internal and external inspections without sacrificing Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) capabilities when compared to a conventional cable-wired probe. The new wireless probe interface can generate various types of activation signals that are synchronized wirelessly with the main unit, and also, it can process the received signal at the probe and send it back wirelessly to the main unit. The aim of developing the wireless........
Keywords:Aerospace, Aircraft Inspection, Eddy Current Testing, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation (NDT &E), Wireless Sensor
[1] S. Thomas, "Identifying suitable NDT techniques for wing and landing gear of the Air-Bettle aircraft," in 54th Annual British Conference of Non-Destructive Testing, 2015.
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Abstract: The adaptive beamforming system emerged as leading technology which becomes capable to locate and track signals by both: users and interferers and dynamically adapts the antenna pattern to enhance the reception in Signal-of-Interest (SOI) direction and minimizing interference in Signal-Not-of-Interest (SNOI) direction. Adaptive beamforming is used for enhancing a desired signal while suppressing noise and interference at the output of an array of sensors. This paper analyzes the performance and compares one of the Non Blind Algorithm- Recursive Least Square (RLS) with a commonly used Blind algorithm - Constant Modulus Algorithms CMA which do not require any temporal reference for the computation of the optimal weight vectors on various performance parameters of mobile communication system.........
Keywords: Adaptive beam forming, Blind algorithm and Non Blind algorithm, Smart Antenna.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Micro strip Antenna Array with Square EBG Structure |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lahamge Shital || Dhede Vaishali |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1206015862 ![]() |
Abstract: The periodic structure like electromagnetic band gap (EBG) is a very popular topic within the academia and RF-microwave industry due to their surface wave suppression property. In this paper the combination of the rectangular microstrip patch antenna fabricated on the top of the substrate FR4 with Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG) structures at patch is proposed and investigated. A reduced sized antenna with microstrip feed is designed for its gain behaviour. First, the small size antenna is investigated by reducing its patch size. Further its gain behaviour is achieved by using serial feed 4x1 array with Square EBG. The antenna has been designed on FR4 substrate with dielectric constant 4.4 and thickness h=1.6 mm & its dimension is 118.0 mm × 175.0 mm × 1.6 mm. The proposed antenna exhibits 80MHz impedance bandwidth from (2.45-2.53GHz). The proposed antenna has a compact size and exhibits high gain behaviour, good radiation characteristics, and directivity is around 8.3dBi........
Keywords: Antenna array, EBG structure, Microstrip patch, Square unit cell,WLAN band and half/quarter/sixth part of patch
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Abstract: In this paper we implemented the system for sensing the water level and sending data to server through Wi-Fi module and wireless controller using Internet of Things (IoT). Recently flood has hit a north India; many people are affected and displaced because of flood. The important thing is diffusion of information related water level before the flood occurs; we design a system that gives information about water level to server. The threshold value is set for each level, if water level reaches that value corresponding data transfer to server which display on webpage in the form of colors which indicates three colors, each for different level.
Keywords: Internet of Things (IoT); Wi-Fi; Wireless Controller.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Aurdino based Light Monitoring and Control |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B.Lokeshwar Rao || N.Bhagya laxmi |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1206016874 ![]() |
Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to design an RF module based outdoor light monitoring and control system that can monitor and handle outdoor lights more efficiently as compared to the conventional systems. The proposed system uses RF module based wireless devices which allow more efficient lamp management. The designed system uses sensors to control and guarantee the optimal system parameters. To realize effectiveness of the proposed system, a prototype has been developed. The results proved that the proposed system saves around 11.8% by using LED, 18% by using CFL, 43.8 % by using Fluorescent (T8), 72% by using Incandescent lamp of the cost of electricity consumed a year for the outdoor street environment.
Keywords: Aurdino, energy efficiency, LED lamps, Fluorescent (T8), lightning control system, RF Transceiver.
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