Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2017)
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Abstract: Endophytic Bacteria are living in a symbiotic relationship with almost all plant species. These bacteria help the host for survival against pathogens, and several adverse environmental conditions. However, endophytes develop contamination in tissue culture grown plants and resist surface sterilization. To overcome this serious threat to tissue culture plants, we aimed study to decipher the endophytic bacteria present in banana which hinder tissue culture growth of staple food and seek out the effective antibiotics against them. In the current study, four sterilized banana suckers grown in MS medium with other supplements were found to be contaminated with gram negative endophytic bacteria...........
Keywords: Endohytes, Rhizome, Gram staining, 16S rRNA, Antibiotic treatment
[1]. Liaqat, Fakhra, and RenginEltem. "Identification and characterization of endophytic bacteria isolated from in vitro cultures of peach and pear rootstocks." 3 Biotech 6.2 (2016): 1-8.
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Abstract: Digital images are the main sources of information sharing in this modern life. There are numerous applications of digital images that include but not limited to the news reporting, medical imaging, insurance claims and news reporting. But with the advancement in technology, the credibility of the images become a major concern. CMF (Copy move Forgery) is one of the significant forgeryattacks in which a region of the same image is copied and pasted to develop a forged image. In this research, the DWT technique with the Phase Correlation methodis implemented. First, we converted the input RGB image to grayscale image then we have applied DWT, after that the image was divided into overlapped blocks. After this, we used Phase Correlation technique to sort all the blocks. The result of the study shows that the proposed technique is effective to detect the forged image with enhanced accuracy.
Keywords: digital imaging, copy-move forgery, correlation, DWT
[1]. T. Mahmood, T. Nawaz, Z. Mehmood, Z. Khan, M. Shah, R. Ashraf. "Forensic Analysis of Copy-Move Forgery in Digital Images Using the Stationary Wavelets." The Sixth International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology,August 2016.
[2]. S. Kumar, P. K. Das, Shally. "Copy-Move Forgery Detection in Digital Images: Progress and Challenges." International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 2, Feb 2011.
[3]. A.B. Singh, S. DebBarma, Kh. M. Singh. "Review of Copy-Move Forgery Detection of Images using Discrete Cosine Transform." International Journal of Computer Applications, Volume 84, No 15, December 2013
[4]. Manjeshbn, Madhu. "Enhancing Image Copy-Move Forgery Detection using Particle Swarm Optimization Techniques." International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications (IJANA), 2016.
[5]. S. Q. Saleh, M. Hussain, G. Muhammad, and G. Bebis. "Evaluation of Image Forgery Detection Using Multi-scale Weber Local Descriptors." ISVC, 2013.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Rectangular slot Microstrip Triband Antenna with Enhanced bandwidth |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pallavi Ardhapure || V. V. Yerigeri |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1206021521 ![]() |
Abstract: We demonstrated and presented triple band line feed microstrip patch antenna for wireless communication application. We introduced two rectangular slot on patch and one L-shape slot on ground plane of antenna, to enhance the bandwidth of mictrostrip antenna. The impedance bandwidth can be tuned by changing the ground plane geometry parameters (length and/or its width). The overall size of the antenna is 25mm×25mm×0.8mm including finite ground feeding mechanism. Adjusting the dimension of ground plane and patch, its enhanced bandwidth at primary and secondary resonance mode can increased sufficiently to achieve desired bandwidth of proposed antenna. Also rectangular slot on patch will produce third band and rectangular slot position of patch over ground plane have..........
Keywords: Microstrip Antenna, Finite Ground, and Monopole Antenna
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Abstract: In conventional OFDM, the transmitted signals are bipolar and complex, but bipolar signals cannot be transmitted in an intensity modulated/direct detection (IM/DD) optical wireless system, because the intensity of light cannot be negative. OFDM signals designed for IM/DD systems must therefore be real and non-negative. There are several different forms of OFDM for IM/DD systems: asymmetrically clipped optical OFDM (ACO-OFDM), DC biased optical OFDM (DCO-OFDM), and other forms based on ACO-OFDM and DCO-OFDM. As we know that OFDM without clipping operation, ACO-OFDM has a higher PAPR due to the same peak power but lower average power caused by clipping operation. Therefore, it is much more essential for ACO-OFDM to decrease PAPR. There are various..........
Keywords: Discrete Hartley transform (DHT), DHT-spread technique, Binary-phase shift keying (PSK), asymmetrically clipped optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (ACO-OFDM), peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) reduction, intensity-modulated/direct-detection (IM/DD) systems
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance of Massive MIMO Systems with Transceiver Hardware impairments |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ambala Pradeep Kumar || T.Srinivasulu |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1206022734 ![]() |
Abstract:Massive MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) provides great improvements in spectral efficiency (SE) over legacy cellular networks, by coherent combining of the signals over a large antenna array and by spatial multiplexing of many users. Since its inception, the coherent interference caused by pilot contamination has been believed to be an impairment that does not vanish, even with an unlimited number of antennas. In this paper we study and evaluate the effect of transceiver impairments in massive MIMO Systems and pilot contamination. Also this paper discuss downlink, uplink massive MIMO system and prove that with LMMSE estimator, the SE grows without bound as the number of antennas increases, even under pilot contamination, under a condition of linear independence channels matrices.
Keywords: channel estimation ,CSI, Hardware impairments, LMMSE, Pilot contamination
[1]. E. Larsson, O.Edfors, F.Tufvesson, and T. Marzetta, "Massive MIMO for next generation wireless systems" IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 52, no. 2,pp. 186195, Feb. 2014
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[4]. H. Q. Ngo, E. G. Larsson, and T. L. Marzetta, "Energy and spectral efficiency of very large multiuser MIMO systems," Communications, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 61, no. 4, pp. 1436–1449, 2013.
[5]. H. Q. Ngo, Performance bounds for very large multiuser MIMO Systems. LiU-Tryck, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Analysis of Different Adder Circuit Using Output Wired Cmos Logic Based Majority Gate |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rimi Sengupta |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1206023543 ![]() |
Abstract: A new technique is introduced that combines the advantages of the output wired CMOS logic with the majority gate. The concept of majority gate is of utmost importance because it helps in reducing the delay produced in the circuits and output wired CMOS logic helps in reducing the transistor count. The adder circuits i.e. full adder, ripple carry adder and carry look ahead adder have been simulated for 130nm channel length. The results obtained show that this technique has an advantage of Delay reduction and reduced transistr count as compared to the conventional design. Simulation has been done using Tanner tool.
Keywords: Adder, Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS), full adder, Majority gate, ripple carry adder, carry look ahead adder
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Abstract: The error voltage induced by the turning off of an MOS switch is one of the fundamental factors that limit the accuracy of switched-capacitor circuit. The induced error voltage is a phenomenon arising due to the presence of static charges in the MOSFET channel which further gives rise to Charge Sharing/Charge Injection at the time of switching off of the MOSFET. Charge injection thus has a dependence on the amount of charge present in the MOSFET channel which further is a function of different parameters. The aim of this paper is to study the variation of linear charge density (charge per unit length) with the channel length for all the available scaling trends. As the linear charge density is a function of parameters such as channel length, substrate doping and the oxide.........
Keywords: Charge Sharing, Error Voltage, Linear Charge Density, MOSFET, Scaling
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[5]. Wenwei Yang, Yuehi Yu, Zhiping Yu and Lilin Tian, " An Analysis Of SOI RESURF Structure With Charge Sharing", IEEE Solid State and Integrated Circuit Technology ,8th International Conference, October 2008.
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Abstract: This project intimates the care taker of the bike rider, if a collision or accident happens. The concept is introduced to overcome some major issues and built with power management techniques. The usage of GPS to track the location is replaced by GSM modem is one of the main advantage of the project. The project is developed with Arduino UNO R3(ATMEGA8) micro controller, GY-521, GSM modem SIM800A, LCD display(16x2). Once, the bike is switched ON, it initiates and calibrates the sensor(GY-521) and starts to flow the checking conditions. All the instructions are provided to the viewer through 16x2 LCD display.
Keywords: Bike Care, Bike safety device, two- wheeler accident informer, Location track without GPS.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Throughput Based Analysis of DSR Routing Protocol in MANET |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. GirishTiwari || Ram Shiromani Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1206025662 ![]() |
Abstract: Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) are wireless networks consisting of a collection of mobile nodes with no fixed infrastructure. Due to their decentralized, self-configuring and dynamic nature, MANETs offer many advantages and are easy to install. In the recent years, a lot of researches are going on in the area of Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs). This network is an infrastructure -less network where nodes communicate with each other without any aid of centralized administration. In this paper, we are analyzing Throughput of DSR routing protocol.
Keywords: MANET, DSR,Throughput.
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[5]. NorSurayatiMohamadUsop, Azizol Abdullah, Ahmad Faisal AmriAbidin. Performance Evaluation of AODV, DSDV & DSR Routing Protocol in Grid Environment. IJCSNS, VOL.9 No.7,pp 261-268, July 2009