Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: This paper employs multi-valued logic in the reliability analysis of a multi-state system. The paper expresses each instance of the multi-valued output of the system as an explicit function of the multi-valued inputs of the system. The various expressions are then compiled in a Multi-Valued Karnaugh Map (MVKM) which serves as the natural map for a multi-state system. The paper demonstrates its proposed technique in terms of a standard commodity-supply system, and obtains numerical results that exactly agree with those obtained by earlier methods. As a bonus, the paper utilizes the MVKM representation of the solved coherent multi-state system to illustrate its features of causality, monotonicity and relevancy.
Index Terms - Multi-State system,Reliability analysis, Multi-valued logic, k-out-of-n system, Multi-valued Karnaugh map.
[1]. Tian, Z., Zuo, M. J., & Yam, R. C. (2008). Multi-state k-out-of-n systems and their performance evaluation. IIE Transactions, 41(1), 32-44.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Household Premises Surveillance System Using Ultrasonic Sensor |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ilori Oluwaseyi Ayodeji |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1401011116 ![]() |
Abstract:Motion detectors play a vital role in our daily lives, a very common example is an automatic door which opens when an individual approaches it and closes after the individual has passed through. They are also used in the control of lighting systems; the light is switched on when the sensor detects motion and switched off when no motion is detected. In this article an ultrasonic sensor was interfaced with a PIC microcontroller and a buzzer which makes a beeping sound when an intruder is detected. An ultrasonic sensor was chosen because the range of detection can be distinctively set with aid of the microcontroller and any object outside a specific rage will not be detected. An ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) was used and it has a maximum range of about 4 m.
Index Terms - Ultrasonic, Motion detector, microcontroller.
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[4]. Abhay Pratap Singh, A Review on Ultrasonic Radar Sensor for Security system, Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative
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[5]. David Caicedo and Ashish Pandharipande, Ultrasonic array for indoor presence detection, 20th European Signal Processing
Conference, 175-179, 2012.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Binomial Array of Three Elements Microstrip Antenna for Sidelobe Reduction |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.K.Singh |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1401011721 ![]() |
Abstract: A binomial array of 3-elements rectangular microstrip patch antennas has been designed and simulated at 2.4 GHz using HFSS (high frequency structure simulator) software for the side lobes reduction and gain improvement. This array of 3-elements is also designed to reduce the size of the array by a pair of inner elements of a binomial array of 4-elements of rectangular microstrip patch antennas is replaced by a single element. This array is a non-uniform array because the currents in these 3-elements of the array are not equal. The microstrip feed lines are designed for the non-uniform amplitude excitations. The simulated results are compared with published results in reputed journals. The simulated result of side lobe is -7.57 dB which is negligible. The beam width of the main..........
Index Terms - Binomial array, Microstrip antenna, HFSS, Sidelobe reduction, Non-uniform array, Radiation pattern.
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Abstract: This article focuses on the simulation of four-channel DWDM (Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing) system with the spacing of 4 nm and the speed of 10 Gbps. It underlines the error rate BER (Bit Error Rate) which changes with the input power of fibre amplifier EDFA (Erbium Doped Fibre Amplifier) for the respective channel of DWDM. Nowadays while designing the DWDM it cannot be done without software tools simulating a real network to avoid possible mistakes which could occur before the actual construction of communication systems. Simulation solves the creation of DWDM from 1554 to 1566 nm with the best error rate for the respective channel using single-mode optical fibre 40 km long with measurable attenuation constant according to ITU-T G-652.D.
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[5]. I. Rasheed, M. Abdullah, S. Mehmood, M. Chaudhary , "Analyzing the non-linear effects at various power levels and channel counts on the performance of DWDM based optical fiber communication system", Emerging Technologies (ICET), 2012 International Conference, 2012, pp. 1-9, doi: 10.1109/ICET.2012.6375446.
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Abstract: Pipelining is a design implementation concept, where elements of a pipeline are often executed in parallel (or) in time-segmented fashion with pipeline registers used as buffer storage. In this work, 3 stage pipelined architecture with 32-bit MIPS RISC processor is used to optimize the design throughput. The high performance features compromise the trade-off between power and speed requirement. In this paper, the possible hazards, and issues with remedies are discussed. In comparative study, different device parameters are compared especially, Power is very much minimized and speed is enhanced when compared to its counterparts. The simulation is carried out with Xilinx 14.3 ISE suite with Verilog HDL coding. MATLAB tool is employed to represent the relationship of various parameters involved in it.
Keywords: MIPS RISC Processor, Verilog HDL coding, MATLAB tool, Xilinx.
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Abstract: Limiting the sensor node's energy consumption has continually been the point of concern in Wireless Sensor networks (WSN). Major portion of node's battery energy is taken away in communicating the sensed data from sensor nodes to Base Station owing, to large distances between nodes and Base Station. Recently the technique of clustering the sensor nodes into different groups have been proved to be an important factor for minimizing energy dissipation and extending the lifetime of WSNs. Selecting the most appropriate Cluster Heads(CH), in a more practical node distribution assumptions such as, non-uniform and non-circular node pattern with minimum or no node overlapping is of vital importance in improving routing efficiencies to maximize network lifetime and throughput...........
Keywords: Clustering; Energy Optimal; Non-Uniform; Heterogeneous; Wireless Sensor Networks
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Abstract: Evaluation of surface quality is an essential aspect in part assembly and functioning performance. In this research the development of quality inspection system for paper mill finishing lines is presented. The system detects contaminants, adhering paper particles, folded paper defects, and misalignment) of stacks of paper. The construction of Opto-scan system and its working for paper quality control is presented. Experimental investigations reveal that the system can be used to control the quality of high priced and normal papers. Even small colour difference or small roughness variation, contaminants in the papers and their surface can be detected by the use of developed Machine vision and hue threshold method. The system can help to increase the productivity of high quality paper in paper manufacturing industries.
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