Series-2 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Neurological disorders affect the human locomotion system. The effect of neurological disorders can be decrease significantly by an efficient rehabilitation. Recently, gait analysis has become a crucial assessment tool in clinical rehabilitation process. Gait analysis is a prominent method for: diagnosis between disease entities, assessment of the severity or nature of a disease or injury, monitoring of the progress in the presence or absence of intervention, and prediction of the outcome of treatments. Gait analysis involves the measurements of dynamic gait kinematics, kinetics, and EMG. Therefore, there is a need for an automated gait assessment tool to manipulate the massive kinematic, kinetic, and EMG gait data in 3D, and hence, providing an objective and quantitative assessment of gait disorders. This algorithmic tool may be helpful to doctors and clinicians in the diagnosis of pathological gait impairments, prescribe treatment, and assess the improvements in response to therapeutic intervention.
Index Terms - Granule, Fuzzy Inference System, Human Locomotion, Fuzzy Assessment Model.
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Abstract: This paper presents a comparison between some methods for evaluation the reliability of a multi-state communication flow networks systems. A system is considered reliable only if successfully transmits at least the required system capacity from the transmitter to the receiver station. A main method used is the Brute Force Solution Exhaustive (BFSE) which gives the reliability at several required cases (By using Matlab code), the second method used all successful states are obtained from the knowledge of the max-flow min-cuts of the system graph. Examples are solved to demonstrate the applicability of proposed methods. It shows the matching results and full data.
Index Terms - Brute Force Solution Exhaustive (BFSE), Multi-State System (MSS), Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Reliability analysis, Sink Node.
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Abstract: Digital images are corrupted by various types of noises. In this paper a methodology is proposed to eliminate salt and pepper noise from digital grayscale images using adaptive median filter and principal component analysis(PCA).The proposed methodology shows better results for peak signal to noise ratio(PSNR) and mean square error(MSE) in differentiation to existing techniques. The proposed filter works efficiently on high noise density (80% and 90%). The adaptive median filter removes the noise from image and principal component analysis algorithm is further applied to obtain sharp edges and boundaries.
Index Terms - Digital images, denoising, median filter, principal component analysis, PSNR, MSE.
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Abstract: With murder, rape, terrorism on the increase favoured bydeclining density of population, insecurity of individuals is on the rise and happened without aid, resistance, security interference; this exhibits absolute insecurity of global individuals, requiring urgently a security program which can alarm the security forces to offer efficient rescue services by touch(1) the victim can inform his/her (a) close relatives, (b) their appropriate public security officers close to their residence and (c) one emergency line by danger signal of her location, by incorporated Global Positioning............
[1]. Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Janice GillispieMazidi, Rolin D. McKinlay- The 8051 microcontrollers- The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems using assembly and c, second edition, PEARSON education, pp 19-23, 75-80, 153-178
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Abstract: Today manipulation of digital images has become easy due to availability powerful image editing tools like Adobe Photoshop etc. Detection of a forged image is driven by the need of authenticity and to maintain integrity of the image. The most common type of digital image forgery is known as copy-move forgery wherein a part of image is cut/copied and pasted in another area of the same image. This paper proposed a new image tampering detection method based on Speed-up robust features and Support vector machine (SVM) to detect copy-move forgery in image...........
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Abstract: Conducting Polymers and their nanocomposites have been known for a while and are used in diverse range of applications. This study involves the synthesis of Silica, PANI, Oxalic Acid nanocomposites conducting with n-type doping. Oxalic acid is used in chemical doping to enhance the conductivity of synthesized by oxidative polymerization method. These nanocomposites are characterized using various techniques such as FTIR and SEM analysis.
Keywords: Polyaniline (PANI), Conducting Polymers (CPs), Silica nanocomposites, Oxalic acid.
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Abstract: Electromyography signal is most important signal for analysis of any muscle and can be used for biomedical applications. The techniques of EMG signal analysis such as Surface Electromyography Signal Processing, Wavelet transforms, Independent Component Analysis (ICA)is discussed in this paper in depth. This paper provides researchers a goodunderstanding of EMG signal and its analysis procedures. This knowledge will help to develop more flexibleand efficient applications.
Keywords: EMG, wavelet transform, ICA, SEMG.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bit Error Rate Performance Analysis with Beamforming Techniques |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Neha Bajpai || Neeraj Shrivastava |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2834-1401025565 ![]() |
Abstract: In the wireless communication system, there exists a problem of fading signals, due to which sometimes very weak signal will be received on another side resulting in errors in received bits. Bit error rate (BER) should be improved for getting good quality of a signal. One of the ways to improve BER is Beam Forming technique. In this paper, we have attempted to provide a clear image of improving Bit error rate of 4*4 MIMO system by various beamforming techniques. Firstly improved BER by adding 2 transmit and 4 receive antenna and secondly improve BER by using various beamforming techniques. The results show that variations in bit error rate based on various beamforming techniques using MATLAB codes.
Keywords: MIMO, OFDM, BER, STBC, Beam Forming
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Abstract: This paper presents the capacity performance by various beamforming techniques for wireless communication systems. Multiple antennas structures can be classified into single input single output (SISO), single-input multiple-outputs (SIMO), multiple-inputs single output (MISO), and multiple-inputs multiple-outputs (MIMO) systems. Result shows that enhancing of MIMO's channel capacity for different beamforming techniques.
Keywords: MIMO Channels; MIMO Systems; Capacity; SISO; SIMO; MISO; SNR
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