Series-1 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: In this paper, design and realization of a 3D printed D-dot type probe is studied for measurement of Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP). D-dot probe is firstly designed in a 3D Electromagnetic simulation tool CST. Next, the 3D modelled probe design is realized with the usage of 3D printing technology and its experimental performance is measured. The 3D printed D-dot probe prototype is tested in accordance with the requirement of RS105 test using an EMP generator and a GTEM cell. The experimental results of the proposed 3D printed D-dot probe then are compared with a counterpart commercial probe and it is found that the response of both probes are have similar characteristics for the EMP signal. Thus it can be concluded that the proposed method is a prototyping method for the EMP probes of the desired level in a fast and cost efficient ways.
Index Terms - D-Dot probe,EMP Measurement, 3D printer.
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Abstract: This Paper Presents a comprehensive investigation of the RF Signal Strength of Love FM Transmitter in Port Harcourt, Nigeria. The Signal measurement were carried out at different locations with the aid of a GPS band scanner. A maximum distance of 6KM was chosen with respect to the North, South, East and West of the Transmitter. The measuring points have interval of 1km from each other, summing up to 24 different measuring points. The result of the measurement was used to plot the attenuation decay curve of Love FM Radio station's transmitting antenna. The personal computer used for the exercise displays the outputs and results such as the Distance, electromagnetic.......
Index Terms - Antenna, Band Scanner, Signal, Transmitter
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Analysis of High Performance PISO & PIPOShift Registers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Namrata Joshi || Ravi Jangir |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1402011318 ![]() |
Abstract: Shift registers plays a vital role in many of the digital systems. They are used to store binary information and this binary data can insert or shift using flip flops. By the use of sequential I/O channels shift register plays an important link between systems.With the downscaling of chip size in VLSI technology, the prime factor to design any circuit is power dissipation. This work enumerates implementation of PISO & PIPO shift register by master slave D flip flop as a storage element using BICMOS logic. Cadence EDA tool has used to design proposed shift registers at 180nm technology. Supply voltage is varying between 1.2 to 2v and frequency of clock signal is 200MHz. Results of power dissipation for the proposed shift registers have compared with the results of conventional design using CMOS technology, which clearly shows that proposed circuits have less power dissipation compared to conventional circuits
Keywords - PISO & PIPO Shift Register, BICMOS, Master-Slave D flip flop,Latch up, Cadence
[1]. Divya Bora, Dr. U. M. Gokhale, "Design of Different Devices using BICMOS Logic", International Journal of Latest Research in Engineering and Technology (IJLRET),(2016), vol. 2,issue 5, page 69-73.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Planning and simulation of LTE radio network: case of the city of Yaoundé |
Country | : | Cameroon |
Authors | : | Raphaël Nlend || Emmanuel Tonye |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1402011929 ![]() |
Abstract: This article is a simulation of the LTE network, in the 1800 MHz band on a 20 MHz channel, using ATOLL software in the city of Yaoundé, the capital of Cameroon, which covers an area of approximately 183 km2. This study, which takes into account existing 3G sites, does a coverage planning based on the COST-231 propagation model and the capacity planning based on a service and traffic models. The simulation results indicate that the city of Yaoundé requires 244 LTE sites. ATOLL simulations then display a received signal level of more than -95 dB in almost all the entire area of interest.
Keywords - LTE, coverage, capacity, traffic.
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Abstract: Wireless sensor networks have a wide range of potential applications to industry, science, transportation, civil infrastructure, and security. Energy efficiency and improving the network lifetime are the fundamental challenges in wireless sensor networks. Lack of centralized administration and coordinator are the reasons for wireless sensor networks to be vulnerable to active attack like black hole. The affected node, without knowing a reliable route to destination, spuriously replies to have shortest reliable route to destination and entice the traffic towards itself to drop it. Network of such nodes may not work according to the protocol being used for the routing . Use of multiple sinks can improve the data collection resulting in improved throughput, reduced delay and congestion.........
Keywords -Mobile sink, constrained path, residual energy, delay, throughput, least cost path, blackhole attack
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Database Security Using Multi-Shares Visual Cryptography |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. G.D.Dalvi || Dr. Mrs.S. D. Wakde || Prof. P.V.Kale |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1402013743 ![]() |
Abstract: Security is a basic need of today's digital world. The Concept stated in this paper describes utility of Visible Cryptography (VC) to the authentication of facial pictures. In proposed system, photograph of character is taken care of, once entered it is encrypted and decrypted using sterilization set of policies. In this work useful bitwise operation is performed on every pixel with the help of key which is provided by new concept of sterilization algorithm. Initially it is necessary to separate the R, G and B channel from the image and which will be encrypted on Multiple shares and later to convert the image in such way that original image form only when shares are combined in proper sequence. In current innovation, the greater part of VC is implanted as a mystery utilizing various shares.
Keywords - Bitwise operation; Multi shares; Pixel-Sharing; Sterilization Algorithm.
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Abstract: Visual data has become a necessary element in the day-today life. With the increased usage of visual data, the threat to the data also increases proportionally. Therefore, a system is required to protect the visual data. In this paper, a method has been proposed to provide privacy protection using false color, within JPEG architecture. This becomes more beneficial in a sense that it adds on an advantage of reducing the file size, decreasing the complexity. For creating the protected file, JPEG encoding-decoding, AES encryption and zlib compression is used, which finally results in protected image as false image with metadata. For recovering the original image, the inverse process.........
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Abstract: We present an automatic modulation recognition work for the identification of radio signals in a communication network. Our aim is to design an efficient communication system and make the receiver is capable to detect the modulation scheme of the signal it receives, using Automatic Modulation Recognition without having minimum or earlier knowledge of the transmitted signal.The work consider both SVM and ANN architectures and finally observe the efficient learning tool for recognition. Initially we classify the modulation schemes using non linear SVM. After that, we use Artificial Neural Network(ANN) for further classification of analog and digital modulations. Features were also extracted using wavelet decomposition and fast fourier transform techniques. Neural Networks were applied to the extracted features to distinguish between signals having different modulation schemes..........
Keywords - Artificial Neural Network, Modulation recognition, Support Vector Machine, Wavelet decomposition.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Monitoring of Water Purification Process Based on IoT |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Ibraheem M. Khalil || Hazem Noori Abdulrazzak |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1402015662 ![]() |
Abstract: Water is essentially to human life and the health of the environment. To establish a good quality of water, it is required a monitoring system which developed based wireless sensor network and IoT. Wireless sensor network used to measure water quality by sensing the change of pH, TDS of water after the purification process. In this paper wireless sensor interface with microcontroller device using two nodes of NRF24L01 one of them considered to be transmitting node while the other considered to be receiving node. the status of system will send to Web with IP defined address in order to monitor the status of system numerically and graphically. The esp8266 module has been used because it is allowing microcontrollers to connect to a Wi-Fi network and make simple TCP/IP connections with wireless sensor network.
Keywords -WSN, IoT, pH sensor, TDS sensor, microcontrollers, water purification
[1]. S.u.Rehman, Z. Hussain, S. Zafar, H.Ullah, S.Badshah, S. S. Ahmad and J.Saleem, Assessment of Ground Water Quality of Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan, Using Multivariate Statistical Approach, Science, Technology and Development. 2018, 4(37): 173-183.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on the Increasing Trend of Electronic Chips in Industry |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Girija.G. Mangalagatti |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1402016365 ![]() |
Abstract: Intricacy of integrated circuits has roughly multiplied each year since their presentation. Cost per function has diminished a few thousand-overlay, while framework execution and dependability have been improved significantly. Numerous parts of handling and plan innovation have added to make the production of such functions as perplexing single chip microchips or memory circuits monetarily plausible. It is feasible to break down the increment in intricacy into various elements that can, thusly, be inspected to perceive which commitments have been significant in this development and how they may be required to keep on advancing. The normal patterns can be recombined to perceive how long exponential growth in intricacy can be required to proceed. The current paper highlights the increasing trend of electronic chips in industry.
Keywords -Electronic, Chip, Power
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