Series-2 (March-April 2019)March-April 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solar Panel Cleaning and Monitoring System Using Microcontroller |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Manisha Khorgade || Dr Pravin Dakhole |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1402020103 ![]() |
Abstract: The propose design is used to clean Solar Panel And Monitoring System and implement a cleaning system which can clean the dust automatically and monitor the voltage variation.It is used for social aspect and minimizing human effort with effective natural resources utilization
Index Terms - Photovoltaic Panels, Solar Cells, Drive Trolley, Array
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Abstract: This paper converses a system for measuring, monitoring and estimation of some environment's parameters like temperature, humidity, and volume of CO2. The system was developed using Arduino Uno micro-controller and its platforms. It has high level scalability and is cost-effective, which makes it suitable for other environment monitoring applications. The paper contains elaborate explanations of the overall system architecture as well as hardware and software requirements of the system. Viability of the system has also been demonstrated through presentation of some results obtained
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Abstract: The particle swarm optimization (PSO) represents a novel approach to optimization problems which is effective at finding good solutions to a number of complicated electro-magnetic design problems. In our work it is used for the optimization of a Luneburg lens antenna for complex medium. In this paper, optimization and comparative reformulation is carried out for of inhomogeneous dielectric filled Luneburg lens antenna with respect to the Luneburg lens made from a material with a constant value of the dielectric permittivity with the introduced discontinuities. The comparison is carried out based on the creation of the electromagnetic models. The different stages in creating models and the design difficulties are also discussed
Keywords: Particle swarm optimization, Luneburg lens, inhomogeneous dielectric, lens reformulation, lens optimization.
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Abstract: The modern Internet of Things (IoT) is the utilization of Internet of Things (IoT) innovations in assembling which saddles the machine information produced by different sensors and applies different investigation on it to increase valuable data. The information caught by the machines is typically joined by a date time part which demonstrates essential for prescient displaying. This paper exhibits the essential idea of utilizing AI calculation for modern machine control and its prescient upkeep. The forecast model is utilized which predicts the future result contingent on the past qualities gathered from current and voltage sensors connected to motor, additionally to anticipate the conceivable disappointments and quality imperfections, consequently it is helpful to.........
Keywords: IoT, Machine Learning
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of Quality Parameters for Medical Image Fusion |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | H.Devanna || G.A.E. Satish Kumar || G.Mamatha |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1402022229 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we evaluate three variants of new quality parameters for medical image fusion. The aims of our evaluated parameters are based on an image quality index. We perform several simulations which show that our parameters are compliant with subjective evaluations and can therefore be used to compare different image fusion methods or to find the best parameters for a given fusion algorithm.
Keywords: Medical image fusions, DWT, curvelet transform, contourlet transform
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Abstract: In our country, Garbage is a very big issue. It creates some unhygienic problems and problems related to the society health issue, it creates multiple type of diseases. Careless trashing of garbage on the roads is a common scenario to be found in our country. And also now a days internet is a very important part in our life for digitization. Thus for this kind of issues, a Wi-Fi Dustbin can be use, it is a system that whenever someone throws the garbage or waste into a dustbin then it automatically detects the garbage and gives a temporary access code to the user, to use the Wi-Fi available
Keywords: IR Sensors, Micro-controllers, Wi-Fi Routers, Software Development Kit(SDK).
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Abstract: The extraction of moving articles from their experience is a testing assignment in visual observation. As a solitary edge frequently neglects to determine ambiguities and effectively section the article, in this paper, we propose another technique that utilizes three limits to precisely arrange pixels as closer view or foundation. These limits are adaptively dictated by considering the conveyances of contrasts between the information and foundation pictures and are utilized to produce three limit sets. These limit sets are then converged to create a last limit set that speaks to the limits of the moving items. The blending step continues by first distinguishing limit section combines that are........
Keywords: Boundary evaluation, change detection, curvature, SDI, foreground extraction, thresholds
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Abstract: This work is about to create a smart dust bin, which can be use by officials to collect waste refuse. They collect the garbage to collect garbage where the garbage is collected from only slurry filled areas. The concept of 'machine-learning' is used to collect information about the waste generation practices in that area and therefore can be quantified in the future for the waste generated. In addition, there has also been continuous analysis of data which will be pushed into the form of clouds. Once the waste level in the dustbin will be passed, the email alerts and the text message will be sent to the concerned authorities after crossing the threshold fixed by the Authority. This will mainly save the time and money of the Authority. This will also reduce air pollution in the area and prevent spread of diseases caused by improper waste.
Keywords: Arduino, Raspberry Pi, Machine Learning
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Abstract: In this paper an intelligent bio inspired computation mechanism is explored for efficient estimation of channel coefficients in MIMO system. In this intelligent bio inspired scheme, Genetic Algorithm (GA) is applied as a global optimizer to estimate the channel coefficients in MIMO network. Intelligent bio inspired computing is done for equal number of antennas at transmitter and receiver end making a square channel matrix. Rayleigh fading channel is used in this research work for checking the trend of received signal for channel matrix of 3×3 and 4×4 order........
Keywords: Intelligent bio inspired computing, channel estimation, genetic algorithm, Rayleigh fading channel, computational complexity
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Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks is a rising innovation for interest of analyst with its examination challenges and different application areas. It compreises of modest nodes with detecting, calculation and remote correspondences abilities. The constrained vitality asset is one of the fundamental difficulties confronting security in such systems. Routing is a huge issue and challenge in wireless sensor networks. Many routing methods have been designed and tested so far to improve the performance and quality of wireless sensor networks. The primary goal of this paper is......
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