Series-1 (July-August 2019)July-August 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reduction Efficient Relay Assisted D2D Networks in mmwave Technology |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Subin B. Michael || Shiras S. N. |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1404010112 ![]() |
Abstract: Device-to-device (D2D) communication, which can offload data from base stations by direct transmission between mobile devices, is a promising technology for the fifth generation (5G) wireless networks. However, the limited battery capacity of mobile devices is a barrier to fully exploit the benefits of D2D communication. Meanwhile, high data rate D2D communication is required to support the increasing traffic demand of emerging applications. Relay-assisted D2D communication in millimeter wave (mmWave) based 5G networks to address these issues.To design an efficient relay selection and power allocation scheme, formulate a multi-objective combinatorial optimization problem, which balances the trade-off between total transmit power and system throughput. The problem...........
[1]. Bojiang Ma, Hamed Shah-Mansouri and Vincent W.S. Wong, IEEE "Full-duplex Relaying for D2D Communication mmWave based 5G Networks".IEEE Transaction July 2018.
[2]. G. Fodor et al., "Design aspects of network assisted device-to-device communications," IEEE Commun. Mag., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 170– 177,Mar. 2012.
[3]. C.-H. Yu, K. Doppler, C. B. Ribeiro, and O. Tirkkonen, "Resource sharing optimization for device-to-device communication underlaying cellular networks," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 10, no. 8, pp. 2752–2763, Aug. 2011.
[4]. C. Xu, L. Song, Z. Han, D. Li, and B. Jiao, "Resource allocation using a reverse iterative combinatorial auction for device-to-device underlay cellular networks," in Proc. IEEE Global Commun. Conf., Anaheim, CA, USA, Dec. 2012, pp. 4542–4547.
[5]. K. Doppler, M. Rinne, C. Wijting, C. Ribeiro, and K. Hugl, "Device-to device communication as an underlay to LTE-advanced networks," IEEE Communications Magazine Volume: 47 , Issue: 12 , Dec. 2009.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Arduino Mega based PET Feeding Automation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | B. Ravi Babu || P. Pavan Kumar || Dr. P. G. Kuppusamy |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1404011316 ![]() |
Abstract: Keeping pets takes many commitments. This includes keeping them company, showing your concerns and of course, feeding them on time and in the correct way. However, not everyone is a pet expert taking care of your pet's diet can be hard and time consuming. One of the top health concerns of pets are overeating and obesity. Especially at younger age, they are usually satisfied with however much is given to them. Many adult pets are fed unscientifically that later may cause short lifespan. Another problem of feeding pets is that owners might not always be home.........
Index Terms - Embedded system, Arduino, Ethernet, RFID
[1]. Perfect Petfeeder Lux Model." Pillar Pet Products, Inc.
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Abstract: We are living in the new era of information. We need to keep information about every aspect of life and that information need to be secured from attacks. To be secured, information needs to be hidden from unauthorized access i.e. confidentiality and protected from unauthorized change i.e. integrity and also available to an authorized entity when it is needed i.e. availability. Information is now distributed but these three requirements have not changed. Cryptography is the technique which is can ensure for secure transmission of the data. Cryptography's main advantage is that the information is somehow distorted, scrambled by the sender, an encryption key......
[1] ShariquaIzhar, AnchalKaushal, Ramsha Fatima, Mohammed A Qadeer-"Enhancement in Data Security using Cryptography and Compression"- 2017 7th International Conference on Communication Systems and Network Technologies
[2] Taranpreet Singh Ruprah-"Advance Encryption and Decryption Technique using Multiple Symmetric Algorithm",Computer Science & Engineering Department Anna SahebDange College of Engineering & Technology ,Ashta-Sangli, India,
[3] Mikha Dayan Sinaga, Nita Sari Br Sembiring, FrintoTambunan, Charles JhonyManthoSianturi -"Hybrid Cryptography WAKE (Word Auto Key Encryption) and Binary Caesar Cipher Method for Data Security",Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science,UniversitasPotensiUtama ,Jl. K.L. YosSudarso Km. 6,5 No. 3A – Medan, 20241, Indonesia
[4] Jawahar Thakur1, NageshKumar2-"DES, AES and Blowfish: Symmetric Key Cryptography Algorithms Simulation Based Performance Analysis", International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering ,ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 1, Issue 2, December 2011
[5] Vishwa Gupta, Gajendra Singh and Ravindra Gupta-"Advanced Cryptography Algorithm for Improving Data Security",International Journal of Advanced Research in ComputerScience and Software Engineering, vol. 2, January 2012.
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Abstract: The basic resources for crop production are climate, water, and soil. Economical utilization of these resources is crucial for optimum crop production. Climate determines the quality of a crop as an environment for various floras moreover because of the accessibility of water for crop production and alternative uses. Soil serves as a reservoir for water and nutrients. All plants need water to live, grow and supply satisfactory yields to fulfill human desires. For satisfying continuously increasing demand of food necessities, rapid improvement in production of food technology is important. Agriculture is the only source to cater for the growing and dynamic demand in food production. Automation in agriculture is only way to increase the productivity of food as well as to control the use of......
Keywords: Arduino Uno R3, GSM GPRS Module, IVRS, Motor, Relay, Soil Moisture sensor
[1]. K. Sirohi, A. Tanwar, Himanshu, P. Jindal, Automated Irrigation and Fire Alert System based on Hargreaves Equation using Weather Forecast and ZigBee Protocol, IEEE 2nd International Conference on Communication, Control and Intelligent Systems (CCIS), 2016, 14-17.
[2]. K. Nikam, S. Mohani, IoT Based Greenhouse Monitoring System Implementation using Data Compressive Sensing Protocol in WSN, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, 7(6), 2018, 3001-3008.
[3]. V. Divya, A.Umamakeswari, Smart Irrigation Technique using Vocal Commands, International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) ISSN : 0975-4024, 5(1), 2013, 385- 390.
[4]. P. Choudhari, A. Borse, H. Chauhan, Smart Irrigation and Remote Farm Monitoring System, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887),180 (38), 2018, 24-26.
[5]. S. Lonagare, D. Chaudhari, Automated Microwave Irrigation for Moisture Level Control using Airblower System", International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 5 (10) , 2017, 134 – 138..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Implementation of Control Circuitry for Ultra-Low Power ROM |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Riya Dey || Pamisetty Udayabhanu || Neethu Johny |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1404012738 ![]() |
Abstract: Read-Only Memory (ROM) is a kind of storage medium that permanently stores the data on electronic devices. Almost all electronic devices have ROMthat containsprogramming which is essential for boot-up and also executing major I/O tasks and holds programs or software instructions. In today's world, low power is a very crucial aspect of any electronic device. People are constantly looking for devices with longer battery life. The ROM is being used in almost all electronic devices; a low power approach will make the device more efficient. The proposed paper introduces design techniques to reduce the power consumption in the control circuitry of a 128X128 ROM. The control circuitry consists of decoders, latches and clock. The proposed design of decoder has less number of transistors and consumes 61% less power compared to conventional designs. Clock gating has also been introduced for power reduction. SEM based latch was used to decrease the transient noise pulses
Keywords:ROM, low-power, decoder, low phase latch, clock gating
[1]. Ms Deepti Malviya, Mr Shubhankar Majumdar, Mayank Mishra and Dr P.P. Bansod-Comparative Study on Implementation of Various Decoder Architecture
[2]. Jan M Rabaey, AnanthaChandrakasan, Borivoje Nikolic- ―Digital Integrated Circuits‖ Second Edition. Page no. 628-629
[3]. S. Mitra, N. Seifert, M. Zhang, Q. Sbi, and K.S. Kim, ―Robust System Design with Built-In Soft-Error Resilience,‖ IEEE Design and Test of Computer, pp.43-52, Feb. 2005.
[4]. S.Meena, J.Augustin Jacob, M.Poornalakshmi, S.Preyanga-Design of Low Power, Area Efficient 2-4 Mixed Logic Line Decoder
[5]. DimitriosBalobas and Nikos Konofaos-Design of Low-Power High-Performance 2–4 and 4–16 Mixed-Logic Line Decoders -, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS—II: EXPRESS BRIEFS, VOL. 64, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2017
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Abstract: We developed an automatic electrical energy meter billing system based on IoT (Internet of Things) for use in homes, offices, factories, etc. Electricity became one of the basic requirements of human life and it is widely used for domestic, industrial and agricultural purposes. In most cases, consumers are not satisfied with the maintenance of electrical networks. They have complaints about statistical errors in monthly bills. Therefore, we present ideas to minimize the technical mistakes and, at the same time, try to reduce dependence on a person. In addition, the important concept used in this work is IoT (Internet of Things). IoT is an emerging technology with unique identifiers.........
Keywords:IOT, ESP8266 Module, Electrical Energy Meter, GPIO, I2C
[1]. International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (Vol. 5, Issue 4, April 2017)
[3]. ESP 8266 Datasheet
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Multiport SRAM with BIST and Low Power DLL Design on FPGA Implementation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Puneet Bharadwaj || Sunil Kumar Shah |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1404015156 ![]() |
Abstract: The clock alignment circuits must provides a phase resolution better than 40ps, produces worst case long - term jitter of less than 250ps peak -to peak. DLL are preferred unconditional stability, lower phase-error accumulation and faster locking time. The operating ranges is 400MHz-1.4Ghz, and 3.52mW is consumed at 1.4Ghz.The measured locking time ranges from 16 to 25 cycles over entire operating frequency ranges
Keywords:Multiport RAM, DLL, field-programmable gate Array(FPGA),Block RAM
[1]. C. E. LaForest and J. G. Steffan, ―Efficient multi-ported memories for FPGAs,‖ in Proc. 18th Annu. ACM/SIGDA Int. Symp. Field
Program. Gate Arrays, 2010, pp. 41–50.
[2]. C. E. LaForest, M. G. Liu, E. Rapati, and J. G. Steffan, ―Multi-ported memories for FPGAs via XOR,‖ in Proc. 20th Annu.ACM/SIGDA Int. Symp. Field Program. Gate Arrays (FPGA), 2012, pp. 209–218.
[3]. C. E. Laforest, Z. Li, T. O'Rourke, M. G. Liu, and J. G. Steffan, ―Composingmulti-ported memories on FPGAs,‖ ACM Trans.Reconfigurable Technol. Syst., vol. 7, no. 3, Aug. 2014, Art. no. 16.
[4]. Xilinx. 7 Series FPGAs Configurable Logic Block User Guide, accessed on May 30, 2016. [Online]. Available:
[5]. Xilinx. Zynq-7000 All Programmable SoC Overview, accessed on May 30, 2016. [Online]. Available:
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Abstract: In this brief, a new binary counter design is proposed. Counters are used to determine how many number of inputs are active (in the logic ONE state) for multi input circuits. In the existing systems 6:3 and 7:3 Counters are designed with full and half adders, parallel counters, stacking circuits. It uses 3-bit stacking and 6-bit stacking circuits which group all the "1" bits together and then stacks are converted into binary counts. This leads to increase in delay and area. To overcome this problem "MUX based Full adder (MFA)" 6:3 and 7:3 counters are proposed. The backend counter simulations are achieved by using MENTOR GRAPHICS in 130nm technology and frontend simulations are done by using XILINX. This MFA counter is faster than existing stacking counters and also consumesless........
Keywords: stacking circuits, parallel counters,High speed counters, MUX based full adder (MFA) counter,Mentor graphics,Xilinx,SPARTAN-6 FPGA.
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Abstract: Finger print is the finger biometric feature, which is widely used for the identification purpose. Hence to identify the differentiation of the each person, finger print recognition technique is widely used. In this finger print matching process, the minutiae detection plays a major role to identify the maximum matching point of the finger print of the input image to the train dataset. In this finger print matching method, the segmentation is based on the thresholding algorithm. By using the thresholding algorithm, the region of interest ROI area is segmented and then the minutiae of the maximum matching point is detected on that region. Then the features are extracted from the ridged surface of the image. The centroid value of each ride is calculated from the input image and the minutia of each ridge is detected.
Keywords: Image enhancement; Latent fingerprint; structured noise; ridge structure
[1]. J. Zhang, R. Lai, and C.-C. Kuo, ―Latent fingerprint segmentation with adaptive total variation model,‖ in proceeding of 5th IAPR Int. Conf. Biometrics (ICB 2012), New Delhi, India, March 29-April 1, 2012, pp. 189–195.doi: 10.1109/ICB.2012.6199807
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Transfer Function Analysis Using Machine Learning with Data Mining Application |
Country | : | Brazil |
Authors | : | Edson Brito Junior |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1404016977 ![]() |
Abstract: With the popularization of the global computer network, the Internet, information in the digital format more affordable. Documents, image files, audio and video travel at all times in the network. New applications appear in the network, among them stand out the conferences, downloading video, games etc. Inside from this context the need to achieve higher bit rates than those provided by the traditional connection so that this service is offered with excellent quality to the subscriber, it is of fundamental interest for the operators to know the state of the telephone link of this subscriber. In order to qualify the link of the subscriber, it is proposed to implement a methodology through the extraction of knowledge, obtained from the information stored in a database composed of the measurements of the link transfer function of the subscriber, and analyze the results obtained for some test cases, validate the methodology and application potential and its extensibility to other types of data available.
Keywords: Local link, knowledge extraction
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