Series-2 (Mar-Apr 2020)Mar-Apr 2020 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Thyriod Detection using Speech Recognition |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Mrs. Dr. S.B Patil || Mr. B. S. Patil || Mr. A. P. Pande |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1502020106 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper describe an implementation of application which is developed to find malignant & partially malignant thyroid detection using patient's speech signal variations. It detects Thyroid by person's speech samples. Format of Speech sample files are .wav (wave audio file format). This software application inputs speech files of malignant, non-malignant and partially malignant samples of patients. It extracts features using MFCC and HMM algorithms, then train and build models. It can check and detect single and multiple test files for malignant, non-malignant & partial malignant Thyroid.
Keywords: MFCC, HMM, SVM, malignant, Matlab
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Analysis of Meshed Microstrip Patch Antenna |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Abraham T Wiri |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1502020714 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper presents the design, simulation and fabrication of meshed ground plane to operate in the 2.4-2.5 GHz WLAN band (802.11b). The antenna design consists of seven samples of metallic mesh ground plane with different sizes of linewidth for the microstrip patchantenna. The patch antenna can be integrated in glass for mobile communication applications. These meshed patched antennas were compared with a solid patch of the same dimensions. Using the mesh ground plane for rectangular patch antenna gives improved bandwidth than the conventional patch antennas.
Key Words: Meshed ground plane; Impedance bandwidth; Antennas
[1]. Clasen, G. and Langley, R., 2004. Meshed patch antennas. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 52(6), pp.1412-1416.
[2]. Liu, X., Jackson, D.R., Chen, J., Liu, J., Fink, P.W., Lin, G.Y. and Neveu, N., 2017. Transparent and Nontransparent Microstrip Antennas on a CubeSat: Novel low-profile antennas for CubeSats improve mission reliability. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, 59(2), pp.59-68.
[3]. Kang, S.H. and Jung, C.W., 2018. Transparent patch antenna using metal mesh. IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66(4), pp.2095-2100.
[4]. Yasin, T., Baktur, R., Turpin, T and Arellano, J. Analysis and Design of Highly Transparent Meshed Patch Antenna Backed by a Solid Ground Plane. Prog. Electromagn. Res. M, 56, pp. 133–144, 2017
[5]. Balanis, C.A. Antenna theory analysis and design, John Willey and Son's Inc., 2016.
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Abstract: Background:New requirements in the era of Cloud and 5G are under evolution for information superhighways required for Digital economies. Corresponding to these new requirements, network optical backbones need to be laid for usage of various sectors in the economy. Materials and Methods: These information highways are expected to connect enterprises, homes and entertainment, IoTs, Base stations via Front haul, Optical Distribution Network (ODN), Optical Network Unit (ONU), Optical Line Terminal (OLT), Edge Devices on Mid-haul/Backhaul, Metro Data Centres, ROADM/OXC, long haul and Core.....
Keywords:5G, Superhighway, Transport Network, ROADM, PAM, Fronthaul, Mid-haul/Backhaul, DWDM, WSS, QAM
[1]. Laila Nadal, Michela SvalutoMoreolo, Joseph M Senior Member IEEE et al. "DMT Modulation with Adaptive Loading for High Bit Rate Transmission Over Directly Detected Optical Channels"
[2]. Xiang Liu, New Jersey Research Centre, "Evolution of Fiber-Optic Transmission and Networking toward the 5G Era",
[3]. Innovation Division, NTT Communications Corporation,
[4]. Glenn Baxter, Steven Frisken et al. "Highly programmable Wavelength Selective Switch based on Liquid Crystal on Silicon switching elements"
[5]. Binhuang Song, Chen Zhu et al. "Banded all-optical OFDM super-channels with low-bandwidth receivers" Vol 24, No 16|8 Aug 2016 | Optics Express 17968
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Survey of User Selection and Sum Rate Maximization |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Sreeshma M Satheesh || Roselin Raju |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1502022022 ![]() |
Abstract: cellular network is a communication network.Sumrate maximization is an important factor associated with cellular communication. Basically in cellular communication systems downlink is modelled as broadcast channel which includes one base station and several users, where the base station can transmit data to many user. Lots of resource allocation policies are available to achieve maximum sum rate in broadcast channel.This paper includes different techniques and summaries about the sum rate maximization. The major problem in cellular communication system is the active user selection. Selecting active users among many users is a complex optimization problem.
Key Words: User selection,Sumratemaximization,MIMO, MIMO-BC
[1]. Daeyoung Park," Iterative Waterfilling With User Selection in Gaussian MIMO Broadcast Channels", IEEE transactions on communications, vol. 66, no. 5,pp.1902-1911 may 2018
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[3]. N. Jindal, W. Rhee, S. Vishwanath, S. A. Jafar, and A. Goldsmith, "Sum power iterative water-filling for multi-antenna Gaussian broadcast channels," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 1570–1580, Apr. 2005.
[4]. W. Yu, "Sum-capacity computation for the Gaussian vector broadcast channel via dual decomposition," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 754–759, Feb. 2006.
[5]. A. Bayesteh and A. K. Khandani, "On the user selection for MIMO broadcast channels," IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 1086–1107, Mar. 2008.
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Abstract: With the advent of Digital Technology, it is efficient to represent the information on digital devices. Now-a-days internet is the primary mode of communication everywhere. Notice board plays a vital role to convey the message in any organization. To achieve the green IT, it is mandatory to use the Digital media rather than earlier conventional media like paper printing. In this paper, it has been implemented a Smart Notice Board which uses Raspberry Pi. With the help of this project, an authenticated person can convey the message/notice even from remote place on digital devices like Light Emitting Diode (LED). The proposed system reduces the resources like manpower and time. In this project, aside from displaying the message on the LED, it also speaks the message out through a speaker enabling the blind to receive the message as well
Keywords: Notice Board, Raspberry Pi, Speaker, LED
[1]. Dharmendra Kumar Sharma and Vineet Tiwari, "Small and medium range wireless electronic notice board using Bluetooth and ZigBee" IEEE 2015.
[2]. Neeraj Khera and DivyaShukla "Development of simple and low-cost Android based wireless notice board" IEEE 2016.
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[4]. KruthikaSimha, Shreya and Chethan Kumar "Electronic notice board with multiple output display" IEEE 2017
[5]. S. Rubin Bose and J. Jasper Prem "Design and Implementation of Digital Notice BoardUsing IoT" IJRIER 2017.
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Abstract: The issue with Static Road Dividers is that the number of paths on either side of the street is constant. Since the resources are constrained and population just as number of vehicles per family is expanding, there is huge increment in number of autos or cars on streets. This calls for better use of existing resources like number of paths accessible. Our aim is to formulate a mechanism of automated road divider that can shift lanes, so that we can have number of lanes in the direction of the rush. The cumulative impact of the time and fuel that can be saved by adding even one extra lane to the direction of the rush will be significant
Key words: Divider, Traffic, IR Sensors, Motor, Divider.
[1]. K.Vidhya, A.BazilaBanu, Density Based Traffic Signal System", Volume 3, Special Issue 3, March 2019
[2]. Priyanka Khanke, Prof. P. S. Kulkarni, "A Technique on Road Tranc Analysis using Image Processing", Vol. 3 Issue 2, February 2019.
[3]. RajeshwariSundar, SanthoshsHebbar, and VaraprasadGolla, Implementing intelligent Traffic Control System for Congestion Control, Ambulance Clearance, and Stolen Vehicle Detection" IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 15, No. 2, February 2018
[4]. Ms.PallaviChoudekar, Ms.SayantiBanerjee ,Prof.M.K.Muju, Real Time Traffic Light Control Using Image Processing" Vol. 2, No. March.
[5]. ShabbirBhusari, "Traffic control system using Raspberry-pi", Global Journal of Advanced Engineering Technologies ISSN (Online), Volume 4, Issue 4- 2015, pp 413-415. 2016
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Abstract: Online transactions are gradually taking over conventional trading methods, thereby becoming a logically accepted exchange medium. A lot of financial and economic burden is now lying on the Internet crux. A foremost security threat to online transactions today is cybercrime attacks. Therefore, this work deals with the concept of Secured Online Transaction (SONT). In so doing the paper investigated some available cyber Security measures and their roles in Security of Online Transactions. The various highlight of this paper is on online transaction securities. The work developed an algorithm which is called SONT that define the processes representing a secured online transaction ranging from customers, banks and merchants with a protection against fake electronic card details. The method used is by introduction of variable keys that validate card holders and merchant details from issuer before authorization using two-way verification.
Keywords: Cybercrime, Internet, Secured Online Transaction (SONT), Online Interface (OI), Electronic Card
[1]. Mohammad Vahidalizadehdizaj, Avery Leider Seidenberg, 2017, "Mobile Payment Protocol 3D by Using Cloud Messaging" Proceedings of Student-Faculty Research Day, CSIS, Pace University, May 5th, 2017 School of CSIS, Pace University, Pleasantville, New York
[2]. Vahidalizadehdizaj, M, A. Moghaddam, R and Momenebellah, S, 2011," New mobile payment protocol: Mobile pay center protocol (MPCP)," International Conference on Electronics Computer Technology, vol.2, no., pp.74,78, 8-10 April 2011
[3]. Pita Jarupunphol, Wipawan Buathong, 2013, "Secure Electronic Transactions (SET): "A Case of Secure System Project Failures" IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 5, No. 2, April 2013
[4]. Fawn Ngo, Jaishankar K, 2017, "Commemorating a Decade in Existence of the International Journal of Cyber Criminology: A Research Agenda to Advance the Scholarship on Cyber Crime" International Journal of Cyber Criminology Vol 11 Issue 1 January – June 2017. 1-4
[5]. Gordon. S, Ford. R, 2006,"On the definition and classification of cybercrime" Journal of Computer Virology, 2, 13-20.
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Abstract: Future-generation in wireless communications system is based on two main techniques which are MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output) and OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing). The combination of these two techniques lead to a better system known as OFDM-MIMO, this system is considered for wideband transmission to mitigate inter symbol interference and to enhance system capacity. The main techniques used in MIMO systems are diversity technique and spatial-multiplexing technique. The diversity technique is aimed to improve the reliability, while spatial-multiplexing technique that provides degrees of freedom or multiplexing gain aimed to ameliorate the data rate of the system. This paper shows the performance of the......
Keywords: MIMO; OFDM; BER; QPSK; Convolution Code; USRP
[1]. T. Wei and B. Khoshnevis, ―Integration of process planning and scheduling: a review,‖ Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 51–63, 2000.
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[3]. Y. Chu, F. You, J. M. Wassick, and A. Agarwal, ―Integrated planning and scheduling under production uncertainties: Bi-level model formulation and hybrid solution method,‖ Computers and Chemical Engineering, vol. 72, pp. 255–272, 2015.
[4]. F. S. Chan, V. Kumar, and M. Tiwari, ―Optimizing the Performance of an Integrated Process Planning and Scheduling Problem: An AIS-FLC based Approach,‖ 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, pp. 1–8, 2006.
[5]. W. Tan and B. Khoshnevis, ―Integration of process planning and scheduling— a review,‖ Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 51–63, 2000..
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Abstract: Fifth generation (5G) remote advancements face a few difficulties in order to help huge heterogeneous traffic and users. Novel modulation and multiple access methods are being created to satisfy the needs of 5G networks. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) is the existing modulation technology used in 4G networks. Its OOB emission is high because the signal is time-restricted. A novel modulation technique called orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation is used to support time-varying channels. It is used for time-varying channels with high Doppler spread. It multiplexes QAM information symbols in a new signal representation called the delay-Doppler representation. The multiple access scheme which is fundamental to all preceding and existing wireless communication networks is orthogonal multiple access (OMA). But OMA can support only a restricted number of users due to restrictions in the number of resource blocks which limits spectral efficiency. To support dissimilar classes and an enormous number of users various non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) methods are used.
Keywords: 5G, OTFS, NOMA
[1]. Z. Ding, R. Schober, P. Fan and H. V. Poor, "OTFS-NOMA: An Efficient Approach for Exploiting Heterogenous User Mobility Profiles,"IEEE transactions on communication, 2019 doi: 10.1109/TCOMM.2019.2932934.
[2]. YunlongCai and GeoffreyYeLi, "Modulation and Multiple Access for 5G Networks", IEEE communications surveys & tutorials", Vol.20, NO.1, First quarter 2018.
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Abstract: The usage of the network for cellular and Ad-HoC has becoming density due to limitations of capacity, coverage, and Quality of Service (QoS). We introduce the heterogeneous Ad-HoC wireless network for the increase of the coverage and QoS to satisfy the end-users. The proposed research work proposes Heterogeneous Real-Time Transport Protocol (HRTP) and Real- Time Transport Control Protocol (H-RTCP) which utilizes different data formats and standards. For successful packet delivery ration between sources and destinations, the combined HTRP and HRTCP are most close to IEEE 802.11 wireless mesh network. The combined routing protocol.....
Key Words:Ad-HoC wireless network, Capacity of the network, Heterogeneous network, LTE, RTP, RTCP, routing protocol and Wi-Fi
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