Series-1 (Jan. - Feb. 2022)Jan. - Feb. 2022 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: RECTENNA as the name implies is a rectifying antenna, which is a special type of receiving antenna that is used for harvesting electromagnetic energy into direct current (DC). The major problems of other Rectenna is the inability to harvest much electromagnetic energy in order to produce an amazing DC voltage output. However, this Research work is focused on designing and testing of an antenna rectifier circuit (RECTENNA) optimized for incoming signals and to improve the electromagnetic energy to direct current (DC) conversion rate. This research work seeks to improve energy harvesting from 2.4 GHz to 10 GHz with a corresponding DC output voltage of 0.85v to 2.4 v respectively.......
Keywords: Rectenna; Antenna; Radio Frequency (RF); IOT; RF Harvester
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Abstract: Artificial Intelligence is being used in medical field for various applications like disease diagnosis. One specific application of this using ANN and ANFIS in medical disease diagnosis is the analysis of brain MRI with the aid of image segmentation technique. Image segmentation is a field of digital image processing in which an image is splitted in various parts using one of available techniques such as edge detection or cluster dependent area. In this paper brain MRI Image is segmented using image segmentation method and it is converted in frequency domain using DWT operation then after applying morphological operation and watershed operation an image is compared with a set of images showing various diseases using artificial intelligence and hence disease is diagnosed .The simulation results are enhanced to somewhat 94% using AI technique.
Keywords: Segmentation, Artificial Intelligence, Morphological Operation, Watershed Transform, Alzheimer Disease.
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Abstract: Cognitive radio (CR) is a trend setting innovation fully intent on using the spectrum groups which are unused in an astute and dynamic manner. The portions of range or spectrum groups which are not utilized, are classified "range openings (spectrum holes)" or "blank areas (white space)". Process of range or spectrum allocation is for minimizing any possibility of interference between secondary and primary users. But CR technology faces various challenges because of the varying nature of the range available, and also the different quality of service requirements of various services. So in this work we introduce a cognitive user emulation attack (CUEA) in a cognitive radio network (CRN), which can be exploited by intruders during spectrum handoff. Then, we propose an enhanced spectrum handoff security mechanism.......
Keywords: Cognitive Radio Network, Spectrum Handoff Security, Fuzzy Logic, Data Delivery Ratio and Liveness, Probability of Error, Throughput rate, Transmission Delay..
[1]. E. Hill and H. Sun, "Double threshold spectrum sensing methods in spectrum-scarce vehicular communications," IEEE Trans. On Indus. Info., vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 4072–4080, 2018.
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Abstract: Nowadays solar cells are a prominent technology and play a vital role in the future of renewable energy sources for human society. The primary challenge is to make these solar cells to the reach of human society. In this price-competitive market, solar technologies must be cheap and efficient. Perovskite solar cells can be a better solution for this purpose. These perovskite solar cells are cheaper than the traditional inorganic solar cells but the power conversion efficiency (PCE) improvement is still an open area to work on. The PCE depends on various parameters like hole transport layer (HTL) material, the absorber layer, absorption coefficient, and the thickness of the absorber. The price of solar cells is determined by the HTL materials. The use of low-cost HTL materials is preferred. Using.......
Keywords: PCE, Perovskite Solar Cell, HTL
[1]. Chung Ping Liu, Ming Wei Chang, and Chuan Lung Chuang. Effect of rapid thermaloxidationonstructureandphotoelectronicpropertiesofsiliconoxidein monocrystallinesiliconsolarcells.CurrentAppliedPhysics,14(5):653–658,2014.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design and Simulation of a Novel Nine-Level Inverter for Solar Photovoltaic Systems |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Anzar Faiz || S. P.Gangwar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1701013440 ![]() |
Abstract: Some of the limitations of inverters can be solved by using a multilevel inverter topology. The number of level rises with the power quality and output voltage of the multilevel inverter also increases the level of harmonics. In this paper, seven and nine level modified multi-level inverter is introduced. The cascaded H-bridge multi-level inverters with different DC sources are discussed in detail with simulation results. In multilevel inverter, number of switches in cascaded H-bridge are increased when the number of output voltage levels increase. Numbers of ON state switches are large so that switching.......
Keywords: Solar; Photovoltaic; Multilevel Inverters; Simulation; Converters; IGBT; Switching
[1]. J Rodriguez, JS Lai, FZ Peng , Multilevel inverters: A survey of topologies, controls, and applications. IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron. 2002; 49(4): 724–738.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | DWT-DCT-SVD Based Biomedical Image Watermarking |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jainul Aabdeed |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1701014145 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays, Electronic Patient Records (EPRs) are being used by the hospitals for telemedicine purpose. This record contains information like detail of patient, diagnosis record, information of hospital along with the medical image such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Computed Tomography (CT) etc. In modern global data transmission, there is a compelling need to secure data information from numerous types of unlawful copying and alteration, when transporting such information. Image watermarking, which involves the use of powerful digital picture......
Keywords: Digital Watermarking, DCT, DWT, SVD, Fusion watermarking.
[1]. M. S. Hsieh, "Perceptual Copyright Protection using Multiresolution Wavelet Based Watermarking and Fuzzy Logic," International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications, Vol.1, No.3, July 2010.
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Abstract: Fast-Moving wildfires can result in substantial losses of infrastructure and natural resources including thousands of hectares of forest within the Rufus Giwa polytechnic's environment, Owo Ondo, State, Nigeria and during such events, a real-time intelligence system is critical for managing firefighting activities and public safety. The proposed research is focusing on a state-of-the-art wireless sensor network to monitor bushfires for early detection of fire as fast as possible and its exact localization and early notification through GSM technology. The two basic designs were carried out, the first part is the transmitter (End device) which is placed in the forest or any place of interest where measurement of parameters namely temperature and relative humidity is carried out, and....
Key Word: Rufus Giwa polytechnic; Bushfire; GSM; SHT11; Microcontroller; SMS; SPSS; ZigBee
[1]. Munawar H.S, Ullah F, Khan S.I, Qadir Z and Qayyum S, UAV Assisted Spatiotemporal Analysis and Management of Bushfires: A Case Study of the 2020 Victorian Bushfires, MDPI. 2021: 4(3): 1-34.
[2]. Whittaker J, Taylor M, Bearman C, why don't bushfire warnings work as intended? Response to official warnings during bushfires in New south wales, Australia, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 2020; 45(101476): 1-10.
[3]. Spits C, Wallace L, Reinke K, Investigating surface and near-surface bushfire fuel attributes: A comparison between visual assessments and image-based point clouds. MDPPI (Sensors). 2017, 17(4): 1-19.
[4]. Jadhav P. S, Deshmukh V. U, Forest Fire Monitoring System Based On Zigbee Wireless Sensor Network..International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering. 2012; 2(12), 187-191.
[5]. Hlaing S, Aung S.N, monitoring of forest Fire detection system using ZigBee. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research Development (IJTSRD). 2019; 3(4): 1332-1334.