Series-2 (May - Jun. 2022)May - Jun. 2022 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Drive And Driver Monitoring system is a driving behavior and monitoring device which is designed and devloped to keep a track on Automobile, driver as well as his driving, thus to ensure the protection and safety on the road. The main and important intention of this project is to design and develop a system that we can install in any type of mobility vehicle so that we can keep a track , collect and store data. To construct safe vehicles, helping insurance companies and investigating agencies with their investigation related to vehicle crash and magnifying road status so the result would be decrease in death rate.
Keywords: Used —Speed Sensor, Temperature Sensor, Alcohol Sensor, Tilt Sensor, Arduino, Node MCU, GSM Module, DC Motor.
[1]. R.Kavya,P.Vemaiah"Vehicles Black Box System Using Arduino ", Jayati Routh , Arshiya das, Piyashi Kundu, Madhubarsha Thakur,
[2]. "Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection and Messaging System Using GPS and GSM Module".
[3]. Sri Krishna Chaitanya Varma, Poornesh, Tarun Varma and Harsha , "Automatic Vehicle Accident Detection And Messaging System Using GPS and GSM Modems".
[4]. Shaik Khadar Basha and P Sireesh Babu , "Wireless Black Box Report for Tracking of Accidental Monitoring In Vehicles".
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Abstract: As we have seen from ending of 2019 a scary Disease COVID-19 that had attacked many people It is an easy spread communicable disease so to overcome This virus. we need to maintain social distance so that spread of virus will be reduced. We have seen everywhere checking up the health conditions and allowing inside to respective areas. To check these conditions a person should be there to monitor so instead of that we can use this. it automatically works without man source.
Keywords: Covid 19, Raspberry pi, face mask detection, Temperature detection , camera
[1]. Saminathan, V., Kumaran, C. S., Kishore, R., Kamalesh, S., and Veerasatish, A. (2021).
[2]. Naveen Kumar, K., Surya, and Manoj Kumar, A. (2021). Automatic covid-19 face mask and body temperature detection with deep learning and computer vision.
[3]. Varshini, B., Yogesh,IoT-enabled smart doors for monitoring body temperature and face mask detection.
[4]. Vinitha, V. and Velantina, V. (2020). Covid-19 face mask detection with deep learning and computer vision.
[5]. Pradyumna Gokhale., Omkar Bhat., Sagar Bhat.,(2018), Introduction to IOT.
[6]. Anand Nayyar, Vikram Puri (2015). Raspberry Pi- A Small, Powerful, Cost Effective and Efficient Form Factor Computer: A Review..
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Abstract: Scientists and researchers have a tremendous responsibility to improve the quality and expectancy of life, particularly human life. The researcher has chosen the presented field for research to identify possible innovative and advanced definite system designs to save numerous endangered lives of Individuals with Anxiety Disorder. The paper displays compact board can then be incorporated into an easy-to-wear device, such as a ring, which focuses on the finger and collects the physiological signals of GSR, PPG, and 3-axis sensors. This way, the user is only wearing a compact sensor board that can efficiently communicate with the Arduino interface without being physically connected to it. The authors algorithm, states that the ranges for at least two of the variables represented, and should be satisfied, interprets this data and sends its corresponding emotional state to the support system. Author analysed real-time data across many scientific databases and analysed a variety of methodologies to determine risks and resolutions with valid evidences.
Keywords: GSR, PPG, 3-axis accelerometer
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Number Script Recognizer Using Cnn |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | KVBL Deepthi || K. Rupesh Sai Chand Reddy || G. Keerthi || Y. Sushma |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1703021722 ![]() |
Abstract: Accurate text identification and recognition are critical in image processing and document analysis.Some numeric symbols with similar appearances are hard to differentiate.As a result the best deep learning and convolutional neural networks are employed.In this project we use MNIST dataset to train the model.A digit from the selected dataset is given to deep learning architecture in which it undergoes convolution,pooling and dense layers.Dense layers are typical neural network layers also called as decision making layers.This project can handle a variety of numerals and provide an accuracy upto 97.24%.
Keywords: Handwritten Digit Recognition, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), MNIST Dataset, OpenCV, Tensorflow, Adam Optimizer, Backpropagation, Hidden layers, Raspberry Pi
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Different Shaped Microstrip Patch Antennas |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shubhi Gupta |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1703022329 ![]() |
Abstract: In the past few decades, microstrip patch antenna has been studied in various forms all over the world, still there is possibility of further developments in it. Number of single elements arranged in the form of array is needed to attain high directivity as high directivity is needed by satellites for communication. This paper presents four different shaped singular microstrip patch antennas. All the four antennas are simulated at a frequency of 2.45 GHz in HFSS 15.0 software, and a comparison is made on the basis of their return loss, VSWR, gain and directivity.
Keywords: microstrip patch antenna, return loss, gain, directivity, VSWR
[1]. D. H. Nguyen, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. Moll, V. Krozer and G. Zimmer, "Improved Sidelobe-Suppression Microstrip Patch Antenna Array by Uniform Feeding Networks," in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 68, no. 11, pp. 7339-7347, Nov. 2020, doi: 10.1109/TAP.2020.2995416.
[2]. R. Hasan, W. A. Ahmed, J. Lu, H. J. Ng and D. Kissinger, " $F$ -Band Differential Microstrip Patch Antenna Array and Waveguide to Differential Microstrip Line Transition for FMCW Radar Sensor," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 19, no. 15, pp. 6486-6496, 1 Aug.1, 2019, doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2019.2909935.
[3]. H. Saeidi-Manesh and G. Zhang, "Low Cross-Polarization, High-Isolation Microstrip Patch Antenna Array for Multi-Mission Applications," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 5026-5033, 2019, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2889599.
[4]. K. S. Vishvaksenan, K. Mithra, R. Kalaiarasan and K. S. Raj, "Mutual Coupling Reduction in Microstrip Patch Antenna Arrays Using Parallel Coupled-Line Resonators," in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 16, pp. 2146-2149, 2017, doi: 10.1109/LAWP.2017.2700521.
[5]. U. Rafique, H. Khalil and Saif-Ur-Rehman, "Dual-band microstrip patch antenna array for 5G mobile communications," 2017 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Fall (PIERS - FALL), 2017, pp. 55-59, doi: 10.1109/PIERS-FALL.2017.8293110.
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Abstract: The RAW (Restricted Access Window) component of the IoT network is deployed to reduce traffic and channel contention in dense and heterogeneous sensor network environment. It divides sensor nodes into groups and slots, allowing channel access only to one RAW slot at a time. Several algorithms and improved channel utilization optimization models have been proposed to optimize the RAW parameters, to ensure a contention free network or at least, minimally reduce it. These techniques often rely on previous traffic demands schedules, collision analysis and send/receive matrices to accurately predict the future of stations' interactions in an IoT environment. Thus systematically adjusting its operations........
Keywords: Resource allocation, station, network, nodes, simulation.
[1]. Tian, L., Famaey, J., &Latre, S, "Evaluation of the IEEE 802.11ah Restricted Access Window mechanism for dense IoT networks", IEEE 17th International Symposium on A World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), PP-1-10, 2016.
[2]. Slaoui, S. C., Dafir, Z., &Lamari, Y. (2018). E-Transitive: an enhanced version of the Transitive heuristic for clustering categorical data. Procedia Computer Science, 127, 26–34.
[3]. Gohar, A., Kyong H.K., & Ki-II, K. (2002). Adaptive TDMA Scheduling for Real-Time Flows in Cluster-Based Wireless Sensor Networks. Computer Science and Information System 13(2):475-492.
[4]. U., S., & A. V., B. (2018). Performance analysis of IEEE 802.11ah wireless local area network under the restricted access window-based mechanism. International Journal of Communication Systems, e3888
[5]. Michael Collins (2015). The Forward-Backward Algorithm. International Journal of Communication System, Volume 32, Issue 7, PP-1-20, 2019
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Abstract: An eigenmode projection technique is utilized to solve the problems ofthe electromagnetic wave propagation in shielded transmission lines. The technique isadopted to solve theproblems ofinfinite length rectangular shaped loaded lineswhere a fictitious canonical cavity surrounded by perfect electric surfaceis chosen to enclose the line and the fields inside are expanded in terms ofthe cavitysolenoidal and irrotational eigenmodes where they are considered as a complete set torepresent any vector field inside the cavity. The fields in Maxwell's equations inside theenclosed region are then expanded using the cavity eigenmodes. Finally, a set of equationsfor the eigenmodes are resulted by using thefields expansions in Maxwell's equations ofthe cavity where mode projections are done. This set of equations aresolved together toget the line dispersion curve and the propagating modes..
Keywords: Eigenmodes; Resonance; Transmission Lines; Microstrip Lines; Coplanar Waveguides.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Development of 5G and 6G Using Transform Domain Precoding |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Madhumitha. K || Rathika.M || Dr.P.Sivakumar |
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: | 10.9790/2834-1703024957 ![]() |
Abstract: Due to the availability of wide bandwidth, high frequency band is promising for 5G evolution and 6G. With the increase of antenna ports and bandwidth, existing sub band-level precoding consumes high feedback overhead and restricts the precoding granularity. However, channel sparsity can be observed in transformed angular delay domain in MilliMetre Wave systems with massive antennas. In this project, to utilize the sparsity, we propose a transform domain precoding (TDP) method to design precoder and feedback. In transform domain precoding, transmitter side is fully focused to decrease the bandwidth and for performance receiver side is touched. Realistic factors including hybrid beamforming, frequency domain windowing and power allocation are analysed.
Keywords: Transform Domain Precoding, Hybrid Beamforming, Channel Sparsity, MilliMetre wave
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[3]. R. W. Heath, N. Gonzalez-Prelcic, S. Rangan, W. Roh, and A. Sayeed, "An overview of signal processing techniques for millimetre wave MIMO systems," IEEE J. Sel. Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 10, no. 3, pp.436–453, 2016.
[4]. M. Giordani, M. Polese, A. Roy, D. Castor, and M. Zorzi, "A tutorial on beam management for 3GPP NR at mmWave frequencies," IEEE Commun. Surveys & Tutorials, vol. 21, no. 1, pp. 173–196, 2019.
[5]. TS-38.214, "Physical layer procedures for data (Release 15)," 3GPP Tech. Rep., 2019.