Series-1 (Mar - Apr. 2024)Mar - Apr. 2024 Issue Statistics
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Abstract: Optical fibers have created a revolution in the field of telecommunication and have become the back bone of today's global communication networks. Optical fiber communication is considered to be more advantageous because, it has large channel handling capacity, high signal to noise ratio due to presence of low noise, no electromagnetic interference. In the most recent telecommunication engineering, it is known to use optical fibers for sending optical signals of a predetermined frequency to carry information to be remotely communicated. It is also known that the optical signal sent through an optical fiber undergoes an attenuation during its travel,....
Keywords—Soliton, Optimization ,Dispersion , Optical fiber ,Nonlinear schrodinger equation, Optical time division multiplexed (OTDM) transmission system, etc.
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Abstract: The current microwave backhaul systems face numerous challenges including issues related to adverse weather conditions, limited capacity, restricted range and latency concerns. In response to the need for enhanced backhaul performance for 4G (LTE) and 5G networks, operators are increasingly exploring Passive Optical Network (PON) technology as a viable solution. PON technology holds the promise of overcoming these challenges by offering unlimited capacity, minimized latency, scalability, and cost-effectiveness. This research's primary aim is to simulate a designedPassive Optical Network (PON) to serve as the backhaul infrastructure for 4G (LTE) cellular.....
Index Terms: PON, Mobile Communication, Passive Optical Network (PON), Upstream, Downstream, Backhaul Network
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Abstract: The purpose of this survey is to give industry practitioners and readers a deeper comprehension of the high peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) issue in create a taxonomy of the various ways to alleviate the issue with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. After providing an overview of OFDM systems, the survey goes on to discuss the most frequent obstacle to OFDM systems, the PAPR issue, and how it affects power amplifiers, causing nonlinear distortion. The measures that can be used to assess the effectiveness of PAPR reduction plans are defined in detail in this survey. A taxonomy of PAPR reduction strategies divides them into three categories: coding approaches, signalling and probabilistic, and signal distortion. Within each group, there is further classification......
Keywords: OFDM, PAPR, Power Amplifiers
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Abstract: Satellite communication stands as a linchpin of modern technology, underpinning diverse industries and sectors worldwide. However, the omnipresent threat of cosmic rays, originating from the depths of outer space, casts a shadow over the reliability and stability of satellite communication systems. These high-energy particles, upon interaction with Earth's atmosphere, spawn secondary radiation streams, including neutrons, protons, and gamma rays, capable of penetrating spacecraft and wreaking havoc on onboard electronics. Such interactions give rise to single-event effects (SEEs), ranging from benign bit flips to catastrophic component failures, jeopardizing......
[1]. J Giacalone, H Fahr, H Fichtner, V Florinski, Quantitatively Relating Cosmic Rays Intensities From Solar Activity Parameters Based On Structural Equation Modelingadvances In Space Researchvolume 72, Issue 2, 15 July 2023, Pages 638-648
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[4]. Ilias Cholis And Ian Mckinnon, Constraining The Charge-, Time-, And Rigidity-Dependence Of Cosmic-Ray Solar Modulation With Ams-02 Observations During Solar Cycle 24, Phys. Rev. D 106, 063021 – Published 26 September 2022
[5]. X Guo, Y Zhou, V Florinski, C Wang , Dynamical Coupling Between Anomalous Cosmic Rays And Solar Wind In Outer Heliosphere, The Astrophysical Journal, 2022 – Iopscience.Iop.Org.
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Abstract: This research project introduces a 5 Degree of Freedom (DOF) robotic arm designed for pick-and-place tasks, integrating advanced object and shape detection technology to meet the growing demand for precise and efficient automation solutions in the industrial sector. The robotic arm incorporates IoT technology, providing a web-based portal for remote monitoring and control, granting real-time access to crucial data. With meticulous design involving servo motors and sensors, the arm adapts to diverse objects effectively. The implementation of object and shape detection....
Keywords: Robotic arm, 5 DOF, Internet of Things (IoT), automation
M. E. Moran, 2007 Evolution Of Robotic Arms, J. Robot. Surg., Vol 1 Pp 103–111
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Abstract: This project entails the development and implementation of an IN-OUT bidirectional library visitor counter. The digital visitor counter serves as a dependable circuit tasked with accurately tallying the number of individuals entering and exiting the library room. It incorporates a warning alarm that activates when the number of visitors surpasses the capacity limit of the auditorium/hall. As individuals enter the library room, the counter increments by one (+1), and as they exit, the counter decrements by one (-1). The total count of persons within the library room is displayed on a P10 LED.....
Keywords— bidirectional counter, P10 LED, ESP32, Webserver
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Abstract: The study proposes a novel approach to detecting surface cracks in iron rods by integrating deep learning with image processing techniques. It emphasizes the importance of collecting a diverse dataset comprising images of both damaged and undamaged metallic rods across various environments. Preprocessing steps.
Subsequently, image segmentation is utilized to isolate the iron rod's region of interest from the background. Feature extraction methods, including texture analysis and edge detection, are then applied to capture distinctive characteristics of cracked surfaces. A deep learning model, such as a convolutional neural network (CNN), is trained on the segmented.....
Keywords— Crack detection, CNN, Image processing, Deep learning, Accuracy
A. Prasetyo, E. M. Yuniarto, P. Suprobo And A. Tambusay, "Application Of Edge Detection Technique For Concrete Surface Crack Detection," 2022 International Seminar On Intelligent Technology And Its Applications (Isitia), Surabaya, Indonesia, 2022, Pp. 209-213, Doi: 10.1109/Isitia56226.2022.9855280.
D. K. K, S. A, S. P And V. C. Maha Vishnu, "Detection Of Cracks In High Rise Buildings Using Drones," 2022 3rd International Conference On Electronics And Sustainable Communication Systems
(Icesc), Coimbatore, India, 2022, Pp. 318-324, Doi: 10.1109/Icesc54411.2022.9885251.
J. Liu, J. Gu And S. Luo, "Research On Road Crack Detection Based On Machine Vision," 2022 Ieee 6th Advanced Information Technology, Electronic And Automation Control Conference (Iaeac), Beijing, China, 2022, Pp. 543-547,
Doi: 10.1109/Iaeac54830.2022.9929645.
L. Fan, S. Li, Y. Li, B. Li, D. Cao And F. -Y. Wang, "Pavement Cracks Coupled With Shadows: A New Shadow-Crack Dataset And A Shadow-Removal-Oriented Crack Detection Approach," In Ieee/Caa Journal Of Automatica Sinica, Vol. 10, No. 7, Pp. 1593-1607, July 2023, Doi: 10.1109/Jas.2023.123447
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Abstract: A fresh and creative approach to car convenience and security is shown by the "Face Detection-Based Car Ignition System" project. Utilizing Open CV and Haar Cascades, computer vision technology is used in this research to create a reliable and easy-to-use system that improves ignition control and car security.To create an intelligent ignition system that turns on when it detects the face of an authorized driver is the main goal of this project. By employing Haar Cascade classifiers, the system can consistently identify the driver's face, ensuring that the ignition.Not only does this system provide security, but it also makes ignition simple and smooth by doing away with the need for conventional keys or key fobs.Presenting the "Face Detection-Based Car Ignition System" development process, outcomes, and possible use cases, with an emphasis on the innovations in hardware integration and computer vision that have improved security and the automobile industries..
Keywords— Face detection system, Haar cascade algorithm, Micro controller(Arduino)
Jian Xiao And Haidongfeng "An Affordable Expandable Structure For Integrated Smart Vehicle Safety System" Proceedings Of The 2019 Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineer International Conference On Networking, Sensing And Control, Okayama, Japan, March 26-29, 2019.
W. Astuti And E. B. Wahyu Riyandwita, "Voice Recognition Technology Based Automated Engine Starting" 2016 Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineer Student Conference On Research&Development(Scored),2016,Pg.15,Doi:10.1109/Sco Red.2016.7810061.
Xusheng Tang, Zongyingou, Tieming Su, Pengfei Zhao, "Cascade Adaboost Classifiers For Cellular Phone Embedded Face Detection System With Stage Features Optimization" Advances In Natural Computation, Pg. 688,2020.
Pooja And G.V.S. Jyothirmayee " For Vehicle Safety, A Fingerprint-Based Anti-Theft System." International Journal Of Innovative Research In Computer And Communication Engineering, Vol. No.-5, Issue-2, February 2017.
Mahesh R. P.,Imadr. "Iot-Based Embedded System For Driver Surveillance And Vehicle Security", Proceedings Of The 2nd International Conference On Inventive Communication And Computational Technologies (Icicct 2018), Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineer Explore Compliant -Part Number: Cfp18bac-Art; Isbn:978-1- 5386-1974-2.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Raspberry Pi Based Weather Reportingover Iot |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms.Sk. Shabeena || B.Akhila, M.Vijaya || K.Manoj Babu |
![]() |
: | 10.9790/2834-1902015860 ![]() |
Abstract: A remote framework to monitor climatic conditions may be used as a useful tool to impact people's day-to-day lives because of the major role that climate plays in our normal, everyday lives. We are also developing this gadget has a remote framework that allows it to quickly monitor environmental parameters including stickiness, temperature, wind direction, and precipitation levels. It also stores the data it collects and compares it with previous data to make educated guesses about potential climate change. As per our plan, we will advocate for unambiguous lawsand measures to mitigate the negative effects Take action against climate change and contribute to the preservation of a pristine environment......
Keywords— soil moisture, wind flow sensor, GSM module, temperature sensor, and Raspberry Pi Pico
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Abstract: Background: It is well known that solar energy, as a renewable and inexhaustible energy source, is always available and can be transformed and stored as electrical energy. Mexico City and its metropolitan area are located in a region with intense solar radiation, comparable to that of countries like China, Singapore, Australia, and India. Faced with the crisis of non-renewable energy sources and environmental pollution, the use of photovoltaic systems emerges as a viable alternative to mitigate the negative impact on the environment. These systems, with a great development and technological advance, allow the generation of electrical energy from solar cells that convert sunlight into electricity through simple mechanisms......
Keywords— energy, photovoltaic solar panel, renewable energies, radiation, photovoltaic cells.
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