Volume-7 ~ Issue-3
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Abstract: In the recent year's power utility of coastal areas are experiencing relatively large quantum of solar and wind energy. If the wind is heavy it might produce larger sea waves of high energy contents. The electricity needs of a township or a village situated in a coastal area can be partially fulfilled by installing a modular mini electricity generating unit and an intensified solar heat extractor in buildings. Also, installation of medium sized windmill plant, solar heated steam turbine electricity generator and sea wave energy extracting plants could fulfill the rest of the electricity needs of the township. Here we discuss the regulation of the voltage and frequency of a stand-alone fixed-pitch wind energy conversion system (WECS) based on a self-excited squirrel-cage induction machine. The characteristics of the wind turbine, self-excited generator, and the ratings of the VSI are considered in order to determine the load range for which voltageand frequency can be regulated for a given wind speed range.
Keywords: Solar panel, solar tracker, solar water heater,renewable energy, wind mills, induction generator, load management.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Simulation of Signals with Field Signal Simulator |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pattan Munni, V. Vittal Reddy, N. Nageswararao |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0730712 ![]() |
Abstract: In the recent trends the field signal processing is an emerging technology for data acquisition systems, controlling application systems and automation system in real time environment. Versa Modular European (VME) and CRIO based hardware to simulate the field signals for the computer based control and instrumentation panel. Simulator is used to transmit multiple number of signals at a time. FSS software is a generic software to simulate the field signals for a computer based control and instrumentation system. Its general purpose nature easily extends its capabilities to build and perform unit under test(UUT's) ATP specific test routines. Field signal simulator (FSS)is also an Automatic Testing Equipment (ATE). The main the Scope of this project covers real time computer (RTC) systems used for Signal Processing & Control application and the simulation techniques used to achieve automation by testing these RTC systems. It also includes RTC hardware and the software used for process & control applications. Simulation hardware & software used to test VME system is also included in the scope of this study.
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Abstract: Sum patterns find applications in Radar for searching and ranging of the targets. A sum pattern with low sidelobe level is a desirable feature in these applications, in order to reduce EMI problems. Sum patterns with Asymmetrical sidelobe topography are considered, in applications where only certain angular regions of pattern are required to have low sidelobe level. Asymmetrical pattern characteristics can have lower beam widths for given design specifications as compared to symmetrical patterns. In view of this, a conventional method of synthesis is carried out in this paper, to produce asymmetrical sidelobe level patterns using discrete arrays. The effect of beam scanning on the pattern behavior is also analyzed for the above synthesized patterns.
Keywords: sum pattern, asymmetrical sidelobe level, beam width, complex excitation weights, and discrete array.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Bangla Optical Digits Recognition using Edge Detection Method |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Md. Mosarraf Hossain |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0731924 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper is based on Bangla Optical Digit Recognition (ODR) by the Edge detection technique. In this method, Bangla digit image converted into gray-scale which distributed by an M by N array form. Here input data are considered off-line printed digit's image which collected from computer generated image, scanned documents or printed text. After addressing the gray-scale image against a variable in the form of an M by N array, where the value of array pointers are shown 255 for total white space, 0 (zero) for total dark space and value between 255 and 0 for mix of white and dark space of the image. At the next process, four edgestouch points as well as each touch point's ratio use as parameters to determine each Bangla digit uniquely.
Keywords-Edge, image,gray-scale, Matrix,ODR.
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[5] Help of MATLAB file format for image
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Abstract: We investigated the Classification of satellite images and multispectral remote sensing data .we focused on uncertainty analysis in the produced land-cover maps .we proposed an efficient technique for classifying the multispectral satellite images using Support Vector Machine (SVM) into road area, building area and green area. We carried out classification in three modules namely (a) Preprocessing using Gaussian filtering and conversion from conversion of RGB to Lab color space image (b) object segmentation using proposed Cluster repulsion based kernel Fuzzy C- Means (FCM) and (c) classification using one-to-many SVM classifier. The goal of this research is to provide the efficiency in classification of satellite images using the object-based image analysis. The proposed work is evaluated using the satellite images and the accuracy of the proposed work is compared to FCM based classification. The results showed that the proposed technique has achieved better results reaching an accuracy of 79%, 84%, 81% and 97.9% for road, tree, building and vehicle classification respectively.
Keywords:-Satellite image, FCM Clustering, Classification, SVM classifier.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Long Term Evolution (LTE) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Emad Kazi, Rajan Pillai, Uzair Qureshi, Awab |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0733642 ![]() |
Abstract: The number of people using mobile phone in the world has exceeded 4.5 billion and this figure is continuing to grow. For the past several years, mobile data traffic such as internet access, the downloading of music and video communication has been nearly tripling every year. With the popularity of smartphones, mobile data traffic will increase 200 times in the 7 to 8 years upto 2020.There are high expectations that Long Term Evolution (LTE) which is known as 3.9G wireless system will be a new service platform that can support a huge amount of mobile data traffic. This paper describes the features, technology and network architecture of LTE & also provides an overview of next generation telecommunication network LTE, which is started commercially in December 2010 in Japan (started by DOCOMO), realizing high speed wireless access. It also outlines the further trends towards a further speed increase. Keywords- Circuit Switching, GSM, HSPA, LTE, Packet Switching, WiMAX
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[3] Dieter Eberle, "LTE vs. WiMAX: 4th generation telecommunication networks", Computer Engineering B.Sc. ,Berlin Institute of Technology, Germany
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[7] LTE Network Architecture. http://www.tutorialspoint.com/lte/lte_network_architecture.htm
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Abstract: According to the request of advance communication field there should be high data rate in addition to both power efficiency and lower bit error rate. This request of high data rate can be achieved by the multi carrier modulation scheme using the OFDM technique. But the great drawback of the OFDM technique is its high peak to average power ratio (PAPR). High PAPR reduces OFDM signals by driving the analog amplifier to work in the nonlinear region, changing this way the signal and making the amplifier to consume more power. To reduce the PAPR methods exist which adjust or present new signals to battle large signal peaks. The methods which use data carrying channels are called active channel methods and which use redundant channel are called non active channel methods. This work deals with reduction of the PAPR of OFDM signal using both Active and Non Active Channels. Clipping technique has been applied to active channels and Tone reservation has been applied to Non Active Channels. By using both channels we can get considerable reduction in PAPR.
Keywords: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR), Power Amplifier (PA).
[1] R. van Nee and R. Prasad, OFDM for Wireless Multimedia Communications, Artech House Publishers, Massachusetts, 2000.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Hardware Implementation of Electronic Railway Ticket |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shesha H Shukla, Ankit Shah |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0734951 ![]() |
Abstract: We have designed a rechargeable electronic ticket using a microcontroller and an Xbee module which is a W.S.N i.e. a wireless sensor network. All stations are assumed to have a sensor which senses the commuters' ticket and shows a green light if there is enough balance in the ticket and red otherwise. The balance in the ticket gets adjusted in the database of the particular commuter as a unique ID is assigned to each and every commuter. The proposed system thus aims at saving the commuters' valuable time and also saves the environment by avoiding wastage of paper.
Keywords: Database, microcontroller, receiver, rechargeable, transmitter, wireless sensor module
[1] Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach, by Feng Zhao and Leonidas Guibas, pg xiii
[2] http://www.digi.com/xbee
[3] http://www.atmel.com/images/doc2486.pdf
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Abstract: The wireless channel is central within this context, thus estimating the channel is the key to make CR operational, taking in consideration that the transmission-reception technology is available. In this thesis, we design a MIMO system using OFDM modulation technology to transmit and receive two signals over the mobile wireless channel. First formulate the pilot design as a new optimization problem. We use MIMO concept to enhance system capacity and robustness of the wireless transmission. In Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) based cognitive radio (CR) systems, with the increasing demand for data rate and reliability in Wireless communicationsand devices, several issues become very important like bandwidth efficiency, quality of service and radio coverage. In this new scheme, adaptive arrays are group-selected in the spatial domain. Simulation shows that the proposed system can get significant performance improvements over the conventional array based OFDM systems over frequency-selective multipath fading channels with cognitive radio (CR) system.
Keywords: Cognitive radios, MIMO, OFDM, and Joint transmit and receive group selected arrays.
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Abstract: Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) plays an important role in today's public key based security systems. . ECC is a faster and more secure method of encryption as compared to other Public Key Cryptographic algorithms. This paper focuses on the performance advantages of using ECC in the wireless network. So in this paper its algorithm has been implemented and analyzed for various bit length inputs. The Private key is known only to sender and receiver and hence data transmission is secure.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Comparison of Multi-Carrier CDMA Using QPSK and BPSK Modulation |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Karmjeet Singh, Er. Rajbir Kaur |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0736166 ![]() |
Abstract: MC-CDMA (Multi Carrier Code Division Multiple Access) plays an important role in modern wireless communications. Modern communication required an efficient spectrum usage and capacity and throughput.MC-CDMA provided the solution of these problems. MIMO refers to links with multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver side. CDMA systems combined with multiple antennas is a promising technique, beyond 3G and 4G wireless communications. MIMO provides spatial diversity, which mitigates the fading. The usage of multiple antennas can significantly improve the performance of wireless communication system. This work also derives simulation through MATLAB of average bit error rate verses bit energy to noise ratio of multicarrier code division multiple access over Rayleigh channel using QPSK and BPSK modulation additive white Gaussian noise.
Keywords: AWGN,BER,MC-CDMA, QPSK Modulation, Rayleigh Channel.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Analysis of Five Input – Three Output Fuzzy Based Washing Machine |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Suchitra, Naveen Kumar Malik |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0736773 ![]() |
Abstract: Now a day, intelligent control of home appliances has rapid market penetration. In this paper, the authors have proposed the design of fuzzy logic controller having five inputs to give correct wash, rinse and spin time of fully automatic machine .The objective is to save a lot of time, electricity and water for washing the cloth. The proposed FLC is simulated using Fuzzy Logic Toolbox of MATLAB. The result is used to calculate the wash time, rinse time and spin time for different type of input conditions. The results are compared with previous washing machine controllers.
Keywords: FIS Editor, Fuzzy Logic Controller, MATLAB, Rule Viewer, Surface Viewer
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Abstract: The research work focused on the contributions of information and communication technology to the growth and development of banking activities in Nigeria. The research work tried to identify and to assess the extent of the use of Information Technology in First Bank of Nigeria and seek to find out what impact as a whole does Information Technology have on banking operations. Questionnaires were generated, distributed and result analyzed using statistical data. The findings of this study reveal that a positive correlation exists between ICT and banks profitability in Nigeria. This implies that a marginal change in the level of the investment and adoption of ICT in the banking industry will result to a proportionate increase in the profit level. This is confirmed by the level of the regression coefficient as well as the factor analysis which revealed that an insignificant size of profit exist without the introduction of the ICT. The results in Table a, b and c show that banks that have a high level of ICT will make intensive use of production and efficiency practices such as business re-engineering, outsourcing and flexible work arrangements which will yield the best performance.
Keyword: Banking, Development, ICT, Analysis, data, research
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Flower Classification Using Neural Network Based Image Processing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. S. M. Mukane, Ms. J. A. Kendule |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0738085 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, it is proposed to have a method for classification of flowers using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) classifier. The proposed method is based on textural features such as Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT). A flower image is segmented using a threshold based method. The data set has different flower images with similar appearance .The database of flower images is a mixture of images taken from World Wide Web and the images taken by us. The ANN has been trained by 50 samples to classify 5 classes of flowers and achieved classification accuracy more than 85% using GLCM features only. Keywords: Artificial Neural Network, DWT, GLCM, Segmentation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of accumulator Based 3-Weight Pattern Generation using LP-LSFR |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G. Sindhu, B. Balaji |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0738691 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of the BIST is to reduce power dissipation without affecting the fault coverage. Weighted pseudorandom built-in self - test (BIST) schemes have been utilized in order to drive down the number of vectors to achieve complete fault coverage in BIST applications. Weighted sets comprising three weights, namely 0, 1, and 0.5 have been successfully utilized so far for test pattern generation, since they result in both low testing time and low consumed power. In this approach, the single input change patterns generated by a counter and a gray code generator are Exclusive–ORed with the seed generated by the low power linear feedback shift register [LP-LFSR]. Since accumulators are commonly found in current VLSI chips, this scheme can be efficiently utilized to drive down the hardware of BIST pattern generation, as well. From the implementation results, it is verified that the testing power for the proposed method is reduced by a significant percentage.
Keywords: Built-in self- test (BIST), test per clock, VLSI testing, weighted test pattern generation, low power linear feedback shift register [LP-LFSR].
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