Volume-7 ~ Issue-5
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Abstract: Efficient Sub area tree routing, is named after its performance, where the whole network is divided into many subareas, such that they form sub area trees. The root nodes are identified by manual configuration or auto-discovery process. Initially a root node establishes sub area trees and each node either forms a sub area tree or become a interconnect node. ESTR is a hierarchical routing protocol and does not maintain the routing information in every node consistently.It exhibits both the behaviour of proactive and on-demand routing protocols. The simulation results shows that the throughput value of the protocol is considerably found to be maximum compared to AODV protocol which leads to the avoidance of collision, reduces the delay, energy consumption and the data transmission time.
Keywords: ESTR, hierarchical routing protocol, throughput, collision avoidance.
[1] Liu Gui-kai, Shan Chun-li, Wei Gang, Wang Hong-jiang,Subarea Tree Routing in Multi-hop Wireless Ad hoc Networks,IEEE ,pp 1695-1699,2008.
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Abstract: Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are increasingly being used in various applications such as for controlling & monitoring purposes in industrial processes. Cost effectiveness is the highly prioritized goal of communication protocols & application design for WSN. This paper discusses the development of a WSN to control & monitor Gas Turbine (GT) based Combustion Chamber (CC), which includes the design, development & implementation of a WSN for real time monitoring & controlling GT based combustion chamber system. The motive behind this work is to totally eliminate the use of control cables. It may be visualized that the sensors are placed around the periphery of the CC of the GT. The regulation of pressure & temperature is done using a radio module attached to a data acquisition board and the prototype circuits designed. Programming of the sensor nodes and the gateway is done using software. The prototype system developed is based on 2/3 voting logic for tripping the system if the temperature or pressure goes below or beyond the threshold range. This work is an initiative to save control cable costs to make gas-based power plants cost effective since no such approach has been taken regarding WSN application until now.
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Zigbee, Xmesh, Gas Turbine, Combustion Chamber.
[1] V. Madan andS.R.N. Reddy, "Review of Wireless Sensor Mote Platforms", VSRD-IJEECE, Vol.2(2), 2012, pp. 51-55.
[2] G. Zhao and C.A. Davis, "Wireless Sensor Networks for Industrial Process Monitoring and Control: A Survey", ISSN 1943-3581, Vol.3, No.1, 2011, pp. 46-63
[3] F. Huang and T. Sun, "Design & Implementation of Radiation Dose Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Network", International Conference on Future Information Technology IPCSIT, 2011, pp. 430-434
[4] K. Sha, W. Shi and O.Watkins, "Using Wireless Sensor Networks For Fire Rescue Applications: Requirements & Challenges", IEEE-International Conference on Electro/Information Technology, May 2006, pp.239-244Y.
[5] J.A. Gutierrez, B.D. Durocher and B. Lu, "Applying Wireless Sensor Networks in Industrial Plant Energy Evaluation & Planning Systems", IEEE International Conference on Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, 2006, pp. 1-7.
[6] A. Nanda, B. Dinda, R. Rath and S. Pradhan, "Wireless Sensor Network for Super Cyclone prediction using Artificial Neural Network ", Asian Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology 1:2, 2011, pp. 30-33.
[7] S. Taruna,K. Jain and G.N. Purohit, "Application Domain of WSN:- A Paradigm in Developed and Developing Countries", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol.8, Issue 4, No.2, July 2011, pp. 611-617.
[8] S. Stankovic, "Medical Applications Based on Wireless Sensor Networks", unpublished.
[9] Neda Khan, "Use of Wireless Sensor Network for Fault Tolerant Control of Gas Turbine", M.Tech. (Electronics Engg.) Dissertation, AMU, 2013.
[10] R.Shamim, M.Salim Beg, R.Muzammil, "Implementation of a Wireless Sensor Network for Real Time Temperature Monitoring and Regulation", Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Wireless Cellular Telecom, New Delhi, April 2011, pp. 112-118.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Cellular digitized map on Google Earth |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Galib Hashmi, Saleh Faruque |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0751317 ![]() |
Abstract: While designing a cellular network, the main issue for the network planning is to achieve maximum capacity while maintaining an acceptable grade of service and good speech quality. Planning an immature network does not allow future growth and expansion. Wise & calculative re-use of site location in the future network structure will save money for the operator. For this reason, digital maps are one of the most essential elements to the network engineers while they have to think about expanding their business. However, the digital maps cost a lot of money. This problem can be mitigated if Google Earth is used. In this paper, the procedure of how to design a cellular digitized map on Google Earth is shown. By calculating the cell radius, implementing the single cell site, forming the 7-cell cluster and all the cells a low cost digitized map is designed. It is necessary to have a digitized map in mobile communication because ultimate goal includes efficient usage of RF wave, frequency reuse, total use of BW and last but not the least cost reduction.
Keywords: Cellular digitized map, Cell radius, Google Earth.
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Abstract: The performance of the multimedia traffic in Ad-Hoc networks is highly impacted with the Signal to Noise Ratio. The Average PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) is an important parameter for the evaluation of multimedia traffic in Ad-Hoc Networks. With the increase of bandwidth of the channels, it becomes necessary to take care of other network parameters like PSNR and ASNR( Average Signal to Noise Ratio) .Enhanced bandwidth with higher channel error rates demand a careful analysis of signal to noise ratio for optimum performance. In this paper, we have evaluated the effect of channel error rate on Average PSNR for the MPEG-4 traffic in Ad-hoc Networks.
Keywords: MANETs, Evalvid, MPEG-4, Fragmentation, PSNR
1] Thomas D. Dyer Rajendra V. Boppana Computer Science Department, the Univ. of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249 tdyer@cs.utsa.edu boppana@cs.utsa.edu "On Routing Web and Multimedia Traffic in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks" Proceedings of the 36th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'03) 0-7695-1874-5/03© 2002 IEEE.
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[6] Sheeraz Ahmed'll, Muhammad Bilailr], Umer Farooq'l], Fazl-e-Hadi,N-W.F.P University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar, Pakistan "Performance Analysis of various routing Strategies in Mobile Ad hoc Network using QualNet simulator" 1-4244-1494-6/07/ C 2007 IEEE.
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Abstract: Over the years, more research work has been reported in literature regarding text independent speaker identification using MFC coefficients. MFCC is one of the best methods modeled on human auditory system. Murali et al (2011) [1] has developed a Text independent speaker identification using MFC coefficients which follows Generalized Gaussian mixer model. MFCC, because of its filter bank structure it captures the characteristics of information more effectively in lower frequency region than higher region, because of this, valuable information in high frequency region may be lost. In this paper we rectify the above problem by retrieving the information in high frequency region by inverting the Mel bank structure. The dimensionality and dependency of above features were reduced by integrating with ICA. Here Text Independent Speaker Identification system is developed by using Generalized Gaussian Mixer Model .By the experimentation, it was observed that this model outperforms the earlier existing models.
Keywords: Independent Component Analysis; Generalized Gaussian Mixer Model; Inverted Mel frequency cepstral coefficients; Bayesian classifier; EM algorithm.
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Abstract: The In this paper, we studied the RoF system and analyzed the received power performance in downlink architecture of RoF system. The RoF system employs a Mach–Zehnder modulator (MZM) and a phase shifter to externally generate an optical single sideband (OSSB) signal since the OSSB signal is tolerable for power degradation due to a chromatic fiber-dispersion effect. The received power performance is analyzed by calculating a factor called Power Penalty. It is shown that Power penalty is increased exponentially as the differential delay increased with the distance due to chromatic dispersion with the change in laser linewidth (𝛾𝑅𝐹) from 10MHz to 1000MHz. The results are calculated for various transmission distances (𝐿𝐹𝐼𝐵𝐸𝑅) 1km to 40km for optical distances. The frequency of laser taken is 30-GHz RF carrier (𝑓𝑅𝐹) and wavelength 1550-nm laser (λ) with zero line width, fiber dispersion parameter (D) 17 ps/nm·km.
Keywords: Chromatic dispersion, DEMZM, Laser line width, Power penalty and Received power.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A study to Design and comparison of Full Adder using Various Techniques |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Renu Sharma, Dr. Jaswanti |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0753337 ![]() |
Abstract: Adders is widely used in applications such as digital signal processing (DSP) and microprocessors. In this paper Half adders are simulated and analyzed based on power dissipation, area and speed on 90nm technology using Microwind and Dsch tool. Half Adder is the basic building block in Parallel Feedback Carry Adder (PFCA).
Keywords: Full adder, Half adder, PFCA, VLSI.
[1]. Phuong Thi Yen, Noor Faizah Zainul Abidin, Azrul Bin Ghazali, Performance Analysis of Full Adder (FA) cells
[2]. PRASHANTH .P, PRABHU SWAMY, Architecture Of Adders Based On Speed , area And Power dissipation 2011, World Congress on Information and Communication Technologies
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Efficient Utilization of Bandwidth in Location Aided Routing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manoj Sharma, Maninder Kaur, Dr. K. V. P. Singh |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0753842 ![]() |
Abstract: Earlier work on routing MANETs developed several routing protocols, which finds available route from source to destination without taking into the consideration of Band width availability for data transfer, and they frequently fails to discover stable routes between source and destination. As a result of that there is a large numbers of discarding of data packets as well as overloading of packets as the consequences of that large wastage of band width. EUBLAR (Efficient Utilization of band width in Location Aided Routing) protocol is introduced in this proposed work, which is capable of calculating the available band width of all the intermediate nodes between source and destination. In this proposed protocol find the minimum available band width of all the intermediate nodes between source and destination and then according to that band width sends the data packets over that path. The EUBLAR can effectively utilized the wastage of band width and every single band width can be used for data transfer can be used over entirely configured network. In this way we can increase the quality of service of the Ad- hoc network in terms of bandwidth
Keywords: Ad Hoc Networks, Global Positioning System, Maximum & Minimum slopes, Minimum available Bandwidth, Time to Live
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[6] Tzay-Farn Shih · Hsu-Chun Yen, "Location-aware routing protocol with dynamic adaptationof request zone for mobile ad hoc networks", Published online: 9 October 2006_C Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2006
[7] Nen-Chung Wang , Si-Ming Wang, An Efficient Location-Aided Routing Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks,11th International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems (ICPADS'05), 2005.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of Anti-collision Technique for RFID UHF Tag using Verilog |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G. Sumalatha, K. Vinodalakshmi, M. Divya |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0754346 ![]() |
Abstract:This paper presents a proposed Reliable and Cost Effective Anti-collision technique (RCEAT) for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Class 0 UHF tag. The RCEAT architecture consists of two main subsystems; PreRCEAT and PostRCEAT. The PreRCEAT subsystem is to detect any error in the incoming messages. Then the identification bit (ID) of the no error packet will be fed to the next subsystem. The PostRCEAT subsystem is to identify the tag by using the proposed Fast-search Lookup Table. The proposed system is designed using Verilog HDL. The system has been successfully implemented in hardware using Field Programmable Grid Array (FPGA) SPARTAN 3E. Finally the RCEAT architecture is synthesized using xillins 13.3v. From the hardware verification results, it shows that the proposed RCEAT system enables to identify the tags without error at the maximum operating frequency of 180MHz. The system consumes 7.578 mW powers, occupies 6,041 gates and 0.0375 mm2 area with Data arrival time of 2.31 ns.
Key words: FPGA,Spartan 3e,RCEAT,Verilog HDL,RFID tag,CRC.
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Abstract:Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) has become the most popular modulation echnique for high speed data transmission. But the great disadvantage of the OFDM technique is its high Peak to Average Power Ratio (PAPR). In this paper, the Selected Mapping (SLM) technique and Clipping and Differential Scaling is applied to Space Frequency Block Coded (SFBC) OFDM systems to reduce the PAPR with Alamouti coding scheme. In SLM technique, different representations of OFDM symbols are generated by rotation of the original OFDM frame by different phase sequences, and the signal with minimum PAPR is selected and transmitted. To compensate for the effect of the phase rotation at the receiver, it is necessary to transmit the index of the selected phase sequence as side information (SI). Additionally, a suboptimum detection method that does not need SI is introduced at the receiver side. In Clipping and Differential Scaling technique, the amplitude of complex OFDM signal is clipped and then scaled in such a way so that the PAPR is reduced without causing much degradation in bit error rate (BER). The threshold values for clipping and scaling is determined using Monte Carlo Simulations. Simulation results show that the SLM method and Clipping and Scaling method effectively reduce the PAPR.
Keywords: Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), peak to average power ratio (PAPR), selected mapping (SLM), space frequency block coded (SFBC), Side information (SI), high power amplifiers (HPA), complementary cumulative density function (CCDF), inter-symbol interference (ISI).
[1] Hwang.T, Yang.C, Wu.G, Li.S, and Lee.G.Y, "OFDM and its wireless application: A survey," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 1673–1694, May 2009.
[2] Bae.K, Andrews.J.G, and Powers.E.J, "Adaptive active constellation extension algorithm for peak-to-average ratio reduction in OFDM," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 39–41, Jan. 2010.
[3] Jiang.T and Li.X, "Using fountain codes to control the peak-to- average power ratio of OFDM signals," IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., vol. 59, no. 8, pp. 3779–3785, Oct. 2010.
[4] Jie.Y, Lei.C, and De.C, "A modified selected mapping technique to reduce the peak-to average power ratio of OFDM signal," IEEE Trans. Consum. Electron., vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 846 851, Aug. 2007.
[5] Kwon.U.K, Kim.D, and Im.G.H, "Amplitude clipping and iterative reconstruction of MIMO-OFDM signals with optimum equalization," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 268–277, Jan. 2009.
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[7] Lati.novic.Z and Bar-Ness.Y, "SFBC MIMO-OFDM peak-to-average power ratio reduction by polyphase interleaving and inversion," IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 266–268, Apr. 2006.
[8] Lu.G, Wu.P, and Carlemalm-Logothetis.C, "Peak-to-average power ratio reduction in OFDM based on transformation of partial transmit sequences," Electron. Lett., vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 105–106, Jan. 2006.
[9] Mahmoud Ferdosizadeh Naeiny and Farokh Marvasti, "Selected Mapping Algorithm for PAPR Reduction of Space-Frequency Coded OFDM System without Side Information," IEEE Trans. Veh. Techno., Vol. 60, no. 3, Mar 2011.
[10] Wang.S.H and Li.C.P, "A low-complexity PAPR reduction scheme for SFBC MIMO-OFDM systems," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol. 16, no. 11, pp. 941–944, Nov. 2009.
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Abstract: Mobile banking is a newly added service in the banking sector that facilitates banking via mobile devices. With the tremendous growth in mobile phone usage, banks in the developed world have moved to utilize mobile banking, which makes banking easier, faster, and very cost-effective. Mobile phones have quickly emerged as a successful and popular means of communication in recent years and the researchers believe that growth of mobile banking in Bangladesh is inevitable, especially when banks do not have sufficient number of branches in the rural areas of Bangladesh. The purpose of this research is to assess the Opportunities and Challenges of mobile banking in this country. To accomplish this empirical study, multiple banks have been surveyed which either currently have an operational mobile banking in place or planning to introduce one in the near future. The research shows tremendous potential for mobile banking in Bangladesh and reveals some of the key barriers of progress as well.
KEYWORDS: Banking Sector, Mobile banking, Mobile Phone, Rural Areas, Telecommunication.
[1]. Weber Rolf H and DarbellayAline: Legal issues in mobile banking, Journal of Banking Regulation (2010) 11, 129–145. doi:10.1057/jbr.2009. p. 16.
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Abstract: The Zigbee is a low cost communication technology used for low data rate communication system such as industrial automation etc. Because of its low complexity it is widely adopted for many applications. But the utilization of the same spectrum band by the WLAN system causes interference between both the systems. The proposed approach presents an analysis of this interference effect on Zigbee system when operated with WLAN sources at different distances and different power. It also analyzes the effect when a frequency offset is established between both systems. The simulation results shows that a small offset can provide sufficient improvement in the performance.
Keywords: Smart Grids, Zigbee Network, Mesh Network, Wireless LAN (WLAN), BER
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Abstract: As the growing demand for mobile communications is constantly increasing, the need for better coverage, improved capacity, and higher transmission quality rises. Thus, a more efficient use of the radio spectrum is required. A smart antenna system is capable of efficiently utilizing the radio spectrum and is an effective solution to the present wireless system problems while achieving reliable and robust high-speed, high-data-rate transmission. Smart antenna technology offer significantly improved solution to reduce interference level and improve system capacity. Smart antenna technology attempts to address this problem via advanced signal processing technology called beamforming..............
Keywords : Smart/adaptive antenna, beamforming, DSP, OFDM
[1] P. H. Lehne, O. Rostbakken, M. Petersen,―Estimating Smart Antenna Performance from Directional Radio Channel Measurements‖, Proc. 50th IEEE Vehic. Tech. Conf. – VTC '99 – F a l l, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Sept. 19–22, 1999, pp. 57–61. [2] G. Tsoulos, M. Beach, J. McGeehan,"Wireless Personal Communications for the 21st Century: European Technological Advances in Adaptive Antennas", IEEE Communications Magazine, September 1997. [3] Agius A A. Leach S M. Suvannapattana P, Lund T, Saunders S R,"Intelligent Handheld Antennas for Mobile Communications Beyond the 2nd Generation", version 2.0.2, pp. 12.
[4] Trent K,(2001),"Are Smart Antennas the way to Non- Line-of-Sight?", [Online] Available: http://www. shorecliffcommunications.com/magazine/volume.asp.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Review: Machine vision and its Applications |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Kirtan B. Patel || M. B. Zalte || S. R. Panchal |
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: | 10.9790/2834-0757885 ![]() |
Abstract: The machine vision has been used in the industrial machine designing by using the intelligent character recognition. Due to its increased use, it makes the significant contribution to ensure the competitiveness in modern development. The state of art in machine vision inspection and a critical overview of applications in various industries are presented in this paper. In its restricted sense it is also known as the computer vision or the robot vision. This paper gives the overview of Machine Vision Technology in the first section, followed by various industrial application and thefuture trends in Machine Vision.
Keywords : CCD- charged coupled devices, Fruit harvesting system, HIS- Hue Saturation Intensity, Image analysis, Image enhancement, Image feature extraction, Image feature classification processing, Intelligent Vehicle tracking , Isodiscriminationn Contour, Machine Vision
[1] Elias N. Malamas Euripides G.M. Petrakis, MichalisZervakis, Laurent Petit, and Jean Didier Legat "A SURVEY ON INDUSTRIAL VISION SYSTEMS, APPLICATIONS AND TOOLS",Pg 1- 38. [2] Masakazu Ejiri," Machine Vision Technology: Past, Present and Future", Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd. Pg. XXIX-XXXX. [3] Toni M. Harms," Machine Vision: What Can It Do For You" ,AVCA Corporation (1992).Pg. 30-34. [4] HenrikHaggren," Real Time Photogrammetry as used for machine vision applications", Technical Research Centre of Finland, Pg. 374- 382. [5] Zhou Junjing, DuanJianmin and Yu Hongxiao. "Machine-Vision Based Preceding Vehicle Detection Algorithm: A Review" ,Proceedings of the 10th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation July 6-8, 2012, pg. 4617-4622. [6] J. Riley Edwards†, John M. Hart*, SinisaTodorovic* Christopher P.L. Barkan, NarendraAhuja*, ZeZiong Chua, Nicholas Kocher, John Zeman, "Development of Machine Vision Technology for Railcar Safety Appliance Inspection", Current Affiliation: Human Professional Services, Inc. Pg. 1-8.
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Abstract: This Paper provides an approach for reducing delay and area in asynchronous communication. A new class of error correcting Delay Insensitive (ie., unordered) codes is introduced for global asynchronous communication.It simultaneously provides timing-robustness and fault tolerance for the codes.A systematic and weighted code is targeted. The proposed error correcting unordered (ECU) code, called zero-sum can provide 1-bit correction.The extensions to the zero-sum code are given.The zero_sum⁺ code provides 3-bit error detection,or it can provide 2-bit detection and 1-bit correction............
Keywords : Asynchronous communication, Four phase protocol , error-correcting codes, delay insensitive and unordered.
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