Volume-1 ~ Issue-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Study Of Designing Regulator Systems By Using The Different Observer Approach |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rohini Bhalerao || Sandeep Hanwate |
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: | 10.9790/1676-0150105 ![]() |
Abstract: State space regulators are not as well known by many of the engineers either they are a little bit
more complicated to understand either a modeling of a system is needed to design a robust and stable feedback
loop however, there is a variety of plants, where a use of state space regulators can be used. Especially if regulators
of multiple in & multiple out systems need to be designed is not so complicated regulator structure causes
very often very robust stable system, which never could be reached by PID regulators. The paper helps in view
of control feedback and simplifies the decision weather to choose a conventional structure or state space regulators.
Keywords: Regulator, state observer , state space, pole placement, LQR, LTR
more complicated to understand either a modeling of a system is needed to design a robust and stable feedback
loop however, there is a variety of plants, where a use of state space regulators can be used. Especially if regulators
of multiple in & multiple out systems need to be designed is not so complicated regulator structure causes
very often very robust stable system, which never could be reached by PID regulators. The paper helps in view
of control feedback and simplifies the decision weather to choose a conventional structure or state space regulators.
Keywords: Regulator, state observer , state space, pole placement, LQR, LTR
[1] Brogan, W. L., Modern Control Theory. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall,1985.
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[2] Codington, E. A., and N. Levinson, Theory of ordinary Differential Equations. New York: Mc-Graw Company, 1955
[3] Evans, W. R.,‖Graphical Analysis of Control Systems‖ AIEE Trans. Part II,67(1948),pp.547-51
[4] Gilbert, E.G., ―controllability and Observability in Multivariable Control Systems,‖J.SIAM Control, ser. A,1(1963),pp. 128-51
[5] Levin, W. S. Control System Fundamentals. Boca Rotan, FL: CRC Press, 2000
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Abstract: This research paper deals with networking of power system based on smart meter system. This paper will provide a complete look of smart system which involves smart meter, smart houses. The proposed method in this paper is quite efficient and reliable in contrast to all aspects to the global world. The proposed system in this paper will deals with whole power consumption and carry out all the communication throughout the entire system. The key cell in this smart system is customer house which must be a smart house as all the devices or appliances are smart due to installation of a wireless card. The card is communication icon between smart meter and appliances. A number of such smart houses are joint together to form a network under a single town server. This town server will manage both powers, one from service provider and other from regenerative sources installed in smart houses. The communication between smart house meter to town server is through local PSTN and also with power line. Many such town servers are connected in the entire system through PSTN and power line for power transmission so that they can share their information through PSTN and also power through power line. while all the town servers are connected to a main server through PSTN. All the smart houses are controlled by town server. Town server takes consumption of power for each instant from meter and save it and send it to main server after each hour. Town server also manage power in its area also from other town servers to fulfill the requirements of smart houses. Main server receive information from town server after exactly one hour and compile a bill up to that reading. The control of main server is associated with service provider. The main advantages of this system is that removal of high radiation as in ordinary system and in case of any disturbance at main server will not allow to let the system down Keywords –smart meter,smart appliances,smar,t wireless cards
[1.] Verma, V.; Singh, B.; Chandra, A.; AI-Haddad, K.; , "PowerConditioner for Variable-Frequency Drives in Offshore Oil Fields,"
[2.] Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on , vo1.46, no.2, pp.731-739, March-april 2010.
[3.] Rajagopal, V.; Singh, B.; Kasal, G.K..; , "Electronic load controlle with power quality improvement of isolated induction generator for small hydro power generation," Renewable Power Generation, lET, vol.5, no.2, pp.202-213, March 2011.
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[5.] 27, Apri12002.s
[6.] Seyedi, H.; Sanaye-Pasand, M.; , "New centralised adaptive loadshedding algorithms to mitigate power system blackouts," Generation, Transmission & Distribution, lET , vol.3, no.l, pp.99-114, January 2009.
[7.] Gungor, V.C.; Bin Lu; Hancke, G.P.;, "Opportunities and Challenges of Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Grid," Industrial Electronics, IEEETransactions on, vo1.57, no. 10, pp.3557-3564, Oct. 2010.
[8.] Moslehi, K..; Kumar, R.; , "A Reliability Perspective of the Smart Grid," Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, yoU, no.l, pp.57-64, June 2010
[9.] Rozeha A Rashid; Mohd Adib Sarijari; Mohd Rozaini Abd Rahim; Tan Zun Yung;, "Flood Transmission based Protocol for Home Automation System via Power Line Communication," Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, May 2008.
[10.] Book : "Getting smart about smart meters answer book for residential customers" By POWER STREAM (vender company)
[2.] Industry Applications, IEEE Transactions on , vo1.46, no.2, pp.731-739, March-april 2010.
[3.] Rajagopal, V.; Singh, B.; Kasal, G.K..; , "Electronic load controlle with power quality improvement of isolated induction generator for small hydro power generation," Renewable Power Generation, lET, vol.5, no.2, pp.202-213, March 2011.
[4.] Soder, Lennart; , "Explaining Power System Operation toNonengineers," Power Engineering Review, IEEE, vo1.22, no.4, pp.25-
[5.] 27, Apri12002.s
[6.] Seyedi, H.; Sanaye-Pasand, M.; , "New centralised adaptive loadshedding algorithms to mitigate power system blackouts," Generation, Transmission & Distribution, lET , vol.3, no.l, pp.99-114, January 2009.
[7.] Gungor, V.C.; Bin Lu; Hancke, G.P.;, "Opportunities and Challenges of Wireless Sensor Networks in Smart Grid," Industrial Electronics, IEEETransactions on, vo1.57, no. 10, pp.3557-3564, Oct. 2010.
[8.] Moslehi, K..; Kumar, R.; , "A Reliability Perspective of the Smart Grid," Smart Grid, IEEE Transactions on, yoU, no.l, pp.57-64, June 2010
[9.] Rozeha A Rashid; Mohd Adib Sarijari; Mohd Rozaini Abd Rahim; Tan Zun Yung;, "Flood Transmission based Protocol for Home Automation System via Power Line Communication," Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering, May 2008.
[10.] Book : "Getting smart about smart meters answer book for residential customers" By POWER STREAM (vender company)
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Abstract: Every year millions of tons of agricultural wastes are generated which are either destroyed or burnt inefficiently in loose form causing air pollution. These wastes can be recycled & can provide a renewable source of energy by converting biomass waste into high density - fuel briquettes without addition of any binder. This recycled fuel is beneficial for the environment as it conserves natural resources. For this the biomass briquetting is the main renewable energy resource.
In this paper the raw material including rice husk, coffee husk, saw dust, ground nutshell and cotton stalks etc. were densified into briquettes at high temperature and pressure using different technologies. We discuss the various advantages, factors that affecting the biomass briquetting and comparison between coal and biomass briquetting. The details of the study were highlighted in this paper.
Keywords- Biomass, Briquetting, Potential, Process, Technologies
In this paper the raw material including rice husk, coffee husk, saw dust, ground nutshell and cotton stalks etc. were densified into briquettes at high temperature and pressure using different technologies. We discuss the various advantages, factors that affecting the biomass briquetting and comparison between coal and biomass briquetting. The details of the study were highlighted in this paper.
Keywords- Biomass, Briquetting, Potential, Process, Technologies
[1] P.D.Grover, Agriwaste feed processing for energy conversion", Proc. International Conference 26-27, Bangkok, April 1996, 177-195.
[2] Khoa, TranMinh, S.C.Bhattacharya, Amur Ghulam Qambar, Study of agriwaste as a source of energy in Vietnam, International Energy Journal, 21, 1999, 69-75.
[3] N.P.Singh, Agriwaste programme in India: an overview Proc. International Conference, 26-27 New Delhi, February 1996, 65-72.
[4] S.C. Bhattacharya, R.Bhatia, M.N .Islam, N.Shah, Densified biomass 8, Thailand, 1985, 255-266.
[5] A.K.Tripathi, P.V.R Iyer., T.C Kandpal., Questionnaire based survey of agriwaste briquetting in India, MNES, International Journal of Ambient Energy 2(1) New Delhi, Jan 2000, 31-40.
[6] Filiz Karaosmanoglu, Biobriquetting of rapeseed cake, Energy Sources 22(3), 2000, 257-267.
[7] P.D.Grover, S.K Mishra,., Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in India, Proc. International Workshop on Biomass Briquetting, New Delhi, April 1995.
[8] A Koopmans, Proc. of the International Workshop on Biomass briquetting 23 Bangkok, 1996, 123-133.
[2] Khoa, TranMinh, S.C.Bhattacharya, Amur Ghulam Qambar, Study of agriwaste as a source of energy in Vietnam, International Energy Journal, 21, 1999, 69-75.
[3] N.P.Singh, Agriwaste programme in India: an overview Proc. International Conference, 26-27 New Delhi, February 1996, 65-72.
[4] S.C. Bhattacharya, R.Bhatia, M.N .Islam, N.Shah, Densified biomass 8, Thailand, 1985, 255-266.
[5] A.K.Tripathi, P.V.R Iyer., T.C Kandpal., Questionnaire based survey of agriwaste briquetting in India, MNES, International Journal of Ambient Energy 2(1) New Delhi, Jan 2000, 31-40.
[6] Filiz Karaosmanoglu, Biobriquetting of rapeseed cake, Energy Sources 22(3), 2000, 257-267.
[7] P.D.Grover, S.K Mishra,., Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in India, Proc. International Workshop on Biomass Briquetting, New Delhi, April 1995.
[8] A Koopmans, Proc. of the International Workshop on Biomass briquetting 23 Bangkok, 1996, 123-133.
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Abstract : Modern day power system networks are having high risks of voltage instability problems and
several network blackouts have been reported. This phenomenon tends to occur from lack of reactive power
supports in heavily stressed operating conditions caused by increased load demand and the fast developing
deregulation of power systems across the world. This paper proposes an application of Differential Evolution
(DE) Algorithm based extended voltage stability margin and minimization of loss by incorporating TCSC and
SVC (variable susceptance model) devices. The line stability index (LQP) is used to assess the voltage stability
of a power system. The location and size of Series connected and Shunt connected FACTS devices were
optimized by DE algorithm. The results are obtained from the IEEE-30 bus test case system under critical
loading and single line outage contingency conditions.
Keywords - Differential Evolution Algorithm, FACTS devices, Line stability index, SVC, TCSC, Voltage
several network blackouts have been reported. This phenomenon tends to occur from lack of reactive power
supports in heavily stressed operating conditions caused by increased load demand and the fast developing
deregulation of power systems across the world. This paper proposes an application of Differential Evolution
(DE) Algorithm based extended voltage stability margin and minimization of loss by incorporating TCSC and
SVC (variable susceptance model) devices. The line stability index (LQP) is used to assess the voltage stability
of a power system. The location and size of Series connected and Shunt connected FACTS devices were
optimized by DE algorithm. The results are obtained from the IEEE-30 bus test case system under critical
loading and single line outage contingency conditions.
Keywords - Differential Evolution Algorithm, FACTS devices, Line stability index, SVC, TCSC, Voltage
[1] Voltage stability of power systems: concepts, analytical tools, and industry experience, IEEE Special Publication 90TH0358-2-PWR, 1990.
[2] T. V. Cutsem, "Voltage instability: Phenomena, countermeasures, and analysis methods," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 88, pp. 208–227, February 2000.
[3] C. W. Taylor, Power System Voltage Stability. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994P.
[4] P.Kundur, Power System stability and control, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
[5] L.H. Fink, ed., Proceedings: Bulk power system voltage phenomena III, voltage stability, security & control, ECC/NSF workshop, Davos, Switzerland, August 1994.
[6] Dobson, H.-D. Chiang, "Towards a theory of voltage collapse in electric power systems", Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 13, pp. 253-262, 1989.
[7] CIGRE Task Force38-0210,"Modelling of Voltage Collapse Including Dynamic Phenomena, CIGRE Brochure, No 75, 1993.
[8] Technical Analysis of the August 14, 2003, Blackout: What Happened, Why, and What Did We Learn? A report by the North American Electrical Reliability Council Steering Group, July 13, 2004.
[9] N G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible ACTransmission Systems, IEEE Press, New- York, 2000.
[10] A.Sode-Yome, N.Mithulanathan "Static Voltage Stability Margin Enhancement Using STATCOM, TCSC and SSSC", IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition: Asia Pacific Dalian, China, 2001.
[2] T. V. Cutsem, "Voltage instability: Phenomena, countermeasures, and analysis methods," Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 88, pp. 208–227, February 2000.
[3] C. W. Taylor, Power System Voltage Stability. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994P.
[4] P.Kundur, Power System stability and control, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
[5] L.H. Fink, ed., Proceedings: Bulk power system voltage phenomena III, voltage stability, security & control, ECC/NSF workshop, Davos, Switzerland, August 1994.
[6] Dobson, H.-D. Chiang, "Towards a theory of voltage collapse in electric power systems", Systems and Control Letters, Vol. 13, pp. 253-262, 1989.
[7] CIGRE Task Force38-0210,"Modelling of Voltage Collapse Including Dynamic Phenomena, CIGRE Brochure, No 75, 1993.
[8] Technical Analysis of the August 14, 2003, Blackout: What Happened, Why, and What Did We Learn? A report by the North American Electrical Reliability Council Steering Group, July 13, 2004.
[9] N G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible ACTransmission Systems, IEEE Press, New- York, 2000.
[10] A.Sode-Yome, N.Mithulanathan "Static Voltage Stability Margin Enhancement Using STATCOM, TCSC and SSSC", IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition: Asia Pacific Dalian, China, 2001.
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Abstract: The main aim of this paper is to damp out power system oscillations, which has been recognized as one of the major concerns in power system operation. In a Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), a controllable AC voltage is generated by a voltage-source converter. There are two control channels for controlling the magnitude and phase of the voltage. This paper describes the damping of power oscillations by static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) based damping controllers. The advantage of this approach is that it can handle the nonlinearities, at the same time it is faster than other conventional controllers and it improve the reactive power of the system. Simulation studies are carried out in Matlab/Simulink environment to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed Static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) of multi-area power system. Results show that the proposed SSSC based damping controllers improve the damping performance of the in the event of a major disturbance.
Key Words:- Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS), Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), Power Oscillation Damping (POD) controller.
Key Words:- Flexible AC Transmission System (FACTS), Static Synchronous Series Compensator (SSSC), Power Oscillation Damping (POD) controller.
[1]. N.G. Hingorani, "Flexible AC transmission". IEEE Spectrum, v. 30, n. 4, pp. 40-44, 1993.
[2]. N.G. Hingorani and LGyugyi, "Understanding FACTS Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems", IEEE Press, New York, 2000.
[3]. Y.H. Song and A.T. Johns, Eds., "Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)", IEE Press, London, 1999.
[4]. R.M. Mathur and R.K. Varma, "Thyristor-Based FACTS Controller for Electrical Transmission Systems", IEEE Press and Wi-ley Inter-science, New York, 2002.
[5]. R. Gru¨nbaum, M. Noroozian, and B. Thorvaldsson, "FACTS Powerful systems for flexible power transmission", ABB Rev., May 1999, 4–17.
[6]. K. Stahlkopf and M. Wilhelm, "Tighter controls for busier systems", IEEE Spectrum, 1997, 34(4), 48–52.
[7]. K.K.Sen, "SSSC-static synchronous series compensator: theory, modelling and applications", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, v. 13, n. 1, 1998, pp. 241-246.
[8]. K.R. Padiyar, "Power System Dynamics - Stability and Control",Second Edition, Hyderabad: B.S. Publications, 2002.
[9]. G. Guo, Y. Wang and D.J. Hill, "Nonlinear output stabilization controlof multi-machine power systems", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems,Part I, v. 47, n.1, 2000, pp. 46-53.
[10]. K.R. Padiyar, "Analysis of Sub-synchronous Resonance in PowerSystems", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999.
[2]. N.G. Hingorani and LGyugyi, "Understanding FACTS Concepts and Technology of Flexible AC Transmission Systems", IEEE Press, New York, 2000.
[3]. Y.H. Song and A.T. Johns, Eds., "Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS)", IEE Press, London, 1999.
[4]. R.M. Mathur and R.K. Varma, "Thyristor-Based FACTS Controller for Electrical Transmission Systems", IEEE Press and Wi-ley Inter-science, New York, 2002.
[5]. R. Gru¨nbaum, M. Noroozian, and B. Thorvaldsson, "FACTS Powerful systems for flexible power transmission", ABB Rev., May 1999, 4–17.
[6]. K. Stahlkopf and M. Wilhelm, "Tighter controls for busier systems", IEEE Spectrum, 1997, 34(4), 48–52.
[7]. K.K.Sen, "SSSC-static synchronous series compensator: theory, modelling and applications", IEEE Trans. on Power Delivery, v. 13, n. 1, 1998, pp. 241-246.
[8]. K.R. Padiyar, "Power System Dynamics - Stability and Control",Second Edition, Hyderabad: B.S. Publications, 2002.
[9]. G. Guo, Y. Wang and D.J. Hill, "Nonlinear output stabilization controlof multi-machine power systems", IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems,Part I, v. 47, n.1, 2000, pp. 46-53.
[10]. K.R. Padiyar, "Analysis of Sub-synchronous Resonance in PowerSystems", Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, 1999.
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Abstract: This paper presents the comparison of existing low voltage distribution system with proposed high voltage distribution system. The study is based on a real low voltage feeder in J&K state. The investigation is carried out to determine the losses in the existing low voltage (LT) distribution system and then converting this low voltage distribution system to proposed high voltage distribution system (HVDS) including bifurcation of load and replacing the one large transformer with various transformers of small rating. Since loss reduction in distribution system is of keen importance and main reason behind these losses is the use of low voltage for distribution in existing system. As for the low voltage in existing distribution system, current is high which leads to high power losses and also allow the hooking and hence power theft. This paper aims at reducing losses by using LT less or less LT 'HVDS' system and then determining the reduction in losses in terms of units and annual savings in terms of rupees due to proposed method. To check the feasibility of the proposed work, the annual saving and payback period of the proposed method is also determined.
Keywords - Annual saving, Capital outlay, Distribution losses, High Voltage Distribution System, Payback period.
Keywords - Annual saving, Capital outlay, Distribution losses, High Voltage Distribution System, Payback period.
[1] Essa-J-Abdul Zehra, Mahmoud Moghavvemi, Maher M. I. Hashim and Kashem, Muttaqi, Network Reconfiguration Using PSAT for Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems, 1st International Conference on Energy, Power and Control (EPC-IQ), College of Engineering, University of Basrah, Iraq, 2010, 62-66.
[2] L.Ramesh, S.Ravindiran, S.P.Chowdhury, S.Chowdhury, Y.H.Song and P.K.Goswami, Distribution System Loss Minimization and Planning using Cymdist, 42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), University of Brighten, Brighten, UK,2007,316-321.
[3] Arefi Ali , Haghifam Mahmood-reza, Yavartalab Akbar, Olamaei Javad and Keshtkar Hessam, Loss reduction planning in electric distribution networks of IRAN until 2025, 16th conference on Electric Power Distribution Network (EPDC), Bandar Abbas , Iran, 2011, 1-6.
[4] Yang Lin and Guo Zhizhong, Reconfiguration of Electric Distribution Networks for Energy Losses Reduction, 3rd International conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT), Nanjing, China, 2008, 662-667.
[5] Juan Carlos Olivares, Yilu Liu and Jose M. Cañedo, Reducing Losses in Distribution Transformer, IEEE transactions on power delivery,18(3), July 2003, 821-826.
[6] Dong Zhang, Zhengcai Fu, and Liuchun Zhang, Joint Optimization for Power Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems, IEEE transaction on Power Systems, 23(1), 2008, 161-169.
[7] R. Srinivasa Rao, An Hybrid Approach for Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems using Harmony Search Algorithm, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2010, 462- 467.
[8] Sameer S. Mustafa., Mohammed H. Yasen, Hussein H. Abdullah and Hadi K. Hazaa, Evaluation of Electric Energy Losses in Kirkuk Distribution Electric System Area, Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering,7(2), 2011, 144-150.
[9] Thomas Nippert, Kathrin Steinke, Martin Schrors, Loss Reduction in High Voltage Urban Distribution Systems, 19th International conference on Electricity Distribution, session 3, Vienna, Austria, Paper No. 719, 2007, 1-4.
[10] Best practices in distribution loss reduction: reference book, Power Development Department (PDD), J&K, Jammu, 2007.....................
[2] L.Ramesh, S.Ravindiran, S.P.Chowdhury, S.Chowdhury, Y.H.Song and P.K.Goswami, Distribution System Loss Minimization and Planning using Cymdist, 42nd International Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), University of Brighten, Brighten, UK,2007,316-321.
[3] Arefi Ali , Haghifam Mahmood-reza, Yavartalab Akbar, Olamaei Javad and Keshtkar Hessam, Loss reduction planning in electric distribution networks of IRAN until 2025, 16th conference on Electric Power Distribution Network (EPDC), Bandar Abbas , Iran, 2011, 1-6.
[4] Yang Lin and Guo Zhizhong, Reconfiguration of Electric Distribution Networks for Energy Losses Reduction, 3rd International conference on Electric Utility Deregulation and Restructuring and Power Technologies (DRPT), Nanjing, China, 2008, 662-667.
[5] Juan Carlos Olivares, Yilu Liu and Jose M. Cañedo, Reducing Losses in Distribution Transformer, IEEE transactions on power delivery,18(3), July 2003, 821-826.
[6] Dong Zhang, Zhengcai Fu, and Liuchun Zhang, Joint Optimization for Power Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems, IEEE transaction on Power Systems, 23(1), 2008, 161-169.
[7] R. Srinivasa Rao, An Hybrid Approach for Loss Reduction in Distribution Systems using Harmony Search Algorithm, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2010, 462- 467.
[8] Sameer S. Mustafa., Mohammed H. Yasen, Hussein H. Abdullah and Hadi K. Hazaa, Evaluation of Electric Energy Losses in Kirkuk Distribution Electric System Area, Iraq J. Electrical and Electronic Engineering,7(2), 2011, 144-150.
[9] Thomas Nippert, Kathrin Steinke, Martin Schrors, Loss Reduction in High Voltage Urban Distribution Systems, 19th International conference on Electricity Distribution, session 3, Vienna, Austria, Paper No. 719, 2007, 1-4.
[10] Best practices in distribution loss reduction: reference book, Power Development Department (PDD), J&K, Jammu, 2007.....................
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Abstract : The main object of the paper is to implement a distribution system having negligible losses, high quality of supply and reliability.As, average transmission and distribution losses in India have been officially indicated as 23% of the electricity generated because of the fact that in Indian distribution system, energy is transformed into many intermediate stages before it reaches the consumer. Currently, power supplies are distributed at low voltage leading to the inefficiencies in the system. The main reason for high losses is considered to be the use of low voltage for the distribution of power leading to the high current and thus, more resulting in losses. The work reported in this paper involves the analysis of present condition of electric supply, laying down the general outlines of the most economical distribution system in order to distribute the power safely without affecting the performance of the system and shifting of existing low voltage distribution network to high voltage distribution and then, comparing both the systems in terms of losses. In overall economic point of view, annual savings and payback period is also determined.
Keywords– Distribution transformer (DTR), high voltage distribution system (HVDS), low voltage distribution system (LVDS), power losses.
Keywords– Distribution transformer (DTR), high voltage distribution system (HVDS), low voltage distribution system (LVDS), power losses.
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Abstract : This papers presents network coding ideas to improve the throughput of AODV routing protocol, and further proposes a new routing protocol NCAODV. Internationally used simulation tool NS2 will be used to simulate the NCAODV routing protocol. The simulation results show that the proposed NCAODV routing protocol has an improved throughput than AODV routing protocol.
Keywords- Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Devnagiri script.
Keywords- Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Devnagiri script.
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