Version-5 (Dec-2014)
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Abstract: Tiblisi conference (1977) developed six objectives of Environmental Education in which 'environmental awareness' comes lowest in the hierarchy of cognitive development among the school children. This awareness acts as a motive force for the students to make their environment free from pollution and hazards. A study was conducted to find how far this awareness depends upon their sex and the pollution characteristics of the localities of their schools they read in. A sample of 1063 students completing their upper primary stage and comprising boys and girls hailed from schools situated in polluted and non polluting areas of West Bengal, India, was subjected to a test of awareness about 'environmental pollution'. It is found that pollution awareness of the students is almost independent of sex of the students and pollution characteristics in the neighbourhood of their schools but interaction of sex & school locality have some significant impact on such awareness.
Key words: Environmental Pollution Awareness, Nonpolluting Zones, Lichens, Science Aptitude
[1]. Anita Gupta "Traffic Pollution‟ in School Science, Vol.-XXXIX, No-4 , Dec-2001, Pp13-17
[2]. Astalin, P. K. (2011) A Study Of Environmental Awareness Among Higher
[3]. Secondary Students And Some Educational Factors Affecting It in Zenith
[4]. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Vol.1 Issue 7 November
[5]. Bickerstaff, K &, Walker, G.(2011) "Public understandings of air pollution: the&localization of environmental risk‟ in Global Environmental Change 11 (2001) Division of Geography, Stawordshire University, College Road, Stoke on Trent, ST4 2DE, UK Pp133-145
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Causes of Conflicts and Crisis in School Management |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Onwe, Sunday O. || Nwogbaga, David M. E |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191250812 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper examined the causes of conflicts and crisis in school management. The qualitative research design was adopted in gathering the information used. Essentially, the related literatures reviewed revealed that the causes of conflicts and crisis in school management as in other spheres of human existence revolve around status, power, and resource. But the causes of specific cases of conflicts and crisis vary with places, times, and circumstances; while the effects on social relations, output, and productivity largely depend on how they are managed.
Key Concepts: Conflict, Crisis, Management
[1]. Burton, R. (1990): "Readings in Conflict Management and Resolution". Hampshire and London: Macmillan Press limited.
[2]. Burton, J. (1990): "Conflict: Human Needs Theory". London: Macmillan.
[3]. Coser, L. (1956): "The Functions of Social Conflict". New York: Free Press.
[4]. Davies, J.D. (1973): "Aggression, Violence, Revolution, and War", in Jeanne N. K. (ed.), Handbook of Political Psychology, San Francisco, pp. 234-260
[5]. DeCenzo, D.A. (1997): "Human Relations, Personal and Professional Development". New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
[6]. Duncan, W.J. (1995): "Essentials of Management". Illinois: The Dryden Press.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reflection on Conditions for Effective Democracy |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Nwogbaga, David M.E. || Nwankwo, Oliver U |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191251316 ![]() |
Abstract: The paper examined the conditions relevant for effective practice of democracy. The central objective was to identify the various conditions required to enhance successful democratic governance. The study used relevant documents retrieved from libraries and websites. With the aid of content analysis, the conditions for effective democracy were identified to include mainly, legal conditions, political conditions, and socio-economic conditions. The highlighted categories of conditions are interwoven to the extent that defects in any of the conditions have spill over effects on the others. It is argued that meaningful practice of democracy in any country largely depends on the ability of the key players to make these core conditions realistic. It is therefore recommended that governments of different democracies should guarantee the presence of the stated conditions simultaneously.
[1]. Ake, C. (1981). A Political Economy of Africa. Nigeria: Longman.
[2]. Chikendu, P. (2003). Nigerian Politics and Government. Enugu: AcademicPublishing Company.
[3]. Egbewole, W. (2006). "The Place of the Judiciary in the Sustenance of Democracy", in "Democracy and Development in Nigeria: ConceptualIssues and Democratic Practice" (Vol. Vol. 1). (Saliu, A.H., Olorunfemi, J.F., Lateef, U., and Oludoyi, S. eds.) Lagos: Concept Publications.
[4]. Joseph, R. (1991). Democracy and Prebendal Politics in Nigeria: The Rise and Fall of thee Second Republic. Ibadan: Spectrum Books Ltd.
[5]. Lawal, A. (1997). "The Economy and Electoral Process", in Governance andElectoral Process: Nigeria and the United States of America". Lagos: ASAN.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Insecurity the Bane of Development in Nigeria: Echoes from Dramatic Literature |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Agatha Njideka Nwanya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191251723 ![]() |
Abstract: Insecurity of lives and properties poses the greatest challenge to development in modern time. Such challenges manifest itself in form of armed robbery, arson, rape, genocide, war, violence and vandalism. In Nigeria, the situation has become worrisome as development indices pointing to ailing Nigerian economy becomes recurring themes and dominant features of many analysts and creative writers. Insecurity has many faces and has assumed an alarming proportion. Apart from ethnic and religious conflicts that afflicted the Nation since 1914 Amalgamation, the nation is currently facing threat of extinction as a result of multiple pressures from insecurity of lives and properties. Despite claims as giant of Africa, Nigerian health and food industries are saturated with adulterated and sub-standard products. This paper examines insecurity as the greatest challenge undermining development in Nigeria from multiple perspectives. The argument in this research sustains that any threat to life and property is a form of insecurity. The central claim is that Nigerian Dramatists expose these security challenges and often proffer solutions. Research shows that high rate of unemployment causes youth restiveness and gross devastation of human and natural resources. The paper concludes that political, health and religious insecurities are the menace of positive development in Nigeria.
Key Words: insecurity, development, nigeria, dramatic literature
[1]. Clark, J.P. All for Oil. Lagos : Malthouse Press. 2000.
[2]. … "The Casualties". A Selection of African Poetry. Senanu, K.E and Vincent T. (ed)
[3]. Longman 1976 (136-137)
[4]. … The Wives' Revolt. Ibadan: Univesity Press, 1991.
[5]. Chukuemeka, Amaefula Rowland. "Multinational Corporation and Retrograding Development in Nigeria: A study of Henrry-Belgam's The Hidden Treasures in Nigerian literatures" in Structural Adjustment, policy and Globalisation. Proceedings of the International on Nigerian Literature. Gombe State University (2010) 1991-198
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Abstract: For the development of human rights and the protection of constitutional rights of a country, a proper Legal Aid System and its development are essential. Without proper Legal Aid System, ensured access to justice, fair trial, rule of law, fundamental rights, human rights, equality before law and human rights development is not possible. Legal Aid is a form of human rights. It protects the rights of backwards section of human. It also stimulates and encourages their new activities. This article focuses on the present laws ensure legal aid in Bangladesh, to point out the ways through which one can get legal aid, to expose the practical flaws to complied Legal Aid Act and to suggest the recommendations with necessary modifications in the existing Legal Aid Law of circumstances prevailing in our society would best meet our judicial needs and access to get justice in Court .
Keywords: Aingoto Sohayota Prodan Ain, Access to Justice, Flaws in Legal Aid, Legal Aid, Legal Assistance.
[1]. Halim, Md. Abdul, "The Legal System of Bangladesh", 5th ed. October, 2010 (Dhaka: CCB Foundation, p-313.
[3]. Time:12;12 pm, Date: 24/10/2014].
[4]., last visited 09 January 2011].
[5]. p- 11, Date- 11/11/14, Time- 1:01pm.] Or General Assembly resolution 67/187, Para. 8.
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Abstract: This research is conducted in order to find out the shifts in movie subtitle of Harry Potter especially for the Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone Movie Subtitle into Indonesia. In translating text, shifts are inevitable. According to Catford (1965: 80) in Hatim (2001:15) classified the translation shifts into two major types of shift are identified: 'Level Shift' and 'Category shift. Category shift can be as structure, class, unit, and intra-system shift. Problems discussed in this research: 1) what kinds of category shifts found in the movie of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone into Indonesia subtitle? 2) what is the dominant category shift found in the movie of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone into Indonesia subtitle? The data of this research were taken from the movie subtitle of Harry Potter from English into Indonesia by Togap. Finally, the findings show: 1) all kinds of category shifts found in the subtitle from English into Indonesia, 2) the dominant category shift found in movie subtitle is unit shift.
Keywords: Shift, unit, structure, class, intra-system, movie, subtitle (titling)
[1]. Barnwell, Katherine G.L. 1984. Introduction to Semantics and Translation. England:Summer Institute of Linguistics
[2]. Bassnett, Susan. 1980. Translation Studies. Revised Edition. London and New York: Routledge
[3]. Bell, Roger.T. 1991. Translation and Translating: Theory and Practice. London and New York: Longman.
[4]. Catford, J.C. 1965. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. London: Oxford University Press
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Abstract: This paper would discuss about survival of traditional Javanese food stalls in the Municipality of Malang. The study was focused in the narratives of two old (ran for at least three generations) food stall owners in Malang. The two areas were counted among the municipality's culinary basis, and hence were selected purposively for the study. On the other hand, the stalls managed to survive despite the emergence of foreign fast food outlets around them, and thus were also selected for the study. The research approach in this study was qualitative approach, and the strategy was case study in the two abovementioned areas, with stall owners, and a neighborhood native as key informants, and other informants including a daughter of one of the owners, and three loyal customers of each food stall. The results showed that the stall owners, as well as their family members and loyal customers, contributed in the stalls's survival. Despite the many changes they must undergo in order to survive the foreign fast food chains emergence, they managed it because of embedded habitus and strong cultural as well as social capital.
Keywords: capitalism, habitus, cultural capital, food stalls, social capital
[1]. P. Basundoro, Dua Kota Tiga Zaman: Surabaya dan Malang Sejak Kolonial Sampai Kemerdekaan. (Yogyakarta: Penerbit Ombak, 2009).
[2]. F. Nazaruddin, Pola pemanfaatan koridor jalan Kampung Kauman Kota sebagai ruang publik, master thesis.. Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia, 2012..
[3]. P. Bourdieu, 1984. Distinction: A Social Critique of The Judgment of Taste. (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1984).
[4]. Denscombe, M. The good research guide: guide to small scale research. (New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2007).
[5]. Gould A. M. Working at McDonalds: some redeeming features of McJobs. Work Employment & Society, (24), 780, 2010.
[6]. M. Hilmi, M &. Fellows, P. 2011 Selling Street and Snack Foods. FAO Diversification Booklet 18. Rural Infrastructure and Agro-Industries Division. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
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Abstract: The present research was conducted on prospective teachers to analyze their Emotional Intelligence in relation to Gender, Caste and SES. For the purpose a sample of 300 (150 male and 150 female) prospective teachers was selected from the B.Ed. Colleges affiliated to Bundelkhand University, Jhansi by using semi-probability sampling techniques. Emotional Intelligence Test constructed by K.S. Mishra and self-made General Information sheet were used to collect the data. Results revealed that the there is a significant difference in the mean of emotional intelligence scores of the male and female prospective teachers. The prospective teachers belong to GEN category scored high on emotional intelligence scale as compared to the OBC & SC prospective teachers. The levels of SES of prospective teachers do not cause significant variation in emotional intelligence.
[1]. Amirtha, M. and Kadheravan, S. (2006) Influence of personality on the emotional intelligence of teachers. Edu Tracks 5, 12, 25-29.
[2]. Annaraja, P. and Jose, S. (2005) Emotional intelligence of B. Ed. trainees. Research and Reflections in Education 2, 8-16. [3]. Bernet, M. (1996, August). Emotional Intelligence : Components and Correlates. Paper presented at the annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada
[4]. Devi, U.L. and Uma, M. (2005) Relationship between the dimensions of emotional intelligence of adolescents and certain personal social variables. Indian Psychological Review 64, 01, 11-20.
[5]. Gardner, H. (1995). 'Cracking open the IQ box', The American Prospect, winter (20), 71
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Abstract: This article examines whether rotational Presidency has contributed towards reducing political corruption in Nigeria during the regimes of President Olusegun Obasanjo from 1999 to 2007 and President Umoru Musa Yar'Adua from 2007 to 2010. The article notes that political corruption was not reduced by rotational Presidency. Political corruption was at its highest ebb during the regimes under study. The paper contends that Nigeria's democracy especially the one that commenced from May 29, 1999 was born with persistent political corruption. The article suggested that a lot need to be done by the anti-corruption agencies like the Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC) and the Independent and Corrupt Practices Commission (ICPC). They should intensify their efforts and do their jobs without fear of favour, and people of proven integrity should always be appointed at the helm of affairs of these commissions, without any form of interference from the government of the day.
Key Words: Rotational, Rotational Presidency, Political Corruption in Nigeria, President Obasanjo regime, President Yar'Adua's Regime, 1999 Constitution, People's Democratic Party
[1]. G. Okwenna, Power sharing revisited rotational Presidency zoning Federal character and multiple Vice Presidency in Nigeria, 8/82011, 2011, p.1
[2]. O. Agagu, (2004). Rotation and power struggle in Nigeria International Journal of Development and Sustainability Vol.1 No.2, 2012: 452–459
[3]. U. Njoku, U. Between rotational Presidency and inventing the structures of social justice,, 2005, p. 1.
[4]. W. Idowu, "Ethnicity, ethnicism and citizenship: A philosophical reflection on the African experience, Journal of Social Science vol. 8, No 1, 2004 pp 45-58
[5]. O. Gbolahon Jonathan, zoning and the press This Day September 10th 2011, p 12.
[6]. E.Clarke, 'Crisis of Presidential rotation This Day September 14th 2008, p. 18.
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Abstract: The prevalence of overall morbidity due to common chronic non communicable diseases in the defined population was found to be 64.38%. The major cause of morbidity was found to be hypertension in 41.10% subjects, 17.81% subjects were found to be diabetic, 16.44% population was found to be suffering from joint pain and 8.22% population was found to be suffering from asthma. 86.67% hypertensive were taking regular medication and another 86.67% were using diet control measures and 76.67% patients were using both as control measure. Among diabetics 76.92% patients were taking regular medication and 84.62% patients were using diet control measures where as 69.23% were using both for the control of diabetes. The percentage of healthy people having spouse was 40.43% and that of those not having spouse was 26.92%, which was found to be statistically non significant.
Keywords: Morbidity, Geriatrics, Spouse
1] Reuben, DB (1997) Geriatric assessment in oncology. Cancer 80,1311-1316[CrossRef][ISI][Medline]
2] Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. Annual report: Health plan and policy. New Delhi: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; 2002:15.
3] Sharma S. Ageing: An Indian experience. Souvenir of ANCIPS 94, Madras, 1994:101-5.
4] Hanger HC, Saisbway R., 'Screening the elderly, 'A Christ Church study' The NZ Med. J.1990 Oct.
5] Chadha SL,Radhakrishnan S. 'Epidemiolocal study of coronary heart disease in urban population of Delhi 'IJMR 1990,92,424-30
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Library Digitization: The Niia Experience, Lessons Learn't And Way Forward |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Pamela Ogwuazor Momah |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191256164 ![]() |
Abstract: This article takes a look at the growing digital environment and how Libraries through digitization are able to brigade the digital divide between information and knowledge, thereby allowing the library to engage new user communities, while being able to reach a global audience. The NIIA Library, a leader in new Library innovations has also joined the band wagon in using this new innovative approach to Librarianship. In 2006, it started its digitization project with its Press Library collection. The article examines NIIA digitization project, the hitches it faced, lessons learnt and the way forward.
Key Words: Digitization: Digital Divide: Information and Knowledge: Innovation
[1]. Daly, Rebecca and Organ Michael.(2014).Embed and Engage! Delivering a digitization program at the University of Wollongong Library. Australian Library Journal.Vol.63,Issues 3.p.220
[2]. Ayanbode, Oluyemi, (2011).Library Digitization A Strategy to Bridge Information and Knowledge Divides. European Journal of Scientific Research. Vol.56,No.2.p.212
[3]. Ibid:p.213 p.213 2011
[4]. National Library of Australia .(2009).Collection Digitization
[5]. Oni, J.A. (1995) Computers in Libraries: Awareness and Application .Proceedings of National Workshop on Computerization of NIIA Library.Lagos.NIIA.
[6]. Hazen,Dan, Horell Jeffrey and Merrill-Oldham.(1998) Selecting Research Collection for Digitization. Washington ,D.C. Council for Library and Information Research .
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Abstract: Parents play an invaluable role in laying the foundation for their children learning. This study was set to investigate the experiences of parents in their children's education in twenty one public secondary schools in Kieni West District in Nyeri County-Kenya. The objectives of this study were to :(i)Investigate the nature of experiences parents face in their children's education.(ii)Establish the extent of interaction between parents and teachers and (iii) to explore views about the experiences faced by parents in their children's education. Twelve public secondary schools were randomly selected.
[1]. Bradley, R.H., & Corwyn, R.F. (2002). 'Socioeconomic status and child development'. Annual Review of psychology.
[2]. D.E.O, Kieni West District Education Office (2011). Students performance in Kieni West District.
[3]. Dwyer, D.J, & Hecht, J.B. (2001). Minimal parental involvement. Lincoln, IL: Academic Development Institute.
[4]. Eliason, C. & Jenkins, L. (2003). A practical guide to early childhood curriculum (7th Edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
[5]. Hussein, O. (2010). Programme to empower disabled persons, Reject issue 009, January 1-15-2010.
[6]. Green Leaf,R.K.(2000, January).Homework for families. High school magazine.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Role of Morality in Economic Development |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Emmanuel Ohifemen Elakhe |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191257376 ![]() |
Abstract: Economic development has been sought by most developing and underdeveloped countries. Most of which have been preoccupied with several strategies and techniques which have not yielded the desired results. For Claude Ake (1996:96) he believes that for most developing countries particularly in Africa, is not so much that development project has failed, but that because of political conditions, it never really got started. An influential body of research in economic history, political economics and macroeconomics has shown that both economic and institutional backwardness are often a by-product of history. Appearing in countries or regions that were ruled centuries ago by despotic government or where powerful elites exploited uneducated peasants or slaves. Johnson and Robinson (2001) in Tebellini (2007).
[1]. Ake Claude (1981), A Political Economy of Africa. Longman Nigeria Plc.
[2]. Ake Claude (1996), Democracy and Development in Africa. Spectrum Books Limited, Ibadan Nigeria.
[3]. Aiyede Remi, The State, Values and Development; Towards Re-orienting the Nigerian Youth for Positive Leadership. University of Ibadan, Nigeria.
[4]. B. Phil, The Origin of Morality and Ethics.
[5]. Friedman Benjamin (2005), The Moral Consequences of Economic Growth. New York: knopf. ISBN: 0-6799-44891
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Displaced Identities: Powerless Rights in Powerful State |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Deepti Acharya |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191257783 ![]() |
Abstract: The present paper is an attempt to investigate the power of state and the responsibility of its institutions in placing displaced identities to their deserving political identities. State is identified with civilization because it has legitimate mechanism to maintained equilibrium between will (politically organized desires of people) and force (power of state used as influence and coercion) with morality (righteousness). Practices by political apparatus, in favor of maximum equilibrium have profound impact on human life because it entitled individuals with privileges as rights. In this reference one of the academic concerns is to see, who is actually eligible to express desires in form of demands and eventually enjoy the same as rights. Investigation creates categories like haves and have-nots i.e politically placed and displaced identities. Here have-nots are not socially or economically suppressed but are the people who have lost their claim to survive. With the use of secondary sources of literature an attempt has been made to analyze the reasons and consequences of political displacements.
Key words: Identity, state, power, territory, citizenship, displace identity, constitution, United Nation
[1]. Young, Iris Marion, "Polity and group difference: A critique of the ideal of universal citizenship," Ethics 99, no.2 1989
[2]. Bart Van Steenbergen (ed.), "The Condition of Citizenship," London: Sage Publications. 1994, Aristotle, The Politics, Start Publications, USA(2012), Walker R. B. J., "Citizenship after the Modern Subject," In Kimberly Hutchings and Ronald Dannreuther (eds.), Cosmopolitan Citizenship. Houndsmill and New York: MacMillan and St. Martin's. 1999
[3]. Fraser, Nancy, "Social Justice in the Age of Identity Politics: Redistribution, Recognition, and Participation," from a Distinguished Lecture at the Centre for Theoretical Studies, Essex University, London. 1999
[4]. Lucy Alba Guerrro, "Internality Displaced Children Constructing Identities, UMI, USA. 2008.
[5]. Lavier Smadar & Swedenburg Ted, Displacement, Diaspora and Geographies of Identity, (ed), Duke Uni, press, Duke. 2001
[6]. Bammer Angelika, Displacements: Cultural Identities in Question, Association of America Uni press, USA. 1994, WORLD REPORT: Human Right Watch, USA 2002