Version-6 (Dec-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Productivity Assessment of Bakery Firm in Khulna Region Of Bangladesh |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Fariha Farjana || Md. Abu Rayhan |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191260108 ![]() |
Abstract: Manufacturing firms are playing a dominant role for economic development of Bangladesh after it's independence. Bakery firms are considered as an important part of manufacturing firms. In this paper authors analyzed the productivity status of bakery firms. Labor, capital, raw materials and energy are used as input for analysis of the productivity of bakery firms. The data provide strong evidence of increase in output if raw materials are available. If labor, capital and energy held constant a1 percent increase in raw materials increase output by 0.775percent. It is significant at 1percent significant level. The joint hypothesis tests proof that input and output are not unrelated. The returns to scale assessment manifests presence of increasing returns to scale in bakery firms. The firms also experiences availability of cheap inputs. It is one of the key factors for expansion of bakery firms in Khulna region of Bangladesh. Owners of baking firms should give more emphasize on wealth maximization rather profit maximization. If it is possible to nourish bakery firms properly, in near future it will contribute a dominant role in boosting the GDP of Bangladesh.
Keywords: Bakery firms, Cobb-Douglas production function, input, output, returns to scale
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[7]. A. Marić, S. Arsovski, and J. Mastilović, Contribution to the improvement of products quality in baking industry, International Journal for Quality research, 3(3), 2009, 1-8.
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Abstract: This paper compared ancient Israelite practices with Yoruba traditions of kinship inheritance and widowhood care. It advocated a return to caring for widows through kinship inheritance as a duty or responsibility of the initiates of a clique. It employed intercultural interpretive approach in sustaining a kin's family and property as a communal duty saddled upon every member of a covenanted group. However, the paper noticed that the concept was fast losing its communal value owing to the reaction of the church against some African cultural viewpoints of practicing the concept. The church relegated the African communal idea of iwo ati ebi re (you and your kin) that saddled every member of a household with the duty of sustaining allotted patrimony to rescue a member from the adversity of an enslaving debt, widowhood and being an orphan. Consequently, caring for the brotherhood as a responsibility was substituted with begging for charity.
[1]. Primary Sources
[2]. Isola Odunlade, a ninty-four years old vice patriarch of Ile-Ijaroa (Ijaroa Household) in Iremo Community, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria was interviewed on 03/05/2013.
[3]. Olawale Olaniyi, was interviewed on oral tradition about the culture of Asangbe People and their rural life at Isangbe-Alara on 11/09/2003.
[4]. Victoria Olasoji, an eighty-nine years old matriarch of Ile-Ijaroa (Ijaroa Household) in Iremo Community, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria was interviewed on 03/05/2013.
[5]. Secondary Sources
[6]. Adogame, A. & Shankar, S. (ed.), 2013. Religion on the Move: New Dynamics of Religious Expansion in a Globalizing World The Netherlands: Koninklijke Brill.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | (Un)-Doing Gender: Mahesh Dattani's Dance Like A Man in Perspective |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Pinaki Ranjan Das || Arghya Chakraborty |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191261517 ![]() |
Abstract: Contemporary theories of gender aim at foregrounding the issues of anti-essentialism in gender roles. The traditional division between sex and gender are brought to question, so as to identify social education as the initiator of the both. Fixity of gender roles as determined by the society has proved to be oppressing for individuals irrespective of their sex. Mahesh Dattani, one of the pioneers of modern Indian theatre, has critically engaged with these discourses in the Indian cultural context. The present paper reads the nuances of the complex Indian society shown in a microcosmic way in Dancelike a Man, where the relation between a father and son suffers due to one's adherence to conventional gender roles and the other's attempts to frustrate it.
Keywords: Sex, Gender, Essentialism, Performance, Performatives, Gender Roles
[1]. Pramod K. Nayar, Contemporary Literary and Cultural Theory (India: Pearson Longman, 2010).
[2]. Judith Butler, Gender Trouble (U.K.: Routledge, 2008).
[3]. Mahesh Dattani, Collected Plays (India: Penguin India,2000).
[4]. David Macey, The Penguin Dictionary of Critical Theory (England: Penguin UK,2002).
[5]. Angelie Multani, ed. Mahesh Dattani‟s Plays: Critical Perspectives, (New Delhi: Pencraft Internationals ,2007)
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Abstract: Framed upon the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, this work is an analysis driven by a linguistic-constructivist approach that will focus on the impact of language-use in historic documentation and contemporary discourse on memory, perception, and identity. The semantics, ambiguity, and implications of language used regarding the conflict (c. 1850-present) in various media and historiographic sources will be examined. Through a comparative analysis of Palestinian and Israeli perspectives and linguistic description, contrasts will be drawn in an effort to more clearly render the etic reality of the conflict, as understood through these two emic perceptions of it. This research intends to not only reveal the power of selective language use in shaping perception and identity (in local, national, and international socio-political spheres), but to reveal the implications of the concepts of language structure and language agency as processes that guide and influence human conceptual understandings of conflict.
[1]. Charles D. Smith . Palestine and the Arab-Israeli Conflict (sixth edition), Boston, Bedford/St. Martin‟s 2007.P 14
[2]. Smith (2007). P 23.
[3]. Ibid,24
[4]. Sergio DellaPergola (IUSSP XXIV General Population Conference - S64, 2001) - See attached Fig.1.
[5]. Seth Schwartz. Imperialism and Jewish Society, 200 BCE to 640 CE (Princeton University Press 2001). P 64
[6]. Newman, Zelda Kahan – "The Jewish Sound of Speech: Talmudic Chant, Yiddish Intonation and the Origins of Early Ashkenaz", The Jewish Quarterly Review, New Series, Vol. 90, No. 3/4 (Jan. - Apr., 2000), pp. 293-336.
[7]. 7 Mearsheimer, John J. and Stephen M. Walt. The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2008. P 17
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Abstract: Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P), was inaugurated on 13lh February, 2012, the aim was to plough black the savings from the reduction of subsidies on petroleum products into programmes that will empower Nigerian youths. This article examines the extent to which Subsidy and Reinvestment Programme SURE-P has empowered Nigerian youths between 2012 and 2014. The article notes that there is a considerable relationship between Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Programme (SURE-P) and youth empowerment in Nigeria. The article contends that SURE-P established graduate internship scheme of the community services, women and youth employment programme under the social safety net component; Sure-P Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Programme; Mass Transit Programme and Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Programme all geared towards youth empowerment. Finally, the article concludes that the current mode of operation of SURE-P still needs to be changed by adopting concrete strategies of youth empowerment, and most importantly creating enabling environment for foreign investors to come in, who can provide opportunities of employment for Nigerian youths.
Keywords: Empowerment, Fuel Subsidy, Subsidy, SURE-P, Youth Empowerment
[1]. I. Okonta, & D. Oronto, Where vultures feast: 40 years of shell in the Niger delta (Ibadan. Kraft Books Ltd. 2001).
[2]. S.A Khan, Nigeria: The political economy of oil (London, Oxford University Press, 1994).
[3]. S.Azaiki, Inequalities in Nigeria politics ( Yenegoa, Treasure Communication Resources Ltd, 2003).
[4]. M.A. Feyide, Oil in world politics (New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press, 1986).
[5]. B. Onyeizugbe & C. Onwuka, The oil and National question (Ibadan, Ibadan University Press, 2012).
[6]. N. Iluyomade, Youth empowerment in Nigeria ( 2011).
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Abstract: The paper makes an attempt to study the various aspects of Quality of Life (QOL) from socio-economic perspective. While doing so, certain definitions of QOL and its ingredients have been studied.The significance of socio-economic parameters in the study of QOL has been highlighted. Socio-economic factors are not universal and may vary from place to place and time to time. As a case study, Jharia Coalfield region is studied and a methodology is prepared to evaluate the quality of life index of the region.While studying the Jharia Coalfield region, the history of coal mining there and the issues of QOL in mining areas have been studied.Issues of QOL in coal mining areas include the material dimensions, non-material diemnsions and the environmental dimensions.The utilization of the land there and the settlement pattern are shown. Based on technical information about the stability of the land, study areas are selected. In the selected study areas, socio-economic survey is conducted and QOL index is formulated.
Keywords: Index of Availability, Index of Satisfaction, Quality of Life, Resettlement and Rehabilitation, Socio-economic parameters, Stability of land.
[1]. Arya, P. K. and Ghosh, A. K. (2004): Management of Mineral resource in Jharkhand: Importance of Rehabilitation of Closed Coal and Copper Mines, Proc. Nat. Sem. Role of Mining Industry in Economic and Industrial Development of Jharkhand – Problems and Prospects (JHMIN-04), ISM, February 28.
[2]. Bhattacharya, Debjit (2003), Article in SambadPratidin, September 11 & 12, 2003.
[3]. Census of India, Provisional Population Total – India, 1991 & 2001.
[4]. CMRI (1997), Report of the Study, Stability Status of Dwellings in Jharia Coalfield, Part I & II.
[5]. CMRI & NEERI (2001), Report of Dissemination Package on Carrying Capacity Based Development Planning of DamodarRiver Basin.
[6]. CMRI (2002), Proposal on Development of Comprehensive Technology for Disaster Prevention & Management for Jharia Coalfield, Memorandum submitted for the consideration of Governing Body of CSIR/Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC).
[7]. Das, Biswanath; Bhattacharya, Goutam; Quality of Life, Edited Volume of National Seminar on Quality of Life, 16-18 November 2002.
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Abstract: The aim of this research was to identify and asses the direct and indirect effects of organization culture, leadership behavior, work satisfaction, work stress and work motivation on the effectiveness of administrators' work at State Institute for Islamic Studies of North Sumatra (IAIN SU). This research was conducted at IAIN SU and 111 workers were taken as samples. To capture research data variables, valid and reliable questionnaires were used based on rational and statistical results through instrument test to 30 populations. The technique of analysis data consisted of descriptive analysis, requirement test analysis and path analysis with the significance level α= 0.05. Based on the path analysis overall results, F count > F table (21> 2,301) was obtained. Thus, Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. In conclusion, organizational culture, leadership behavior, work satisfaction, work stress, and work motivation simultaneously affect the effectiveness of administrators' work.
Based on the data and the results of the analysis outlined above can be drawn the conclusion that organizational culture, leadership behaviors, job satisfaction, job stress and work motivation simultaneously affect the effectiveness of the administration of employee State Institute for Islamic Studies of North Sumatra.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Thematic and Narrative Features of Jeet Thayil's Narcopolis |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. T.K. Pius |
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: | 10.9790/0837-191265468 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper on the thematic and narrative features of Jeet Thayil's "Narcopolis" attempts to grasp the trend of recent English fiction writing in India as the author himself is hailed by the media as the leading light of the new generation Indian novelists, who are willing to take on the less salubrious realities of life in the world's largest democracy. The novel fits into the recent literary wave of "Dark India", a body of literary fiction which seems to have found a niche in the market, writing as it does of the underbelly of Indian society: its slums, poverty, deprivations, depravations, and destitutions. The paper follows the conventional method of introducing the author and his work, situating it in the context of the author's own life and career, and in the larger context of Indian Writing in English. A major portion of the paper showcases the book's technical, thematic and literary traits which ensured its singular achievement in the art of fiction writing. There are a number of brief reviews on the book revealing readers' appreciation and spontaneous reaction to the technical and thematic issues projected in the novel. However, I believe this is the first serious paper of its kind on the novel, which attempts to feature its strengths through textual evidences and analysis. Thayil's book shows a unique advancement in the direction of experimentation with narrative technique that aids an amazingly accurate depiction of reality.
Key words: Plot - Characterization - narrative technique - thematic features
[1]. Alison, Flood. "Man Asian literary prize shortlist stages Booker re-match". The Guardian. January 9, 2013.
[2]. "BBC News - Man Booker 2012: Shortlist at a glance". BBC Online. 11 October 2012.
[3]. Farooqui, Amar.Opium City: The Making of Early Victorian Bombay. New Delhi: Three Essays Collective, 2006. Print.
[4]. Ghosh, Amitav. Sea of Poppies. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, (2008).Print
[5]. ... River of Smoke. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, (2011).Print.