Version-1 (May-2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perceived Maternal Neglect and Adjustment Problems of High School Students |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manaswini Dash , Madhusmita Patra |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19510106 ![]() |
Key Words: Adjustment problems, Maternal neglect, Parent-child relationship, PARTheory, Warmth.
[2]. Chao, R. K. (2001). Extending research on the consequences of parenting style for Chinese Americans and European Americans. Child Development, 72, 1832-1843.
[3]. Jackson- Newson, J., Buchanan, C. M., McDonald, R. M. (2008). Parenting and Perceived Maternal Warmth in European, American and African American Adolescents. Journal of Marriage and Family, 70(1), 62-75.
[4]. Lim, S. L., & Lim, B. K. (2003). Parenting style and child outcomes in Chinese and immigrant Chinese families - Current findings and cross-cultural considerations in conceptualization and research. Marriage and Family Review, 35(3 - 4), 21 - 43.
[5]. Rudy, D., & Grusec, J. (2001). Correlates of authoritarian parenting in individualist and collectivistic cultures and implications for understanding the transmission of values. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 32,202 -212.
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Keywords: Women Empowerment, Microfinance, NGO, Micro-Entrepreneurship, poverty alleviation
[2]. World Bank, (1997): Sustainable Banking with the Poor: An Inventory of Microfinance Institutions in Latin America and the Caribbean. World Bank Publication, Washington, DC.
[3]. Streeten P 1997. Non-governmental Organizations and Development. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 554: 193-210
[4]. Biswas T Women Empowerment Through Micro Finance – A Boon For Development
[5]. Cheston S and Kuhn L ,Empowering Women Through Micro Finance
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Martha Nussbaum's Capabilities and Urban working poor women in Bangladesh |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Shamsun Nahar Ahmed, Professor Zuo Ting |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19511219 ![]() |
Abstract: In order to contribute to the growing literature on women's empowerment in developing countries, this article presents a case study on a domestic worker in a Bangladeshi household. Using Martha Nussbaum's Capabilities Approach, it rejects the macroeconomic, GDP-based developmental paradigm that has entrenched poverty and class and gender divisions throughout the developing world. After presenting the case study, which examines the daily life of Tara, the article elucidates the policy prescriptions inherent to the problems she faces.
Key words: Bangladesh, Women, Capability Approach,
[1] Nussbaum, C. Martha, Creating Capabilities: The Human Development Approach( The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London , England. 2013)
[2] Lloyd, Sherlock, Nussbaum Capabilities and Older People, Journal of International Development, Int. Dev. 14, 1163–1173 (2002) Published online in Wiley Inter Science DOI: 10.1002/jid.958
[3] Naila Kabeer, Simeen Mahmud and SakibaTasneem. "Does Paid Work Provide a Pathway to Women Empowerment?" IDS Working Paper Volume Number 375. Institute of Development Studies, 2011.
[4] Nazneen, S. Maheen Sultan and Naomi Hossain. "National Discourse on Women's Empowerment in Bangladesh: Enabling or Restricting Women's Choices?" IDS/Pathways of Women Empowerment Research Program Consortium Working Paper. Brighton: Institute of Development Studies, 2011.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Psychoanalysis of Ghulam Azam: A Person Alleged of War Crimes |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Muttaki Bin Kamal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19512022 ![]() |
Abstract: Ghulam Azam is probably the most hated name after Mir Zafar1, in the history of Bangladesh. He is not only alleged of war crimes and collaboration during the liberation war of Bangladesh, rather he has become the symbol of collaboration. He was recently arrested and placed before the International War Crimes Tribunal in Bangladesh. In spite of Jamayate Islami‟s argument, it is undoubted and proved that Ghulam Azam2 was a collaborator and as for his collaboration with the party convicted of war crimes, he cannot refuse his involvement in it There is a big contradiction in his personality. There are no criminal charges filed against him other than the war crimes. He is an elderly politician doing politics since the British period. He held several important posts in the political arena. He is from a religious background and known as an Islamic Scholar around the world. He is also much known as an Islamic Politician3. Unlike the present day political leaders, he holds no scandals or convictions. His image is rather saintly to his followers4 and general people with strong Muslim mentality! The people of Jamayate Islami use this advantage to defend him. In some conversations with some people of Jamayate Islami and with even some non-Jamayati general people I heard the argument that, "How can a person do all his crimes in a single year, while he did none in the rest of his life?" I felt the need to answer this question.
[1]. Sheikh Hafizur Rahman Karzon; "Theoretical and Applied Criminology"; Palal Prakashoni; ELCOP; Dhaka
[2]. Prof. Ghulam Azam; "Jibone Ja Dekhlam"; Kamiab Publications; Banglabazar, Dhaka; January 2002.
[3]. Adolph Hitler;"Mein Kampf"; Translated by James Murphy; February 1939
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Abstract: This study aims to evaluate the effects of mental training on the development of attention and retention skills in Tunisian male kick boxers. Hundred and twenty athletes, with homogeneous age (22 ± 2.3 years), height (1.74 ± 0.08 m) and weight (65 ± 10.2 kg) were selected for the study. They were divided into three groups of forty subjects; the first two have been submitted to the monological or sophrological training and the last served as a control. Our results have shown that both mental training types improve the above cited criteria in athletes. However, the effects were much more pronounced with sophrological treatment. We conclude that monology and sophrology can be two effective methods for optimizing the attention and retention levels in Tunisian male kick boxers but the latter is more effective.
Keywords: Mental training; monology; sophrology; attention; retention; kick boxers
[1]. Abadie S., Andrieu B. 2007. Proprioception et représentation mentale. Une dialectique dans la préparation mentale des sportifs de haut-niveau. Revue françaises de psychiatrie et de psychologie médicale, 11: 21-25.
[2]. Anderson VL., McLean RL. 1974. Design of experiments. Marcel Dekker, New York
[3]. Aquatias S., Desrues I., Leroux M., Stettinger V., Valette-Viallard C. 1999. Activités sportives, pratiques à risques, usages de substances dopantes et psychoactives : recherche sur la pratique moderne du sport. Resscom, Ministère de la Jeunesse et des Sports, 12: 9-11.
[4]. Arnous A. 2012. The Effect of the type of Sports' mattresses on developing mental skills and tactics for junior fencers. Procedia Engineering, 34: 861-865
[5]. Bolliet O., Collet C., Dittmar A. 2005. Autonomic nervous system activity during actual and mentally simulated preparation for movement. Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, 30: 11-20.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Level of sachet water consumption in Nsukka urban, Enugu State, Nigeria |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Ezeokpube, N. D1 and Obiora, C. J |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19512630 ![]() |
Abstract: It is a common belief that the consumption of sachet water is high among households in Nigeria. The study sought to determine the level of sachet water consumed in Nsukka urban, Enugu State, Nigeria. A sample of seven hundred and twenty (720) randomly selected respondents was used for the study. Out of the 720 structured questionnaire distributed, only 74% were completely filled/returned and used for the analysis. Descriptive statistic (percentage) was used for the analysis. The results show that sachet water consumption was high in all the wards in Nsukka urban with University ward ranking highest (72%). It further shows that students were the highest (61%) consumers of sachet water. High level consumption of sachet water in the study area invariably will generate high sachet water wastes. The study therefore recommends that appropriate authorities example Enugu State Waste Management Authority (ESWAMA) should provide adequate number of dumpsters at strategic places to ensure proper disposal of the anticipated large quantities of sachet waste that will result from the high level consumption of sachet water. Furthermore, the study recommends that government and private establishments could embark on the recycling of the waste as an economic venture.
Keywords: Sachet water, Nsukka urban, Consumption, Enugu State.
[2]. Ezeokpube, N. D, C. J. Obiora and P.O. Phil-Eze, 2014. Environmental problems of sachet water waste disposal in Nsukka urban, Enugu State, Nigeria. Civil and Environmental Research, 6(1): 105-113.
[3]. Mutagamba, M. 2007. Polythene waste disposal Uganda. The New Vision Uganda Leading website Newspaper. August 11, 2007.
[4]. Babatunde, A.M. and M. I Biala, 2010. Externality effects of sachet water consumption and the choice of policy instrument in Nigeria: Evidence from Kwara state. Journal article of Economics, 1 (2): pp. 113-131.
[5]. Adenuga, A. O, K. Ogujiuba and F. K Ohuche, 2006. Sustainability of the environment and water pollution in Nigeria: problems, management and policy option. Global Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5 (1) 49-59.
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Abstract: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of self-talk and sophrological trainings on the self-confidence and managing emotions in Tunisian male kick boxers. One hundred twenty male athletes, with homogeneous age (22 ± 2.3 years), height (1.74 ± 0.08 m) and weight (65 ± 10.2 kg) were selected for the study. They were divided into three groups of forty subjects; the first two have been submitted to the self-talk or sophrological training and the last served as a control. Our results have shown that both mental training types improve the above cited criteria in athletes. However, the effects were much more pronounced with sophrological preparation. We conclude that self-talk and sophrology can be two effective methods for optimizing the self-confidence and managing emotions levels in Tunisian male kick boxers but the latter is more efficient.
Keywords: Mental training; self-talk; sophrology; self-confidence; managing emotions; kick boxers
[1]. Anderson VL., McLean RL. 1974. Design of experiments. Marcel Dekker, New York.
[2]. Abadie S., Andrieu B. 2007. Proprioception et représentation mentale. Une dialectique dans la préparation mentale des sportifs de
haut niveau. Revue françaises de psychiatrie et de psychologie médicale, 11: 21-25.
[3]. Burton D., Raedeke T. 2008. Sport psychology for coaches. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
[4]. Calmels C., Fournier J. 1999. Effets d'un programme d'entraînement mental combiné à une pratique physique sur la performance en
gymnastique et sur le développement de l'imagerie. STAPS, Revue Internationale des Sciences du Sport et de l'Éducation Physique,
49: 63-72.
[5]. Creasy JW., Rearick M., Buriak J., Wright L. 2009. Are you coaching mental skills? Why no?. Virginia Journal, 30: 13-14.
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Abstract: This study aimed to assess the effects of certain social-professional factors on the burnout syndrome development among 106 Tunisian male kick boxers (22 ± 2.3 years, 65 ± 10.2 kg and 1.74 ± 0.08 m) belonging to teams of Médenine, Sfax and Tunis, Tunisia. Our results have shown that the Tunisian male kick boxers are affected by the burnout syndrome and the factors 'Team integration', 'Athlete age', 'Athlete height' and 'Years of experience' significantly promote its trigger. The manifestation of this syndrome seems to be particularly the result of its three components' development such as the emotional exhaustion, the cynicism or deshumanization and the reduced personal accomplishment.
Keywords: Burnout; social-professional antecedents; kick boxers
[1]. Brewer E., Shapard L. 2004. Employee burnout: A meta-analysis of the relationship between age and years of experience. Human Resource Development Review, 3: 102-123.
[2]. Cordes CL., Dougherty TW. 1993. A review and an integration of research on job burnout. Academy of Management Review, 18: 621-656.
[3]. Devonport TJ. 2006. Perceptions of the contribution of psychology to success in elite kickboxing. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5: 99-107
[4]. Feigley DS. 1984. Psychological burnout in high-level athletes. The physician and Sports Medicine, 12: 109-119.
[5]. Gould D., Jackson S., Finch L. 1993. Sources of stress in national champion figure skaters. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15: 134-159..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study on Exclusion and Inclusion of Dalits in Education |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Kalaiselvan, K. Maheswari |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19513941 ![]() |
Abstract: In India, few systematic studies have been undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of financing of education in mitigating inequalities in educational opportunity. The study made by Chitnis (1972) presents some facts regarding the situation of scheduled caste students in higher education, in the country in general, and in Maharashtra in particular. In this study, the author has tried to find out the distribution of benefits of educational expenditure among scheduled caste people.
[1]. Banerji, R. (1997) Why Don‟t Children Complete Primary School?: A Case Study of a Low-Income Neighbourhood in Delhi, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. 32, No. 32, pp. 2053-2063.
[2]. Banerji, R. (2000) Poverty and Primary Schooling: Field Studies from Mumbai and Delhi, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXXV No. 10, March 4, pp. 795-802.
[3]. Census 2001 and 2011, Provisional Population. Totals Paper 1 of 2011 India series1, Registrar General of India.
[4]. Crime in India 2000 and 2010, Ministry of Home Affairs, GOI.
[5]. George, K K and Kumar Ajith, N. (2009), "Kerala‟s Education System: From Inclusion to Exclu-sion?", Economic andPolitical Weekly, October 10, VOL. XLIV, No .41.
[6]. George, K.K. (2011), Higher Education in Kerala: How Inclusive is it to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes?, Working Paper , Centre for Socio-economic & Environmental Studies, Kochi.
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Abstract: Amitav Ghosh, an ace story teller in his text The Hungry Tide discusses on a vast canvas the questions of environmental issues regarding the Sundarbans, drawing from varied sources of factual knowledge. He combines the art of nature writing and fiction at once illuminating the struggle between human and animal both forming an integral part of Nature. Ghosh engages himself in the rhetorics of storytelling weaving fiction and fact, using the pretext of Nature and its environment as the foundation from which to study the politics of human life. In fact, Ghosh had also written an essay titled 'Folly in the Sundarbans' in 2004 wherein he raises the voice of an environmentally conscious writer expressing his concern over the Sahara India Pariwar's grand plan of opening up the unknown regions of the Sundarbans, to human onslaught in the name of eco-tourism, which might have led to anthropogenic infringement of the pristine islands of the region. Any act of globalizing the local must necessarily come with accountability is what the author aims at.
[1]. Buell, Lawrence, Karen Thornber, and UrsulaK. Heise. ―Literature and Environment‖. Annual Review of Environmental Resources. 36:417-40. 2011. Web. 2 January 2013.
[2]. Chakrabarti, Ranjan.. ―Local People and the Global Tiger‖. Global Environment. A Journal of History and Natural and Social Sciences n. 7-8. 2011. Web. 10 January. 2013.
[3]. Ghosh, Amitav. The Hungry Tide. India: Harper Collins, 2004. Print.
[4]. Leal, Filho W. ―Towards the Promotion of Education for Sustainability‖. www.revistaeducation.mcc/es/re2009/ 2009. Web. 20 May. 2012.
[5]. Sharma, Pratul. ―The 144th Way to Save Our Big Cats‖. The New Indian Express. Chennai 3 February, Puducherry Edition. 2013. Web. 5 April. 2013.
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Abstract: [1]. Vijayakumar (1996), Management of Panchayati Raj Institutions – A New Thrust Needed", Southern Economist, July 15. [2]. B.S. Bhargava (1982), "Panchayat Raj System in Tamilnadu" , Panchayat Sandes, Jan. [3]. Haricandran (1983), "Panchayat Raj and Rural Development", Concept, New Delhi. [4]. Satya Sundaraqm (1991), "Better Deal for Rural Artisans", Financial Express, March 19.
[1]. Brewer E., Shapard L. 2004. Employee burnout: A meta-analysis of the relationship between age and years of experience. Human Resource Development Review, 3: 102-123.
[2]. Cordes CL., Dougherty TW. 1993. A review and an integration of research on job burnout. Academy of Management Review, 18: 621-656.
[3]. Devonport TJ. 2006. Perceptions of the contribution of psychology to success in elite kickboxing. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5: 99-107
[4]. Feigley DS. 1984. Psychological burnout in high-level athletes. The physician and Sports Medicine, 12: 109-119.
[5]. Gould D., Jackson S., Finch L. 1993. Sources of stress in national champion figure skaters. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15: 134-159..
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Abstract: This study was to measure the effectiveness of family centered psycho-social intervention on family burden among the parents of the children with cerebral palsy. A quasi experimental research design without control group was used. Parents were chosen using simple random technique from the list of children in the age group of 1-12years with cerebral palsy registered, in a tertiary care hospital for treatment. Study was carried out during June to November 2013. Data was gathered in two phases. The intervention package included the following: i. group interactive sessions on prevention and coping skills of family burden. ii. Individual and family counseling sessions to the parents and family members. Using SPSS version 17, frequency of variables, mean, standard deviation; paired't 'test and Cohen's 'd' tests were applied to find the outcome.
[1]. Rethlefsen, S. A., Ryan, D. D., & Kay, R. M. (2010). Classification systems in cerebral palsy. Orthopedic Clinics of North America, 41(4), 457-467.
[2]. Blair, E. (2010). Epidemiology of the cerebral palsies- Orthopedic Clinic of North America Volume 41, Issue 4 – October, 2010; (41(4); 441-455
[3]. Raina, P., O'Donnell, M., Rosenbaum, P., Brehaut, J.,Walter, S. D., Russell, D., et al. (2005). The health and well-being of caregivers of children with cerebral palsy. Pediatrics, 115(6), 626-636.
[4]. Brehaut, J. C., Kohen, D. E., Garner, R. E., Miller, A. R.,Lach, L. M., Klassen, A. F., et al. (2009). Health among caregivers of children with health problems: Findings from a Canadian population-based study. American Journal of Public Health, 99(7), 1254-1262.
[5]. Grootenhuis, M. A., & Bronner, M. B. (2009). Paediatric illness! Family matters. Acta Paediatrica, 98, 940–941.
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Abstract: The few available data that exist show that the nature relation between ethics and law according to the doctor's malpractice in improving the health care quality.This research aims to perform a comparative analysis for Jordanian government hospitals depending on the relation between ethics and law according to the doctor's malpractice to find out the main problems and factors that influence on improving the health care quality for Jordanian government hospitals and then recommend solutions for these problems. A sample of 100 doctors (81 males and 19 females) aged 18-60 years was selected from four departments; maternity, surgery, medical and pediatric using a systematic random sampling technique. Results demonstrated that around 92.0% of respondents agreed that the malpractice of doctors has major influence on the quality of health care.
[1] Breakoff S, Howard M, and BearingPoint I. MEDICAL MALPRACTICE LAW BEST PRACTICES FOR JORDAN, 2008, 10-44.
[2] Kohn L, Corrigan J and Donaldson M. To Err Is Human Building a Safer Health System. Committee on Quality of Healthcare in America, Institute of Medicine, 2000.
[3] HEALTHGRADES, HEALTHGRADES QUALITY STUDY, patient safety in American hospitals, 2004.
[4] Donald P. AMA Past-President, 2004.
[5] Texans against Lawsuit Abuse, Lawsuit Abuse: Patients Are Paying the Price, 2012.
[6] Fed R. State corollaries also provide for such sanctions, Civ. P. 11.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Arya Samaj and Caste System: A Study of in United Provinces |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Meera |
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: | 10.9790/0837-19516872 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper traces the views of Swami Dayanand Saraswati on Varnas and Caste system. This article examines the impact of the Arya Samaj in the United Provinces. It also explores the visions of Swami Dayanand Sarswati on Arya invasion. The concept of Shuddhi was a new idea of Swami Dayanand Saraswati. The idea of Dayanand grew and became powerful in the Punjab first and in entire northern India later. It shows the suddhi rite of purification for conversion, and social activities of Arya Samaj in United Provinces. This paper shows the activities of Arya Pritinidhi Sabha in United Provinces for removing untouchability.
Keywords : Aryas, Caste system, Dasyus, Shudras, Suddhi movement.
[1]. Brewer E., Shapard L. 2004. Employee burnout: A meta-analysis of the relationship between age and years of experience. Human Resource Development Review, 3: 102-123.
[2]. Cordes CL., Dougherty TW. 1993. A review and an integration of research on job burnout. Academy of Management Review, 18: 621-656.
[3]. Devonport TJ. 2006. Perceptions of the contribution of psychology to success in elite kickboxing. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 5: 99-107
[4]. Feigley DS. 1984. Psychological burnout in high-level athletes. The physician and Sports Medicine, 12: 109-119.
[5]. Gould D., Jackson S., Finch L. 1993. Sources of stress in national champion figure skaters. Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 15: 134-159..
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Abstract: This research attempts to examine the mediation effect of perceived value on marketing mix strategy and physician satisfaction with locally manufactured drug in Yemen. 300 physicians were selected as the sample size. Multiple regressions analysis was run to test the hypotheses. Based on the 170 completed data, the findings provide support for the relationship between marketing mix strategies (product, price, place and promotion) and physician satisfaction. The findings also confirm that perceived value is a critical antecedent to physician satisfaction. In addition, price, place and promotion are important predictors of perceived value, and perceived value has a strong positive relationship with satisfaction.
[1]. Aimin,W. & Begum, S.(2012). Investigating the impact of marketing mix elements on tourists"satisfaction: An empirical study on East Lake. European Journal of Business and Management, 4(7) , 373-283.
[2]. Al-Hamdi, A. , Hassali, M. & Izham, M. (2012). Impact of pharmaceutical promotion on healthcare professional's practices and behavior views from general practitioners, medicine dispensers and medical representatives in Yemen. Journal of Medical Marketing: Device, Diagnostic and Pharmaceutical Marketing. 0(0), 1-7.
[3]. Alireza, S. Mosavi & Ghaedi, M. (2011). A survey on the relationships between perceived value and customer advocacy behavior. International Conference on Innovation, Management and Service IPEDR, 14, IACSIT Press, Singapor.
[4]. Al Muala, A. & Al Qurneh, M. (2012). Assessing the relationship between marketing mix and loyalty through tourists satisfaction in Jordan curative tourism‟ American Academic & Scholarly Research Journal, 4, (2). .
[5]. Anderson, Eugene W., Claes Fornell, and Donald R. Lehmann. (1994). "Customer Satisfaction, Market Share, and Profitability: Findings from Sweden." Journal of Marketing 58 (July): 53-66.
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Abstract: The present paper aims at shedding light onself- regulation and self- regulated strategy development as an instructional approach designed to enhanceFL learners' strategic behavior, knowledge, and motivation, which in turn may affect their EFL writing skills. Different studies conducted in the field of EFL inside and outside Saudi Arabia to develop writing skills are surveyed. The paper depends on the descriptive method that covers the theoretical background of using the SRSD in developing EFL writing skills. Furthermore, the researcher depended on her experience in teaching reading and writing to Saudi college students and the results of their achievementtests.
[1]. Abdel-Hack, I. M. (2002). The Effectiveness of a Task-based Learning Approach on EFL Students' Writing Production. Ocational papers in the Development of English Language Education.(Issued by Center for Developing English Language Teaching " CDELT" , No. 34, pp. 193-231.
[2]. Abdel-Hack, I. M. (2004). The Effectiveness of Using Journal Writing in Developing EFL Major Critical Thinking Disposition and Writing Performance . " Journal of Studies in Curricula and Instruction, ( Issued by : Faculty of Education , Ain Shams University), No.97,pp.4-33.
[3]. Adams, M. J., Treiman, R., & Pressley, M., (2000). Reading, writing, and literacy. In I. E. Sigel & K. A. Renninger, (Eds.), Handbook of child psychology: Vol. 4. Child psychology in practice (pp. 275–355). New York: Wiley.
[4]. Ai, M. (1995). The effects of cultural background knowledge on graduate students' response to reading American and Chinese short stories in English and Chinese. DAI-A, 55(1), 3114.
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Abstract: Pakistan is the 6th most populous country of the world, while contraceptive prevalence rate is only 30%. It is considerably low as compare to other Muslim countries. Iran has 74% CPR, Turkey 71%, Morocco 63%, Indonesia 61%, Egypt 60% Bangladesh 56% and Malaysia 55%. Though, Pakistan was one of the first Asian countries to begin family planning program but due to some socio-cultural barriers Pakistan could not achieved the desired results. The aim of the present study was to explore the socio-cultural barriers to use to modern contraceptive methods. The sample size of the present study was comprised of 600 married women. Stratified and systematic sampling technique was used for data collection. Data shows that 11.2% of the respondents did not know any modern method.It is found that 16.7% respondents were currently using the contraceptive methods, 23.7% dropped the methods and 59.6% respondents never used any contraceptive methods. The bi-variate analysis shows that age (p=0.019), education (p=0.000), income (p=0.008), number of children (p=0.000), spousal communication (p=0.000), and response of in laws (p=0.000) were significantly associated with the use of contraceptive methods whereas family structure (p=0.171) and opinion about condom's use (p=.080) are not significantly associated with the use of contraceptive methods. It is suggested that over inflated social and cultural taboos related to the concept and practices of family planning program should be excluded as part of social responsibility towards a national cause.
Key words: Contraceptive prevalence rate, Family Planning, socio-cultural barriers, modern contraceptive methods.
[1]. Anonymous. 2011. Socio-cultural barriers to family planning. [2]. Anonymous1. 2011. Physical, Social and Financial Problems of Females using Various Methods of Contraception. Gender watch.
[3]. Bibi,S., H. Soomro, S. Ghaffar, M. A. Pir. 2012. Met and unmet need of family planning and associated factors in a remote rural area of Sindh, Pakistan. 28(3):400-403
[4]. Bongaarts, J., J. Cleland, J.W. Townsend, J.T. Bertrand, and M.D. Gupta. 2012. Family Planning Programs for the 21st Century. Rationale and Design. New York: The Population Council, Inc.
[5]. Casterline, J., S. Singh and Z. Sathar. 2004. Unwanted Pregnancy and Post-Abortion Complications in Pakistan: Findings from a National Study. Population Council, Islamabad
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Abstract: Women, face a number of interlinked constraints that reduce their agricultural productivity and their ability to use natural resources and sustainably contribute to food production. As a result of this scenario, enhancing food production through gender equality and equity as a means of promoting food security and reduce poverty has been a challenge in Africa. This discussion attempt to explore ways in which gender equality and equity can be achieved in food production.The role of education and training for women, and access to appropriate technology by women in food production are discussed and challenges highlighted as means of promoting food security and reduce poverty. Planning for women's education and training does, in fact, improve the likelihood that women contribute fully to food production, as a result improving households standard of living. Technology may be quite useful in increasing productivity, however access to technology depends on availability and women's resources to purchase such technologies. As women generally have less access to cash and credit, they are less likely to purchase new technologies. Overall, some of the issues of concern to women as food producers are the lack of access to technical training and appropriate technology, in addition to lack of access and control over land, financial resources and cash income. Assisting women in acquiring and use of new technologies in food production is fundamental to agricultural and rural development in Africa. Therefore, with a view to highlighting some of the constraints and enhancing women's capacities in food production , this review will look at lack of education, training and technology as some of the major factors and constraints affecting women's roles in food production.
Key words: Women, Education, Training, Technology, Africa
[1]. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Women, Agriculture and Rural Development.Corporate Documents Repository, Economic and Social Development Department.A synthesis report of the Near East Region Adapted from Human Development Report and Country Papers, UNDP, 1994.
[2]. Food for All: Investing in Food Security in Asia and the Pacific - Issues, Innovations, and Practices. Asian Development Bank (ADB) book, January 2012.
[3]. Oakley, P. et al. Projects With People: The Practice of Participation in Rural Development. Geneva, International Labour Office, 1991. 284 pp.
[4]. Kabeer N, Women‟s economic empowerment and inclusive growth: Labour markets and enterprise development. School of Oriental and African Studies, UK, SIG Working Paper 2012/1.
[5]. Gross, R, Schultink, W, Kielmann, AA, Community nutrition: definition and approaches.Encyclopedia of human nutrition. Ed. by M. Sadler, S. Strain and B. Caballero.Academic Press, London, UK, 1998.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | English from Roots to Fruits |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Prof. G. Anburaj. Prof. G. Christopher. Mr. Anudish Koshal |
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: | 10.9790/0837-1951109113 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we will travel through the journey of English language. Beginning from its inception we will explore how the language developed over time and its influence on the literary artists around the world and also conversely how the difference in writing style of various writers resulted in evolution of English from its old form to the one we use now. English is slowly turning into a universal language. It has become the language of all citizens. Knowing English has become an important prerequisite for almost all kinds of professions. English language has becoming a global phenomenon slowly and steadily. If every learner wants to blend in international stream in terms of profession, family then he or she needs to be fluent and well versed in the English language. Whatever wisdom and knowledge they may have, if they don't know how to express it at any alien point, then that would be a tremendous put off to one. This paper deals with the English language how it has become a universal language why it is necessary learn this language, moreover it portrays the features of the universal language, the different medium, standardization and the concept of universalities etc. Furthermore we also analyze how English, after conquering the real world, is gaining dominance over the digital worlds as a means of communication as well as a means of coding. Finally we conclude by predicting about the future based on the facts we have.
Key Words: Annotations, colonialisation, fusion, hybridized, lingua franca,.
[1] David Crystal , English as a Global Language (Canto Classics) Cambridge University Press; March 30, 2012)
[2] Elizabeth Allen, Super Fast Guides, Language Learning: How to learn any language (SAS Press; August 15, 2010)
[3] John Kohl, The Global English Style Guide: Writing Clear, Translatable Documentation for a Global Market (SAS Press; April 9, 2008)
[4] James F. English, The Global Future of English Studies (Blackwell Manifestos) (Wiley-Blackwell; May 1, 2012)
[5] Jennifer Jenkins, World Englishes: A Resource Book for Students (Routledge English Language Introductions) ( Routledge; August 16, 2009)
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Abstract: This paper analyses the reasons why illegal border jumping by Zimbabweans into South Africa still occurs in the light of favourable policy reforms that facilitate legal migration. Primary data was collected through questionnaires, group discussions and key informant interviews. Secondary data was also collected from relevant authorities' records and through extensive review of relevant literature. The study found and concluded that the major reasons identified for perennial illegal migration were lack of proper documentation, the limited number of visiting days given to Zimbabweans entering South Africa, travelling with undocumented minors, sudden events such as death, the lack of liquid cash and the current favourable asylum laws. The study has several recommendations among which : the urgent need to review the migration management systems of the two countries and the region as a whole and the need for measures to deal with institutionalised corruption for both countries.
Keywords: Migration, Illegal border-jumping, policy-reform, South Africa, Zimbabwe
[1]. Baldwin-Edwards, M. (2008). "Towards a Theory of Illegal Migration: Historical and Structural Components." Third World Quarterly 29 (7): 1449-1459.
[2]. Castles, Stephen. (2000). "International Migration at the Beginning of the Twenty-first Century." International Social Science Journal 52 (3): 269–81.
[3]. Consortium for Refugees and Migrants in South Africa. (2008). Protecting Refugee Asylum Seekers, and Immigrants in South Africa. CRMSA: South Africa.
[4]. Crush, Jonathan, and Sujata Ramachandran. (2010). "Xenophobia, International Migration and Development." Journal of Human Development and Capabilities: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development 11 (2): 209-228.
[5]. Crush, Jonathan, & Bruce Frayne. (2007). "The Migration and Development Nexus in Southern Africa: Introduction." Development Southern Africa 24 (1): 1-23.
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Abstract: Daily interpersonal communication among students of different cultures and countries, and their personal and academic lives at the collegiate environments are among the important educational issues to be evaluated. Thus, this study aimed to assess the effects of daily interpersonal communication between local and international students of a Malaysian public university, University Malaysia Pahang (UMP) on their personal and academic lives. Findings of this research project may help the related policymakers and working-bodies at universities to improve communication and academic skills of students by increase of daily interaction opportunities among them. The quantitative survey with its 220 participants from both local and international students of UMP was applied as the main method of this study, and also qualitative interviews were conducted to enrich the data. According to the findings of this study, interactions between Malaysian and international students of UMP had positive effects on their personal and academic lives, and paved the ways for them to learn some essential communication skills, and also helped them to be happy, and have enough collaborative activities at the university campus. However, further studies may deepen the information on the related issues.
Keywords: Interactions; Interpersonal communication; Academic and personal lives; Malaysian universities
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