Version-4 (April-2017)
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Abstract: It is undeniable that the motion ripples education in Indonesia, especially in the educational development of sharia economy are becoming more evident and has become one of the options that can be felt and applied to almost all lines and aspects of community life in the sectors of education and economic development based syariah. Movement the importance of academic education in the economic development of sharia is not only a theory but a more distant and had effectively been implemented and a trend in motion coloring in a country's economy and one of them in Indonesia.Government since the last 24 years have been so serious and real in moving and jack...........
Keywords: Education, Economic sharia
[1] HU Republika, May 2,, Friday, June 13, 2008Globalization is accepted as one of the fundamentals of the processes that characterize the contemporary world, a process leading towards an increasingly strong interdependence between increasingly large parts of the world. S. Parvez Manzoor. 2004. "Book Review of 'Islam in the Era of Globalization:
[2] Muslim Attitudes towards Modernity and Identity" by Johan Meuleman (ed.). 2002. London: RoutledgeCurzon, published in the Journal of Islamic Studies, Vol. 15, No. 2, May 2004, Oxford: Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, p. 280.
[3] Jan Pronk. 2001. "Globalization: A Developmental Approach", in January Nederveen Pieterse (ed.), Global Futures, Shaping Globalization, London: Zed Books, p. 43.
[4] Walter Leimgruber. 2004. Between Global and Local, Aldershot (England): Ashgate Publishing Limited, pp. 18-19.
[5] For a more complete description of the experience and the response of Muslims to globalization, see Abdul Rashid Moten. 2005. "Modenization and The Process of Globalization: The Muslim Experience and Responses", in K.S. Nathan and Mohammad Hashim Kamali (eds.), Islam in Southeast Asia: Political, Social and Strategiec Challenges for the 21st Century, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 231-255.
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Abstract: Facebook, a familiar term, has yet to receive much attention from researchers, social scientists and economists. However, Facebook's power in transmitting information and expanding networks has long been confirmed. Once again, the parallel between the rapid increase in facebooking and decrease in unemployment among Vietnamese youth in the current year is appealing, and it triggers the interest for this study. This paper aims to analyze how personal characteristics and Facebook's features influence users' probability of getting jobs on Facebook. The study investigates the factors influencing the chances of getting jobs on Facebook, based on 400 survey questionnaires..............
Keywords:- Facebook, unemployment, employed, Beauty Index, Vietnam
[1] Asia Marketing Research, Internet Usage, Population Statistics and Facebook Information. Internet World Statswebsite:
[2] Autor, David H (2001). Wiring the Labor Journal of Economic Perspectives: page 25-40.
[3] Cooper, Belle Beth.7 Powerful Facebook Statistics You Should Know About. fastcompany.comwebsite:
[4] Facebook Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2014 Results. investor.fb.comwebsite:
[5] Frey, Carl Benedikt and Michael A. Osborne (2013). The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerization? OxFord Martin School ;
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Empirical Study of The Improper Pronunciation of Trisyllabic Verbs by Iraqi EFL Learners |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Mukhalad Malik |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2204041821 ![]() |
Abstract: Syllables in English are one of the most important topics that play a major role in mastering an efficient performance of the way English words are pronounced. Syllables in English vary according to the centres they may have but the way of their pronunciation might be of certain difficulty for EFL for certain phonological inefficiencies. The paper attempts at investigating the improper pronunciation of trisyllabic words empirically through presenting EFL learners a group of words containing three syllables so as to elicit the way they pronounce such words..............
KEY WORDS: syllable, trisyllabic verbs, stress placement, improper pronunciation
[1] Chomsky, Noam, and Halle, M. (1968). The sound pattern of English. New York: Harper and Row.
[2] Crystal, David (2003). A Dictionary of Linguistics and Phonetics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.
[3] Giegrich, H.(1992). English Phonology. An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[4] Jones, D. 1997. Edited and revised by P. Roach and J. Hartman. English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
[5] Kenworthy, J. (1987). Teaching English Pronunciation. Harlow: Longman..
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Abstract: The aims of the study is to investigate the influence of staff perception to the director leadership style, effective communication, delegation and empowerment to form the learning organization and transformation at Imelda Pekerja Indonesia Hospital in Medan, Indonesia, According to the study paradigm, the data analyzed with descriptive, correlation, regression and path analyses showed that hypotheses from the study can be accepted, and this research proved that the staff perception of the director leadership had positively influenced to the effective communication, delegation, and empowerment, and also the study paradigm suggested in this study is recommended to be a model in organization transformation based on learning organization theory............
Keywords:- Learning Organization, Organization Transformation, Transformational Leadership, Transactional Leadership.
[2] Schyve, PM. Leadership in healthcare organizations: A guide to joint Commission leadership standards. A governance Institute white paper. 2012: 1-35.
[3] Senge, PM. The fifth discipline: The art and practice of the learning organization. New York, NY: Double-day. 1990.
[4] Senge, PM, Kleiner, A, Roberts, C, Ross, R, Roth, G & Smith, B. The dance of change: A fifth discipline resource: The challenges of sustaining momentum in learning organization. London: Nicholas brealy publi shing. 2008.
[5] Bass, BM. The future of leadership in learning organization. The Journal of leadership studies. 2000; 7(3): 18-40.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Linguistic Analysis of the Phenomenon of Language Transfer |
Country | : | Sulaimaniya |
Authors | : | Aras Abdalkarim Amin |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2204043235 ![]() |
Abstract: When people communicate in the target language they use the linguistic competence that they have acquired or gained through the process of learning or exposure to the target language. In certain cases, people use the various linguistic resources when they perform that target language due to certain attributes and strategies. This is called language transfer which means the use and application of the knowledge of one language into the other. The current study aims at clarifying the phenomenon of language transfer theoretically by illustrating what language transfer is, the linguistic evidences of its occurrence and the possible linguistic factors which lead to its occurrence............
Key words :- Language Transfer, Target Language, Performance, Lack of Linguistic Knowledge
[1] Blum-Kulka, S., House, J., & Kasper, G. (1989). Cross-cultural pragmatics: Requests and apologies (Vol. 31) . Ablex Pub.
[2] Crystal, D. (2003). Dictionary of linguistics and phonetics: Oxford: Blackwell.
[3] Ellis, R. (1994). The study of second language acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University.
[4] Franch, P. B. (1998). On pragmatic transfer. Universital de Valencia. In: studies in English Language and Linguistics.
[5] Helen Spencer-Oatey (2000). Culturally speaking: Meaning parrot through talk across culture. Great Britain: Piddles Ltd. King's Lynn Norfolk.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study On Cost-Effectiveness Of Higher Education With Particular Reference To Barama College |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Jayanta Kumar Das |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2204043638 ![]() |
Abstract: Effectiveness of cost should be determined by the extent of successful completion of the stated objectives. Opening of more primary schools, appointment of more teachers and provision of free lunch scheme are aimed at eradication of illiteracy among children.The present study was carried out to study the enrolment pattern of students and recruitment pattern of teachers. To examine the different components of receipts and expenditure. To examine the effectiveness of the institution............
Key words :- Cost- effectiveness, Enrolment, Recruitment, Grants.
[1] Blaug. M. Economics of EducationPenguin Books Ltd.Harmondsworth, MiddlesexEngland.
[2] Best. J.W. Research in Education,Prentice Hall of India.New Delhi-110001 Devi. S. Economics ofHigher EducationAnuBooks, shivaji RoadMeerut- India.
[3] Fourth survey of Research in Education, 1983-88 Vol. I. N.C.E.R.T.
[4] Harbison. F. Education, manpower.Myers. C.A. An Economic growthOxford & IBH publishing co.New Delhi-1.Koul. L. Methodology of EducationalResearch.Vikash Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.New delhi-110014.
[5] Mason. E.J. Understanding and conductingResearch/Application in education and Behavioural Sciences.Mc grow-Hill Book CompanyNew Delhi.Measurement of Cost Productivity and Efficiency of EducationN.C.E.R.T.
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Abstract: The principle of freedom of contract to be regarded as a basic principle of contract formation but could be legal problems if it does not protect the weak party. In the employment contract, the bargaining position between businessmen and workers are not always balanced. Strong bargaining position between businessmen and workers depend on the position of the ability of the parties to the negotiations. For workers who do not have the education, expertise, skills and experience then the employer has a weak bargaining position so just accept what the conditions............
Key words :- Affirmative action, employment contract, freedom on contract, government, manpower
[1]. M. D. Badrulzaman, Kompilasi Hukum Perikatan (Citra Aditya Bhakti, Bandung, 2001).
[2]. The Indonesia Civil Code
[3]. R. Khairandy, Itikad Baik Dalam Kebebasan Berkontrak (Program Pascasarjana FHUI, Jakarta, 2003).
[4]. Morton J. Horwtiz, The Transformation of American Law 1870-1960 The Crisis of Legal Orthodoxy (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992).
[5]. Atiyah, The Law of Contract (Clarendon Press, London, 1983).
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Abstract: The concept of autonomy in any country cannot be separated from financial issues. Self-finance or own revenue shows that the region (should) have self-revenue sources, and must be able to increase their own revenue. The research was a normative research with legal analysis method. The results shows that the strategy pursued by local governments to increase the Region Own Source Revenue is intensification strategy. The essence of this strategy is the way of local governments to seek other sources of local revenue that have not explored (still hidden). Another strategy is extensive strategy.............
Key words :- Autonomy, Local Government, Papua, Special Autonomy
[1] Bachrul Amiq,Aspek Hukum Pengawasan Pengelolaan Keuangan Daerah: Dalam Perspektif Penyelenggara Pemerintahan yang Bersih. LaksBang PRESSindo, Yogyakarta, 2010.
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[4] Marihot P. Siahaan. Pajak Daerah dan Retribusi Daerah. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada, 2005.
[5] Mei Susanto, Hak Budget Parlemen di Indonesia, Sinar Grafika, Jakarta, 2013,
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Abstract: Women have been grossly marginalized in organs of decision-making and governance structures. The Constitution of Kenya has sought to bridge this gap by providing both women and men the right to equal treatment, including the right to equal opportunities in political, economic, cultural and social spheres. However, gender equality has not been achieved and women are still lagging in terms of decision making processes. The main objective of the study was to detemine the impact of devolution on women empowerment in Nakuru County. The study found that substantive women representation............
Key words :- Devolution, Representation, Development, Programs, Empowerment, Accessibility
[1] Akapire, A. J., Awal, A. M., & Fuseini, R. (2011). Catch them young: the young female parliament in Northern Ghana," in Participatory Learning and Action: Young citizens: youth and participatory governance in Africa, London: Citizens: youth and participatory governance in Africa, London.
[2] Alsop, R. & Heinsohn, N. (2005). Measuring Empowerment in Practice: Structuring Analysis and Framing Indicators. Washington, The World Bank. (Policy Research Working Papers , p. 510.
[3] Awuor, P. (2013). Gender Mainstreaming and Women Empowerment in Political Party Processes in Kenya: Implementing the New Constitution in Earnest. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science. Volume 3, Issue No.3;
[4] Bratton, K. A., & Leonard, P. R. (2002). Descriptive Representation, Policy Outcomes, and Municipal Day-Care Coverage in Norway. American Journal of Political Science. Volume 46, Issue Number 2.
[5] Breton, Albert. (1996). Competitive Governments: An Economic Theory of Politics and Public Finance. Cambridge University Press.
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Abstract: This study assessed the types and quality of dwelling units and the quality of their neighbourhood environments in Port Harcourt Metropolis, Nigeria. The study population was derived by simple random sampling and the data were obtained with the aid of a questionnaire. A total of 920 copies of questionnaire were administered but 891 copies of the questionnaire were returned for further analysis. The findings reveal that overcrowding, poor quality housing, lack of internal facilities and neighbourhood amenities were major problems that demeaned dwelling quality in Port Harcourt. Also,tenement/rooming houses are the predominant type of dwelling units in the city............
Key words :- Dwelling units, Housing quality, Neighbourhood, Environment, Port Harcourt Metropolis
[1] A.A Adejumo,Some Thoughts on Affordable and Social Housing in Nigeria", Retrieved from 2008.
[2] O. Arayela, Panacea for increasing housing stock at reduced cost in Nigeria. African Journal of Development Studies, 3(1) 2003, 12-16.
[3] D.S. Bryne, S.P. Harrison, J. Keithley and P. McCarthy, "Housing and Health: The relationship between housing conditions and the health of council tenants", Gower, England, 1986, 149P.
[4] A.O. Coker, O.S. Awokola, P.O. Olomolaiye, and C.A. Booth, Challenges of Urban Housing Quality and Its Associations with Neighbourhood Environments: Insights And Experiences Of Ibadan City, Nigeria,Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, Volume: 7 Issue:1.2007.
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Abstract: Patient to solve all their medical problems regardless of the illness, organ, ages, and genders, and as much as possible, thoroughly, completely, continuously and in coordination and collaboration with other health professionals, using the principle of effective and efficient services and uphold the professional responsibilities, legal, ethical and moral. The service is limited to the convening of basic medical competence acquired during medical education. The meaning of malpractices (error practice) of medical profession in the perspective of human rights is still unclear. This research was normative research by studying and analyzing law and health materials.............
Key words :- Medical malpractice, human rights, medical law, Indonesia
[1] American College of Legal Medicine. 1991. Legal Medicine, Legal Dynamics and Medical Encounter, 2nd ed. USA: Mosby Year Book.
[2] Badu, L. 2013. Euthanasia dan HAM. Retrieved from /article.php?article= 40595&val=5585, on November 2016.
[3] Garner, B.A. (ed.). 2004. Black's Law Dictionary, 8th ed. USA: Minn. St. Paul.
[4] Hermansyah. 2010. Perlindungan Hukum terhadap dokter dalam menjalankan profesi kedokteran dalam perspektif undang-undang nomor 29 tahun 2004 tentang praktik kedokteran. Retrieved from, on November 2016.
[5] Mufida, W.A. 2012. Pengertian Dokter dan Tugas Dokter. Retrieved from, on November 2016.
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Abstract: The study explored the influence of the firm's age on choice of internationalization mode in Kampala, Uganda. Testing four (4) hypotheses: (i) There is no significant difference between firm age and level of exporting, (ii) There is no significant difference between firm age and level of licensing, (iii) There is a significant difference between firm age and level of joint ventures, and (iv) There is a significant difference between firm age and level of foreign direct investments. Using a sample of 409 small businesses, the data was analyzed with the application of range, means............
Key words :- Internationalization, Firm Age, Small Scale Enterprise, Uganda. JEL: M10, M16, L21, L26
[1]. Arregle, J. L., Hébert, L., & Beamish, P. W. (2006). Mode of International Entry: The Advantages of Multilevel Methods. Management International Review, 46(5), 597-618.
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[3]. Brouthers, K. D. (2002). Institutional, Cultural and Transaction Cost Influences On Entry Mode Choice and Performance. Journal of International Business Studies, 33(2), 203-221.
[4]. Brouthers, K. D., & Hennart, J. F. (2007). Boundaries of the Firm: Insights from International Entry Mode Research. Journal of Management, 33(3), 395-425.
[5]. Brouthers, K. D., Brouthers, L. E., & Werner, S. (1996). Dunning's Eclectic Theory and the Smaller Firm: The Impact of Ownership and Locational Advantages on the Choice of Entry-Modes in the Computer Software Industry. International Business Review, 5(4), 377-394.
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Abstract: The Increase In Electronic Journals And The Conversion Of Library Subscriptions To Electronic-Only Creates A Need For Ensuring Long-Term Availability Of These Electronic Resources. Digital Preservation Initiatives Help To Ensure That Digital Resources Will Remain Available And Accessible In The Event-1. If The Publisher Ceases To Exist ,2. If The Content Is No Longer Hosted Online, 3. If A Catastrophe Prevents Restoration Of Access. Digital Preservation Is A Collaborative, Community Effort To Support The Archive And How The Archive Is Governed And Managed.............
Key words :- Digital Preservation, CLOCKSS, PORTICO, Digital Rights Management , Consortium
[1] Staines , Heather Ruland Staines (2009) Springer‟s Ebook Preservation Strategy ,21(1),-Against The Grains , Article 12)
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