Version-1 (November-2018)
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Abstract: In Kenya the deposit taking Sacco sector significantly contributes to financial industry, and greatly contributes the country‟s GDP. Loans remain the asset for the Saccos standing at 73.42% of the total asset base. However due to raise in non-performing loans in Saccos which has received significant attention from the regulator and other stakeholders leading to unprecedented collapse of these Saccos, hence this research study seeks to find out the relationship of loan recovery performance to non-performing loan management practices. The research will seek to review the effectiveness of existing loan management practices which include loan restructuring, guarantee policies, monitoring practices and loan recovery agencies employed by Saccos. The study will use both primary data in form of structured questionnaire and secondary data which will be obtained from annual financial statements.........
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Terracotta art its influence on Nirmal paintings: A Study |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Dadiga Santhosh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2311012839 ![]() |
Abstract: Andhra Pradesh has a rich fascinating range of art forms which are unique in style, theme concept form and expression. A small town called Nirmal in Adilabad District of A.P. (Presently Nirmal is a district head quarter) of the same name in Telangana State) it is famous for toys and Paintings. Nirmal Toys and folk paintings are highly stylized and have a striking individuality. A wide variety of articles are made in the painting themes centered round their in the life styles..
Key words: Terra Cotta , Handicrafts, Material Culture, Dominions, Physiognomy, Mother, Goddess. Human figurines, influx, Animal figurines, Hybridization. Archaic terra cottas, Stucco art
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Abstract: The aim of this study is to explore perception and practice of female students in physical education practical classes at selected Kaffa Zone preparatory schools. Purposefully 13 of Physical education teachers who taught at the selected preparatory schools(M=11, F=2) and randomly 255 students from grade eleven and twelveis selected as subjects of the study. Apart from this descriptive survey research design with qualitative and quantitative approach is employed andobservation, interview and questionnaire is instruments that used to gather data. To this end descriptive and correlation.........
Key words; Female Students, Perception, Practice.
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Abstract: The purpose of this study was to assess the influence of demography and levels of formal education and training on leaders and members of informal women groups in Vihiga Sub-County, Vihiga County, Kenya. The study was necessitated by the fact that there lacks adequate evidence on the influence of formal education and training on resource mobilization for sustainability of informal women groups found in rural areas. Informal women groups found in rural areas are useful to women as they help cater for their socio-economic welfare. To effectively meet this need and enhance the sustenance and growth of their groups resource mobilization and utilization is vital. However, available literature reveal that support from the Government and donors often concentrate on the urban elitist women........
Key words: demography, levels, formal, education, training, leaders, members, informal
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Abstract: Make or buy is an important decision for executives when composing the growth strategy of an organization. The horizontal and vertical limits are key factors to be considered in this decision making. The aim of this study is to understand the effects of vertical integration in agribusiness, focusing on logistics operations flow of sugar production, emphasizing the process of merger between a logistics company belonging to a sugar-energy group, with the largest railway company in the country. For that, a research methodology characterized as exploratory, qualitative and case study was used. This research made it possible to conclude that Cosan applied the vertical integrationstrategy based on the Resource Based View; the merger process had repercussions not only on the sugar-energy sector, but also on the grain sector; Cosan has been carrying out infrastructure improvement investments........
Keywords: Growth strategy; Vertical Integration;Railroad; Logistics
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Abstract: This study interrogates how the Nigerian elites are recreating identity politics vis-a-vis the recurring Biafran Agitations. Despite fifty-one years after the civil war, the Biafran agitations have reappeared in an unprecedented magnitude amidst attempts by the federal government to suppress the wave of agitations. As it stands now the upsurge of renewed agitations appears to be implicated in the elite's activities in identity politics that have remained deeply rooted in the Nigerian polity and as such, contributed largely to pockets of violence in Nigeria. Thus, the study examines what accounts for the continued identity politics and the dialectics of Biafran agitations in Nigeria despite no victor no vanquished at the end of the civil war and the return of democratic governance in Nigeria. Anchored........
Keywords: Biafra Agitations, Dialectics, Elitism, Identity Politics, and Regionalism
[1]. Akubo, A. A., & Yakubu, A. U. (2014). Political Parties and Democratic Consolidation in Nigeria‟s Fourth Republic. Global Journal of Political Science and Administration, 2(3), 79-108.
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Abstract: It is the need of the hour to peruse on whom the liability can be thrusted, for the frauds that is constantly on raise in banks, which is the repercussion of act of outsiders or employees .Sometimes this is inflicted by the outsiders with the connivance of bank employees. Can law clutches banker with liability for the fraud perpetrated by the employees? Section 238 of Indian contract Act, 1872enunciates that, when there is fraud or misrepresentation by an agent while making an agreement on behalf of the principle, apart from affecting the validity of the contract, an agent‟s fraud or wrongful act makes the principle liable if he is acting within the scope of his employment. The answer to the question, can.........
KEY WORDS: Banker, Employee, Fraud, vicariously liability.
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Abstract: This study aims at identifying, analyzing and revealing the nature of diversion in the restorative justice of juvenile criminal justice system and its implementation in South Sulawesi and factors influencing its implementation. This research employs a normative-empirical research. Following the study of normative law or legal research, this study employs a descriptive research. The results show that in providing the justice and legal protection to the children, the nature of restorative justice is in conflict with the law without prejudice to the criminal responsibility of children. The diversion is not a peace effort between children committing crimes and becoming the victim or his/her family but instead a form of punishment towards the children by means of non-formal punishment. The diversion is in the form of.......
Keywords: Restorative Justice, Criminal Justice System, Children
[1]. Artijo Alkostar. Restorative Justice. Varia Peradilan Tahun Ke XXII No.262, July 2008.
[2]. Azis Syamsuddin. 2013. Tindak Pidana Khusus. Sinar Grafika, Jakarta
[3]. Fajri Achmad Nf/Bandung Ekspres Komitmen, › Berita Utama/ diakses pada 5 Agustus 2015 Mahfud MD. Restoratif Dalam Penegakan Hukum, Paper, Ditreskrimsus Polda Kalsel, July 27, 2013.
[4]. Mahfud MD. Restoratif Dalam Penegakan Hukum, Paper, Ditreskrimsus Polda Kalsel, July 27, 2013.
[5]. Muhammad Taufiq, Penyelesaian Perkara Pidana Yang Berkeadilan Substansial, Yustisia JurnalIlmuHukum, Vol.2 No.1, 2013.
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Abstract: This study aims to discover, analyze and find out the nature of criminal law policy in the settlement of traffic accident cases, the implementation of criminal law policies in the settlement of traffic accident cases and the ideal concept in solving traffic accident cases. This is normative-empirical research and, therefore in its study on normative law (legal research) this research uses descriptive approach (descriptive research). The results of this study indicate that the essence of restorative justice in the settlement of traffic accident cases is the transfer of the settlement of traffic accident cases from the criminal justice process to the process outside the fair criminal justice with an emphasis on restoring the original state, rather than looking for retaliation. The implementation of diversion in restorative justice in the settlement of traffic accidents is handled through formal procedures. The factors influencing the implementation of diversion in restorative justice in the settlement of traffic accident cases are legal substance, human resource apparatus, facility and infrastructure and victim/victim family.
Keywords: Restorative Justice, Traffic Accident, Law Reform
[1]. Akbar Hairuddin, Legalitas Penyidik Polri Pada Penyelesaian Perkara Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas, Lex Et Societatis, Vol. 4, No. 4, 2016. [2]. Akbar hadi, Kepala Sub Direktorat Komunikasi Ditjen Permasyarakatan, over-kapasitas-lebih-dari-500diakses tanggal 6 Januari 2018.
[3]. Azis Syamsuddin. 2013. Tindak Pidana Khusus. Sinar Grafika, Jakarta.
[4]. Darul Amri Lobubun, Wartawan Tribun Timur Makassar sulsel-sepanjang-2017-makassar-tertinggi, diakses tanggal 4 Januari 2018.
[5]. Edi As'adi, Problematika Penerapan Asas Recklessnes Dalam Perkara Perspektif Pembaharuan Hukum Lalu Lintas Di Indonesia, Jurnal Dinamika Hukum, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2014..
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Abstract: The state of Manipur has witnessed long years of conflicts between state forces and insurgents and ethnic violence. Struggles for political power, unmet demands and inequality are the major factors that lead to armed conflicts in the state. Evidence shows that women suffer severe forms of abuse during and often after the conflict. Widowhood is one of the consequences many of them faced which change the social economic roles of the women in the household and community. Psychological impact such as trauma and stress remained for lifelong causing much harm in their personal life. This paper attempts to look at the psychological impact of armed conflict in the life of women.
Key Words: armed conflict, women, psychological, trauma, insurgent, state force, widow
[1]. Basumatary, J. (2013). Unresolved armed conflict in Northeast India. Retrieved 23/5/18 from
[2]. Devi, S. R. & Singh, L. K. (2015). Women‟s role in agriculture and allied fields in Manipur. Indian Journal of Hill Farming, 28 (2), 154-157.
[3]. El Jack, Amani. (2003). GENDER and armed conflict. Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex. Retrieved 29/5/18 from [4]. Goswami, N. (2016, July 15). The contradictions in researching conflicts in Northeast India. Message posted to
[5]. International Committee of the Red Cross. (06-05-2013). Protection of women in situations of armed conflict. Retrieved 5th June 2018 from
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