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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Urbanization Trends in Manipur: Emerging Problems and Prospects |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. Kh. Jugindro Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2311050106 ![]() |
Abstract: Urbanization refers to the increasing number of people that live in urban areas. It is the process, by which large numbers of people become permanently concentrated in relatively small areas, forming cities. The trend of urbanization in the state of Manipur was confined within the limit of Imphal town till the 1961 census. The number of urban centers in the state has been increasing as if it has a concomitant phenomenon involving the process of conglomeration approach. Though the state is slow in making the progress of development in economy and industries, there is a significant.........
KEYWORDS: Squatter Settlements, Demography, Homogeneity, Socio-Economic, Fragmentation
[1]. Banerjee, N. (1969): "What Courses for Urbanization in India‟, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol.4, No. 28/30, pp.1173-1176
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[3]. Bhagat, R.B. (2004): "Dynamics of Urban Population Growth by Size Class of Towns and Cities in India‟, Demography India, Vol.31, No.1, pp.47-60
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[5]. Chatterjee and Carlino (1999): "Aggregate Metropolitan Employment Growth and the Deconcentration of Metropolitan Employment‟, Working Paper, Philadelphia, Federal Reserve Bank of
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Human Capital And Inclusive Growth: Reading In Macroeconomic Work |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Elkilali Abderrazak || Chegri Badreeddine |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2311050715 ![]() |
Abstract: Economists have long been concerned with the determinants of long-term economic growth. It is now widely accepted that technological advances, high levels of human capital and a significant degree of openness to international trade, knowledge flows and financial flows play a major role in growth, especially in a global economy. increasingly knowledge-based and so that countries can meet the challenge of global competition. Moreover, recent theoretical and empirical literature on economic growth has emphasized the relevance of intangible factors, mainly the diffusion of human capital and trade openness, taking into account productivity growth.
Key words:Human capital, economic growth, expenditures in education and training.
[1]. Aghion, P. and P. Howitt .1998. Endogeneous Growth Theory, MIT Press, Cambridge.
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[4]. Ang, J. B. (2008), "What are the linkages linking financial development and economic growth in Malaysia", Economic Modeling, Vol. 25, pp. 38-53.
[5]. Ang, J. B. (2008), "What are the linkages linking financial development and economic growth in Malaysia", Economic Modeling, Vol. 25, pp. 38-53..
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Abstract: The ability and capacity of the Regional Government of Barru Regency in realizing a good governance and clean government is still influenced by several factors, including, the Regional Government has not been able to do justice (Equity) well and maximally, the Regional Government has not been able to uphold the State of Law (Rule of Law), Regional Governments have not been able to work effectively and efficient (Effectivity), the Regional Government has not been able to be responsible for the policy (Accountability), and the Regional Government has not been able to formulate and implement the Strategic Vision........
Keywords: Capacity Building, Regional Government, Good Governance and Clean Government, and Regional Autonomy.
[1]. Bryant and White. 1987. Manajemen Pembangunan untuk Negara Berkembang (terj. Rusyanto L. Simatupang). Jakarta: LP3ES.
[2]. Dwiyanto, Agus. 2005. Mewujudkan Good Governance Melalui Pelayanan Publik. Yogyakarta: Gajah mada University Press.
[3]. Effendy, OnongUchjana. 2005. Ilmu Komunikasi Teori dan Praktek, Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya.
[4]. Eko, Sutoro. 2014. Desa Membangun Indonesia, Cetakan Pertama. Yogyakarta: Forum Pengembangan Pembaharuan Desa (FPPD).
[5]. Fahmal, Muin. 2006. Peran Asas-asas Umum Pemerintahan yang Layak dalam Mewujudkan Pemerintahan yang Bersih. Yogyakarta: UII Press.
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Abstract: The study aimed at to determine pre-competition anxiety on team performance perception of South Police and Dilla Kenema Super league football clubs. The study can provide psychological contribution towards football performance and a way to create a strategy for coaching. The design of the study was a descriptive survey research design and cross sectional study design was employed by 2017/18. Comprehensive sampling technique was drawn to take 50 players, whole population were taken because of the small number of the study participants.........
Key words: worry, concentration disruption, performance and somatic anxiety
[1]. Weinberg, R. S., Gould. D. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology. (2nd end), Champaign, Human Kinetics Illinois, USA. 2011.
[2]. Anshel, M. H. Sport Psychology: From Theory to Practice. New York: Benjamin Cummings, 2003.
[3]. Cox, R. Sport psychology: theory and application. New York, McGraw-Hill. 1998.
[4]. Swain, A., & Jones, G. Intensity and frequency dimensions of competitive state anxiety. Journal of Sport Sciences 11, 1993, 533–542.
[5]. Martens, R., Burton, D., Vealy, R.S., Bump, L.A., & Smith, D. Development and validation of the competitive state anxiety inventory-2, Competitive anxiety in sport. 1990. (pp. 117-190). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
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Abstract: In the last decade, one of the critical challenges facing Nigerian economy is the lack of adequate security of life and properties. It has been established in the literature that the country lacksability to equip and maintain effective security forces that are formidable enough to defend her territorial integrity against internal and external aggressions.However, in the recent time, there has not been serious attempts to investigate the impact of this menace on FDI inflows in the country.In view of the above motivation, this study critically examines the impact of security spending on FDI inflows in the country utilizingCointegration, DOLS and Granger Causality Approach. The study made use of data from CBN Statistical Bulletin and UNCTAD investment report from 1994-2016. Consequently........
Keywords: Security Spending, FDI Inflows, Cointegration, DOLS, Granger Causality and Nigeria
[1]. Adeyeye, P. O., Akinuli, B. O. and Ayodele, S. O (2016). The Nexus between Security Expenditure and Foreign Direct Investment in Nigeria. IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM). 18(11). 83-89.
[2]. Aiyedogbon, J.O. (2011). "Defence expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria: A vector correction model (VECM) approach". Being a seminar paper presented at the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna. April, 14. (unpublished).
[3]. Anyanwu, S. (2011). "Defence expenditure and economic growth in Nigeria: A Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) approach". AsiaJournal of Empirical Research. 1(2).
[4]. Azazi (2011). Responding to the Emerging of Trends of Terrorism in Nigeria, 5th policing Executive Forum
[5]. CBN (2016).Statistical Bulletin Central Bank of Nigeria
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Abstract: Climate change is considered as one of the undesirable effects of man‟s unsustainable development practices according to Bruntland report.The study sought to determine the impacts of climate change on the Ilchamus community based on gender by providing empirical status of affairs on climate change effects on the livelihood based on feminist theory and grounded theory. The study used descriptive design from the observations and focus group discussion. Study findings revealed that Lake 94 has been invaded by water hyacinth, has increased gender roles on women and exposed the community to food insecurity thus recommending deconstruction of gender, re-establishment of irrigation scheme and address the issue of water hyacinth urgently.
Keywords: climate change, livelihood, food insecurity, water hyacinth, feminism
[1]. Adaptation Subcommittee to the Governor‟s Steering Committee on Climate Change . (2010). The Impacts of Climate Change on Connecticut Agriculture, Infrastructure, Natural Resources and Public Health.
[2]. Angie, D. (2014). Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis in Northern Kenya Adaptation Learning Programme for Africa. CARE International.
[3]. Araujo, A., Quesada-Aguilar, A., Aguilar, L., & Pearl, R. (2007). Gender Equality and Adaptation. Fact sheet. Women's Environment and Development Organization.
[4]. Assan, N. (2014). Gender, Agriculture and climate change impact and vulnerability of resource poor farmers in Africa. Agricultural Advances, 3(11), 272-279.
[5]. Blenckner, T. (2005). A conceptual model of climate-related effects on lake ecosystems. Hydrobiologia, 533(1-3), 1-14. doi:10.1007/s10750-004-1463-4
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Abstract: The study entitled "The Role of Non-financial Incentives on Employee Retention" is carried out to examine the position of non-financial incentives in retaining employees. Survey method was used in conducting the study thereby sampling 30 employees and collecting the data using questionnaires and the mean score of the factors were used as the instrument of data analysis with 3.2 criterion in determining whether or not non-financial incentives helps organizations retain their employees. After the analysis, it was discovered that job security is a motivator towards employee retention; provision of opportunities for training and development tend to retain employees and that the more an organization uses employees‟ recognition the more their employees would want to stay. The study however, recommended that organisations should understand the positive correlation that exists between job security and employee retention; embark on improving employees‟ opportunities for training and development and finally incorporating the use of employees‟ recognition in their strategic plans because as it helps in retaining their employees.
Keywords: Non-financial, Incentives, Employees, Retention and Motivation
[1]. Abdul, H. (2014).Impact of Compensation on Employee Performance (Empirical Evidence fromBanking Sector of Pakistan), International Journal of Business and Social Science, 5 (2)
[2]. K.K. (2013). Human Resource Management, Kano Nigeria: Benchmark Publishers Limited.
[3]. Atambo, W. N.,Kabare, K., Munene C., &Nyaberi E. M. (2013). The Role of Employee Incentives onPerformance: A Survey of Public Hospitals in Kenya. Global Business and Economics Research Journal, 2(12): 29-44.
[4]. Barau, H. S. (2008). Management: A Simple and Practical Approach, (2nded.). Jos Nigeria: Odenic Press.
[5]. Challenor, M., Munapo, E., Mashau, P., Chikandiwa, C. T. (2015). The Impact of Recognition on Retention of Good Talent in the Workforce, Journal of Governance and Regulation 4(4).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Natural Resources- A Means of Livelihood Options for Women in Western Himalyas |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Dr. Sanjeet Singh |
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: | 10.9790/0837-2311056674 ![]() |
Abstract: The greatest hindrance to the progress of India is social evils. Efforts have been made to link women‟s education to larger social and economic development. Women are often subjected to the burden of earning for the family. In India most of the women living in rural areas are illiterate and trapped in a vicious cycle of poverty and deprivation. A situational analysis of the status of women would indicate that they occupy a low position in the society and the Indian educational gender gap is the greatest among the poor countries. Women throughout the world have been subjected to gender discrimination in varying forms. In general, women have been found to have had lesser access to land, property and business. Their mobility is more restricted than men. They have limited access to labour markets and are subject to discrimination in the matter of wages and compensation for their labour.King and Mason..........
[1]. Society for Economic Development andEnvironmental Management, New Delhi
[2]. Women‟s SHGs and managing convergence in Himachal Pradesh
[3]. Department of Women and Child Development, Ministry of HRD
[4]. Institute of Social Studies Trust, Bangalore. (2000).
[5]. Redesigning from the roots: critical review of training initiatives: towards empowerment of women and redesigning policy. Bangalore: ISST. 18 p.