Version-3 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Abstract: Sum Combination of elements of an Artex Space over a bi-monoid and the sum span of a subset of a completely bounded Artex space over a bi-monoid induced to define the sum span of sum span of a subset of a completely bounded Artex space over a bi-monoid. It is proved that the sum span of sum span of a subset of a completely bounded Artex space over a bi-monoid is the sum span. Product Combination of elements of an Artex Space over a bi-monoid and the product span of a subset of a completely bounded Artex space over a bi-monoid induced to define the product span of product span of a subset of a completely bounded Artex space over a bi-monoid. It is proved that the product span of product span of a subset of a completely bounded Artex space over a bi-monoid is the product span............
Keywords: Bi-monoids, Artex Spaces over bi-monoids, Completely Bounded Artex Spaces over bi-monoids, Sum Combination, Sum span the sum span of sum span the product span of product span[1]. K.Muthukumaran and M.Kamaraj, "ARTEX SPACES OVER BI-MONOIDS", "RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PURE ALGEBRA", 2(5), May 2012, Pages 135-140.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Existence of Limit Cycles in a Simple Predator-Prey Model |
Country | : | Nigeria. |
Authors | : | Yantumaki L.A |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305030612 ![]() |
Abstract: One of the useful tools and often used in the environmental science eld is the predator-prey models,this is because they allow researchers to both observe the dynamics of animal populations and make predictions as how they will develop over time. In this paper, six projections of animal populations based on a simple predator-prey model were created and explore the trends visible.Starting with a set of initial conditions that produced di erent outcomes for the function of the population of rabbits and foxes over a period of 100years time span.Using Runge Kutta method,a MATLAB program was developed to produce the values for the population of rabbits and foxes over the time span of 100years.
Keywords: predator, prey, limits cycle.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Reformulated Harary Indices of Composite Graphs |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | S. Nagarajan |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305031322 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper.........
Keywords: .........
[1]. K. C. Das, B. Zhou, N. Trinajstic, Bounds on Harary index, J. Math. Chem. 46(2009)1369-1376.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Trinomial Model on Employee Stock Option Valuation |
Country | : | Indonesia. |
Authors | : | Emli Rahmi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305032328 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper discusses the pricing of employee stock options (ESO) using the Boyle and Kamrad- Ritchken trinomial models as a different alternative to the binomial model used by Hull and White. From the numerical results, it was found that Kamrad-Ritchken's trinomial model with 𝜆 = 1.11803 gave the best results in the ESO price estimation. Also obtained the relationship between ESO price with some specific parameter to the ESO's values i.e: exit rate and vesting period. The interesting thing happens to the multiplier of the implementation price (M) as a trigger to execute an option that is, there is an M value at which the OSK price will be maximum.
Keywords: Early Exercise, Employee Stock Options, Exit Rate,Hull-White Model, Vesting Period, Trinomial Model
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Abstract: A graph G = (V, E) with p vertices and q edges is said to be a skolem mean graph if there exists a function f from the vertex set of G to {1, 2, . . . , p} such that the induced map.........
Keywords: Skolem mean graph, skolem mean labeling, star graphs
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[5] D.S.T.Ramesh, S.O.Sopna, I.Gnanaselvi and M.P.Syed Ali Nisaya Skolem Mean Labeling Of Four Star Graphs.
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Abstract: We present a novel method to fit a possibility distribution on a continuous stream data system and hence fitting a restriction on the same by using mode of the data. This method is an extension of Zadeh's restriction centered theory of information. The proposed method is suitable to measure and analyse information in complex or hybrid systems, where data sufficiency is never fulfilled and approximate reasoning is required. This method mimics the perception calculation technique, which is deeply ingrained in human mind, by which it gathers and analyse information in natural language. A method to precisiate the restriction on the basis of difference between probability and possibility summation is also proposed.
Keywords: Possibility Distribution, possibilistic restriction, Semantic Information
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Radio labeling of Hurdle graph and Biregular rooted Trees |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | K. Sunitha || Dr. C. David Raj || Dr. A. Subramanian |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305033744 ![]() |
Abstract: A Radio labeling of a connected graph G is an injective map h: V(G) → {0, 1, 2, …, N} such that for every two distinct vertices x and y of G,.........
Keywords: Radio labeling, Distance, Eccentricity, Diameter, Hurdle graph, Rooted tree, Biregular rooted trees, Status, Median.
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Abstract: In this paper, a block method was constructed for the direct solution of general second order initial value problems of the Volterra type integro-differential equations. The method was investigated for the basic properties and was found to be zero stable, consistent and convergent. The region of absolute stability showed that the method is A-stable. The method was tested on some existing standard problems, the results revealed that Trapezoidal rule performed significantly better than Simpson's 1/3 and Gaussian quadrature rules as revealed by the absolute error values shown in Tables 2 and 4 signifying that the choice of quadrature rule play an important role in the determination of the solution for VIDEs.
Keywords: Volterra, integro-differential equations, Continuous, Block method, Collocation, Interpolation, second order equations, Hermite, polynomials, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson's 1/3 rule, Gaussian's quadrature rule..
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Abstract: The purpose of this research paper is to develop a mathematical model to predict population figures of Niger state for the period of 20 years using2006 census figures. The data used were collected from National Population commission and were analyzed by using MATLAB Software. The idea behind the projection is to get an estimated figure of the population of Niger state without waiting for census data. The exponential growth model, also known as Malthus Model used in this paper simply shows that for any number of year specified as the proposed year for the growth model, the corresponding value can be obtain which importantly predicts the estimated amount of population. The parameter used for the population, can be used for any given region, which helps to check unwanted population increase or decrease. It can also be exploited to access the success of the method implemented over time.
Keywords: Radio labeling, Distance, Eccentricity, Diameter, Hurdle graph, Rooted tree, Biregular rooted trees, Status, Median.
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Abstract: Let K be a closed convex nonempty subset of a uniformly convex Banach space E and let {Ti}mi=1 be a finite family of self maps on K such that T1 is uniformly continuous asymptotically Nonexpansive ln the intermediate sense Maps. with F=mi=1F(Ti), an m-step iteration process was used and sufficient conditions for the strong convergence of the process to a common fixed point of the family are proved. MSC(2010):- 47H10, 47J25.
Keywords: uniformly continuous; asymptotically Nonexpansive ln the intermediate sense Maps; finite family, common fixed point; M-step iteration process; strong convergence..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Boosting Invariants To Equivariants For Coupled Takens-Bogdanov Systems |
Country | : | Kenya. |
Authors | : | Grace Gachigua || David Malonza |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305036772 ![]() |
Abstract: When a set of vector fields is in normal forms this helps to understand the behavior of general nonlinear systems. In this work we describe the normal form of formal power series vector fields on R2n whose linear terms are the nilpotent matrix made up of n 22 Jordan blocks. We use an algorithm based on the notion of transvectants from classical invariant theory in determining the normal form for the system with nilpotent linear part.
Keywords: transvectant, equivariants, box product, Stanley decomposition
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Abstract: In this paper certain spaces of testing functions contained in spaces are introduced. The elements of the dual spaces are ultradistributions. The finite generalized Hankel-Clifford transform is a continuous linear operator in spaces of these type. The finite generalized Hankel-Clifford transformation is defined as a continuous linear mapping between the dual spaces. The developed theory is applied to find the general solutions for a Cauchy problem.
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Abstract: In this paper we prove some theorems on the existence and uniqueness of coupled fixed pints, which are improvements of the results of Shanjit et al.[5].
Keywords: Multiplicative metric space, multiplicative contraction, Coincidence point, Coincidentally Commuting mappings, Common fixed point.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On The Products of K -Pell Number And K-Pell Lucas Number |
Country | : | India. |
Authors | : | Ashwini Panwar || Kiran Sisodiya || G.P.S. Rathore |
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: | 10.9790/5728- 1305038587 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper some products of k-Pell number and k-Pell-Lucas number are investigated .It also present generalized identities on the product of k-Pell and k-Pell-Lucas numbers to establish connection formulas between them with the help of Binet`s formula
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Abstract: This paper analyses a dynamic system which is reviewed at equidistant points of time and at each review, the system is classified into possible number of states and subsequently a decision has to be made. The economic consequences of the decisions taken at the review times are reflected in costs. These properties of Markov decision process are employed to study the maintenance condition of deteriorating equipment. The result could be used to study the status of equipment used in various organizations to determine their efficiency and productivity.
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