Version-1 (Sep-Oct 2017)
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Abstract: We show that there is a linear functional bounded uniformly on all atoms in . In this work, we first give a new atomic decomposition, where the decomposition converges in rather than only in the distribution sense. Then using this decomposition, we show.........
Keywords: Hardy Spaces, atomic decomposition, quasi-Banach space
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fixed Point Theorem in Fuzzy Metric Space Using Compatibility of Type (β) |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Arihant Jain || Basant Chaudhary |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305010613 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, a fixed point theorem for six self-maps has been established using the concept of compatible maps of type ( ), which generalizes the result of Jain et. al. [5]. Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 47H10, Secondary 54H25.
Keywords:Common fixed points, fuzzy metric space, compatible maps, Weak compatible maps, compatible maps of type ( ).
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[5] Jain, A., Gupta, V.K., Badshah, V.H. and Chandelkar, R.K., Fixed point theorem in Fuzzy metric space using semi-compatible mappings, Advances in Inequalities and Applications, 19 (2014), 1-10.
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Abstract: We have investigated Bianchi type V cosmological model with the matter string dust universe with cosmological constant in general theory of relativity. And have obtained the deterministic solution of Einstein's field equation, further some physical and geometrical properties of the model are also discussed.
Keywords: Bianchi type V, String dust, cosmological constant , general theory of relativity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Acharya Polynomial of Thorn Graphs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shailaja S. Shirkol || Shobha V. Patil |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305011821 ![]() |
Abstract: Let G be a connected graph of order n and degree d, the Acharya Polynomial AP(G, ) is defined as.....
Keywords: Acharya index, Acharya Polynomial, Thorn Tree Thorn rod, Thorn cycle.
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Abstract: Dawdle period is a macro problem that almost everyone has to face, which causes a great squander of time for everyone. It is well known that all these linger line problems critically restrict the further development. The focus of this study is to deal with passengers queue issues of the International airport terminals of Kerala. Queuing theory is a mathematical approach to the study of waiting period in queues. The dissect of queuing theory that evaluates the effectiveness of implementation of multi-server queuing model .The Multi Server approach of modeling was adopted in this..............
Keywords: Multi channel queueing model, Monte-Carlo simulation, probability distribution, queue length, system length and queue time and system time
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Abstract: This paper seeks to find the solution of the non-linear third order partial differential equation of a steady hydromagnetic laminar flow of a conducting viscous incompressible fluid through a channel with two parallel porous plates. The two plates are stationary and there is magnetic field moving at right angle to the electric field. Due to the porous nature of the plates, the fluid is withdrawn through both walls of the channel at the same rate. The specific equations governing the flow are discussed, transformed using non- dimensionalization techniques into a third order partial differential equation, simplified using Taylor's series expansion and solved by the method of regular..........
Keywords: Porous medium, hydromagnetic flow, Regular perturbation, axial and radial velocity
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Effect of Weighton Simi-ImplicitScheme |
Country | : | Iran |
Authors | : | Mohammadreza Askaripour Lahiji || Hassan Panj Mini |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305014853 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, two types of methods are presented: the basic type, which can be considered as an implicit integration factor (IIF) method, and an advanced type, which combinesthe IIF method with standard explicit ETD method through appropriate weights to ensure the conservation offixed points of the numerical schemes. Moreover, we present the weighted IIF-ETD methods and discuss their stability properties.
Keywords: Implicit schemes; Reaction-diffusion equations; Integration factor methods; Exponential time differencing methods[1]. T.Y. Hou, J.S. Lowengruband M. J. Shelley, Removing the stiffness from interfacial flows with surface tension, J. Comput. Phys, 114 , 312 (1994) .
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Generalized Trapezoids for Granular Representation of Information |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | P.Rani || G.Velammal |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305015458 ![]() |
Abstract: Trapezoidal fuzzy numbers [1] can be used for representing fuzzy sets in most situations. It provides computational ease while it has generality. Its membership function [9] is piecewise linear. However while modelling nonlinear situations trapezoids may not suffice. So to deal with such cases generalized trapezoids are introduced. It is shown that the set of generalized trapezoids is closed under the usual arithmetic operations.
Keywords: fuzzy sets, trapezoidal fuzzy number, α- cuts, non linear, granular information.[1] Abhinav Bansal, Trapezoidal Fuzzy Numbers (a,b,c,d): Arithmetic Behaviour, International Journal of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (2011).
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Abstract: This paper proposes a measure of the strength of association between diagnostic screening test results and state of nature or condition in a population as a function of the sensitivity and specificity of the test. The proposed measure which always lies between -1 and 1 inclusively would be able to enable a researcher to determine not only whether or not an association exists but also when such an association exists, whether it is positive and direct or negative and indirect. An estimate of the standard error of the proposed measure is provided as well as a test statistic for the significance of the measure. The proposed method is shown to be simpler to use, easier to interpret and provides more information on the overall results of the screening test than the traditional odds ratio approach. The method is illustrated with some sample data and shown to compare favourably with the traditional odds ratio method.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On The Positive Pell Equation y2 = 5x2 + 4 |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S.Devibala || M.A.Gopalan || T.swetha |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305016569 ![]() |
Abstract: The binary quadratic equation represented by the positive Pellian y 5 4 2 2 x isanalyzed for its distinct integer solutions. A few interesting relations among the solutions are given. Further, employing the solutions of the above hyperbola, we have obtained solutions of other choices of hyperbola, parabolas and special Pythagorean triangle.
Keywords: Binary quadratic, hyperbola, intergral solutions, parabola, pell equation. 2010 mathematics subject classification: 11D09[1]. Dickson L.E., History of Theory of Numbers, ChelasPublishing company, Newyork, Vol -II ,1952,.
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XXXIVM (2),2007, 645-648
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Abstract: Ebola virus disease is dreadful and, therefore, the study of its transmission dynamics is worthwhile. The objective of this article is to investigate the impact of time of case detection and control strategy on Ebola virus disease epidemics. A dynamic graph that captures human contact interactions, wherein, the numbers of contact interactions are generated by a Poisson distribution, is constructed by the mechanism of configuration model. Ebola virus disease models were simulated on the graph, using varying time frames for case detection and commencement of control response. The results show that the earlier the time of case detection and control response, the smaller the size of the epidemic. This probably explains the reason for varying distributions of Ebola cases in some West African countries recently. Therefore, early case detection and control interventions are crucial for eliminating the disease.
Keywords: Graph, network, Ebola virus disease, index case[1]. Ebola factsheet (2015).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On a Graph-Based Model for Simulating Sexually Transmitted Diseases |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | O. Abu |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1305017579 ![]() |
Abstract: The objective of this study is to develop a complex graph-based model and determine how epidemics of sexually transmitted infections play out on it. We constructed the graph, wherein node-degrees follow a power-law distribution, the partnership durations and formation patterns follow Weibull and uniform distributions respectively. The working of epidemics on this graph is investigated by simulating a basic model of HIV. The result shows that the epidemic outcome is higher compared to either a scenario of static partnerships or a scenario of a random graph regenerated in each time step for the epidemic time scale. The partnership network over time is neither completely static nor is it completely changing at every time step. Therefore, this graph-based model is realistic and can be adopted for simulating the epidemics of sexually transmitted infections.
Keywords: Dynamic sexual networks, stable partnerships, casual partnerships, partnership dissolution and formation.[1]. Althaus, C. L. and Roellin, A. (2011). Robustness of sexual partnerships and its impact on the spread of sexually transmitted infections. Swiss Meeting for Infectious Disease Dynamics (SMIDDY)
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Abstract: In this paper we have developed a pricing model under fuzzy environment where in-house manufacturing and outsourcing occur simultaneously so as to meet the customers' demand and maximize the profit of the manufacturer. Demand is assumed to be an exponential function of price and cost involved - holding cost, shortage cost and set-up cost are considered as trapezoidal fuzzy numbers. Under these circumstances, a profit function of the model has been formulated. Finally the proposed model has been demonstrated taking a numerical example and the sensitivity analysis of the optimal solution is provided with respect to key parameters of the system.
Keywords: Supply chain management, outsourcing, manufacturing, shortages, price dependent demand, trapezoidal fuzzy numbers, signed distance method[1]. Lee HT, Wu JC. A study on inventory replenishment policies in a two-echelon supply chain system. Comput Ind Eng. 2006;51(2):257–63.
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Abstract: The main objective of this paper is to explain how to use the least square method to solve two-point boundary value problems of fractional order, in which three type boundary value problems are considered. The results of the proposed method show high accuracy and reliability in comparison with the exact solution if given.
Keywords: Fractional order boundary value problems, Boundary value problem, least-square method.[1] M. Kurulay, A. Secer, Int. J. of Computer Science and Emerging Technologies 2(1), 18-20 (2011)..
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