Series-1 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Three-Step Method For Finding Root of Non-Linear Equations |
Country | : | Thailand |
Authors | : | Apichat Neamvonk |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1501010106 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we proposed a three step method for approximating roots of non-linear equations. This method has three evaluations of function and first derivative which is modified from McDougall and Wotherspoon [1]. Numerical examples are tested to compare the method with other methods and demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.
Key Word: Non-linear equation, Iterative method, Newton's method, Multiple roots, Order of convergence
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | βg* – Separation Axioms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | C. Dhanapakyam || K.Indirani |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1501010714 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, some new types of separation axioms in topological spaces by using 𝛽g*-open sets are formulated. In particular the concept of 𝛽g*-R0 and 𝛽g*-R1 axioms are introduced. Several properties of these spaces are investigated using these axioms.
Key Word: 𝛽g*-open set, 𝛽g*-R0, 𝛽g*-R1, 𝛽g*-Ti(i= 0,1,2)
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Abstract: This paper is devoted to define a new class of life distribution, named new better than used in increasing convex in Laplace transform order (NBUCL). A new test statistic for testing exponentiality against (NBUCL) class based on U-statistic is introduced. For the proposed test, the asymptotic properties are studied andselected critical values for sample size 5(5)50 are tabulated. The powers of this test are also estimated by using a simulation study for commonly used distributions in reliability. Pitman's asymptotic efficiencies of the test are calculated and compared with some old tests. The problem in the case of right censored data is also touched. Finally, our proposed test is applied to some real data sets in different areas.
Key Word: NBUCL class; Testing Exponentiality; U-statistic; Pitman asymptotic efficiency; censored data; Laplace transform.
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Abstract: Many longitudinal studies generate a dataset having two or more longitudinal repeated biomarkers measurement, which often depend on each other. In Gestational hypertension study the two important markers are gestational systolic blood pressure (GSBP) and diastolic blood pressure (GDBP) are collected simultaneously from a pregnant woman every visit. In such studies, evolution of the biomarkers over time and the association between them are commonly of interest. The aim of the analysis was to determine joint evolution and association of pregnancy induced systolic and diastolic blood pressure over time and determining their associated risk factors. The association among the two sequences is captured............
Key Word: pregnancy induced hypertension; gestational hypertension; joint modeling; joint evolution; mixed model; systolic blood pressure; diastolic blood pressure
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Abstract: We study commutativity in Rings R with the property that for fixed positive integers k,m,n, xkSm = Smxk for all x∈𝑅 and for all n-subsets S of R.
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Abstract: In this article, the boundary value problem for singularly perturbed nonlinear reaction diffussion equations are treated. The exponentially fitted difference schemes on a uniform mesh which is accomplished by the method of integral identities with the use of exponential basis functions and interpolating quadrature rules with weight and remainder term in integral form are presented. The stability and convergence analysis of the method is discussed. The fully discrete scheme is shown to be convergent of order 1 in independent variable, independently of the perturbation parameter. Some numerical experiments have been carried out to validate the predicted theory.
Keywords: Difference schemes, Differential equation, Singular perturbation, Uniform mesh. 2010 Mathematical Subject Classification: 65L10, 65L11, 65L12
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Finite Subgroup Automata |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr.K.Muthukumaran || S.Shanmugavadivoo |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1501015056 ![]() |
Abstract: Let B= (Q, *, Ʃ, δ, q0, F) be a Finite Monoid Automaton. Let S= (R, *, E, γ, qs, T) be a Finite Sub-Binary Automaton such that 0 ϵR. Then S= (R, *, E, γ, qs, T) is a Finite Sub-Monoid Automaton. Let B= (Q, *, Ʃ, δ, q0, F) be a Finite Group Automaton. Let S= (R, *, E, γ, qs, T) be a Finite Sub-Binary Automaton of B (as a Finite Binary Automaton). Then S= (R, *, E, γ, qs, T) is a Finite Sub-group Automaton.
Keywords: Finite Binary Automaton, Finite Monoid Automaton Finite Group Automaton Finite Automaton
[1]. Dr.K.Muthukumaran And S.Shanmugavadivoo , " Finite Abelian Automata" Accepted In "Iosr Journal Of Mathematics", A Journal Of "International Organization Of Scientific Research"
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[5]. John E. Hopcroft , Jeffery D.Ullman, Introduction To Automata Theory, Languages, And Computation, Narosa Publising House.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fluctuation around the Gamma function and a Conjecture |
Country | : | Italy |
Authors | : | Danilo Merlini || Massimo Sala || Nicoletta Sala |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1501015770 ![]() |
Abstract: Using the expansion of the log of the ξ and the ζ functions in terms of the Pochammer's Polynomials, we obtain a fast convergence sequence for thefirst two Li-Keiper coefficients. The sequences are of oscillatory type. Then we study the oscillating part of the Li-Keiper coefficient (the "tiny" oscillations) and following some analytical calculations we pose a new conjecture in the form of a kind of "stability bound" for the maximum strength of the fluctuations around the mean staircase.
Keywords: Pochammer's Polynomials, ξ function (Xi), Li-Keiper coefficients, Baez-Duarte and Maslanka expansions, trend and "tiny" fluctuations
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Abstract: In this article, we offer an easy and active computational technique for finding the solution of the fractional order Sturm-Liouville problems (FOSLPs) with variable coefficients using operational matrices of (BPs). The fractional order derivatives (FODs) are characterized in the Caputo sense. The proposed technique transform the fractional order differential equations (FDEs) into a linear system of algebraic equations, then the eigenvalues can be computed by finding the roots of the characteristics polynomials. Some tested problems are given in order to illustrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the method.
Keywords: Fractional order eigen-value problems, Sturm-Liouville problems, Bernstein polynomials
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A95 Theoretical bases definition of practical loss the got production in a trunk of oil and gas wells. – B.: Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry, 2018. - 15 pages. ISBN 978-5-9982-1493-10 For the first time in oil and gas industry practice special issues on the loss of extracted products are considered, which is a mixture of two and multi component phase systems in the wellbore, during its ascent to the wellhead in a turbulent regime, due to the formation and impact of negative pressure and the gravitational force of the earth. The technological process is described in terms of the frequency of its change, physicochemical and thermodynamic properties, the main technological parameters of the products produced in the wellbore, and theoretical methods for..........
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