Series-2 (Jan – Feb 2020)Jan – Feb 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Impact of Increased Taxation and Foreign Borrowing on Kenyan Economic Growth |
Country | : | Kenya |
Authors | : | Caleb Okeyo Oyala |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1601020105 ![]() |
Abstract: Taxation and foreign borrowing are major sources of revenue in Kenyan economy. The government uses revenues from these sources to finance its project such as construction of roads and railways (SGR ) and provision of services such as National Youth Service (NYS) to the youths and payment of wages to its employees and creating enabled environment for businesses among others. However, increased tax rates and foreign debt may pose a negative impact on the economic development of a state if the revenues from these sources are not put into fiscal uses.This study examines the impact of taxation as well as foreign borrowing on economic growth in Kenya. The study used a time series data for the period (1995-2018) to analyse and evaluate the impact. The study employed a multiple linear regression model with foreign borrowing and taxation as the independent variables and Gross Domestic Product...........
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Abstract: Finite difference method is one of several powerful numerical techniques for obtaining an approximate solution for partial differential equations. It has been provenas an efficient technique to solve initial and boundary value problems for linear and nonlinear partial differential equations for any dimension. Here we implement such numerical technique to obtain the numerical solution for the Helmholtz equation and the biharmonic equation with one spatial variable and time-independent. At first, we formulate the finite difference method to the Helmholtz equation as an eigenvalue problem subject to the Neumann boundary conditions. Then we formulate such numerical techniques to the biharmonicequation as an eigenvalue problemsubject to different combinations.....
Keywords: Finite Difference Method, Helmholtz Equation, Modified Helmholtz Equation, Biharmonic Equation, Mixed boundary conditions, Neumann boundary conditions.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analytic Continuation of the First Kind Associated Legendre Functions |
Country | : | Libya |
Authors | : | Haniyah A. M. Saed Ben Hamdin |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1601021422 ![]() |
Abstract: The linear and the quadratic transformationsof the hypergeometric function are proven very useful in making various transformations and carryingout the analytic continuation of hypergeometric function into any part of the complex z-plane cut along the real axis from the point z= +1 to the point z= +∞. Here we shall represent the associated Legendre functions (or spherical functions) of the first kindin terms of the hypergeometric function to gain their analytic continuation into any part of the complex z-plane. Furthermore, the hypergeometric representation enables us to develop the theory of spherical functions by implementing the general theory of the hypergeometric function. Obtaining the hypergeometric representation of such functions by means of linear and quadratic transformations is more general and less complicated than the Euler's integral representation which is restricted to certain constraints to the values of the parameters of the hypergeometric function that are essential to make use of the integral definition of the Beta function.
Key Words: Hypergeometric function,hypergeometric series, associated Legendre functions of the first kind,spherical functions, linear and quadratic transformationsof the hypergeometric function.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Conjugacy Classes and Action of Δ (3,4,k) on PL(Fq) |
Country | : | Pakistan |
Authors | : | Tahir Imran || Muhamamd Ashiq |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1601022328 ![]() |
Abstract: The triangle group Δ (3,4,k).............
Keywords: Conjugacy classes, Linear-fractional transformations, Parameterization and Non-degenerate homomorphismr coding scheme
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Abstract: Background: Lassa fever disease is a fatal zoonotic hemorrhagic disease caused by Lassa virus and endemic in West African countries. The aim of this paper is the application of mathematical modeling and analyses in controlling the spread of this disease. Materials and Methods: In this paper, a mathematical model which represents the transmission and control processes of Lassa fever disease among human and vector hosts is developed. The model is developed as a coupled system of 7 ordinary differential equations using the compartmental disease modeling approach. Three control strategies are incorporated into the model and the model analyzed for the existence of a positively invariant region within which its solutions are uniformly bounded. The model equations are solved numerically using the MATLAB ode45 method and simulations.......
Keywords: Lassa Fever, Mathematical Model, Numerical Simulation, Sensitivity Analyses, Stability Analyses
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Abstract: The 0/1 knapsack problem is an example of the combinatorial optimization problem which is to maximize the value of the objects in the knapsack without passing its capacity, with the aim of obtaining the best solution among other solutions. Knapsacks problems appear in practical-world decision-making processes in a wide variety of fields. There are various ways to solve the knapsack problem. In this work, dynamic programming and branch and bound were presented to solve the knapsack problem, along with the analysis of its efficiency, effectiveness, accuracy, and time execution. The data were analysed with the help of a programming language MATLAB and general purpose mixed integer programming solver CPLEX was used for the analysis. The dynamic programming suffers the best execution of time. The two methods dynamic programming and branch and bound has the same optimal solution in term of accuracy which means they are both effective for the selection of items without exceeding its capacity. In other word, our best solution values match the optimal values obtained by the CPLEX mixed integer solver, except the fact that the time required for the dynamic problem is faster than that of the CPLEX mixed integer solver
Keywords: Knapsack; CPLEX; Dynamic Programming; Optimization
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Abstract: Performance evaluation of lecturers at a university becomes very important because it is the basis for performance-based remuneration and rewards, as well as improving services to student satisfaction. Lecturers are required to be professional to be able to provide a good understanding and motivation to learn to students in accordance with their functions in higher education. Student motivation is influenced by several factors. The main factor that really affects is the lecturer, because in the teaching and learning process of students who are dealing directly with the lecturer. This, of course, greatly affects the level of student satisfaction with lecturer performance. So, this study tries to find the relationship between student satisfaction variables and lecturer performance. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze pedagogical competence factors, professional competence......
Keywords: Student Satisfaction, Lecturer Performance, Competence
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Abstract: In the present work a study of the dynamics of a drug in a human organism is analyzed the possibility if its elimination, for a patient that temporarily for the consumption as for the one that continues the use of the drug; the most commonly used drugs in Brazil are indicated, as well as their main effects. A model that simulates this kinetics is presented; two critical cases are dealt with, reducing the system to simpler forms; a qualitative study of the system of equations presented is made and conclusions are drawn regarding the future patient situation.
Key Words: Drug, model, organ, patient
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