Series-3 (Jan – Feb 2020)Jan – Feb 2020 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: In this paper, some relations of order, L-order, L*-order of composite entire and meromorphic functions with relative lower order, relative L-lower order, relative L*-lower order of a meromorphic function with respect to an entire function are established. AMS Subject Classification (2010) : 30D20,30D30,30D35..
Keywords and Phrases : Entire function, Meromorphic function, Slowly changing function, order, L-order, L*- order, relative lower order, relative L-lower order, relative L*-lower order.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An analysis of flow of Temperature by heat equation on using Double Laplace transforms |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shiv Dayal || M.K.singh |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1601030611 ![]() |
Abstract: In Integral transform, The Laplace transform has wide application to study of differential equation. We study some partial differential equations and analyze flow of temperature in to a rod by using Double Laplace Transform and getting a length independent temperature relation.
Kew words: Laplace Transform, Circuit, current, temperature, time, length etc.
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Abstract: In this paper, the author finds the coefficient bounds and the Hankel determinant of Generalized distribution function involving Jackson' q-derivative operator using the subordination principle.
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Abstract: In the present work we study the situation in Brazil regarding sexually transmitted diseases, indicating those groups of people for which certain diseases are more common. A system of differential equations is introduced that simulates the process of transmission of the different diseases in case homosexuals of both sexes appear; systems in a neighborhood of equilibrium positions are studied and the behavior of their trajectories is concluded; if we infer the future situation regarding the number of patients
Keywords: Sexually transmitted, model, disease, patient.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Solving The Assignment Problems Directly Without Any Iterations |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Mai Mismar |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1601032934 ![]() |
Abstract: Assignment problems arise in different situation in our daily life where we have to assign n objects to m-other objects in such a way that can minimize the cost or maximize the profits. The assignment problems are a well studied topic in Operation Research especially in Optimization Problems. These problems find numerous application in production planning, telecommunication, economic …etc. It is done in such a way that the cost or time or distance involved in the process is to be minimized and the profits or returns are to be maximized. From here I can define two types of the assignments problems:
1- The Balanced assignment problems in which we are to assign number of resources (suppose equals N) to the same number of activities also equals N.
2- The Unbalanced
Keywords: Assignment Problems, Balanced and Unbalanced assignment Problems, Constraints, Objective Function, Optimal Solution and Dummy Cell.
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[4]. N. Sujatha1,A. V. S. N. Murthy. An Advanced Method for Finding Optimal Solutionof Assignment Problem, International Journal
of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
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Abstract: Functional equalities are very difficult and are frequently exploited in regional, national and
international olympiads (of high-school or university level). The development used to application in several
areas - not only in mathematics but also in other disciplines. Functional equalities are applied computers,
economics, polynomials, engineering, information theory, reproducing scoring system, taxation, etc. In recent
years, many author studied functional equations. In this paper, we establish some functional equalities induced
bymean of arbitrary degrees tomean of arbitrary degrees and apply to solve some mathematical problems ..
Keywords: Functional, functional equalities, arithmetic mean, quadratic mean, mean of arbitrary degrees
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Abstract: Expression and facial pattern understanding are one of the major key leading research happening theses day, from the neural net to a simple comparison of images this action can be performed in various formats depending on the need and the accuracy of the neural network possible. The neural network present also possesses, the flexibility and functionality of recognizing highly complex facial expressions. The collective database of images is used as a reference base for training and to make the entire system give highly accurate results. The trained model and the final output helps in generating output in terms of programmed results and terms of accurate data pointers. This high-performance data can be used to perform functional programming and applications like expression-based lights and appliances control.................
Keywords: Pattern Recognition, Facial expression, Trained Model.
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Abstract: The achievement of households food security status are measured following four well established components like food availability, food accessibility, food stability and food utilization for all people at all time have noticed in most of the research works. The continuous supply of the aforesaid components may not imply the attainment of food security. Even if the food security is dependent on a household access to enough food it is measured by actual dietary intake of all household members it may be estimated by examining the daily calorie intake gained from carbohydrate, protein, fat and other sources of ingredients. As such the food secured households are they who get recommended calories from their daily food intake. According to the objectives of this research we were intended to measure the food security status using the aforesaid calorie intake by developing a food security index with the help of established consumption boundary.............
Keywords: Daily Calorie Intake, Food security index, KMO statistics, Bartlett's test of Sphericity and Factor analysis.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Differential geometry of Curvature |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | Shahina Akter || Saraban Tahora || Saila Akter Emon |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1601035258 ![]() |
Abstract: In the present paper some aspects of surface, curvature, Dupins indicatrix, Weingarten Equations are studied. The importance of this study lies in the fact that Mean and Gaussian curvature is established with the help of the coefficient of first and second fundamental form.
Keywords: Curvature, Curvature Directions and Quadratic form of curvature directions, Mean & Gaussian curvature, Dupin Indicatrix and Asymptotic Direction, Weingarten Equations
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Abstract: In this paper a mathematical model is formulated to analyze the transmission of AIDS with drug resistance. The total population under consideration is divided into seven compartments viz., Susceptable, Primary, Asymptomatic, Symptomatic, Resistant, and AIDS compartments. The well-possedness of the formulated model isproved. The local stabilities of the model are analyzed using Routh Hurwitz criterion. Next generation matrix method is used to find the basic reproduction number. The study has shwn that natural death rate is the most sensitive parameter in the model formulated.The transmission rate is one of the factors that determines the extinction or persistence of disease in the population. Finally, numerical solutions of the model equations are simulated using MATLAB.
Keywords: HIV, Basic Reproduction Number, Stability Analysis, Routh Hurwitz criterion, well-possedness
[1]. Kumama Regassa, Purnachandra Rao Koya. Modeling and Analysis of Population Dynamics of Human Cells Pertaining to HIV/AIDS withTreatment. American Journal of Applied Mathematics. Vol. 7, No. 4, 2019, pp. 127-136. doi: 10.11648/j.ajam.20190704.14
[2]. Kumama Regassa Cheneke, Geremew Kenassa Edessa, Purnachandra Rao Koya.Global Stability and Sensitivity Analysis of the Dynamics of Human Population Subjected to HIV/AIDS with Treatment. IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM).Volume 15, Issue 6 Ser. III (Nov – Dec 2019), PP 34-51. DOI: 10.9790/5728-1506033451.
[3]. Kumama Regassa Cheneke, Geremew Kenassa Edessa, Purnachandra Rao Koya. Impact of Treatment and Isolation on the Dynamics of HIV Transmission. IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM). Volume 15, Issue 6 Ser. V (Nov – Dec 2019), PP 73-72. DOI: 10.9790/5728-1506055372.
[4]. Daabo1,M.I., Makinde, O.D., Seidu, B. (2013). Modeling the combined effects of careless susceptible and infective immigrants on the transmission dynamics of HIV/AIDS epidemics. Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology. 5, 362-369.