Series-3 (May – June 2021)May – June 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: In this paper, the effect of perturbation on complete controllability of both linear and non-linear control systems were analysed. It was seen that if a linear system is completely controllable, then the perturbed system is also completely controllable provided that the sum of norm differences of the concerned matrices is as small as possible. For non-linear systems, it was seen that if the system is completely controllable,and the linearization of the perturbing function is stable at the origin, then the perturbed control system is also completely controllable.
Key words: Controllability, Complete Controllability, Linearization, Perturbation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Forecasting COVID-19 Pandemic in Bangladesh by Using Homotopy Perturbation Method |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Ovijit Chandrow |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1703030512 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we have discussed the future condition of COVID-19 in Bangladesh with graphical trends by analyzing the present situation.It was an exertion to predict the final epidemic conditions by usingthe Susceptible-Infected-Recovered (SIR)model.And by applying the Homotopy perturbation method,we solved the SIR model according to the present data for Bangladesh.The results obtained can undoubtedly predict COVID-19 situations.
Key words: COVID-19,SIR model, WHO
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Abstract: This article is aimed at establishing the null - controllability of a non linear control systems in Euclidean space . Sufficient conditions for a non-linear control system to be steered to a zero target by means of Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem were developed. Thus, by the application of Brouwer's Fixed Point Theorem, it was proved that the non linear control systems......
Key-words: Fixed Point, bounded linear operator, Controllable, admissible
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Group Divisible Design (n1, n2, n3,4; λ1, λ2), for n1 = 3,n2 = n and n3 = n + 1 |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Kasifa Namyalo |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1703031821 ![]() |
Abstract: The work in this article is about Group Divisible Designs (GDDs) with three groups of sizes n1, n2 and n3, where n1=3, n2=n and n3=n+1 and block size four. First, we establish necessary conditions for the existence of GDD(3,n,n + 1,4;λ1,λ2): for n1=3,n2=n and n3=n+1. Necessary conditions include an inequality......
Key words: Group divisible designs (GDDs);Balanced incomplete block designs (BIBDs); a Design
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Abstract: This paper presents analytical solutions to oscillatory flow in micro-tube and micro-annulus in the presence of second order velocity slip. The flow is set up as a result of fluctuations of pressure gradient in a sinusoidal form. The condition on which the second order slip is significant in micro-tube and micro-annulus is also established. Result shows that the critical frequency is periodic and also higher for micro-tube than micro-annulus. It is established that the more complicated second order velocity slip should be used for non-critical frequency.
Keywords: Oscillatoryflow; Micro-tube; Micro-annulus; Second order velocity slip
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Abstract: In this work, a semi-analytical approach is employed to investigate flow formation of time dependent free convection flow in a vertical annulus. The governing momentum and energy equations governing the flow are derived and closed form expressions are obtained in Laplace domain while the Fourier approximation is used in transforming the solutions from Laplace domain to time domain. During the course of investigation of flow formation with time, nature of fluid and ratio of radiuses, it is found that these governing parameters play a major role in the attainment of steady state solution.
Keywords: Annulus; Fourier approximation; Free convection; Asymmetric heating
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Abstract: Transaction exposure is a risk faced by the company that while dealing in the international trade, the currency rates may change before making the final settlement. The greater the time gap between the agreement and the final settlement, the higher is the risk associated with the change in the foreign exchange rates. In this paper we explain the effect of Gumbel distribution in the exchange rate error under the linear demand with additive error in newsvendor setting when the retailer or manufacturer undertakes to share the exchange rate risk..
Keywords: Transaction Exposure, Exchange Rate Error, Newsvendor Problem, Optimal Pricing and Quantity, Gumbel distribution
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Abstract: We consider two Equations of Matiyasevich concerningthe constant and log(π) (binary system) and two other Equations of Keiper (with the primes).
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Key words: Constants gamma and log(π), Binary system, Primes numbers,Critical strip.
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Abstract: This paper investigated some algebraic theoretic properties of fuzzy set on.....
Key words: Fuzzy set, Algebraic Sum, Algebraic Product, Bounded Sum, Bounded Difference, Membership function
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Symbolic Continuous Time Markov Chain Model for Degrading Systems Analysis |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | V. G. Skobelev || V. V. Skobelev |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1703036272 ![]() |
Abstract: A symbolic model, based on a Continuous Time Markov Chain, is proposed for degrading systems analysis. Three types of degrading systems, namely completely recoverable, partially recoverable and non-recoverable ones, and two types of critical sets of states are defined in terms of this model. It is shown that for the proposed model, analytical expressions for probabilities of being in any possible state at each instant can be derived explicitly. Therefore, analytical expressions for the probability of reaching any set of target states at any instant can also be derived. The problems of computing the probability of reachability the target sets of states, if the values of the parameters are given, are solved.
Key words: degrading systems, finite time horizon, Continuous Time Markov Chains, critical sets of states, reachability of target sets of states
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