Series-4 (May – June 2021)May – June 2021 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4
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Abstract: Multivariate statistical methods are designed to investigate relationships between several variables simultaneously. Multivariate analysis essentially extends univariate analysis for single parameters to vectors or matrices of parameters and from a single variance to a symmetric dispersion matrix. To understand this study, fluid ability has the character of a purely general ability to discriminate and perceive relations between things. It increases until adolescence and then slowly declines. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of fluid intelligence enhancement intervention on mathematics performance and final grade among science and engineering students in Northwestern Nigeria. In specifics terms, this study was set to determined the mean difference between the students' pre-intervention and post-intervention tests scores. In order to compare only two populations, multiple.......
Key words: Fluid intelligence, crystallized intelligence, multivariate analysis, omnibus test, variance-covariance matrix, mean vectors..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Study of Mathematical Programming Approach to Sugarcane Industry of Maharashtra |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | H. P. Thorat || V.C. Borkar |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1703040507 ![]() |
Abstract: The Sugar industry in Maharashtra is highly popular in the cooperative sector, as farmers own a portion in the sugar factories. This work determines the optimum use tactics for bagasse study domestic and environmental objectives. Additionally, alternative of sill bagasse and utilizing it in the boiler are also weigh. The major problem of sugarcane in India is based on monsoon and water supply. The cyclical nature in sugar production has caused distortions in the export of sugar in India. This study analyzes the state-wise production and reasons for the changes in production of sugarcane in the time period of 2000-2010
Key words: Planning, cultivation, sugarcane, optimization problem
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization inside the General Efficiency |
Country | : | ROMANIA |
Authors | : | Vasile Postolică |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1703040820 ![]() |
Abstract: This research work is concerned with the study of the General Efficiency and Optimization. We present the Efficiency and Optimization in their most natural context offered by the Infinite Dimensional Ordered Vector Spaces, following our recent results on these subjects. Implications and Applications in Vector Optimizaton through the agency of Isac's Cones and the new link between the General Efficiency and the Strong Optimization by the Full Nuclear Cones are presented. An important extension of our Coincidence Result between the Efficient Points Sets and the Choquet Boundaries is developed. In this way, the Efficiency is strongly connected with Potential Theory by Optimization and conversely. Several pertinent references conlude this investigation.
Keywords : ordered vector space, general efficiency, multifunction, optimization, locally convex space, Isac's (nuclear, supernormal) cone, Choquet boundary.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Note on Marriage Theorem |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shalini Gupta || Prag Singhal |
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: | 10.9790/5728-1703042130 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, the marriage problem and some related problems involving matching in bipartite graph is studied. Also, it is explained how such problems can be expressed in the language of transversal theory. A modified version of marriage theorem is also discussed..
Key words: Bipartite Graph, Matching Theory, and Marriage Theorem
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Abstract: A supply chain inventory model for deteriorating items under price and time dependent demand is formulated for obtaining optimal policy between buyer and vendor. For obtaining optimal cycle time and prices for a system with multiple buyers and single vendor under two level storage for buyers as profit maximization is developed. Joint profits for buyers and vendor have also computed. Numerical example is presented with its sensitivity analysis to demonstrate the utility of the model
Key words: Different Deterioration, Multiple Buyers, Optimal strategy, Price dependent demand, Single Vendor, Supply chain, Time dependent demand, Time varying holding cost, Two storage facility
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[4]. Ghiami, Y., Williams, T. and Wu, Y. (2013): A two-echelon inventory model for a deteriorating item with stock-dependent demand, partial backlogging and capacity constraints, European Journal of Operational Research, Vol. 231 (3), pp. 587–597.
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Abstract: Research on teacher observation has established teacher-content, teacher-student and student-content as three key relationships pertinent to effective mathematics teaching. This study expresses Ghanaian teachers' views about the three key relationships as they occur in mathematics lessons. The study also attempts to find out how these three relationships differ in views among JHS and SHS mathematics teachers. Well-constructed five-point Likert scale questionnaire were used to collect data from 50 JHS and 42 SHS mathematics teachers in one particular district in Ghana. Data was analysed using independent t-tests and effect sizes. The results showed an overall high expression of teachers' views about quality mathematics teaching. Significant differences existed between SHS and JHS mathematics teachers' views in teacher-content and student content relationships constructs of quality mathematics teaching. This study has implication for mathematics teaching and teacher professional development.
Key words: Quality, quality mathematics teaching, mathematical quality of instruction, construct, teachers' views.
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Abstract: Background: This article discusses on determining the area of a bisector triangle, determining the area of the symmedian triangle, and the comparison of both. The proof is done by using trigonometry rule to find the area of the triangle and Steiner's Theorem to determine the sides that formed the triangle.
Key words: area of bisector triangle, area of symmedian triangle, bisector line, symmedian line
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