Volume-6 ~ Issue-4
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Lexisearch Approach to Travelling Salesman Problem |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G.Vijaya Lakshmi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0640108 ![]() |
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce Lexisearch the structure of the search algorithm does not require huge dynamic memory during execution. Mathematical programming is concerned with finding optimal solutions rather than obtaining good solutions. The Lexisearch derives its name from lexicography .This approach has been used to solve various combinatorial problems efficiently , The Assignment problem, The Travelling Salesman Problem , The job scheduling problem etc. In all these problems the lexicographic search was found to be more efficient than the Branch bound algorithms. This algorithm is deterministic and is always guaranteed to find an optimal solution.
Keywords: Introduction, Combinatorial problem , The Travelling Salesman problem, Lexisearch Method, The Lexisearch Approach, Algorithm LEXIG TSP, A Lexisearch Method Illustration of Travelling Salesman Problem, Conclusion.
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Abstract: In this paper, an implicit one-step method for numerical solution of second order Initial Value Problems of Ordinary Differential Equations has been developed by collocation and interpolation technique. The one-step method was developed using Chebyshev polynomial as basis function and, the method was augmented by the introduction of offstep points in order to bring about zero stability and upgrade the order of consistency of the new method. An advantage of the derived continuous scheme is that it can produce several outputs of solution at the off-grid points without requiring additional interpolation. Numerical examples are presented to portray the applicability and the efficiency of the method.
Keywords: Interpolation, Chebyshev polynomial, Collocation,continuous scheme.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some forms of N-closed Maps in supra Topological spaces |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | L.Vidyarani , M.Vigneshwaran |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0641317 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we introduce the concept of N-closed maps and we obtain the basic properties and their relationships with other forms of N-closed maps in supra topological spaces.
Keywords: supra N-closed map, almost supra N-closed map, strongly supra N-closed map.
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce a decompositions namely supra bT- locally closed sets and define supra bT-locally continuous functions. This paper also discussed some of their properties.
Keyword S-BTLC set, S-BTL- continuous,S-BTL- irresolute.
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Abstract: This paper aims at identifying an effective and appropriate method of calculating the cost of transporting goods from several supply centers to several demand centers out of many available methods. Transportation algorithms of North-West corner method (NWCM), Least Cost Method (LCM), Vogel's Approximation Method (VAM) and Optimality Test were carried out to estimate the cost of transporting produced newspaper from production center to ware-houses using Statistical software called TORA. The results revealed that: NWCM = 36,689,050.00, LCM = 55,250,034.00, VAM = 29,097,700.00 and Optimal solution = 19,566,332.00. It was discovered that Vogel's Approximation method gives the transportation cost that closer to optimal solution. Also, the study revealed that a production center should be created at northern part of Nigeria to replace the dummy supply center used in the analysis, so as to make production capacity equal to requirement.
Key Words: algorithm, transportation, optimal solution, degeneracy, dummy.
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Abstract: In the present paper a volume flexible production inventory model is developed for deteriorating items with time dependent demand rate. The demand rate is taken as cubic function of time and production rate is decision variable. Production cost becomes a function of production rate. Unit production cost is depending upon material cost, Labor cost and tool or die cost. The deteriorating of unit in an inventory system is taken to weibull distribution. Shortage with partially backlogged are allowed a very natural phenomenon in inventory model.
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Abstract: In the labelling of graphs one of the types is cordial labelling. In this we label the vertices 0 or 1 and then every edge will have a label 0 or 1 if the end vertices of the edge have same or different labellings respectively. Here we are going find whether a k-regular bipartite graph can be cordial for different values of k.
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Abstract: - Aim of this study is to investigate the effect of magnetic field on blood flow in cylindrical artery through porous medium. In this paper blood is considered elastico viscous, Non Newtonian fluid and flow is assumed as fully developed and laminar. Laplace transforms and Finite Hankel Transforms are used to obtain the analytical expression for velocity profile, flow rate and fluid acceleration. The effect of magnetic field on velocity and fluid acceleration has been discussed with the help of graphs. It is found that velocity distribution, flow rate and fluid acceleration of blood in cylindrical artery decrease as magnetic field increases.
Keywords: - Elastico Viscous fluid, Laminar flow, porous medium, fully developed flow, Laplace transforms and Finite Hankel Transform
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Chained Commutative Ternary Semigroups |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | G. Hanumanta Rao, A. Anjaneyulu, A. Gangadhara Rao |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0644958 ![]() |
Abstract:In this paper, the terms chained ternary semigroup, cancellable clement , cancellative ternary semigroup, A-regular element, π- regular element, π- invertible element, noetherian ternary semigroup are introduced.
Keywords - chained ternary semigroup, cancellable clement , cancellative ternary semigroup, noetherian ternary semigroup and ternary group.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Strongly Unique Best Simultaneous Coapproximation in Linear 2-Normed Spaces |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R.Vijayaragavan |
Abstract: This paper deals with some fundamental properties of the set of strongly unique best simultaneous coapproximation in a linear 2-normed space. AMS Subject classification: 41A50,41A52,41A99, 41A28.
Keywords: Linear 2-normed space, strongly unique best coapproximation, best Simultaneous coapproximation and strongly unique best simultaneous coapproximation.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Numerical Solution for Two Dimensional Laplace Equation with Dirichlet Boundary Conditions |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Parag V.Patil, Dr. J.S.V.R. Krishna Prasad |
Abstract: In this paper numerical technique has been used to solve two dimensional steady heat flow problem with Dirichlet boundary conditions in a rectangular domain and focuses on certain numerical methods for solving PDEs; in particular, the Finite difference method (FDM), the Finite element method (FEM) and Markov chain method (MCM) are presented by using spreadsheets. Finally the numerical solutions obtained by FDM, FEM and MCM are compared with exact solution to check the accuracy of the developed scheme
Keywords - Dirichlet Conditins, Finite difference Method, Finite Element Method, Laplace Equation, Markov chain Method.
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