Volume-7 ~ Issue-1
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Case Study for Bank ATM Queuing Model |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | S. K. Dhar, Tanzina Rahman |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0710105 ![]() |
Abstract: Queuing is the common activity of customers or people to avail the desired service, which could be processed or distributed one at a time. Bank ATMs would avoid losing their customers due to a long wait on the line. The bank initially provides one ATM in every branch. But, one ATM would not serve a purpose when customers withdraw to use ATM and try to use other bank ATM. Thus the service time needs to be improved to maintain the customers. This paper shows that the queuing theory used to solve this problem. We obtain the data from a bank ATM in a city. We then derive the arrival rate, service rate, utilization rate, waiting time in the queue and the average number of customers in the queue based on the data using Little's theorem and M/M/I queuing model. The arrival rate at a bank ATM on Sunday during banking time is 1 customer per minute (cpm) while the service rate is 1.50 cpm. The average number of customer in the ATM is 2 and the utilization period is 0.70. We conclude the paper by discussing the benefits of performing queuing analysis to a busy ATM.
Keywords: Bank ATM, Little's theorem, M/M/I queuing model, Queue, Waiting lines.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Jordan Higher K-Centralizer on -Rings |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Salah M. Salih, Ali M.Kamal, Balsam M. Hamad |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0710614 ![]() |
Abstract: Let M be a semiprime -ring satisfying a certain assumption. Then we prove that every Jordan left higher k-centralizer on M is a left higher k-centralizer on M. We also prove that every Jordan higher kcentralizer of a 2-torsion free semiprime -ring M satisfying a certain assumption is a higher k-centralizer.
Keywords: Semiprime -ring, left higher centralizer, higher k-centralizer, Jordan higher k-centralizer𝜏)-centralizr
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | L Inequalities Concerning Polynomials Having Zeros in Closed Interior of A Circle |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. K. Dewan, C. M. Upadhye |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0711519 ![]() |
Abstract: Let 0 ( ) n j i j p z a z be a polynomial of degree n and p(z) be its derivative, then Zygmund [9] proved that 1 1 2 0 2 '( ) | ( ) | , 1 0 | | r r i r i r p e d n p e d r In this paper we shall obtain similar type of inequalities in reverse order for the polynomials having r fold zeros at origin and rest of the zeros in | z | k , k 1. Mathematics Subject Classification (2010): 30A10, 30C15, 30C10
Key words: Polynomials, Zeros, Polar derivative, Inequality
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Abstract: The effects of variable Fluid Properties like variation of permeability, porosity, thermal conductivity and magnetic field on Mixed Convection Heat transfer from Vertical Heated Plate Embedded in a Sparsely Packed Porous Medium have been approached numerically. The boundary layer flow in the porous medium is governed by Lapwood – Forchheimer – Brinkman extended Darcy model and the Lorentz force. The natures of these equations are highly non-linear and coupled each other. The non-linear differential equations are non-dimensionalised using the non-dimensional parameter involving Grashoff number Gr, Prandtl number Pr, Hartmann number M, Eckert number E and so on. Similarity transformations are employed and the resulting ordinary differential equations are solved numerically by using shooting algorithm with Runge – Kutta and Newton – Raphson method to obtain velocity and temperature distributions. Besides, skin friction and Nusselt number are also computed for various physical parameters governing the problem under consideration. It is found that the inertial parameter has a significant influence in decreasing the flow field, whereas its influence is reversed on the rate of heat transfer for all values of permeability considered. The effect of Magnetic field is diminution with velocity of the fluid flow. Further, the obtained results under the two limiting conditions were found to be in good agreement with the existing results.
Keywords: Heat transfer, MHD, Newtonian fluid, porous medium, similarity solution.
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Abstract:Oscillatory behaviors of second order forced functional differential equation is considered. The oscillation of this equation is shown to be maintained under the effect of certain forcing terms, and the oscillatory equation can serve as mathematical tool for simulation of processes and phenomina observed in control theory.
Key words: Amplitude, functional differential equations, Damped oscillation, Oscillatory behaviors.
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Abstract: In a first order Markov process, if the state is known for any specific values of the time parameter, that information is sufficient to predict the next behavior of the process beyond that point. This principle was used to formulate a four-state model in continuous time to study the annual rainfall data with respect to the annual rainfall distribution for crop production in minna. It was observed that if it is low rainfall in a given year, it would take at most 25%,33% and 27% of the time to make a transition to moderate rainfall also well spread, high rainfall, and moderate rainfall but not well spread respectively in the far future. Thus given the rainfall in a year, it is possible to determine quantitatively the probability of finding rainfall in other states in the following year and in the long run. This is an important information that could assist the farmers to plan strategies for high crop production in the region.
Keywords: Markov Model, Transition probability, Annual rainfall, Crop production.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Compatible Mapping and Common Fixed Point Theorem |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Rajesh Shrivastava, Neha Jain, K. Qureshi |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0714648 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we prove common fixed point theorem for compatible mapping.
Key Words: Common Fixed Point, Compatible Mapping ,Commuting mapping ,Metric Space
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Perishable Inventory Model Having Weibull Lifetime and Time Dependent Demand |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Dr. R. John Mathew |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0714954 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper we develop and analyse an inventory model for deteriorating items with Weibull rate of decay and time dependent demand. Using the differential equations, the instantaneous state of inventory at time't', the amount of deterioration etc. are derived. With suitable cost considerations the total cost function and profit rate function are also obtained by maximizing the profit rate function, the optimal ordering and pricing policies of the model are derived. The sensitivity of the model with respect to the parameters is discussed through numerical illustration. It is observed that the deteriorating parameters have a tremendous influence on the optimal selling price and ordering quantity.
Keywords: Instantaneous rate of deterioration, Perishability, Profit rate function, the optimal ordering and pricing policies, Total cost function
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Abstract:This paper conducts an application of the DEA Methodology in the assessment of the performance of JNTUH Colleges the indicators included the Faculty, Students, Infrastructure and Placements of the technical Institutions. The results reveal those institutions that more efficiently carry out these activities. The proposed method has been used for selection of quality attributes in technical education setting the performance of an institute is likely to be influenced by quality of teacher, quality of students, infrastructure administration, extent of training and placement and many others. It is felt that quality and performance evaluation is necessary not only for appraisal but it is also required to improve overall service quality. Finally we discuss about the existence of differences in the strengths and weaknesses between the technical institutions.
Key Words: BCC Model, Data Envelopment Analysis, Efficiency Measurement Returns to Scale
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | ON M(M,m)/M/C/N: Interdependent Queueing Model |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | R. John Mathew, Varaprasad B. Sabbithi, J. Lakshinarayana |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0715962 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper deals with a multiple server Queueing system in which arrivals and services are intredependent and follow a bivariate Poisson process and having startup delay. Using the Supplementary Varible Techniue these models are analyzed. The expected length of the Dorment period, the busy period, expected number of units in the queue are derived and analyzed in the light of the dependence paramater.
Keywords: interdependent queue, bivariate Poisson process, the length of the Dorment period, the busy period,
expected number of units in the queue
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Abstract: The aim of this paper is to introduce the concept of fuzzy - semi open and fuzzy - semi closed sets of a fuzzy topological space. Some characterizations are discussed, examples are given and properties are established. Also, we define fuzzy - semi interior and fuzzy - semi closure operators. And we introduce fuzzy - t-set, -SO extremely disconnected space analyse the relations between them. MSC 2010: 54A40, 03E72.
Key words: Fuzzy - open, fuzzy - closed, fuzzy - semi open, fuzzy - semi closed, fuzzy - semi interior and
fuzzy - semi closure, - t-set and fuzzy topology.
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