Volume-7 ~ Issue-2
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Abstract: The self Help Group (SHG) is group of rural poor who have organized themselves into a group for eradicationof poverty. The members of the group belong to families below the poverty line. This will help the families of occupational groups like agricultural labourers, marginal farmers, designers and artisans marginally above the poverty line, or who may have been excluded from the Below Poverty Line (BPL) list to become members of the Self Help Group. A self help group consists of two categories. One named as magalier thittam and another is non- magalier thittam. The factors of Self help group categories are random in nature. These factors can be handled using stochastic linear programming problem (SLPP). Here the data is collected from Tuticorin district. The optimization technique such as two stage programming and chance constrained programming can be adopted for SLPP. In this paper chance constrained programming (CPP) is used to obtain optimal solution.
Keywords: SLPP, CCP, LP, SHG.
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Abstract:In this paper, we investigated the effects of magnetic field and thermal in Stokes' second problem for unsteady second grade fluid flow through a porous medium. The expressions for the velocity field and the temperature field are obtained analytically. The effects of various pertinent parameters on the velocity field and temperature field are studied through graphs in detail.
Keywords: Thermal Effects, Fluid Flow, Porous Medium, Magnetic field.r
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Abstract:Experts in the mathematical modeling for two interacting technologies have observed the different contributions between the intraspecific and the interspecific coefficients in conjunction with the starting population sizes and the trading period. In this complex multi-parameter system of competing technologies which evolve over time, we have used the numerical method of mathematical norms to measure the sensitivity values of the intraspecific coefficients b and e, the starting population sizes of the two interacting technologies and the duration of trading. We have observed that the two intraspecific coefficients can be considered as most sensitive parameter while the starting populations are called least sensitive. We will expect these contributions to provide useful insights in the determination of the important parameters which drive the dynamics of the technological substitution model in the context of one-at-a-timesensitivity analysis.
Keywords: Sensitivity Analysis, Mathematical Model, Interacting Technologies.
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Abstract: The complex dynamics of facultative mutualism is best described by a system of continuous non-linear first order ordinary differential equations. The methods of 1-norm, 2-norm, and infinity-norm will be used to quantify and differentiate the different forms of the sensitivity of model parameters. These contributions will be presented and discussed.
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Abstract: A six-step Continuous Block method of order (5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5) T is proposed for direct solution of the second (2nd) order initial value problems. The main method and additional ones are obtained from the same continuous interpolant derived through interpolation and collocation procedures. The methods are derived by interpolating the continuous interpolant at 𝑥=𝑥𝑛+𝑗 ,𝑗=6 and collocating the first and second derivative of the continuous interpolant at 𝑥𝑛+𝑗 ,𝑗=0 and 𝑗=2,3,…5 respectively. The stability properties of the methods are discussed and the stability region shown. The methods are then applied in block form as simultaneous numerical integrators. Two numerical experiments are given to illustrate the efficiency of the new methods.
Keywords: Collocation and Interpolation, Second Order Equations, Block Method, Initial Value Problem.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some properties of two-fuzzy Nor med spaces |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Noori F.AL-Mayahi, Layth S. Ibrahaim |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0723034 ![]() |
Abstract: The study sheds light on the two-fuzzy normed space concentrating on some of their properties like convergence, continuity and the in order to study the relationship between these spaces
Keywords: fuzzy set, Two-fuzzy normed space, α-norm, 2010 MSC: 46S40
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We seek to explore the effects of three basic types of Collocation points namely points at zeros of Legendre polynomials, equally-spaced points with boundary points inclusive and equally-spaced points with boundary point non-inclusive. Established in literature is the fact that type of collocation point influences to a large extent the results produced via collocation method (using orthogonal polynomials as basis function). We analyse the effect of these points on the accuracy of collocation method of solving second order BVP. For equally-spaced points we further consider the effect of including the boundary points as collocation points. Numerical results are presented to depict the effect of these points and the nature of problem that is best handled by each.
Keywords – Boundary points, Collocation method, Equally-spaced point, Legendre polynomial, Zeros of Legendre polynomial
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Abstract: This paper proposed the use of third-kind Chebyshev polynomials as trial functions in solving boundary value problems via collocation method. In applying this method, two different collocation points are considered, which are points at zeros of third-kind Chebyshev polynomials and equally-spaced points. These points yielded different results on each considered problem, thus possessing different level of accuracy. The method is computational very simple and attractive. Applications are equally demonstrated through numerical examples to illustrate the efficiency and simplicity of the approach.
Keywords - Collocation method, equally-spaced point, third-kind Chebyshev polynomial, trial function, zeros of
Chebyshev polynomial
[1]. Richard Bronson, Differential Equations, Schaum‟s Outline series, McGRAW-HILL (2003).
[2]. Mason J.C. and Handscomb, D.C., Chebyshev Polynomials, Rhapman & Hall – CRC, Roca Raton, London, New York, Washington D.C , 2003
[3]. Taiwo O. A, Olagunju A. S, Chebyshev methods for the numerical solution of fourth-order differential equations, International Journal of Physical Sciences Vol. 7(13), pp. 2032 - 2037, 2012
[4]. Hermann, B. Collocation Methods for Volterra integral and related functional Differential Equations, Cambridge University press, New York, (2004)
[5]. David, S.B. Finite Element Analysis, from concepts to applications, AT&T Bell Laboratory, Whippany, New Jersey, (1987)
[6]. Lanczos, C. Legendre Versus Chebyshev polynomials. Miller topics in Numerial analysis, Academic press, London, 1973.
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[8]. Erwin Kreyszig, Advance engineering mathematics, 8th ed. John Wiley & sons. Inc. New York.
[9]. Taiwo O. A, Olagunju A. S, Perturbed segmented Domain collocation Tau- method for the numerical solution of second order BVP, Journal of the Nigerian Assoc. of mathematical physics. Vol. 10 pp293-298, 2006
[10]. Olagunju A. S., Chebyshev Series Representation For Product of Chebyshev Polynomials and some notable functions, IOSR Journal of Maths., vol. 2(2), pp 09-13, 2012
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Abstract: In this article, we used the automata theory to highlight the syntactic property representing the formal knowledge, and also we can use other contexts to represent the semantic property.
Keywords - truth table, formalism, formal symbolic system, Artificial Intelligence, black box, automaton.
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Abstract: This research is a part of the work devoted on the application of analytical Discrete Ordinate (ADO) method to the polarized monochromatic radiative transfer equation undergoing anisotropic scattering with source function matrix in a finite coupled Atmosphere –Ocean media having flat interface boundary conditions involving specular reflection and transmission matrix. Discontinuities in the derivatives of the Stokes vector with respect to the cosine of the polar angle at smooth interface between the two media with different refractive indices (air and water) is tackled by using a suitable quadrature scheme devised earlier. Atmosphere and ocean are assumed to be homogeneous. No stratification is adopted in the two media. Exact expression for the emergent radiation intensity vector from the top of the atmosphere is derived. Exact expressions for the emergent polarized radiation intensity vector from the air-water interface as well as from any point of the two medium in any direction can also be derived in terms of eigenvectors and eigenvalues.
Keywords: Polarized Radiative transfer, Eigenvectors, Eigenvalues, Green function, specular.
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Abstract: The present analysis is made to investigate the effects of heat source and thermal diffusion on an unsteady free convection flow along a porous vertical plate in a rotating system. The plate is subjected to constant heat and mass flux also. The problem is solved analytically and expressions for velocity. Energy and temperature profiles, skin friction and Nusselt number are obtained. The effects of different parameter entered in the problem are discussed on the primary and secondary velocities, temperature and concentration distributions, primary and secondary skin frictions and Nusselt number with the help of tables and graphs.
Key Words: Diffusion, Heat Source, Porous Medium, Slip Velocity, Unsteady Flow.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Series of Fuzzy Numbers |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Pishtiwan O. Sabir |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0728890 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, the concepts of sequences and series of complement normalized fuzzy numbers are introduced in terms of 𝛾-level, so that some properties and characterizations are presented, and some convergence theorems are proved.
Keywords: Fuzzy Numbers, Fuzzy Convergences, Fuzzy Series.
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Abstract: The world is fast becoming a global village where national boundaries which had hitherto limited human interactions are fast disappearing. There is now integration among the countries and trade is moving from transactions in goods and commodities to include the commercialization of education, especially post-secondary school or higher education.
Key Words: Globalization, Cross-border, WTO, GATS, Open and Distance Education
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