Volume-8 ~ Issue-6
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Fuzzy 'useful' entropy measures and Holder's inequality |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M.A.K.Baig , Nusrat Mushtaq |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0860106 ![]() |
Abstract: In this communication, we propose useful fuzzy entropy measure and study its particular cases. Some coding theorems have been proved for decipherable codes using Holder's inequalities. Some known results are the particular cases of our proposed measure. Keywords: Fuzzy set, Fuzzy entropy, Holder's inequalities, Decipherable codes. AMS subject Classification: 94A17, 94A24.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Even-even gracefulness of some families of graphs |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | M. Sudha, A. Chandra Babu |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0860711 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, we prove that the Dumbbell graph, Star graph, Cartesian product n P C 2 and
K1 + Cn are even-even graceful. The even-even graceful labeling of a graph G with q edges means that there is
an injection f: E (G) → {2, 4,…, 2q} so that induced map f *: V (G) →{0, 2,…,(2k-2)} defined by
f *(x) ≡ Σf(x, y) (mod 2k) where k = max {p, q} makes all distinct and even.
Keywords: Even-even graceful labeling, Dumbbell graph, Star graph and wheel graph.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Some Summability Spaces of Sequences of Fuzzy Numbers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manmohan Das, Bipul Sarma |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0861216 ![]() |
Abstract: In this article we introduce and study the notions of ( , ) s v r -lacunary strongly summable, ( , ) s v r - Cesàro strongly summable, ( , ) s v r - statistically convergent and ( , ) s v r -lacunary statistically convergent sequence of fuzzy numbers. Consequently we construct the spaces ( , ) F s v r L , 1 ( , ) F s v r , ( , ) F s v r S and ( , ) F s v r S respectively and investigate the relationship among these spaces. Further we show that ( , ) F s v r L and 1 ( , ) F s v r are complete metric spaces.
Keywords: Sequence of fuzzy numbers; Difference sequence; lacunary strongly summable; Cesàro strongly
summable; statistically convergent; lacunary statistically convergent; Completeness.
AMS Classification No: 40A05; 40D25.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Closed Queuing Network to Computer System |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Agboola S. O., Ayinde S. A. |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0861722 ![]() |
Abstract: A closed queuing network that consists of M nodes was studied, and in contrast to an open
network, there is a constant population of K customers in the network with no external source or sink. Each
node i is a first in first out queue, where the service time is drawn independently. That is, the service time is
exponentially distributed with service rates i i n and a customer departing from queue i chooses j next
with probability i j q , . The Gordon and Newel theorem with the arrival properties of a closed network were used
to analyze the Mean values for the number of customers, sojourn time, waiting times and the algorithm for
solving the mean value for closed networks were then derived with series of application considered.
[1]. Agboola, S.O. (2007): On the Analysis of M/G/1 Queues. Unpublished M.Sc. (Mathematics) Thesis submitted to Department of
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Unpublished M.Sc. (Statistics) Thesis submitted to Department of Mathematics, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife.
[3]. Balbo, G.; Bruell, S. C.; and Schwetman, H. D. (1977): "Customer classes and closed network models – a solution techniques," in
Proc. IFIP Congress 77, North – Holland Publ. Co., Amsterdam, The Netherland.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Generalized k- Derivations on Lie Ideals of Prime Γ-Rings |
Country | : | Bangladesh |
Authors | : | A. C. Paul, Ayesha Nazneen |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0862331 ![]() |
Abstract: Let M be a 2-torsion free prime Γ- ring and U a Lie ideal of M. Let F : M → M be a mapping defined by F (uαv) = F(u)αv + uk(α)v + uαd(v), for all u ,v U and α Γ. Then F is a generalized kderivation on U of M if there exists a k- derivation d on U of M. Also F is a Jordan generalized k- derivation on U of M if there exists a k - derivation d on U of M such that F(uαu) = F(u)αu + uk(α)u + uαd(u), for all u U and α Γ. In this article, we prove that every Jordan generalized k - derivation on a Lie ideal U of a 2 - torsion free prime Γ- ring M is a generalized k - derivation on U of M.
Keywords: Lie ideal, k- derivation, generalized k- derivation; Jordan generalized k- derivation, Prime Γ-
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[10] S. Chakraborty and A. C . Paul , k-Derivations and k- homomorphisms of Gamma rings , Lambert Academic Publishing CmbH Co, KG Heinrich - Beking - Str . 6 - 8 , 66121, saarbrchen, Germany, 2012.
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Abstract: The present investigation consists of an analytic treatment of a peristaltic transport of a magneto non-Newtonian fluid through a porous medium in a finite channel under the assumptions of long wavelength and low Reynolds number. The fluid under consideration is obeying Eyring-Powell model. The velocity field, the pressure gradient, the local wall shear stress and the volume flow rate are obtained in the explicit form. Numerical results are graphically discussed for various values of physical parameters of interest. The results show that the pressure increases as both of the magnetic and the non-Newtonian parameters increasing. The range between peak and trough of local wall shear stress distribution increases with the increasing of the magnetic parameter while this range decreases as the non-Newtonian parameter increases. The reflux region decreases as the magnetic parameter increases but it increases as non-Newtonian parameter increases.
Key words: Eyring-Powell Fluid, Magnetic Field, Non-Newtonian, Porous Medium.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Sivahari Theorem on odd and even integers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | S. Haridasan |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0864042 ![]() |
Abstract: Squares of integers can be expressed as sum of consecutive odd numbers. Is there a general case for all powers? After a thorough search with available materials I could not find one such theorem. Here is an attempt in that lines. Sum of consecutive odd numbers as powers of integers and sum of consecutive even numbers also as powers of integers with formulae and simple proof.
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Abstract: Using two-phase sampling mechanism, a modified generalized exponential estimator of finite population mean in the presence of the available knowledge on the auxiliary variable x is suggested i.e. the population mean of auxiliary variable x is not known. The suggested estimator is found to be more efficient than usual two-phase ratio, product, regression estimators and also modified exponential ratio and product estimator suggested by Singh et.al (2007). Further a numerical study is made to support the theoretical comparison.
Keywords: Auxiliary variable, Exponential Estimator,Mean Square Error, Two-Phase Sampling,
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A Mathematical Model of Dracunculiasis Epidemic and Eradication |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Matthew O. Adewole, Akindele A. Onifade |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0864856 ![]() |
Abstract: We present a mathematical model for the spread of dracunculiasis with focus on three populations; human, vector and parasite. The reproductive number is obtained from next generation matrix and the stability analyses of disease-free and endemic equilibria are conducted. Simulation of the model is presented by solving the systems of the differential equations to explore the behaviour of the model using maple 14. The paper also analyzes key parameters to determine the effective intervention. The result of this paper shows that reducing the parasite birth rate is more effective than water treatment.
Keywords: Copepod, dracunculiasis, reproductive number, stability.
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Abstract: The main purpose of this paper to solve three dimensional thermoelastic problem of thermal stresses of semi infinite rectangular slab with internal heat source to determine temperature distribution, thermal displacements stress functions, at any point of the rectangular slab with given boundary conditions by applying the finite Marchi-Fasulo integral transform and infinite Fourier cosine transform technique.
Keywords: Rectangular slab, three dimensional thermoelastic problem, temperature distribution, thermal displacements, stress functions, integral transform.
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Abstract: The steady two dimensional radioactive MHD boundary layer flow of an electrically viscous, incompressible, conducting fluid caused by a non-isothermal linearly stretching sheet placed at the bottom of fluid saturated porous medium in the presence of viscous dissipation, heat generation and chemical reaction is studied. The governing system of partial differential equations is converted to ordinary differential equations by using the similarity transformations and then solved by shooting method. The dimensionless temperature, velocity, and concentration are computed for different thermo physical parameters viz the magnetic parameter, permeability parameter, , wall temperature parameter radiation parameter, Prandtl number, heat generation parameter, Eckert number, Schmidt number and chemical reaction.
Keywords: Chemical reaction, Eckert number, Permeability parameter, Porous medium, Shooting method.
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Abstract: The object of this paper is to obtain twenty five Eulerian type single integrals in the form of a general single integral involving multivariable extension of the Kampé de Fériet function [1]. The results are derived with the help of the generalized classical Watson's theorem obtained earlier by Lavoie et. Al. [2]. A few interesting special cases of our main result have also been discussed.
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