Volume-9 ~ Issue-3
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | A parametric spline method for second-order singularly perturbed boundary-value problem |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | F. A. Abd El-Salam |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0930103 ![]() |
Abstract: A numerical method based on parametric spline with adaptive parameter is given for the secondorder
singularly perturbed two-point boundary value problems of the form
0 1 y p(x)y q(x)y r(x); y(a) ; y(b)
The derived method is second-order and fourth-order convergence depending on the choice of the two
parameters and . Error analysis of a method is briefly discussed. The method is tested on an example and
the results found to be in agreement and support the predicted theory.
Keywords: Singular perturbation; parametric spline functions; BVPs; ODEs.
[1] A.K. Aziz, Numerical Solution of Two Point Boundary-Value Problem, Blaisdal, NewYork, 1975.
[2] G. Micula, S. Micula, Hand Book of Splines, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht,London, Boston, 1999.
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Abstract:In this paper we have tried to state that Kaprekar's constant is a fixed point of iterative function defined on set of all positive four digit numbers where none of its any three digits are equal. Hence consequently we have given the definition of Kaprekar's constant in terms of function.
Key words: Kaprekar's constant, Fixed point, Iterative function, Four digit numbers.
[1] Investigations into the Kaprekar Process by Robert W. Ellis and Jason R. Lewis
[2] An Interesting Property of the Number 6174, Scripta Math, 21(1955)304 by D R Kaprekar
[3] The Determination of Kaprekar Convergence and Loop Convergence of All Three-Digit numbers. American Monthly,95(1988,105-
112) by Klaus E. Eldridge and Seok Sangong
[4] The Kaprekar Routine and Other Digit Games for Undergraduate Exploration by K Peterson and H Pulapaka
[5] Mac Tutor History of Mathematics, Article by J J O‟Connor and E F Robertson
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Abstract: Principal Component Analysis(PCA) is a data analysis tool that is used to reduce the dimensionality of a large number of interrelated variables while retaining as much of the information as possible. In this paper, PCA has been utilized on the crime data of Nigeria to discover the distinct influential variables; in addition which variables have silence in the identification of State being safe or dangerous. From the result, four Principal Components (PCs) have been retained using both scree plot and Kaiser's criterion which accounted for 75.024% of the total variation.
Key words: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), crime data.
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Abstract:In this paper, magneto hydrodynamics boundary layer heat transfer over a moving flat plate is discussed, using similarity transformation momentum and energy equations that are reduced in to nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The nonlinear differential equations are solved using implicit finite difference Keller box method. Graphical results of fluid velocity and temperature profile are presented and discussed for various parameters.
Key words: MHD boundary layer, moving surface, heat transfer, Keller box method.
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Abstract: The right to acquire and own movable and immovable properties must be legitimately done within the confines of law. Thus, acquisition of property by illegal means can be sanctioned through forfeiture or confiscation particularly where the culprit is not convicted of the crime. The paper examines some existing laws on criminal forfeiture, the various types of forfeiture in criminal trials in Nigeria and the constitutional rights to acquire property only within the provision of the law.
[1] Country report for Nigeria for the Eleventh United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, Bangkok Thailand 18th -25th April 2005 P. 31
[2] See The Sunday Punch, September 10, 2006 p.13
[3] The Nation, August 22, 2007 p.6.
[5] Ibid
[6] Sections 43 and 44 of the Constitution of Nigeria, 1999.
[7] Section 44 (2) (b) ibid
[8] Wagar "Modern Views of the Ideas of Progress" (1967) 28 J. History of Ideas p.50
[9] Obilade, A.O. "The Ideas of the Common Good in Legal Theory" in J.A. Omotola (ed.) Issues in Nigerian Law (Lagos: Faculty of Law, University of Lagos (1991) Chapter 1.
[10] Bentham J. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation (ed. J.H Burns and H.L. Hart 1970, London: Athlone Press, University of London) Chapter
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | On Contra D-Continuous Functions and Strongly D-Colsed Spaces |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K. Dass, J. Antony Rex Rodrigo |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0932938 ![]() |
Abstract: In[8], Dontchev introduced and investigated a new notion of continuity called contra-continuity. Recently, Jafari and Noiri ([12], [13], [14]) introduced new generalization of contra-continuity called contra-super-continuity, contra--continuity and contra-pre-continuity.It is the objective of this paper to introduce and study a new class of contra-continuous functions via
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Abstract: Let G be a graph of order n with no isolated vertex. Let (G,i) be the family of vertex covering sets in G with cardinality i and let c(G, i) = | |. The polynomial C(G, x) = c(G, i) is called the vertex cover polynomial of G. In this paper, we obtain some properties of the polynomial C( ) and its coefficients. Also ,we derive the reduction formula to calculate the vertex covering polynomial of square of path.
Key word: Square of path, vertex covering set, vertex covering number, vertex covering polynomial.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Some Summability Spaces of Double Sequences of Fuzzy Numbers |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Manmohan Das, Bipul Sarma |
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: | 10.9790/5728-0934549 ![]() |
Abstract:In this article we introduce and study the notions of double -lacunary strongly summable, double - Cesàro strongly summable, double - statistically convergent and double -lacunary statistically
convergent sequence of fuzzy numbers. Consequently we construct the spaces respectively and investigate the relationship among these spaces. Further we show that are complete metric spaces.
Keywords: Sequence of fuzzy numbers; Difference sequence; lacunary strongly summable; Cesàro strongly summable; statistically convergent; lacunary statistically convergent; Completeness.
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Abstract: Queuing Theory probabilistic methods as well as Birth- Death processing were discussed in this paper. The above method was applied to Access Bank and United Bank of Africa, Ado Ekiti branch. The distribution of arrival rate was Poisson distribution while queuing discipline in the branch was first come first served. This paper also emphasized on Markovian in Queues. From analysis, we were able to obtain the average arrival rate, average service rate, average time spent in the queue for Access bank as 2.01, 1.65, 0.5 respectively and UBA as 3.28, 1.75, 1.67minutes, respectively. The average number of waiting in the system and idle time were obtained for Access as 3minutes, 0.61(61%) and UBA as 7minutes, 0.86(86%) respectively. The utilisation factor for Access bank is 0.58 and that of UBA is 0.38.
Keywords: Queue, Balking, Reneging, Traffic Intensity, Customers, Arrival Rate, M/M/1, Server.
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