Version-5 (Mar-Apr 2014)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Performance Analysis of Regenerative Feed Heating in A Steam Power Plant |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ch. Vijaya kumar, Dhananjaya kumar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11250108 ![]() |
Abstract: The development of any country relates on capital energy consumption. The demand for power generation on the large scale is increasing day by day. Owing to their major contribution towards power production thermal plant shave vital role to play in the development of nation due to the scarcity of power, every power plant needs to be operated at maximum level of efficiency. The feed water heaters from a part of the regenerative system to increase the overall thermal efficiency of the plant In the present world, that parameter which directly or indirectly influences the performance of a heater has been studied the factor such as inlet temperature ,saturation temperature, terminal tap difference, drain cool approach & Temperature raise are studied The data for the performance of a test and the subsequent calculations are collected from HP heaters of Unit 1 VTPS(Vijayawada Thermal Power Station)
Keywords: Feed water, power station, Regenerative, Thermal, turbines, operational cost.
Keywords: Feed water, power station, Regenerative, Thermal, turbines, operational cost.
[1]. Drbal..westra K. and boston P…1995.power plant Engineering.springer
[2]. Szargut J., 2004, Economic effect of the regenerative heating of feed water in a steam power plant (in polish).energetyka no.5, pp.266-268
[3]. Szargut J., 1999, Application of steam from regenerative bleeds for the production of network in large steam power plants.ArchiwumEnergetvki.XXVIII, No.1-2.pp.83-93
[4]. R.k raj put,ThermalEgg,Laxmipublication (P) LTD (ISBN-978-81-318-0804-7), eighth Edition,
[5]. P.K nag,Egg Thermodynamic, McGraw-hill (ISSBN-10:0-07-026062-1),Fourth Edition,,532,449
[2]. Szargut J., 2004, Economic effect of the regenerative heating of feed water in a steam power plant (in polish).energetyka no.5, pp.266-268
[3]. Szargut J., 1999, Application of steam from regenerative bleeds for the production of network in large steam power plants.ArchiwumEnergetvki.XXVIII, No.1-2.pp.83-93
[4]. R.k raj put,ThermalEgg,Laxmipublication (P) LTD (ISBN-978-81-318-0804-7), eighth Edition,
[5]. P.K nag,Egg Thermodynamic, McGraw-hill (ISSBN-10:0-07-026062-1),Fourth Edition,,532,449
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Pushover Analysis of R.C. Frame Building with Shear Wall |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Nitin Choudhary, Prof. Mahendra Wadia |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11250913 ![]() |
Abstract: A performance - based design is at controlling the structural damage based on precise estimation of proper response parameter. In performance based seismic analysis evaluates how building is likely to perform. It is an iterative process with selection of performance objective followed by development of preliminary design, an assessment whether or not the design meets the performance objective; In the present study pushover analysis has been done an two multistoried R.C. frame building; In which plan of one building was taken symmetrical and it consist of 2 bay of 5m in x direction & 2 bay of 4m in y direction and second building having L shaped unsymmetrical plan. The shear wall is providing for studying their resisting lateral forces. In this paper highlight the effect of shear wall on R.C frame building when shear wall providing along the longer and shorter side of the building. The base shear and displacement will decreases of building. The comparative study has been done for base shear, story drift, spectral acceleration, spectral displacement, story displacement.
Keyword: Pushover analysis, Capacity spectrum method, shear wall.
Keyword: Pushover analysis, Capacity spectrum method, shear wall.
[1]. ASCE, 1998, Handbook for the Seismic Evaluation of Buildings, a Prestandard, FEMA 310 Report, prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
[2]. ASCE, 2000, Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA 356 Report, prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
[3]. ASCE, 2002, Standard Methodology for Seismic Evaluation of Buildings. Standard No. ASCE-31. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
[4]. ATC, 1997a, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA 273 Report, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
[5]. ATC, 1997b, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA 274 Report, prepared by the Applied Technology Council, for the Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
[2]. ASCE, 2000, Prestandard and Commentary for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA 356 Report, prepared by the American Society of Civil Engineers for the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
[3]. ASCE, 2002, Standard Methodology for Seismic Evaluation of Buildings. Standard No. ASCE-31. American Society of Civil Engineers, Reston, Virginia.
[4]. ATC, 1997a, NEHRP Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA 273 Report, prepared by the Applied Technology Council for the Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
[5]. ATC, 1997b, NEHRP Commentary on the Guidelines for the Seismic Rehabilitation of Buildings, FEMA 274 Report, prepared by the Applied Technology Council, for the Building Seismic Safety Council, published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, Washington, D.C.
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Abstract: The project is said to be successful when it is completed in desired time and cost. The construction delays are common problems in private residential projects in Chennai city. This problem occurs frequently during life time leading to dispute and litigations. Therefore it is essential to study and analyse .causes of construction delay. The construction industry is large, volatile and requires tremendous capital outlays. Delay of the project is a main factor and major cause of construction claims. There is an acute necessity for a detailed investigation to identify the delay factors and choose correct actions to minimize the adverse effect of delay on time, within cost and for high quality output.
[1]. Abhishek Bhargava; Panagiotis Ch. Anastasopoulos. Journak of Construction Engineering and Management, Vol. 136, No. II. (Nov 2010), ' Three- stage Least Squares Analysis of Time and Cost Overruns in Construction Contracts',Pg no.20-25
[2]. Adnan Amin Alvanchi; SangHyun Lee, A.M.ASCE Vol. 138. No.1. (2012), 'Dynamics of working hours in construction',
[3]. Bee Hua Goh, Volume 40, (2005), Issue 2. 'The dynamic effects of the Asian financial crisis on construction demand and tender price levels in Singapore' Pg no. 23-26.
[4]. Brad W.Wambeke, 'Causes of Variation in Construction project task starting times and Duration' ASCE Vol 1(Sep 2011).
[5]. Byung Cheol Kim, A.M. Combination of Project cost Forecasts in Earned Value Management' ', ASCE Vol.2, (Nov 2011) and No.2.
[2]. Adnan Amin Alvanchi; SangHyun Lee, A.M.ASCE Vol. 138. No.1. (2012), 'Dynamics of working hours in construction',
[3]. Bee Hua Goh, Volume 40, (2005), Issue 2. 'The dynamic effects of the Asian financial crisis on construction demand and tender price levels in Singapore' Pg no. 23-26.
[4]. Brad W.Wambeke, 'Causes of Variation in Construction project task starting times and Duration' ASCE Vol 1(Sep 2011).
[5]. Byung Cheol Kim, A.M. Combination of Project cost Forecasts in Earned Value Management' ', ASCE Vol.2, (Nov 2011) and No.2.
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Abstract: The assembly of any product or machine is highly complex. The order of sequence affects the make span time of assembly and thus the throughput. Which part should come in what order and what tasks will be performed together, how many work stations are required etc. are very crucial in obtaining the optimal line. The number of work stations, what task constitute the work station, which precede and what is in succession will affect the time to accomplish the task and also the utilization of resources i.e. manpower and machines both. There may be many solutions available to assembly line but it has to be validated. It is therefore argued to simulate the proposed solutions. The solution based on average data will not represent the actual plant performance. It is inevitable to have a promising technique to arrive at pragmatic result and brings down the assumptions to minimal. The stochastic nature of setup times, no operation times will affect the performance of the plant.
Keywords: probability density function (pdf), discrete distributed systems (DDS), stochastic task times, Petri Net (PN), simulation, linear programming problem (LPP).
Keywords: probability density function (pdf), discrete distributed systems (DDS), stochastic task times, Petri Net (PN), simulation, linear programming problem (LPP).
[1] HolzmannG.J., Design and Validation of Computer Protocols. Prentice-Hall International Editions, 1991.
[2] K.P. Valavanis, Modular Petri Net based Modeling, Analysis, Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Production Systems,
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 16, pp. 67-92, 2005.
[3] Chandra and AbebayehuSeifu, Simulation and performance Analysis of manufacturing system using Deterministic and stochastic
PETRI NETS, Proceedings of 3rd International conference CEETE ,Jimma University, 18-19th April 2008,.
[4] Averill M. Law and Michael G. McComas, Simulation of Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the 1999 Winter Simulation
Conference, pp.86-89, Averill M. Law & Associates, Inc., USA, 2000.
[5] Geoffrey Gordon, System Simulation, 2nd Edition, Prentice – Hall of India, New Delhi, 1992.
[2] K.P. Valavanis, Modular Petri Net based Modeling, Analysis, Synthesis and Performance Evaluation of Production Systems,
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, Vol. 16, pp. 67-92, 2005.
[3] Chandra and AbebayehuSeifu, Simulation and performance Analysis of manufacturing system using Deterministic and stochastic
PETRI NETS, Proceedings of 3rd International conference CEETE ,Jimma University, 18-19th April 2008,.
[4] Averill M. Law and Michael G. McComas, Simulation of Manufacturing Systems, Proceedings of the 1999 Winter Simulation
Conference, pp.86-89, Averill M. Law & Associates, Inc., USA, 2000.
[5] Geoffrey Gordon, System Simulation, 2nd Edition, Prentice – Hall of India, New Delhi, 1992.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Chemical Stabilization of Soft Clay Soil Using Electrokinetic Method |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Lakshmi Priya R., Sivaranjani N. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11253437 ![]() |
Abstract: Electrokinetic principle are being used in many geotechnical engineering application such as dewatering, decontamination, soil enhancement etc. Electrokinetic cell has been fabricated in which provisions are given to collect the water at cathode and varying the spacing of electrodes. In this paper an attempt is made to stabilize the soil for varying voltage, spacing of electrodes and initial moisture content. On application of current, the volume of water collected were determined at regular intervals till the steady state volume of water is reached. Results indicated that rate of dewatering process is largely influenced by the voltage, spacing between the electrodes and initial moisture content.
Keywords: ammeter, electrodes, lime, stabilization and voltmeter.
Keywords: ammeter, electrodes, lime, stabilization and voltmeter.
[1] Krishna Reddy and Chintham Reddy (2003). :Sequentially Enhanced Electrokinetic Remediation of Heavy Metals in Low Buffering Clayey Soils", ASCE, Vol, 12 (9), pp. 445-450.
[2] Purshothama Raj, P., 1999, Ground improvement Techniques, Lakshmi publications.
[3] Nandda Gopalan and V.K. Stalin (2008) " A Study on Decontamination and Stabilization of Problematic clays through Eectrokinetic Phenomena". A Post Graduate thesis submitted to Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-25.2008
[2] Purshothama Raj, P., 1999, Ground improvement Techniques, Lakshmi publications.
[3] Nandda Gopalan and V.K. Stalin (2008) " A Study on Decontamination and Stabilization of Problematic clays through Eectrokinetic Phenomena". A Post Graduate thesis submitted to Department of Civil Engineering, Anna University, Chennai-25.2008
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization of Louver Configuration in a Closed Generator |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Naveen kumar A., Dr. Rajendran |
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: | 10.9790/1684-11253850 ![]() |
Abstract: Nowadays Diesel generator assemblies become an integral part of almost all the industries, large housing units and commercial shops as well. Keeping these units in a canopy with louvers will reduce the noise pollution and at the same time thermal behavior of this system becomes a challenging task. In this project a novel approach is taken using CFD, to understand the flow and thermal behavior of the DG assembly in turn trails are done to optimize the system by changing the position of the louvers critical interpretation of the CFD results such as contour plots, velocity vectors, path and stream lines. Arriving at the optimal flow and thermal behavior inside the DG Shelter system by optimizing the following variables such as Dimensions of the baffles in the louvers, Positions of the baffles in these louvers, Orientation of the baffles in these louvers.
[1]. Fridriksson, H., Sund´en, B., and Hajireza, S. "A theoretical study on the heat transfer process in diesel engines". WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, 68, pp. 177–188, 2010
[2]. Hohenberg, G. "Advanced Approaches for Heat Transfer Calculations". SAE Transactions, 88,pp. 61–77. SAE paper 790825, 1979.
[3]. John Anderson, text book of " introduction to computational fluid dynamics"
[4]. CFD-Wiki Page
[5]. J.H. Ferziger and M. Peric, Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics. Springer, 1996.
[2]. Hohenberg, G. "Advanced Approaches for Heat Transfer Calculations". SAE Transactions, 88,pp. 61–77. SAE paper 790825, 1979.
[3]. John Anderson, text book of " introduction to computational fluid dynamics"
[4]. CFD-Wiki Page
[5]. J.H. Ferziger and M. Peric, Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics. Springer, 1996.
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Abstract: This paper presents an experimental investigation on the strength and stiffness behavior of reinforced concrete (RC) frame with and without infills. The types of materials used for the infill are brick masonry, ferro-cement mesh bands in brick masonry. The behavior of infills with and without a central opening was also studied. A total of twelve infilled frame specimens of size 830 mm X 110 mm X 170 mm, were cast and infilled with the above materials. In the present work, the portal frame with lateral loading has been simulated and modified to rhombus frame with vertical loading due to practical difficulty. The test results indicate that the introduction of infill increases the first crack load and ultimate load markedly. The stiffness of infilled frame has been found to be 2.0 times greater than that the frame without the infill. Amongst different infills tested, reinforced concrete brick masonry infilled frame with ferro-cement mesh bands provided along the bed joints was found to give better performance when compared with other infills with regard to strength and stiffness.
Keywords: Infills, RC frame, stiffness, strength, deflection.
Keywords: Infills, RC frame, stiffness, strength, deflection.
[1] Smith.B.S. , Lateral stiffness of infilled frames, Proc. of American Society of Civil Engineers, 1966, pp 183-199.
[2] Mallick.C.V and Garg.R.P , Effect of openings on lateral stability of infilled frames, Proc. of Inst. of Civil Engineers, 1971,pp 193-209.
[3] Barua.H.K, Rao.M.B and Mallick.S.K, Behavior of one-storey reinforced concrete frame with brick masonry infill under lateral loads, Journal of Structural Engineering (SERC), 1975, pp 81-88.
[4] Riddington.J.R , Influence of initial gaps on infilled frame behaviour, Proc. of Inst. Of Civil Engineers, Part 2, 1984, pp 295-310.
[5] Dhanasekar.M and Page.A.W, Influence of brick masonry infill properties on the behaviour of infilled frames, Proc. of Civil Engineers, Part 2, 1986, pp 593-605.
[2] Mallick.C.V and Garg.R.P , Effect of openings on lateral stability of infilled frames, Proc. of Inst. of Civil Engineers, 1971,pp 193-209.
[3] Barua.H.K, Rao.M.B and Mallick.S.K, Behavior of one-storey reinforced concrete frame with brick masonry infill under lateral loads, Journal of Structural Engineering (SERC), 1975, pp 81-88.
[4] Riddington.J.R , Influence of initial gaps on infilled frame behaviour, Proc. of Inst. Of Civil Engineers, Part 2, 1984, pp 295-310.
[5] Dhanasekar.M and Page.A.W, Influence of brick masonry infill properties on the behaviour of infilled frames, Proc. of Civil Engineers, Part 2, 1986, pp 593-605.
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Abstract: Diesel engines powered range between 10hp to 25hp has a good market in India for power generator application but due to stringent emission norms by 2014 end, Central pollution control board will implement the next emission norms for genset engines called CPCBII norms typically for a less than 19kw engine. Currently CPCBI norms is been followed all over India. The CPCBI norms stands for a emission level of "NOx:9.2 g/kwhr ,CO:3.5 g/kwhr,HC:1.3 g/kwhr, Smoke 0.7m-1" and CPCBII norms asks for the emission level of "NOx+HC: 7.5 g/kwhr, CO: 3.5 g/kwhr, PM: 0.3 g/kwhr, Smoke: 0.7 m-1" which is hard to achieve with low investments because NOx+HC limit of CPCBII is lesser by 28% to CPCBI.
Keywords: Emission,CPCB-II, Combustion parameters, Nozzle, EGR, Inlet manifold.
Keywords: Emission,CPCB-II, Combustion parameters, Nozzle, EGR, Inlet manifold.
[1]. SS Tikar, "Design Strategies for Development of a Series of Small Power Diesel Genset Engines for Future CPCB II Genset Emission Norms" SAE International 2o13-26-0132 Published on 9th-12th January 2013,SIAT, India.
[2]. P.G Bhat,"Strategies to Meet CPCB Stage - II Emission Norms for Naturally Aspirated Diesel GensetEngines-2013-26-0134 Published on 9th-12th January 2013, SIAT, India
[3]. Ravindra .M Koli "Combustion optimization of 2.5l Direct injection diesel engine to meet Bharat stage-III emission norms.
[2]. P.G Bhat,"Strategies to Meet CPCB Stage - II Emission Norms for Naturally Aspirated Diesel GensetEngines-2013-26-0134 Published on 9th-12th January 2013, SIAT, India
[3]. Ravindra .M Koli "Combustion optimization of 2.5l Direct injection diesel engine to meet Bharat stage-III emission norms.