Version-1 (May-June 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Model Application for salinity in Command Area |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Hema R. Parmar || Dr.N.D.Shah || Dr. P.K.Majumdar |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403010111 ![]() |
Abstract: Unconfined and Perched aquifers in irrigation command are more prone to water logging and salinity problems. Solution to these complexities using mathematical models does play around the source/sink term in majority and suggesting consumptive use as remedial measures becomes more often intentional. Elsewhere many researchers have found the problem caused by topography, clogging of pores and dissolution of nutrients/fertilizers. Numerical modeling of such processes requires adaptive techniques and software application...........
Keywords: Perched Aquifer, Salinity, SWIFT III model, Unconfined Aquifer.
[1]. Abdulaziz, A.M. (2010) 'A mathematical modelling approach for irrigation water management under water shortage and salinity conditions: the Wave_Ms model', Proc. Fourteen International Water Technology Conference, IWTC 14, Cairo, Egypt.
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[4]. Arora, A.N. and Goyal, R. (2012) 'Groundwater model of waterlogged area of Indira Gandhi Nahar Pariyojna, Stage I', ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp.45–53. Banar, H. (2011) Modelling of Irrigation Return Flow in Unconfined Aquifer of Dharoi Commanin Mehsana District Of Gujarat, India, Unpublished Postgraduate Dissertation, Gujarat Technological University, India.
[5]. Bastiaanssen, W.G.M., Allen, R.G., Droogers, P., D'Urso, G. and Steduto, P. (2007) 'Twenty-five years modeling irrigated and drained soils: state of the art', Agricultural Water Management, Vol. 92, No. 3, pp.111–125.
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Abstract: Water resources are equally important for natural ecosystem and human development. Rapid industrialization and indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture are causing deterioration of water quality by varied pollution in aquatic biota. Due to use of contaminated water, human population suffers from water borne diseases. It is therefore essential to assist the quality of water at regular intervals of time. Parameters that may be tested include temperature, pH, and turbidity, hardness. The present review paper describes about the comparative study of water quality by using different dosages of coagulants and flocculants like Alum, Poly Aluminum chloride (PAC), Poly Electrolyte (PE) and combination of PAC+PE.
Keywords: Alum, PAC, PE, DO, PH, COD, Turbidity, TDS, TSS, NOM, BOD
[1]. Agrawal A, Saxena M (2011). Assessment of pollution by physicochemical water parameter using regression analysis: A case study of Gagan River at Moradabad, India. Adv. Appl. Sci. Res. 2(2):185-189.
[2]. Azumi DS, Bichi MH (2010). Industrial pollution and heavy metal profile of Challawa River in Kano, Nigeria. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Sanit. 5(1):2, 3-29.
[3]. CPCB, Guidelines for Idol Immersion, 2006. NewItem_159_Guideline_for_Idol_Imersion.pdf, accessed on 20th March, 2012.
[4]. Edema MO, OmenuAM, Fapeta OM (2006). Microbiology and physiological analysis of different sources of drinking water in Abeokuta. Nig. J. Microb. 13(1):57-61.
[5]. Eruola AO, Ufoegbune GC, Awomeso JA, Adeofun CO, Idowu OA, Abhulimen SI (2011). An assessment of the effect of industrial pollution on Ibese River, Lagos, Nigeria. Afr. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 5(8):608-615.
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Abstract: Detrimental variations worldwide have led to deleterious effects such as cost overruns, time overruns, compromised quality and abandonment of building projects. The study was about to identify and evaluate potential mitigation measures of detrimental variations in public building projects in Tanzania. This could help in minimizing detrimental variations and consequently safeguarding the anticipated value for money in such projects. Reviewed relevant literature resulted into identification of 17 potential mitigation measures of detrimental variations in public building projects. In total, 183 questionnaire forms were administered to architects, engineers, quantity surveyors and procurement officers for rating. Nevertheless, 143 responses were received constituting 78% response rate................
Keywords: Detrimental, Mitigation measures, Public building projects, Tanzania, Variations
[1] Y. B. Mhando, R. S. Mlinga, and H. M Alinaitwe, Factors Influencing Variations in Public Building Projects, In: Emuze, F. A. (ed.). Proceedings of the Fourth Construction Management Conference, 30th November-1st December, Protea Marine Hotel, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, NMMU, 2015, 162-170.
[2] E. E. Rwakarehe and D. A. Mfinanga, Effect of Inadequate Design on Cost and Time Overrun of Road Construction Projects in Tanzania, Journal of Construction Engineering and Project Management, 4(1), 2014, 15-28.
[3] Y. B. Mhando, R. S. Mlinga, and H. M. Alinaitwe, Perspectives of the Causes of Variations in Public Building Projects in Tanzania, International Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 6(1), 2017, 1-12.
[4] R. S. Mlinga, Ethics in Public Procurement: A Missing Link in the Education and Training of Construction Industry Practitioners, Proceedings of Construction Industry Forum, September12-13, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2008, 1-19.
[5] T. Subramani, P. S. Sruthi, and M. Kavitha, Causes of Cost Overrun in Construction, Journal of Engineering, 4(6), 2014, 1-7.
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Abstract: These days in the field of engineering several types of 3-D scanners such as laser or optical 3D scanners are used for object digitalization .In this work comparing two types of 3-D non- contact type scanners that is V5 perceptron 3D laser scanner and 3D SYSTEMS CAPTURE SCANNER(fast blue light 3D scanning technology).The physical object is scanned individually for obtaining point cloud data of a existing freeform surface through these two scanners .The obtained data through scanning is then generated into ASCII(.asc file )file format type.So eventually both scanned files are evaluated through concerned reverse engineering software with necessary modules.In this standard deviation, Deviation status and deviation distribution are evaluated by comparing the reverse engineering model with the original CAD model over the free form surface.
Keywords: 3D scanners, point data, free form surface,non-contact scanners, scanning comparison
[1] G. Sreeram Reddy†*, ManzoorHussain‡, J. Jagadesh Kumar† and V.V.Satyanarayana†, Experimental Investigation on Reverse Engineering of a Typical Freeform Surface using Portable Laser Arm Scanner, 05 Sept 2016, Vol.6, No.5 (Oct 2016).
[2] TeodorTóth*, JozefŽivčák, A Comparison of the Outputs of 3D Scanners, Procedia Engineering 69 (2014) 393 – 401
[3] Ngozi Sherry Ali, Reverse Engineering of Automotive Parts Applying Laser Scanning and Structured Light Techniques, MAY 2005.
[4] Claus-Peter Alberts, Surface reconstruction from scan paths, Future Generation Computer Systems 20 (2004) 1285–1298
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Abstract: Low energy consumption for cooling houses/buildings is of great importance for countries in wide geographical and climate regions in the world (including UAE), when thinking on energy saving, supporting the economy growth and environmental protection. The main objective of the research is to show that this can be achieved by constructing the water pipes installation in houses/buildings to go through two walls in every room. In a lot of geographical/climate regions, incoming water is cold enough (bellow 22-24 0C). A model house 1m x 1m has been constructed with similar materials to the real.............
Keywords: Passive cooling, municipality water, energy saving
[1]. The State of the World Cities. UN-HABITAT, 2001.
[2]. H. Akbari, S. Davis, S. Dorsano, J. Huang, S. Winnett, Cooling our communities. A guidebook on tree planting and light-colored surfacing, in: US Environmental Protection Agency (New York, Office of Policy Analysis, 2009).
[3]. Y.C. Sezgin, M. Celik, The Use of Municipality Water System for Building Cooling as an Alternative to Conventional Ground Source Heat Pump, Progress in Clean Energy, 1, 2015, 121-133.
[4]. B. Givoni, Indoor Temperature Reduction by Passive Cooling Systems, Solar Energy, 85, 2011, 1692–1726.
[5]. A. Gilbert, S. Cairncross, J.E. Hardoy, D. Satterthwaite, The poor die young: housing and health in third world cities, The Geographical Journal, 158 (2), 1990, 234.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Experimental studies of Ambient Cured Geopolymer Concrete |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Xerses N. Irani || Dr Suresh G. Patil || Rampanth |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403014449 ![]() |
Abstract: The objectives of the present work is to finalize the parameters such as Amount of binder used, Molarity of NaOH, Ratio of Na2SiO3/NaOH and Ratio of Liquid to Binder In the présent work, experimental investigations were performed such as compressive strength test on the ambient cured geopolymer concrete. By trial casting geopolymer concrete paramètres were finalized such as binder (Fly Ash : GGBS)as (40 :60), molarity content as 8M, Ratio of Na2SiO3/NaOH of 1.5 and Ratio of Liquid to binder of 0.5. . The tests were conducted for Geopolymer Concrete spécimens.............
Keywords: Compressive strength.
[1] C.K.Madheswaran, P S Ambily, "Experimental Studon Behaviour of Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Beams Subjected to Monotoinc Static Loading" IJIRSET Journal of Engineering, ISSN:2319-8753 ,Vol3, Issue7, July2014
[2] Ambily .P.S, Madheswaran.C.K, "Experimental and analytical investigations on shear behaviour of reinforced Geopolymer concrete beams" International Journal of Civil and Structural Engineering ISSN 0976-4399, Volume, No2, 2011.
[3] Ganesh Kumar ,Dr MT Abdul Aleem, S Dinesh, " Application of Geopolymer Concrete", IRJET Journal of Enginerring ISSN:2395-0056 Volume:02 Issue09, Dec-2015
[4] R. Mourougane,, C.G.Puttappa,C.Sashidhar and K.U.Muthu,"Shear Behaviour of High Strength GPC/TVC Beams",AARCV 2012),21-23 June 2012,Paper ID SAM16, VOl 1
[5] Ginghis B. MAranan "Comparasion of the Shear Behaviour of Geopolymer Concrete beams with GFRP and steel Transverse Reinforcements "FRPRCS-12), Joint Conference,14-16 December 2015
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Life Cycle Assessment of Residential Villa |
Country | : | INDIA |
Authors | : | Abdul Subhan Ansari |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403013343 ![]() |
Abstract: Life cycle of building is developing research field. There are both natural and human sources of carbon dioxide emissions. Natural sources include decomposition, ocean release and respiration. Human sources come from activities like cement production, deforestation as well as the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and natural gas. Due to human activities, the atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide has been rising extensively since the Industrial Revolution and has now reached dangerous levels not seen in the last 3 million years. Human sources of carbon dioxide emissions are much smaller than natural emissions but they have upset the natural balance that existed for many thousands of years before.............
Keywords: Carbon Emission, LCA, Materials, Environmental Impact assessment, Eco-it.
[1]. Embodied energy and carbon in construction materials G. P. Hammond and C. I. Jones 2008 'carbon
[2]. T Wiedmann, J Minx - Ecological economics research trends, 2008 - Carbon footprint
[3]. BP Weidema, M Thrane, P Christensen… - Journal of industrial …, 2008 - Wiley Online Library
[4]. Embodied energy of common and alternative building materials and technologies B.V. Venkatarama Reddy* , K.S. Jagadish
Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, India
MATERIALS J.A. ALCORN and G. BAIRD Centre for Building Performance Research, Victoria University of Wellington, PO
Box 600, Wellington, New Zealand.
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Abstract: In this study a detailed analysis for running an ice factory in city New Delhi located in India has been analyzed. The ice factory is operated throughout the day and throughout the year. The solar photovoltaic (PV) modules is used for powering of vapor absorption refrigeration system(VARS). The ice production of the ice factory is done by the evaporator of VARS. The cooling load of evaporator is 50 TOR(tones of refrigeration) and heat exchanger effectiveness is 0.8.............
Keywords: Ice factory, photovoltaic modules, tones of refrigeration, vapor absorption refrigeration system
[1]. A.N.N. Chedop, N. Djongyang, and Z. Abdelouahab, Modeling of the performance of a solar electric vapor compression refrigeration system in dry tropical regions, International journal of Science and Research,3(11),2014,1066-1076.
[2]. X.Q. Zhai, M. Qu, Y. Li, and R.Z. Wang, A review for research and new design options of solar absorption cooling systems, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,15,2011,4416-4423.
[3]. L.A. Chidambaram, A.S. Ramana, G. Kamaraj, and R. Velraj, Review of solar cooling methods and thermal storage options, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 15,2011,3220-3228.
[4]. H.Z. Hassan, and A.A. Mohamad, A review on solar cold production through absorption technology. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 16, 2012,5331-5348.
[5]. S.M. Hasnain, Review on sustainable thermal energy storage technologies, part II:Cool thermal storage, Energy Conversion and Management,39(11), 1998,1139-1153
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | An Investigation of Using Aerocon Block and M-Sand in Constructing Low Cost Housing |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | K.Jaiganesh || S.Dinesh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403017075 ![]() |
Abstract: Low cost housing can be achieved by use of effective planning and project management, low cost materials, economical construction technologies and use of alternate construction methods available. . The selection of building materials should meet the needs of local circumstances to improve value of life for the most desired ones by building innovative structures or by refining existing structures. Various studies showed that a big variety of wall materials have been used in different building systems with traditional and modern construction methods, but only few of them (extruded clay bricks, hollow concrete blocks) have successfully been implemented in low-cost housing projects.............
Keywords: Aerocon block, Alternative material, Construction material, Eco-friendly building material, M-sand
[1]. .caponette& G. De Francisc, (2 1 ) "Ecological materials & technologies in low cost building system" nt.Journal for housing sciences,Vol-37, pp-229-238
[2]. Swathik chowdhury, SangeetaRoy,(2013)"Prospects of low cost housing in ndia",Geomaterials, pp-60-65
[3]. David william Dobson, Amur ourani , (2 12), " ustainable construction: Analysis of its cost & benefits", American Jr of ivil Engg& Arch, Vol-1, pp-32-38.
[4]. enguptaNilanjan& oy ouuvanic, (2 1 ), " tudy of Appropriateness of cost effective building construction technologies in ndia", jrArchitEng Tech, Vol-2,pp-01-05.
[5]. F.Paceco-torgal, aid jalai, (2 12), " onstruction & building materials, onstruction & building materials", 29, pp-512-519.
[6]. Tomas U Ganiron& Mohammed Almaewae, (2 1 ) "Prefabricated Technology in a modular house", nt. Jr of Advanced ci& Tech, Vol-73, pp-51-74.
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Abstract: Soil Stabilization is the phenomenon which deals with modifying the properties of soil (Index & Engineering) to improve its performance. Stabilization is being used for a variety of engineering works either in its natural form or in a processed form. Eventually all structures rest on soil foundation where the main objective is to increase the strength or stability of soil and to reduce the construction cost. Now a day the utilization of waste products with soil has gained attention due to the increasing problems of waste management. This paper presents the results of an experimental program undertaken to investigate the effect of E-waste at different dosages on black cotton soil............
Keywords: E-waste, Black cotton soil, Soil stabilization, direct Shear Test.
[1] E.A. Basha a, R. Hashim a, H.B. Mahmud a, A.S. Muntohar, "Stabilization of residual soil with rice husk ash and cement",
Construction and Building Materials 19, (2015), pp. 448–453.
[2] Kalumba D., Chebet F.C., "Utilisation of polyethylene (plastic) shopping bags waste for soil improvement in sandy soils".
[3] M.Adams Joe, A. Maria Rajesh, "Soil Stabilization Using Industrial Waste and Lime", IJSRET, Vol. 4, Issue , July 2015
[4] Prakash Chavan, Dr. M. S. Nagakumar, "Studies on Soil Stabilization by using bagasse ash", IJSRET, ISSN: 2278–088, August, 2014
[5] Rahul Gupta, Anandkumar Raghuwanshi, "Utilization of E-waste in strength Enhancement of Black Cotton Soil", Mantech Publications, 2016
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Effect of Size of Aggregate on Self Compacting Concrete of M70 Grade |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Mohammad Kasim || Amir || Shiwani Bharti |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403018287 ![]() |
Abstract: Concrete is a versatile used construction material and concrete has been accepted as a material for construction, researchers trying to improve its quality and enhance its performance. Recent changes in construction industry demand improved durability of structures. There is a methodological shift in the concrete design from a strength based concept to a performance based design. At present there is a large emphasis on performance aspect of concrete. One such thought has lead to the development of Self Compacting Concrete (SCC). SCC is a new kind of High Performance.............
Keywords: CRRI, NPCIL, EFNARC, PCI, IS 456-2000.
[1]. Bouzoubaa N, Lachemi M. "Self-compacting concrete incorporating high volumes of class F fly ash: Preliminary results", Cement and Concrete Research, 2001, Vol. 31, No.3, pp 413-420.
[2]. EFNARC. "Specification and guidelines for self-compacting concrete", European Federation of Producers and Applicators of Specialist Products for Structures, 2002.
[3]. EFNARC. "Specification and guidelines for self-compacting concrete", European Federation of Producers and Applicators of Specialist Products for Structures, May 2005.
[4]. IS: 456 – 2000 Code of practice for plain and reinforced concrete (fourth revision).
[5]. IS: 516 – 1959 Method of test for strength of concrete (sixth print January, 1976).
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Micro Hydro Power Assessment in Lower Mahi Basin |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Himanshu Bavishi || Bhagat N.K |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403018891 ![]() |
Abstract: Faced with the twin threats of human-induced climate change and concerns over security of supply, India must find new and sustainable sources of energy to fuel the ever-increasing demand. India generates 20% electricity form hydro power. Micro-hydro generation as a key contributor to future energy supply. It is one of a number of different micro hydro-generation options. Although its true potential has yet to be realised. This study estimates the potential for micro-hydropower generation.............
Keywords: Faced with the twin threats of human-induced climate change and concerns over security of supply, India must find new and sustainable sources of energy to fuel the ever-increasing demand. India generates 20% electricity form hydro power. Micro-hydro generation as a key contributor to future energy supply. It is one of a number of different micro hydro-generation options. Although its true potential has yet to be realised. This study estimates the potential for micro-hydropower generation
[1]. Dilip Singh "MICRO HYDRO POWER" Asian and Pacific Centre for Transfer of Technology of the United Nations – Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
[2]. WECS/UNDP, 1994, A Study on Improvement of Economic Viability of Micro Hydro Plants, Volume 1 (Main report), Water and Energy Commission Secretariat/UNDP, Kathmandu.
[3]. WECS, 1995, Perspective Energy Plan, Supporting Document No. 3, Alternative Energy Technology: An Overview and Assessment, Kathmandu.
[4]. ICIMOD, 1993, Study of Stand-alone Electrification Units, Kathmandu.
[5]. Harry J.R. Driscoll "Micro-hydro power in Dorset: A re-assessment of potential installed capacity" Earth & E-nvironment 3:52-114.
[6]. Bhagat N. K.(2016) Rainfall - Runoff Co-Relationship for Lower Mahi Basin, India. " PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH", Volume : 5, Issue : 12, December-2016
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Abstract: This work presents the development process of Refrigerator test ring and then carry- out the performance analysis of domestic refrigerator. The experiment platform which is called refrigerator test ring will be developed from refrigerator model. Performance of refrigerator also depends on inlet and outlet condition of each components. So in this research work refrigerator test ring will be developed and obtain performance of domestic refrigerator in term of Refrigeration Capacity, Compressor Work and Coefficient of Performance (COP) by determining two important parameter during operating condition which are temperature and pressure. So carry out this project I use different alternative refrigerant and find the data and compare the data to each other and then find the alternate of R 134a
[1]. Performance comparison of vapour-compression refrigeration system using various alternative refrigerants A.S. Dalkilic, S. Wongwises
[2]. The study and performance of a modified conventional refrigerator to serve as a PV powered one Socrates Kaplanis, Nikolaos Papanastasiou
[3]. Performance of a domestic refrigerator under influence of varied expansion device capacity, refrigerant charge and ambient temperature Erik Bjork, Bjorn Palm
[4]. Theoretical analysis of a vapour compression refrigeration system with R502, R404A and 507A Akhilesh Arora, S.C. Kaushik
[5]. A review on exergy analysis of vapour compression refrigeration system J.U. Ahamed, R. Saidur, H.H. Masjuki
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Abstract: Cement is a fine binding material which sets and strengthens when water is supplemented to it. It is largely used in construction with great advantages but cement with its wide range of properties has several disadvantages as well. Manufacturing of cement causes ill effect on environment at all stages of process. These include emissions of pollutantslike dust, gas, noise and vibration. Manufacturing of cement causes emission of the most common greenhouse gas i.e. carbon dioxide, from 5% in cement structures to 8% in case of cement roads. Carbon dioxide is released by cement manufacturing both indirectly (emission of energy) and directly (heating of calcium carbonate)..............
Keywords: Cement, flyash, class C-flyash, class F-fly ash, HVFA, Green concrete, steel fibers.
[1]. P. Kumar Mehta, High-performance, high-volume fly ash concrete for sustainable Development, International Workshop on Sustainable Development and Concrete Technology, Beijing, May 20-21, 2004.
[2]. Chung-Ho Huang, Shu-Ken-Lin, Chao-Shun Chang, How-ji-Chen, Mix proportions and mechanical properties of concrete containing very high-volume of Class F fly ash, ELSEVIER.
[3]. L.K Crouch, Ryan Hewitt, Ben Byard, High Volume Fly Ash Concrete, 2007 World of Coal Ash (WOCA), May 7-10, 2007, Northern Kentucky, USA.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Dynamic Response Of Laminated Composite Shells Subjected To Impulsive Loads |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Arafa El-Helloty |
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: | 10.9790/1684-140301108123 ![]() |
Abstract: Laminated composite shells are widely used in the aerospace, civil, marine, and automotive industries due to their high strength and stiffness to weight ratios, outstanding bending rigidity, excellent vibration characteristics and many other superior properties compared to ordinary shells. In this paper, the effect of number of layers, orientation angle and boundary conditions on the dynamic response of laminated composite shells subjected to impulsive loads is examined using the finite element system ANSYS16. Arc shells are used with two types of boundary conditions which are simply and fixed supported. The results are plotted in time history graphs for total displacement and equivalent stresses and it are discussed.
Keywords: Laminated, composite shell, cross-ply, angle-ply, number of layers, symmetric arrangement, transient dynamic analysis
[1] S. K. Sahu and P. K. Datta ,Dynamic stability of laminated composite curved panels with cutouts, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 129, No. 11, November 2003.
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[3] A. L. Poore, A. Barut and E. Madenci ,Free vibration of laminated cylindrical shells with a circular cutout, Journal of Sound and Vibration 312 ,2008, 55–73.
[4] S. Kumar ,Analysis of impact response and damage in laminated composite shell involving large deformation and material degradation, Journal of Mechanics of Materials and Structures, Vol. 3, No. 9, 2008.
[5] F. S. Almeida and A. M. Awruch, ,Corotational nonlinear dynamic analysis of laminated composite shell structures, 11th Pan-American Congress of Applied Mechanics, January 2010, Brazil.