Version-2 (May-June 2017)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Experimental Studies of Sustainable Cement Concrete Pavement |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Shibashish P. Mukherjee || Dr Gaurang Vesmawala |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403020109 ![]() |
Abstract: The difference in the construction cost of concrete and bituminous roads has narrowed down considerably on account of sudden rise of cost of bitumen. Now a day's cement concrete Roads are more preferred than bituminous roads in urban cities in India. Concrete roads are potential users of Cement. The behavior of concrete, whether fresh or hardened, depends basically on the behavior of its components and the relationship between them, therefore, obtaining a concrete with certain properties depends fundamentally on the concrete mix design.
Keywords: Fly ash, HVFAC, Sustainability, LCA, PQC, DLC, Mix Design
[1]. IRC:15-2011 Standard Specification and code of practice for construction of Concrete Roads
[2]. IRC:44-2008 Guidelines for Cement Concrete Mix Design for Pavements
[3]. IRC:58-2008 Guidelines for the Design of Plain Jointed Rigid Jointed Rigid Pavements for Highways
[4]. IS: 12269 53 Grade ordinary Portland cement
[5]. IS: 1489 (Part 1) Portland Pozzolana cement (fly ash based)
[6]. IS: 269 33 Grade ordinary Portland cement
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Abstract: The mechanism of thermal autofrettage is described in relation to the more common mechanical autofrettage. This paper provides analytical and FE analysis of thermal autofrettage process has been conducted for spherical vessel considering von Mises yield criterion to predict behavior within the plastic zone. Elastic-plastic stress distribution subjected to thermal load are evaluated. This study include residual stress prediction on an uniaxial loading-unloading stresses of elastic perfectly plastic material model. Feasibility of Centrifugal and Centripetal autofrettage are discussed and compare.
Keywords: Thermal Autofrettage ; Re- Autofrettage; Spherical vessel ; Elastic perfectly plastic material ;FE Analysis; Residual stress;
[1]. Huang, X. P., and Cui, W., 2005, "Effect of Bauschinger Effect and Yield Criterion on Residual Stress Distribution of
Autofrettaged Tube," Gun Tubes 2005 Conference, Oxford, April. 1.
[2]. Livieri, P., and Lazzarin, P., 2002, "Autofrettage Cylindrical Vessels and Bauschinger Effect: An Analytical Frame for Evaluating
Residual Stress Distributions," ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., 124, pp. 38–46.
[3]. R .Thumser,J.W.Bergmann, & M.Vormwald, 2002 , Residual stress fields & fatigue analysis of autofrettaged parts ,International
journal of Pressure Vessel and piping ,79,113-117pp.
[4]. Parker, A. P., 2004, "A Re-Autofrettage Procedure for Mitigation of Bauschinger Effect in Thick Cylinders," ASME J. Pressure
Vessel Technol., 126, pp. 451–454.
[5]. X. P Huang & W. C. Cui , 2006 ,Effect of Bauschinger Effect and Yield Criterion on Residual Stress Distribution of
Autofrettaged Tube," ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technol., Vol. 128, 212 -216.pp
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Abstract: Now a days latest manufacturing sectors facing difficulty with two different categories of processing of parts like semi-finished jobs and finished jobs. In literature it is assumed that, for machine scheduling models, either there is infinite number of handling or carrier systems for the job to reach desired location or jobs are distributed on the spot from one workstation to other without travel time involved. Further it is observed that simultaneous scheduling of machines and AGVs in the FMS environments involves certain exceptional difficulties as they are treated as NP hard problems...............
Keywords: Flexible manufacturing system, NP hard problems, Parallel scheduling, Makespan, Tardiness Simulated annealing algorithm
[1]. Jerald, J., & Asokan, P. (2006). Simultaneous scheduling of parts and automated guided vehicles in an FMS environment using adaptive genetic algorithm. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2006) 29: 584–589. DOI 10.1007/s00170-005-2529-9
[2]. Satish Kumar, M. V., & Rao. C.S.P.(2011) . Simultaneous scheduling of machines and vehicles in an FMS environment with alternative routing. Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2011) 53:339–351 DOI 10.1007/s00170-010-2820-2
[3]. R. Tavakkoli-Moghaddam & M. Heydar.(2013) A hybrid GA for simultaneously scheduling an FMC under multiple objectives. 5th International Conference on Applied Operational Research, Proceedings, Vol. 5: 133–142
[4]. XIANGTONG QI..(2006). A logistics scheduling model: scheduling and transshipment for two processing centers. IIE Transactions (2006) 38, 609–618, DOI: 10.1080/074081791009022
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Abstract: The quality in higher education is mainly about the economic development, which depends on quality approaches in higher education. The quality education in higher system facilitates, the physical, mental, social, emotional and spiritual development. The quality education has become watchword and indeed the corner stone for any higher technical educational system. The authors have in mind the quality circles or teamwork approaches can have for maintaining and improving the quality in higher technical education as per available resources to raise the institute at the competitive highest level to solve unemployment............
Keywords: Teamwork, Quality in Higher Education, Discipline, Positive Approaches, Motivation.
[1]. Sen A. K, "Industrialization and Training", Indian Journal of Technical Education, 21(4),P 24-27,1988.
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Abstract: Globally the population grows on a daily basis so the need for housing. Sustainable construction is regarded as construction and management of the built environment and covering all aspects of sustainable human settlements and urban sustainability. It should be recognized that mankind is locked into a highly dynamic relationship with the natural world and that the two are acutely interdependent. So there is need to use non-conventional materials to embrace the aspect sustainable development. This paper presents the results on the study of the use of cow dung and local brewery waste as a partial replacement of cement for plastering low cost houses............
Keywords: Cow dung, Plastering, local brewery waste.
[1] Balwaik , S.A and S.P. Raut .(2011). Utilization of paper pulp by partial replacement of cement in concrete. International journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol.1 pp. 300-309.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Green Concrete: Efficient & Eco-Friendly Construction Materials |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Ms.Duhita H. Doye |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403023335 ![]() |
Abstract: New technologies have evolved very fast to cater different difficulties in the construction industry. Production of concrete which will leave a substantial mark on the environment.The concrete is made with concrete wastes which are eco-friendly so called as Green concrete. The paper covers the aspect on how to choose a material forgreen concrete. It presents the feasibility of the usage of by product materials like fly ash, query dust, marblepowder/ granules, plastic waste and recycled concrete and masonry as aggregates in concrete. By the use of green concrete it is possible to reduce the CO2 emission in atmosphere...............
Keywords: Eco-Friendly Concrete, Eco-Friendly Construction Material, Efficient Concrete, Green Concrete
[1]. Swamy RN, Mehmod HB. Mix proportions and strength characteristics of concrete containing 50% low calciumfly ash. In: Malhotra VM, editor. Proceedings of the second international congress on fly ash, silica fume, slag andnational pozzolanas in concretes, Madrid, ACJ SP 91, vol. 1; 1986. p. 413–32.
[2]. Orsos, T., 'BST: The Lightweight concrete aggregate', Concrete Institute of Australia seminar on Special UseConcretes, Melbourne, 1992.
[3]. Ahmed E. Ahmed and Ahmed A. E. kourd.1989. Properties of concrete incorporating natural and crushed stonevery fine sand.ACI Material journal.86 (4):417-424.
[4]. Rebeiz, K. S., 1996. Precast use of polymer concrete using unsaturated polyester resin based on recycledPET waste. Construction and Building Materials 10 (3), 215-220.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Manufacturing of Stabilized Soil Bricks |
Country | : | India |
Authors | : | Bhudev Pandey || Neelesh Kumar Singh |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403023640 ![]() |
Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is the development of low cost housing structures, in rural as well as in urban areas. In present scenario, the cost of construction of houses is going to be high, so it is difficult to make their homes at low cost especially for rural population. The clay bricks are generally high in cost and create pollution during burning process in kiln. So, in this paper, the reuse of fly ash and foundry sand is done as replacement of major amount of clay which will reduce the cost as well as pollution. No burning is required while making of this brick. For economic construction...............
Keywords: Fly ash, foundry sand, strength, cement, low cost, brick.
[1]. Amit Kumar D. Raval, Arti Pamnani, Alefiya I. Kachwala, Foundry sand: utilisation as a partial replacement of fine aggregate for establishing sustainable concrete, International Journal of Engineering Sciences & Research Technology, ISSN: 2277-9655.
[2]. Akshay Satish More, Ahad Tarade, Ashwani Anant, Assessment of suitability of Fly Ash and Rice Husk Ash burnt clay bricks, International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 4, Issue 7, July 2014, ISSN 2250-3153.
[3]. American Foundrymen's Society, AlternativeUtilization of Foundry Waste Sand, Final Report (Phase I) prepared by American Foundrymen's Society Inc. for Illinois Department of Commerce and Community Affairs, Des Plaines, Illinois, July, 1991.
[4]. DushyantRameshbhaiBhimani, Prof.Jayesh KumarPitroda, Prof.Jaydevbhai J. Bhavsar,Used foundry sand: opportunities for development of eco-friendly low cost concrete, International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, E-ISSN 0976-3945.
[5]. IS 4305:1967 Glossary of terms relating to pozzolana.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Impact of Various Surfactants on the Water-in-Diesel Fuel Emulsions |
Country | : | Iraq |
Authors | : | Khaleel I Abass |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403024147 ![]() |
Abstract: Diesel fuel is a hydrocarbon fuel is located at the middle of the hydrocarbon chain resulting in the distillation tower.This fuel is used commonly in the entire world and especially in Iraq for the production of electrical energy, transportation, and factories. Diesel burning produces large exhaust pollutants which are mostly blackcarbon, NOx, and SOx. These contaminants are widely polluting the surrounding environment and mischievous. In this research, a study on the possibility of mixing the diesel fuel with water to produce an emulsion that reduce the resulting exhaust pollutants from it, and improves the produced energy................
Keywords: Iraqi diesel fuel, emulsifying agent, emulsions, fossil fuels.
[1]. M T Chaichan&A. M. Salih, Study of compression ignition engine performance when fueled with mixtures of diesel fuel and alcohols, Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Science, 17(1), 2010, 1-22.
[2]. M T Chaichan&D. S. Al Zubaidi, Practical study of performance and emissions of diesel engine using biodiesel fuels, Association of Arab Universities Journal of Engineering Science, 18(1), 2012, 43-56.
[3]. H M Al-Maamary, H.A.Kazem, M. T. Chaichan, Changing the energy profile of the GCC States: A review, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), 11(3), 2016, 1980-1988.
[4]. H M Al-Maamary, H.A.Kazem, M. T. Chaichan, Renewable energy and GCC States energy challenges in the 21st century: A review, International Journal of Computation and Applied Sciences IJOCAAS, 2(1), 2017, 11-18.
[5]. H M Al-Maamary, H.A.Kazem, M.T.Chaichan, Climate change: the game changer in the GCC region, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 76, 2017, 555-576.
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Abstract: Much attention has been made towards adsorbent materials to be used in heavy metal removal from polluted water and various techniques are applied such as chemical, physical and biological techniques. This study was designed for using less expensive and much frequently available materials (mango peels, Neem leaves & coconut husk) to remove iron, copper and cadmium from water. Current data show that all adsorbents used are capable of removing copper, iron and cadmium ions at significant capacity. Furthermore, coconut husk had higher capability than mango peel and neem leaves.
Keywords: Heavy metals, Adsorption, Removal Efficiency, Contact time, Particle size
[1]. R Balaji,S Sasikala,G Muthuraman.Removal of Iron from drinking or ground water by using agricultural waste as natural adsorbents, International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology,volume 3,issue 12,June 2014
[2]. [2] Madhukar J. Phadtare,Removal of heavy metal from industrial waste water,International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Studies,E-ISSN2249-8974
[3]. [3] Chetan S. Mahajan, Dhananjay B. Sarode, Ramanand N. Jadhav, Sanjay B. Attarde, Sopan T. Ingle,Removal of heavy metal from waste water by using natural adsorbents,International journal of conservation science Volume 5, Issue 1, January-March 2014: 69-78 .
[4]. [4] Samiksha V. Ashtikar,Adsorption of Copper from Aqueous Solution Using Mango Seed Powder Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 4, Issue 4( Version 7), April 2014, pp.75-77.
[5]. [5] Dr. Jai M. Paul, Amal M Vijayan, Anargha Raju, Megha C.S, Sadique K. (2016), "Comparison of Iron Removal Effeciency by Areation and Adsorption" (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320-334X, Volume 13, Issue 3 Ver. II (May - June 2016), PP 01-4.
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Abstract: Limiting lateral displacement is a very important factor in the design and construction of high-rise buildings. This movement is limited by stresses induced in the structure and by the comfort of inhabitants at upper floors. Traditionally, structural bracing through the addition of shear walls and other lateral load resisting elements, in addition to many other methods such as Tuned Mass Dampers (TMD), have been used to reduce lateral displacements. Based on the elastic characteristics of an oscillating spring, this work evaluates the use of high stiffness springs implanted at various locations in a structure and analyzed to check their influence on lateral displacement reduction.................
Keywords: Structural Oscillations,Displacement Reduction,Tuned Mass Damper, Mode Shapes, Spring Stiffness, Bracing,ETABS.
[1]. Uniform Building Code, by international Conference of Building Officials, Whittier, California, 1997.
[2]. International Building Code, IBC-2012 Edition, Published by the International Code Council, INC., 2012.
[3]. Règle de Construction Parasismique, Règle PS applicables aux bâtiments – PS 92 Normes NF P 06-013, 1992.
[4]. Standards for Seismic Civil Engineering Construction in Japan, Earthquake Resistant Regulations for Building Structures in Japan,
Tokyo, Japan, 2000.
[5]. Lebanese Code, General Seismic Design Guidelines and Regulations, Beirut, Lebanon, 1997.
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Abstract: The threat of terrorism rising all over the world has increased the awareness among people. Efforts have been made to design structures which offers better resistance against blast explosion. Studies were conducted on the behaviour of structural members subjected to blast loads. In this study, the finite element package ABAQUS/Explicit was used to model a reinforced concrete beam, which was previously tested and reported in an experimental research paper the concrete damage plasticity approach was used to define the non-linearity of concrete. The effect of blast loading on the RC beam was analytically observed and deflection at mid-span of the beam was compared with the experimental results.
Keywords: ABAQUS, Blast, Concrete damage plasticity, Finite element method, Reinforced concrete beam.
[1]. T. Krauthamar. (1990), "Response of reinforced concrete elements to severe impulsive loads", ASCE Journal.
[2]. Zhang, Yao, Lu, Chen, Lin, Wang, Yuliang, Lin (2013)," Experimental study on scaling of RC beams under close-in blast loading", ELSEVIER.
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[4]. ACI 318-02. Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete (ACI 318-02) and Commentary (ACI 318R-02). Farmington Hills, MI: ACI, 2002. Abaqus analysis user's manual(6.9)
[5]. S.V. Chaudhari and M. A Chakrabarti (2012), "Modeling of concrete for nonlinear analysis Using Finite Element Code ABAQUS", International Journal of Computer Applications Volume 44– No.7, April 2012
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Abstract: In this project, the process of fabrication of enhanced solar still with power generation was taken down. A solar still distills water using the radiation of the Sun to evaporate the water and then it cools and collects the pure water. The main objective of our project is to purify the saline water into drinking water. Additionally, turbine and dynamo were fixed to generate the electricity and then store it in a battery. This equipment can also be used in home and mineral water industries. This equipment will play an important role among the human life, as the water is the main source of human being. For this project, the components such as copper tube, aluminum sheet, plywood, gutter, valve, wedge box (solar still), glass plate, battery, PVC pipe, lateral pipe, turbine and dynamo were utilized.
Keywords: Solar still, saline water, wedge box, copper tube.
[1]. Alpesh Mehta, Alpha Vyas, Nitin Bodar and Dharmesh Lathiya, Design of Solar Distillation System, International Journal of
Advanced Science and Technology,Vol.29, 2011, 67-73.
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Solar Still Under Makurdi Climate, The International Journal Of Engineering And Science , 2, 2013,. 131-138.
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International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Development , Vol. 6, 2013,465-481.
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Innovations in Engineering and Technology ,3,2013, 131-133.
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Technology, 1982.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Modelling and Simulation of a 2-D Spring-Mass System Using Ansys Apdl |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | Stephen, Tambari || Akinola .S. Ayodele |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403026769 ![]() |
Abstract: This work is aimed at using Finite Element Analysis Software (ANSYS APDL) to demonstrate the modelling and Simulation of a 2-D spring mass system to obtain its first two natural frequencies and mode shape. Modal analysis of dynamic properties of systems subjected to vibration was used to implement the results. This study is useful to structural engineers as it will be used to predict the natural frequencies of vibration and excitation response of bridges, buildings and dynamic systems. In this study, analytical analysis was used to compare the numerical results obtained using ANSYS to validate the results. The material used in this study was steel.
Keywords: Modelling, Spring mass, ANSYS, Vibration, Simulation
[1]. University of Sheffield, "Department of Mechanical Engineering.Assignment 2Available at: =_2015863_1&course_id=_45768_1. [Accessed April 2016].
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Optimization of the Seaport Facilities in Complex System Queue Using Fuzzy Logic |
Country | : | Indonesia |
Authors | : | Agus Budiono |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403027078 ![]() |
Abstract: As is well known, that the queuing system model of ships in port plays an important role in efforts to improve the quality of service. Therefore, when used in accordance queuing system and supported by the provision of adequate support facilities it can be ascertained that the services that can be provided would be optimal. In this paper, we will report the results of research on the optimization of port facilities in the complex queuing system using fuzzy logic. We have been developing a methodology optimization of port facilities by a modeling queuing systems and simulation where the system queue complex usually consists of multiple servers...............
Keywords: Complex System Queue, Erlang distribution, Fuzzy model, Poisson distribution, Seaport
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Abstract: Earthquake is a major concerned natural disaster that causes great damage to the structure. Many multistoried commercial, factory and also residential building in Bangladesh are not designed properly considering seismic loads and also seismic zone effects, thereby large storey displacement and cracks have been observed in the structures. In the present study, a G+10 storied factory building is considered and finite element analysis software ETABS 2015 is used to determine the seismic demand and capacity of each structural element considering seismic zone 1 and zone 3. The building is preliminary designed and analyzed for zone 1 and found safe against seismic loads but vulnerable at zone 3.................
Keywords: Seismic Zone, Retrofitting, Pushover Analysis, Demand Capacity Ratio, Storey Drift
[1] N. Gupta, P. Dhiman, and A. Dhiman, Design and Detailing of RC Jacketing for Concrete
Columns,IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE), 2015, 54-58.
[2] E.N.B.S. Júlio, andF.A.B. Branco,V.D. Silva, Reinforced concrete jacketing -interface influence on
monotonic loading response, ACI Structural Journal, 102(2),2005, 252-257.
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[4] P. Ranjan, and P. Dhiman, Retrofitting of columns of an existing building by RC, FRP and SFRC
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AETM'16, 2016, 40-46.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Comparison of Cooling Parameters of R134a and R290/R600a |
Country | : | Nigeria |
Authors | : | D.O. Ariyo || M.A. Azeez || T.O. Woli |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1403028790 ![]() |
Abstract: Cooling capacities and other parameters were determined for a refrigeration cycle operating between temperature limits of -25oC (evaporator temperature) and 42oC (condenser temperature). The refrigerants used in the refrigeration cycle analysis were R134a and R290/R600a. Compressor capacity of 125W, degree of subcooling of 9K and degree of superheating of 15K were maintained for refrigeration cycles using R134a and a binary mixture of R290/R600a (50% each by mass). Parameters such as refrigerating capacity, mass flow rate, compression work, condenser capacity and Coefficient Of Performance (COP) were computed for each refrigeration cycle..................
Keywords: Refrigeration Cycle, R134a, R290/R600a, Cooling Capacities, Binary Refrigerants
[1]. Ariyo, D.O. (1997). Models for ambient dry bulb temperature and relative humidity statistics related to building cooling loads for Ilorin and Ikeja. M. Eng. project report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ilorin.
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[5]. Dossat, R.J. (2004). Principles of refrigeration. 4th Edition. Pearson education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd, Indian Branch, Patparganj, Delhi.
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Abstract: The values for cooling degree–day and bin were computed from hourly ambient dry bulb temperature data of 15years (1978–1992) for Ilorin. Cooling degree–day values at 24, 25, 26,27,28,29 and 30oC base temperatures were computed from the long-term (15 years) hourly ambient dry bulb temperatures. Values predicted with the model developed for cooling degree–day agreed closely with those computed from hourly temperature data. Bin data were computed from the data of 15 years hourly ambient dry bulb temperature for the same period.................
Keywords: Cooling degree–day, Bin data, Dry bulb temperature, cooling energy.
[1]. Ariyo, D.O. (1997). Models for ambient dry bulb temperature and relative humidity statistics related to building cooling loads for Ilorin and Ikeja. M.Eng. Project report, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ilorin.
[2]. ASHRAE (2013). Handbook of fundamentals., S.I. Edition, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta, GA.
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Abstract: The duplex steels are widely used in the area of oil exploration, both in structure and equipment. These steels provide excellent mechanical properties combined with excellent corrosion resistance. The welding of this material takes into account the loss of alloying elements, which are directly linked to the excellent properties of this material, this loss being compensated by the addition of metal during welding. In an autogenous weld, this addition of material to balance the loss is eliminated, and under these conditions, a study subjecting the duplex UNS S31803 steel to this process, a relationship between the microstructure of the weld region and an electrochemical characterization, will be shown that this loss does not interfere with the quality of the weld and the resistance of the material to corrosion.
Keywords: Duplex Stell, Autogenous Welding, Microstructure, Corrosion Resistance
[1]. Hsieh RI, Liou HY, Pan YT. Effects of cooling time and alloying elements on the microstructure of the Gleeble-simulated heat affected zone of 22% Cr duplex stainless steels. J Mater Sci Perform 2001;10(5):526–36.
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Abstract: This paper contains an analysis of the stress and deformation states in case of high speed cutting turning: the normal unitary stress, the tangent unitary stress, the unitary stress in the main inertia direction, resulting linear deformation, resulting angular deformation, self vibration modes. Based on this information, the quality of the cutting surface can be improved by optimizing the working parameters.
Keywords: Deformation, high speed cutting turning, self vibration modes, stress
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Abstract: The main aim of this research is to investigate the mechanical properties of micro cement mortar to be used to produce micro reinforced concrete/ ferrocement elements when exposed to the ground water and compare the measured values with bare specimens when exposed to tap water under the same conditions of temperature and relative humidity.The first objective of the present work was to assess durability of micro cement mortar by casting two groups of specimens. The first group was cured under ordinary tap water, and the second group was submerged in a water contains sulphates, magnesium, sodium, and calcium at concentrations similar to those that exists in underground water...............
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[3]. Wail N. Al-Rifaie, Waleed K. Ahmed and Omar M. Mahdi. Mechanical Properties of Nano-Cement Mortar: Compression and Tension. Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE), March 3 – 5, 2015.
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Abstract: As construction industries are increasing at faster rate consumption of naturally available sand is more now-a-days. The fine aggregate which we use for construction is available from natural rivers and streams use of large amount of fine aggregate affects the environment. This present study had been carried out to investigate the possibility of utilizing a broad range of concrete raw materials as partial replacement for fine aggregate in the production of concrete. In this study replacement of fine aggregate with steel slag, M-sand and bottom ash with 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%and 50% for grade of concrete M30are............
Keywords: Steel slag, M-sand, Bottom ash, Compressive strength, Flexural strength, Modulus of elasticity, Rapid chloride penetration test, Salt resistances and Sulphate resistance
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Abstract: Pervious concrete is a special high porosity concrete used for roads carrying light traffic, allows the water from precipitation and thereby reducing the runoff from a road surface and hence recharging ground water levels. Objective of this research is to find mechanical properties i.e. compressive strength, split tensile strength and flexural strength of the pervious concrete. The main problem of pervious concrete pavement is the strength itself. The conventional and pervious concrete is tested for 28 days of curing period with fresh water & salt water. For conventional concrete the mix proportion is considered...........
Keywords: Pervious concrete, Salt water, Compressive strength, Split tensile strength, Flexural strength.
[1]. Md. Moinul Islam, Md. Saiful Islam, Bipul Chandra Mondal and Mohammad Rafiqul Islam, Strength behaviour of concrete using slag with cement in sea water environment, Journal of Civil Engineering (IEB), 38 (2), 2010, 129-140.
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