Version-1 (Nov-Dec 2018)
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Application of Cost Control to Construction Projects |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Opara Hyginus Emeka |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1506010108 ![]() |
Abstract: A high rate project abandonment due to cost over-run has really defaced the most cities. Among the success parameters of construction project namely: cost, quality and time, the project cost was the most significant among the professionals in the construction industry. The sample size of 50 was used for the study. The field data were subjected to statistical analysis using the multiple regression analysis. Among the five independent variables only construction project quality control and the construction methods/techniques indicated significant statistical relationship to the cost control methods adopted for construction project. While the others project design control, socio-economic factors, laws and regulations governing construction projects showed insignificant relationship to the control of the cost of construction projects.
Keywords -Cost Control, Project Design, Cost Over-run, Project Quality, Construction Regulations
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[5]. Opara H.E. (2001) An Evaluation of Factors affecting Cost Control in the Nigerian Construction Industry (Unpublished MBA Thesis FUTO Owerri)..
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Abstract: This study aims at investigating the performance of a 50 MW capacity Diesel engine power plant run mostly byHFO (heavy fuel oil). The plant consists of six identical Diesel engines of 20 cylinders in each, arranged in V-shape. The variations in capacity factor, plant availability, plant reliability, BSFC (Break Specific Fuel Consumption), Generator efficiency have been analysed in different periods of a year. During January to March, BSFC has a minimum value of 217.72 g/kWh& it reaches at the peak (221.92 g/kWh) between July & September. During April to June, both plant availability (96.67%) & capacity factor (25.64%) have their highest magnitudes. Generator efficiency.........
Key Words: Availability,BSFC,Capacity factor, Exergy, Generator efficiency, Reliability, Turbocharger Nomenclature
[1]. Why Use Diesel?
Available at URL:
[2]. Diesel Power Station
Available at URL:
[3]. Key Statistics – BPDB
Available at URL:
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Abstract: There are several factors which have made it compulsory for our nation and the world to go for highrise structures and the skyscrapers. One of such factors is rapidly increment in population in urban areas. But it is a big challenge to build a highrise structure as number of aspects to be considered in it are more as compared to lowrise structures such as lateral stability. To deal with the lateral (wind and earthquake) froces acting on a structure, several lateral force resisting systems have been introduced such as the Braced tube, Shear wall frames, Diagrid, Space truss and Outrigger structural system etc. In this paper, the most effective outrigger structural system i.e. conventional outrigger-belt truss is compared with Virtual outrigger System. Also, Concrete and steel are used to carry..........
Keywords -Belt truss, Convectional, Virtual, Response Spectrum, Time History, Zone
[1]. Nair R. S., Belt trusses and basements as virtual outriggers for tall buildings, Engineering Journal AISC, Fourth Quarter, 140-146, 1998
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Design of A Cable-locking Device for Cable-driven Manipulators |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Tianyu Hu || Yan Wang || Fan Zhang |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1506013337 ![]() |
Abstract: In this paper, a kind of cable-locking device is proposed, which replaces the motor driving device of the former cable-driving manipulator, and makes the cable-driving manipulator become a passive manipulator which can be applied in limited space, has larger workspace and has larger load-carrying capacity. The device has the characteristics of compact structure, good adaptability and strong versatility. The Integral structure and each part of this device are introduced. As the key part of this device, the detail structure and working principle of the cable-locking unit are proposed in this paper. Mechanical calculation of the force amplificatory structure is proposed in this paper to ensure that sufficient locking force can be provided..
Keywords -cable-driven manipulator; cable-locking device; force Amplificatory structure; mechanical design
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | The Design and Fabrication of Spring Testing Apparatus |
Country | : | |
Authors | : | Adio M.A. || Chapi S.P. |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1506013844 ![]() |
Abstract: A spring testing apparatus has a wide range of uses. Its application is mainly in academic and industriallaboratories. The need to test spring is essentially to determine spring characteristics likestiffness, shear stress twist angles on which other uses of spring are hinged. The apparatus is fabricated from mild steel and measures 750mm by 360mm in dimension. A rectangular hole measuring 600 mm by 90 mm,cut through the centre of the apparatus accommodates the load hanger which measures incremental load of the spring under investigation.Two steel rules, attached on each side of the rectangular hole enable the apparatus to measure the extension of the spring. A Mild Steel base is supported on four rubber bushings and these give the apparatus a firm stand and balance. The..........
Keywords -Design, fabrication, spring, and testing
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Abstract: The Study of the behavior of slabs under the influence of horizontal construction joints has become necessity in the case of large thickness slabs such that raft and some special cases of flat slabs which were casted in two or more layers. The first layer is usually casted up to cover the reinforcement steel mesh and the other layers were casting to get the actual thickness of slabs. The purpose of this research is to examine the effect of horizontal construction joints on the behavior of simply supported slabs. A commercial non linear finite element program, such as "ANSYS version 12" [1] was used to study the previous slabs. The results which obtained from theortical analysis wre comared with that obtained from expermintal work [2]. The main parametric study used in this search was the case of..........
Keywords -Nonlinear, finite element, horizontal joints, flexural behavior slabs.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Discussion on position-sensitive detectors based the lateral photovoltaic effect |
Country | : | China |
Authors | : | Baoshan Wang || Lijie Cao |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1506015557 ![]() |
Abstract: The lateral photovoltaic effect(LPE): the saturation values of photovoltage vary linearly with the position of laser spot. It has been widely investigated and received enormous attention for a series of applications. Under the nonuniform illumination of a laser, the linearity is expected to make MOS structure a new type of candidate for position-sensitive photodetector. In order to make the sensitivity of the lateral photovoltaic effect be further improved,this thesis is partially founded to research the sensor with higher sensitivity..
Keywords -lateral photovoltaic effect; MOS structure; position sensitivedetectors.
[1]. Henry J., Livingstone J. Optimizing the response of Schottky barrier position sensitive detectors [J]. J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys., 2004, 37(22):3180-3184.
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Abstract: The main objective of the paper is to investigate the effect of mesh number and different turbulent models on numerical simulation of a marine propeller. The analyzed propeller is at the following design condition: The diameter of 3,65 m; speed of 200 rpm; average pitch of 2,459 m, boss ratio of 0,1730. The first stage involves the mesh generation and refinement on domain of the designed propeller. The second stage deals with the identification of initial and boundary conditions of the mesh-equipped module. In the final stage, the authors give the hydrodynamic performance of the propeller and various results are calculated to examine effect of those factors on simulation results..
Keywords -CFD, propeller, mesh number.
[1]. Takayuki WATANABE, T.K., Yoshihisa TAKEKOSHI, Masatsugu MAEDA, Shin Hyung RHEE, Simulation of steady and
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Water Absorption and Sorptivity Properties of Concrete Containing Granulated Blast Furnace Slag |
Country | : | Turkey |
Authors | : | Aylin Akyildiz |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1506016669 ![]() |
Abstract: This paper describes on analyzing the effects of use of granulated blast furnace slag in the water absorption and sorptivity properties of concrete. The purpose of this study was to use of concrete reinforced by the various percentages of granulated blast furnace slag (GBFS) (0, 10 & 20%) as a partial replacement for cement. The tests have been done to determine some aspects namely water absorption and sorptivity at age of curing 28 days was conducted on reference and concrete specimens. The results show that the use of polyolefin fiber gives an improvement in these properties.
Keywords -Blast Furnace Slag, Cement, Concrete, Sorptivity, Water absorption.
[1]. S. Alsadey, M. Salem, Influence of Polypropylene Fiber on Strength of Concrete, American Journal of Engineering Researchnternational, 5(7), 2016, 223-226.
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Abstract: More of parking area user choose to park their vehicles on street than on the determined parking area that cause the less of road facilities. This research aims to find the parking characteristics and the comfortable using of on street parking in a certain area. The location of research is the area of urban village of Pasar Baru, sub district of Medan Kota, Medan municipality. The method of research is a field survey that enable in collect the required primary data. Survey was conducted in a week in order to collect the secondary data through interview to the parking area management to obtain the information about parking system. The data is processed by data tabulation and correlated to the literature study...........
Keywords - level of comfortable, parking characteristic; street parking.
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Mathematics in Welding Design |
Country | : | Kuwait |
Authors | : | Ahmad H. N. Jassem || Hamed M. A. Alyaqout |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1506017883 ![]() |
Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to show the importance of the welding calculations before the start in any projuct or making a ptroduct that involve a welding jop.
[1]. Hicks, J. (1996). Welded Joint Design. London, England: Abington Publishing.
[2]. Radhakrishnan, V.(December 1, 2008).Welding Technology and Design. Madras, India:New Age International Pvt Ltd Publishers.
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Abstract: The die processes, such as punching, bending and drawing are of unquestionable utility, as examples are the home appliances, automotive products, etc, these products have several parts produced with thestamping processeslike the ones mentioned. With the aim of facilitating the training of engineering students in the design of tools for sheet or stampingprocessing, the use of specific symbology of the die process capable of developing the required shape in the sheet is proposed, which will be used in obtaining the required piece, with, which the novice designer immediately links the necessary mechanical elements to develop the required shape and thus be able to relatively easily conceive the die,that for mass production elaborated the desired sheet part. A summary of the symbology proposal will be presented for specific punching processes. In this case, the methodology is applied to a part made of stainless steel used in refrigerators.
Keywords - Die, dies design, manufacturing phases.
[1]. M. GROOVER,Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing (Binder Ready Version: Materials, Processes, and Systems 6th Edition. USA 2016). 13 pp. ISBN 978-1119128694.
[2]. V.A. CAMPOS, N. A. ESCAMILLA, G. V. ALONSO, Proceso del diseño de un troquel progresivo para grapa que regula la longitud de recorrido de corriente en una Resistencia, VII Congreso Cubano de Ingeniería Mecánica y Metalúrgica(CCIM 2014), La Habana, Cuba, 2014.
[3]. V.A. CAMPOS, N. A. ESCAMILLA, R. L. CORONA, Diseño de Troquel para autoparte, VIII Congreso Cubano de Ingeniería Mecánica y Metalúrgica (CCIM 2016), La Habana, Cuba, 2016.
[4]. V.A. CAMPOS, N. A. ESCAMILLA, O. J. CALDERÓN, Normalización de análisis de fases mediante troquelado, 13º Congreso Iberoamericano de ingeniería mecánica (CIBEM 2017), Lisboa Portugal, 2017.
[5]. S. A. VILLANUEVA, J RAMOS, Manual de Métodos del Fabricación Metalmecánica, 4ª edición, AGT editor, México 2001. ISN 968-463-077-8.
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Abstract: Through the research on the intelligent dispensing system of Chinese and Western medicine at home and abroad, the advantages and disadvantages of the finished products of each intelligent dispensing system are analyzed, so as to design an intelligent dispensing system with certain advantages and only for Chinese medicine. Based on the designed system structure, the system is modeled in three dimensions to determine whether the designed system is feasible. In addition, a rough study of the selection, working principle and implementation basis of the system motion controller is carried out.
Keywords - Intelligent dispensing system; Path optimization; Integrated design; Operation control system.
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