Version-2 (Nov-Dec 2018)
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Abstract: With the continuous development of computer technology, curve and surface modelling technology is more and more widely used in modern industrial product design and manufacturing process. However, due to errors in design and measurement, the smoothness of curves often fails to meet the requirements of design and manufacture. Curve smoothness not only affects the appearance of the product, but also directly affects the degree of difficulty in manufacturing process and the mechanical properties of the product. It is an important sign to evaluate the quality of the product. The research status of curve and surface modelling technology, interpolation, approximation and fitting of curves, fairing criteria and fairing methods of curves are discussed.
Keywords -Curve and surface modeling; Curve fairing; interpolation; approximation; fitting
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Abstract: Laboratory tests were conducted on soil samples collected from three locations namely, Osu, Ajebandele and Aba-gbooro, in Osun state. Some geotechnical properties of soils were examined, thereafter steel slag (SS) collected from Ife Iron and Steel Company and saw dust ash (SDA) obtained from open air burning of saw dust collected from a saw mill in Ile-Ife were added to the soils at 20, 15, 10 and 5 % replacement of soil with SS and 10, 7, 5 and 3 % replacement of SS with SDA in order to determine their effects on consistency and compaction characteristics of the selected subgrade soils. Liquid limits (LL) of the soil samples were >50 % for subgrade (INDOT, 2008). At 20 % replacement, average LL was 43.52 % and 43.67 % for soil+SS and soil+SS+SDA mix respectively........
Key Words: Consistency, Maximum Dry Density, Optimum Moisture Content, Steel Slag, Saw Dust Ash.
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Chapter 2, pp 1-17.
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Abstract: The goal of this research is to increase the comprehensive production effectiveness for small production systems. The research is based on the actual demand of the production batch process and provides the ideal solution to the current problems. This approach considers the approach when randomly placed orders are deposited in the form of batches for production, and look for application of intelligent control under realistic conditions. As a result, it is important to develop a new model of production system which takes into account some obstacles. The problem that focuses on the production system is to reduce the time spent by the mathematical model. The optimization problem is solved using intelligent algorithms, which include Genetic Algorithm (GA) while providing some effective improvement strategies based on the lack of application.
[1.] Z. Zou, Z. Wang, L. Meng, M. Yu, D. Zhao and N. Guo, "Modelling and advanced control of a binary batch distillation pilot
plant," 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), Jinan, 2017, pp. 2836-2841.
[2.] J. Q. Wang, F. Y. Yan, P. H. Cui and T. Xia, "Performance evaluation of bernoulli serial lines with batching machines," 2017 13th
IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Xi'an, 2017, pp. 295-295.
[3.] E. C. Balta, K. Jain, Y. Lin, D. Tilbury, K. Barton and Z. M. Mao, "Production as a service: A centralized framework for small batch manufacturing," 2017 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Xi'an, 2017, pp. 382-389.
[4.] A.Depalo, M. Barolo, F. Bezzo and R. Muradore, "Phase identification for product quality prediction in batch processes: Application to industrial resin production," 2015 European Control Conference (ECC), Linz, 2015, pp. 3496-3501.
[5.] K. Gonzalez et al., "Modeling and parameter identification of the batch lactic acid production process from wheat flour," 2013 17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Sinaia, 2013, pp. 238-243
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Abstract: Mathematical optimization is a process for finding and selecting the best fit values that is used to solve various engineering problems. Along with a complex area, it is important to improve productivity and efficiency for a company or even an industry. Based on a large number of literature reviews, intelligent scheduling methods are the most effective way to solve practical complex scheduling problems. The goal of this research is to increase the comprehensive production effectiveness for small production systems. The research is based on the actual demand of the production batch process and provides the ideal solution to the current problems. This approach considers.............
[1.] Z. Zou, Z. Wang, L. Meng, M. Yu, D. Zhao and N. Guo, "Modelling and advanced control of a binary batch distillation pilot plant," 2017 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), Jinan, 2017, pp. 2836-2841.
[2.] J. Q. Wang, F. Y. Yan, P. H. Cui and T. Xia, "Performance evaluation of bernoulli serial lines with batching machines," 2017 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Xi'an, 2017, pp. 295-295.
[3.] E. C. Balta, K. Jain, Y. Lin, D. Tilbury, K. Barton and Z. M. Mao, "Production as a service: A centralized framework for small batch manufacturing," 2017 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Xi'an, 2017, pp. 382-389.
[4.] A.Depalo, M. Barolo, F. Bezzo and R. Muradore, "Phase identification for product quality prediction in batch processes: Application to industrial resin production," 2015 European Control Conference (ECC), Linz, 2015, pp. 3496-3501.
[5.] K. Gonzalez et al., "Modeling and parameter identification of the batch lactic acid production process from wheat flour," 2013 17th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), Sinaia, 2013, pp. 238-243.
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Abstract: This paper constitutes study of wear behaviour of hybrid polymer matrix composites, Prepared of LDPE as matrix and TiO2, CaCO3 and Al2O3 used as reinforcement material with TiO2 constant of 10% in all compositions, were as CaCO3 and Al2O3 will be of 8%,12% & 16% used for implant material. Due to their cost effectiveness, greater strength and ease of fabrication, polymer composites are noticeable candidate almost in all areas. However, when they are used in their original form, they possess very low wear resistance. Over the past centuries, there is lot of research works carried out in the medical field and materials science in development of biomaterials for implant applications. So, many different materials are used as implants for replacing of damaged parts. The samples were prepared according to ASTM standards by injection moulding machine with varying percentage of reinforcements in polymer matrix.
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[2]. Vikas Gulia, Rahul B. Dhabale, Dr.Vijaykumar S. Jatti "Evaluation of mechanical properties of Polyamide-Alumina-Titanium Dioxide for biomedical application" International conference on Advances in Thermal Systems, Materials and Design Engineering ,ATSMDE,2017.
[3]. Ravikantha Prabhu, Sharun Mendonca, Darren, Gladson, Thirumaleshwara Bhat "Mechanical and Tribological Properties of Injection Moulded Modified CaCO3/PP, LDPE Composites" American Journal of Materials Science 2016,61-66.
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[5]. Kaynak C., Arikan A., Tincer T. "Flexibility improvement of short glass fiber reinforced epoxy by using a liquid elastomer". Polymer, 44,2003, 2433–2439.
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Abstract: Internship is a period of time in which students can gain work experience related to what they have learned in their study programme. Debre Berhan University introduced internship programme to provide students with a smooth transition from the academic world to the working environment. The main objective of this research was to investigate the challenges facing internship programme for engineering students as a learning experience. This study was a descriptive research with the target population being all intern students, their lecturers, internship coordinator and.........
Key words: Higher Education, Engineering, Internship programmes, Challenges, Intern students
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[5]. Callanan, G., &Benzing, C. (2004). Assessing The Role Of Internships In The Career-oriented Employment of Graduating College Students. Education + Training, 46(2), 82-89..
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Analysis of Vortex Shedding Frecuencies, in Curved Buildings |
Country | : | Argentina |
Authors | : | Carlos M. Walter || Jorge L. Lässig |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1506026268 ![]() |
Abstract: The Curved buildings are a challenge for structural engineers, either because there are no standards for this purpose, such as the need to resort to scale tests in wind tunnels. This work presents a number of wind tunnel tests of a curved building with circular arc profile, which was subjected to different angles of attack of the wind, to obtain the frequency of vortex shedding, in order to determine if the number of Strouhal remains constant or varies with the angle of attack of the wind. The tunnel where the tests were carried out is of atmospheric boundary layer, with a wind profile for a type IV urban environment (according to CIRSOC 102, ASCE 7 standards) and Reynolds numbers between 6x104 and 105. The speeds were measured in the wake, at the coordinate point Y = 3.5.C, X = 0.4.C.Sen α (C is the chord and α is the angle of attack). With............
Keywords: Curved building, circular-arc profile, wind tunnel test
[1]. Md. Mahbub Alam, Y. Zhou, H. X. Yang, H. Guo and J. Mi (2010). The ultra-low Reynolds number airfoil wake; Exp Fluids (2010) 48:81–103.
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[3]. Serhiy Yarusevych, Pierre E. Sullivanand John G. Kawall (2009). On vortex shedding from an airfoil in low-Reynolds-number flows; J. Fluid Mech. (2009), vol. 632, pp. 245–271.
[4]. Serhiy Yarusevych and Michael S. H. Boutilier (2010).Vortex Shedding Characteristics of a NACA 0018 Airfoil at Low Reynolds Numbers; 40th Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit; 28 June - 1 July 2010, Chicago, Illinois.
[5]. Von Karman,T.,and Rubach,H. (1912). About mechanism of resistance in liquid and air, Physik Zeitschrift 13 (1912) 49-59
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Abstract: This paper investigated the relevance of Castor oil and Neem oil as renewable energy bio-based lubricating fluids in extrusion of aluminium billet. The two oils were formulated with 0.5 and 0.75 percentage weight of antimony dialkyldithio-carbamate (ADDC) additive using the ASTM D2783-3 standard test method for measurement of anti-wear and extreme pressure (EP) properties of the lubricating oils by Four-Ball Method. Extrusion dies with semi die angles of 300 and 450 were constructed and case-hardened. A hardness value of 613HV was obtained using the Vickers hardness testing machine. Results obtained from this work shows that the renewable energy bio-based oils used are suitable and can serve as substitute to conventional lubricating fluids in the extrusion of aluminium billet because of the good surface finish achieved...........
Keywords: ADDC Additive, Aluminium billet, Castor oil, Extrusion die, Neem oil
[1]. N. Salih, J. Salimon and E. Yousif,Synthetic biolubricant basestocksbased on environmentally friendly raw materials. Journal of King Saud University –Science 18(3), 2012, 221-226.
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[3]. L.A. Quinchia, M.A. Delgado, T. Reddyhoff, C. Gallegos and H.A. Spikes, Tribologicalstudies of potential vegetable oil-based lubricants containing environmentally friendly viscosity modifiers,Tribology International, 69,2014, 110-117.
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[5]. N. Salih, J. Salimon, B.M. Abdullahand E. Yousif, Thermo-oxidation, friction-reducing and physicochemical properties of ricinoleic acid-based diesterbiolubricants,Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2013.