Series-3 (Jan-Feb 2019)Jan-Feb 2019 Issue Statistics
Series-1 Series-2 Series-3 Series-4 Series-5
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Paper Type | : | Research Paper |
Title | : | Evaluation of Design of RC Silos Subjected to Thermal Loads |
Country | : | Egypt |
Authors | : | Walid M. A. Khalifa || Khaled F. O. El-Kashef |
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: | 10.9790/1684-1601030111 ![]() |
Abstract: Thermal loads are very important factor in designing silos wall and can't be neglected, so it is necessary for many codes to maintain and study the effect of thermal loads in design. The evaluation of design and construction practices is an essential step in the development of design code for reinforced concrete (RC) silos, especially in the arid zones. The program of study presents some computational analysis of temperature fields and thermal effects occurring in RC silos. This study was conducted specially for this purpose and comprises two major programs. The first program is used to estimate the additional bending moment of silo structures under the effect of temperature differences over several silo wall thicknesses. In this regard, the computer program of Finite Element Model (FEM) using SAP2000 and American Concrete Institute (ACI) code were conducted to establish the current conditions of the silos...........
Keywords - RC model, SAP model, RC silo, Design evaluation of RC silo, Thermal loads
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Abstract: Analysis of tall building under the effect of lateral loads is commonly performed using highly sophisticated commercial software finite element analysis packages. Reinforced concrete cores are among the structural elements used extensively to resist lateral loads. In order to account for concrete cracking, the design of these cores is performed using interaction diagrams, based on the relevant code idealization of the strain diagram throughout the section height. This idealization does not differentiate between cores of regular and irregular shapes. In addition, the torsional movements of these cores are not considered in computation of their ultimate capacity.In this research, an extensive study is conducted to investigate the actual structural behavior of cores of different section shapes, through the development...........
Keywords - Finite Element Modeling, Reinforced Concrete cores, Nonlinear analysis, Cracked section analysis.
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Abstract: Fire in buildings is nearly always man- made, i.e. resulting from negligence or error, which can cause immense damage in terms of lives and property. Concrete is widely used as a primary structural material in construction due to numerous advantages, such as strength, durability, ease of fabrication, but one of the most important advantages of concrete over other buildings materials (steel, wood,) is its fire resistive properties. Fire resistance can be defined as the ability of concrete to enable the structural elements to withstand fire or to give protection from it [1]. This includes the competence to resist a fire or to continue to perform a given structural function, or both. Concrete regard as a fireproof because of its incombustibility and its ability to withstand high temperature without collapse..........
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Abstract: During the past decade, considerable effort has been made to introduce alternative energy sources for use in conventional diesel and gasoline engines. Many researchers have attempted to use hydrogen as a fuel in the diesel engine due to its ability to reduce pollutant emissions, such as carbon monoxide and unburned hydrocarbons. With the rapid increase in computational capabilities, 3D computational fluid dynamics CFD codes become essential tools for practical design, control and optimization of hydrogen engines. In the present study, detailed chemical kinetic reactions with twenty nine steps of hydrogen oxidation with additional nitrogen oxidation reactions were coupled with AVL FIRE® code to study combustion processes in a diesel engine using hydrogen as the fuel............
Keywords - Detailed chemical kinetics for hydrogen, AVL FIRE®, spark ignition engine, hydrogen engine and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), emissions.
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Abstract: Suspension system is provided in all vehicles so as to provide smooth and comfortable ride to passenger as well as to driver. Today coil springs are used in most cars. Most car have independent suspension on all four wheel. It has also been observed that farm vehicles employ leaf springs that are satisfying for full loading condition. In this work the helical torsion spring model is created by modeling software like CATIA. The dimensions of an existing light commercial vehicle are taken for getting approximate dimensions of torsion spring. The structural analysis under static loading of torsion spring is carried via finite element analysis using ANSYS-14 software. Also the experimental work is carried out on Universal Testing Machine, the output in terms of deflection results for torsion spring............
[1]. T.B. Sonawane, S.S. Sarode, M.D. Shende, A.P. Ghodake,D.P. Chavan IOSR Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IOSR-JMCE) e-ISSN: 2278-1684,p-ISSN: 2320- 334X, Volume 11, Issue 1 Ver. V (Feb. 2014), PP 53-57
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Abstract: Spinning mills play a very significant role in backward integration of the textile value chain by converting fibres into yarn for fabric production. Ring spinning is the most widely used short staple cotton spinning system to produce yarn from cotton fibers and is used by 7 of the 8 spinning mills. Ring spinning mills have been operating at low spindle utilisation between 67 to 80% which is below the recommended standard norm of 98% resulting to yarn production loss occurring from frequent stoppages of the ring frame and increase in the number of spindles running..........
Keywords - Ring spinning, Ring Frame Spindle Utilisation, Performance Improvement, PIM Technique, Idle spindles.
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